15 Rules The Royals Must Follow

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life may seem like it's filled with glitz and glam for the royal family but that doesn't mean that being a royal is a total walk in the park the royals have to follow a lot of rules we commoners don't even think about dress codes and etiquette aside some of these rules are very strict and slightly strange and you can't look down to read the speech you have to take the speech up number one follow the queen's lead when in doubt of which rules to follow as a royal one general rule is to always follow the queen's lead after all as the reigning monarch she's the head of everything and everyone within her jurisdiction and that includes family it's protocol and royal etiquette to stand when the queen stands and only sit once she is seated everyone is expected to follow this rule commoners and royals alike but sometimes it's easy to forget like when prince william forgot protocol while on official duty as a royal he remained seated while the queen was standing but the queen was quick to correct the error of his ways you're never too grown to get told off by grandma especially when she's the queen and everyone is watching number two the duchess slant becoming a royal comes with a lot of strict rules on posture there is the royal chin rule where one must keep their chin parallel to the ground while walking standing and sitting to help keep good posture there's also the etiquette rule on how to sit like a royal and you may have noticed a lot of the royal women sit the same way that's now being called the duchess slant it's considered inelegant to fully cross your legs because you must keep your legs and knees together and if you just need to cross your legs crossing your legs at the ankles is considered a more elegant way to sit number three social media is nothing personal the royals may have some influence but you're not going to catch any working members of the family becoming social media influencers or having public personal accounts that's because it's prohibited for a working royal to have personal social media accounts this is why megan deleted her personal accounts when she married prince harry who was still a working royal at the time so no sponsored posts or personal insights into life as a royal from the current working members because it's all part of keeping up their royal image or keeping things official and diplomatic all the royal social media accounts are run by the palace and those come with their own rules on how followers should behave or they risk being royally blocked number four royal stylists the job of a royal stylist isn't just dressing the monarchy and iconic outfits they're also there to make sure everything the royal family wears is in accordance with the strict royal dress code they're there to ensure outfits photograph well in certain locations or that the outfits are appropriate for the occasion it wouldn't make sense for the duchess to wear a dress on a day visiting local farmers but she still needs to look put together for royal weddings they work with brides to pick british designers which is a tradition that has become wedding protocol they're the ones making sure pantyhose are the right shade and the hemlines are queen approved number five no shellfish in public there are a few foods you won't catch on the queen's menu out of personal preference and general safety like shellfish and seafood in general the queen decided it was too risky as allergies are common so it's not served on any of the queen's menus and she especially wouldn't eat it when she traveled because of fears of any reaction happening outside the uk she also doesn't like the smell or taste of garlic so that's another ingredient against the rules prince charles also banned foie gras because of concerns about animal welfare but he's been known to indulge in seafood going against his mother's rules especially since the queen dislikes oysters number six no eating when the queen's done everything starts and ends with the queen even when it comes to dining it's the rule and etiquette that if you're dining with the queen you don't pick up your fork until she's taken her first bite and if you like to get chatty at dinner sorry you're going to have to hold your tongue until the queen starts talking to the person on the right okay here's where it gets complicated so follow me after the second course you wait for the queen to speak to the person on her left to begin and if you get caught up in the conversation and forget to eat once the queen is done that's it for you too dinner's over because just as she starts the dinner she ends it too number 7. queen in bright colors the queen has always stood out in the crowd and not just because she's the queen or because she happens to love bright colored clothing more than just a style choice it's so the queen is easy to spot you won't have to play where's waldo at a parade or in a photo because her bright matching hat and outfit can be seen from afar and don't worry if it's raining she's been known to match her umbrellas to her outfit too you've got to love her commitment to matching in neon number eight royals and tiaras disney fairy tales made it seem like being a princess meant wearing a tiara and gowns all the time but for the royals there are strict rules around when how and who can wear a tiara the when is only after 5pm and on special occasions like on their wedding day state visits coronations balls and royal dinners how they keep the tiara properly secured but still like it's just sitting effortlessly is by often sewing it into the hair and hiding the band to make sure everything sits pretty all night after all these are millions of dollars worth of jewels they have on their head it's going to need to be properly secured tiaras are only worn by married women over 18 and now only working royals wear them regularly so meghan markle doesn't get tiara access anymore number nine balcony etiquette during any special occasion involving the public the royal family always comes out on the balcony at buckingham palace watching over their royal subjects but as with everything to do with the royal family the balcony has rules there's no balcony access if you're not married to a royal which is why most spouses make their first appearance on the balcony on their wedding day and it's usually only the working royals who get vip balcony access when the queen is present she enters and leaves first as always and she stands front and center unless it's a royal wedding when the bride and groom can take the spotlight number 10. coats in public here's a royal etiquette rule where glaad isn't a universal rule when a royal is wearing a code in public they're required to keep it on the whole time even indoors according to royal protocol it's considered disrobing and disrupting in public is distasteful so as a style choice that works with these rules you'll see royals like kate middleton wearing tailored coat dresses so it's an outfit not just outerwear and the queen matches her coats to her hats to create an ensemble that obviously can't be disrupted by removing the coat number 11. a queen and her purse her majesty loves her pocketbooks but it's not just for style the queen apparently has a large collection of handbags and it's not just to hold all her necessities like lipstick and her reading glasses the queen actually uses her purse to send signals for example she switches her purse from arm to arm to signal to her staff how the conversation is going and whether they need to politely whisk her away and if you find yourself at an event notice the queen places her purse on the table it means it's the last call and she's ready to end the event and it's time to say goodbye number 12 can't say pardon pardon seems like the politest way to say what when you can't hear someone but amongst the royals it's a banned word instead you'll hear them simply say what some royal experts say it's because saying pardon means it was your fault for not hearing but saying what requires them to just speak up however there are some who say it's because of the words french roots it's not the only french originating word the royals have banned toilet is unheard of from the mouth of a royal maybe because it's french or because it doesn't sound as elegant perfume is also banned and instead they call it scent it's no surprise the royals prefer to only speak in official capacities because it must be hard keeping up with these banned words consistently number 13 travel separately two direct heirs to the throne aren't allowed to travel in the same vehicle especially on planes this is a rule that prince william and kate middleton have broken many times by traveling with prince storage together as a family i mean the photos are cute but it's all down to safety like a designated survivor should anything go wrong it's why prince william prince charles and the queen don't travel together but kate and prince william are technically fully breaking the rules the queen grants exceptions to the little children traveling with their parents but once prince george turns 12 there are no more exceptions and he will be traveling separately from his father no matter how short the distance number 14 it's tradition since the royal family are technically the heads of the church of england they keep up with traditions like spending christmas together easter and having grand church weddings but one tradition that's basically a rule is baptisms all royal children are christened no exceptions literally there's no royal child born since this queen elizabeth ii has been on the throne that hasn't been christened but this requirement extends past children meghan markle had to be baptized to be accepted into the church of england before getting married to prince harry number 15. tea time tips when you're a royal something as simple as sipping tea comes with its own set of rules and etiquette to follow for example how you hold the teacup is important no pinkies in the air they stay tucked away when you're sipping tea with a royal royals use their index finger and thumb to hold the handle if you're wearing anything on your lips lipstick lip gloss or anything that can leave a lip print make sure you drink from the exact same spot so you don't leave stains all over the rim because that's not royal which royal rule are you glad you don't have to follow let us know in the comments below and be sure to like share and subscribe to the think celebrity for more on your favorite celebs
Channel: TheThings Celebrity
Views: 77,842
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: kate middleton, royal family, royal rules, royal wedding
Id: B30NlySDyqg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 16sec (616 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 19 2022
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