15 Safety Hacks and First Aid You Need Know!

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come on you don't have to feel sick and helpless we can help apparently beauty hurts and its first victim is your hand which you just burned with a flat iron the first thing to do is run to the bathroom and turn on the cold water place your hand under the cool jet it feels better instantly and so you don't have to spend the whole day near the sink fill a bowl with water and take a roll of bandages cut off a piece of the bandage and soak it in water [Music] apply it to the burn [Music] tie it down with a dry bandage on top [Music] secure the tip like this and you can keep fixing your hair without worrying about your skin do you know what it feels like when your legs fall asleep this happens a lot if you sit with your legs crossed for too long ugh it feels so bad to fix your neurons you need to play a simple game with your brain touch your nose and the tip of your tongue it's not funny stop laughing you'll barely even notice your pins and needles going away wow it really works my leg is so awake I can't believe it was ever asleep I've had fun with my friend but she has to go home no flour please getting up fast makes your friend dizzy she's weak and swaying like she's about to faint put her on the couch raise her legs above the level of her head unbuttoned her shirt to make it easier to breathe and drink something I feel much better already thank you you helped me so much [Music] you can never enjoy yourself on a road trip because you get carsick it's too early to give up on travel just use our next life hack take a roll of adhesive bandages cover your belly button with a piece you will also need matches fight a match between your teeth and go on a road trip this little trick will get rid of your nausea so you can just enjoy your trip working at the computer makes your eyes tired in order to maintain good eyesight do a little warm-up for your eyes look to the right and to the left then up and down now make circular movements put a flower pot at a distance from you then look first at something close to you then something far away [Music] do the same thing with the flowerpot which is on a higher shelf these simple exercises will improve your eyesight and help your eyes relax they'll also tone the muscles around your eyes you might be in danger even in your own kitchen if you get distracted for a second the cabinet door hits you on the head how painful whoa you have a bruise over half your head thank goodness I have a friend who thinks of everything in advance you will need a pad and a syringe inject the pad with water put it in the freezer cover your friend with a warm blanket attach the cold compress to her head this ice pad is so unusual but the life hack really works these friends haven't seen each other for a while and they have a lot to catch up on thank goodness they have the whole evening ahead of them suddenly one girl starts screaming apparently someone decided to ruin their plans Oh No did you get bitten by a snake too bad I'm not Harry Potter I'd love to give it a piece of my mind the snake fight needs to be cauterized immediately luckily I have matches with me light a match and blow it out put the hot match on the wound pay attention after a bite your friend might get dizzy and her heart rate might increase panicking will only make things worse you need to get your friend to the hospital as soon as possible so calm down and call an ambulance right away my tooth hurts so bad my head is about to explode I think I know how to help myself take a bunch of parsley slice it finely [Music] press it with a spoon to extract the juice apply the parsley to the painful tooth the healing properties of parsley will help with the pain and the tooth won't bother you anymore one girl is trying to get rid of her blackheads she probably wants her nose to be beautiful but the other friend has a bigger problem a huge splinter sticking out of her finger can you help me get it out how about using a pore strip attach the charcoal strip to the splinter spray it with water to make it stick more tightly to the skin wait a few minutes for a better grip don't be afraid I've already done this a hundred times remove the strip in the direction of the splinter my finger is saved the splinter stayed on the strip just remember to disinfect the wound have you been scrolling through Instagram for so long that you have pins and needles in your foot now ouch I can't feel my legs rubbing them didn't help they still feel terrible if you get this sensation in your leg a simple life hack will help cut a lemon into slices coat the skin with a slice of lemon lemon juice will help quickly relieve muscle spasms and your legs will regain feeling by the way if you get leg cramps a lot you might need to eat less sugar the girls are on a nice walk everything was fine when suddenly one of the friends lost a strap on her sandals she leans down to fix it oh I feel dizzy whoa your nose is bleeding don't worry I know how to help you the friend pulls a tampon out of her purse she unpacks it and gets it to her friend plug the tampon into your nose and the bleeding should stop soon and to prevent your friend from fainting apply a cold chain from your bag to her forehead the cold metal will work like a compress and help bring the poor girl back to her senses thank you that's much better and my nose isn't bleeding anymore it's impossible to resist sweet cookies don't be greedy or you can choke on it I can't breathe do something first-aid in this case is to hug her from the back and press down sharply on the diaphragm the cookie stuck in her throat lies out like the cork from a bottle whoa you just saved my life oh look this is so funny uh for a person who just came back to life you're too energetic my friend doesn't look well what is it what is it your head again yeah it hurts so bad well how can I help here's an idea first you have to give your friend some oranges cut the oranges into slices an orange can relieve a headache really quickly after a nutritious snack put your friend on the couch warm her feet and put a cool cop press on her forehead you need a terry sock and some ice put the cubes in a bag and put the bag in the sock so easy and very refreshing massage her ears after all this the headaches should disappear within 5 to 10 minutes you don't need any painkillers oh I hate allergies as soon as I eat the wrong thing my skin starts itching somebody save me from my itching please pour some water into a bowl add baking soda lower your feet into the water and stir the soda keep your feet in the water for 10 to 15 minutes wipe the skin with a towel a soda bath will relieve irritation and soothe the skin for a while [Music] hopefully you will never need these life hacks but you still need to know like this video subscribe to our channel and click on the belt so you don't miss new useful ideas from trim trim select
Channel: Troom Troom SELECT
Views: 1,156,481
Rating: 4.7127533 out of 5
Keywords: Safety Hacks, First Aid, First Aid Ideas, First Aid Hacks, DIY, Do it yourself, crafts, useful things, lifehacks, tricks, tips, DIY projects, DIY activities, Handcraft, Tutorial, bandage, how to, protect, safety, extreme survival, apply, applying, change, with water, water
Id: Og-cPxkkb8o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 2sec (602 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 21 2019
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