15 Reasons NOT To Move To Hawaii

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may be best if you hear it from somebody first before you decide to make that big move that hawaii may not be the place for you to live right and and i understand that you know everybody says this all the time when i say oh well where are you from and i say hawaii they're like oh my god you're so lucky all these things that may not be the case for everybody else right there's a high cost of living it's hot it might be a culture shock there's tons of things about hawaii that you may not have experienced when you visited here or that you've read online there's tons of things that are going on here in the state and you know what i mean it also depends on which island you decide that you might want to live on hawaii may not be the place for you to live okay and that's a tough realization to come through even as much as living in paradise might sound like a dream come true it may not be a dream come true for you so in this video we're actually going to go over 15 things about hawaii that you may decide you know what ryan that you're right that isn't for me or you're like these 15 things really don't bother me and i would love to live there and we're going to get after it right [Music] now [Music] what's going on you guys my name is ryan strong i'm a real estate agent out here in hawaii on oahu and if you're new to this channel this channel is all about living in hawaii i've lived out here since i was a kid i grew up here moved here when i was very young i've also moved here three times this entire channel is about my experiences what i've experienced living in hawaii the friends that i have their experiences their culture in hawaii everything about hawaii so go ahead and hit the like button hit the subscribe button hit the notification bell if you want to stay up to date on all the new videos that i post out anytime one comes out you're going to get a notification saying hey look living in hawaii posted a new video you might want to see this so you can go ahead and do that and if you are moving to hawaii or buying a house in hawaii you know you can go ahead and reach out to me give me a call shoot me a text send me an email however you want to get a hold of me alright i got your back when moving to hawaii jumping right into it let's go ahead and start with number one and that it is hot all right we're gonna talk about the weather here a little bit it is hot we do have uh the tropical paradise type of weather we are on an island there is an ocean breeze there's salt in the air but the reason i bring up the weather number one if you don't want to be hot and hot most of the time then hawaii might not be for you if you enjoy having the four seasons of summer spring fall winter you want to see snow you want to see all the leaves turn orange fall off and then you want to see the snowfall you want to be cold you have a ton of cold weather clothes and you just enjoy that type of weather hawaii doesn't have that necessarily it does snow on the mountain tops um there's um in maui and big island but as far as anywhere else and like thick snow on the ground anywhere else not happening so it's hot pretty much year round going to pull up them some data here so you can see that you know even in the summertime our averages these are averages is 85 that's not to say it doesn't get 90 and above to the hundred but we do have the tropical ocean breeze and things happening and the winter time is my favorite because i've lived here and i've grew up growing up here so the winter winter weather is my favorite as far as the chill that it gets at night early morning which is the low to mid 50s and then during the day it's like a 75 degree breeze it's amazing so that's number one if you don't want to be hot all the time it might not be for you if you enjoy those four seasons might not be for you if you don't mind living in paradise and tropical weather hawaii why he's got you there two is it's far from the mainland and that's another obvious one we are uh eight major islands um out here in the middle of the pacific ocean literally between uh japan and asia in that side of the world and in the united states in that side of the world we're like almost smack dab in the middle um but the reason i say that it's far from mainland not to give you a geography lesson is because your friends and family may say that oh don't worry about it you know we'd love to come visit you in hawaii and all these things we'll come visit all the time and that most likely is not going to happen a lot of people save up money to make that life once in a lifetime trip to hawaii um that once in a lifetime vacation out here and so to think that you know maybe your family will save up or or you know come out here pretty regularly for one you got to think about the flights um from the california coast you're looking at you know a five-hour flight if you're talking east coast if you're doing direct that can be anywhere from 11 to 13-hour direct flights or the stops in between it's just a lot of traveling and can take a toll on the body and things can happen so to think that your family is just going to come and visit you all the time probably not going to happen and then you got to think about well uh ordering things right so um as far as being isolated out here we only have what we have if the ships don't bring anything in or things don't come in on the plane and we don't have anything i say all this to get to basically you ordering your amazon packages and whatnot so we are actually there is um an amazon fulfillment facility um coming out here but as far as your packages and things like that they are going to take a long time and a lot of times some places like big furniture stores and things like that because of the size of the items they won't even ship out here because it costs so dang much to ship something like that out here so you gotta take that in consideration too before you do make the move out here or something to consider about should you even move out here at all number three is our traffic problem holy crap sometimes i've been talking to i was actually in north shore the other day and um talking to some you know some tourists when i was eating at a bar and i was telling them you know we have a really bad traffic problem here and a lot of us that live here grew up here know it um and we plan our days around it actually talking to the bartender and uh this i was eating at cholos in haleiwa and asked her where she lived and she said sunset which is a little bit further up north shore it's supposed to be maybe a 15-minute drive north um up the island she told me uh she was moving to kauai and i'll get into another reason um one of the other numbers here on this uh video sorry about another story with her but she was like it literally took me 55 minutes to get from here this place cholos where i was eating 15 which is supposed to be 15 to 20 minutes north 55 minutes to get home from work the other night i was like oh my goodness that's insane and then you know what i had already planned for that day because i was in north shore i was in north shore and i already knew that i needed to leave north shore by two o'clock and this was on a friday so that's actually cutting it close because we got powhana we got aloha friday everybody gets off early he's trying to get off early so i knew that i needed to leave north shore by two to start heading down south because if i caught h1 at a bad time because i needed to head farther west it was going to be a nightmare so i better believe i was out of there when i said i was going to be out of there because we plan our days around this stuff traffic is horrible out here so something to consider um if you're looking to live in a you know in a in a place that isn't you know crowded and doesn't have a ton of traffic and those types of things something to definitely consider number four this one may seem like a small thing but it depends on what kind of car you have as well if you're bringing your massive lifted truck out here and all those things and trust me people got them out here um i don't know where they parked them but number four is parking parking is insane all right and i'm talking everywhere so um one of the things about the excuse me the community where i live like you are not allowed to park on your some people call it a parking pad or a parking apron um basically where your garage ends and the little um driveway strip that you have behind your garage you are not allowed to park there because the hoa owns um not the hoa but dhoa is in control of basically everything outside of your land where your garage and stuff ends right that's considered your like parking apron you're not allowed to park there that's crazy um street parking is nuts here if you go to town you're most likely paying to park wherever you can find parking there's maybe one or two free lots i know the zoo is one of the main ones that a lot of people um try to get to but even if you're trying to go to places like hanama bay for snorkeling if you're trying to go to north shore where i was holy crap north shore was insane the other day park i got lucky at shark's cove we got a parking spot got to stop got to do some filming um that was lucky for me and then parking is just insane no matter where you go on this island so um maybe you know if you're not coming here with a car and you don't mind ubering or taking the bus cool but parking is definitely a hassle number five we're gonna talk about the culture all right it may be a culture shock for you when you come out here okay now for me i moved out here when i was a kid i didn't know anything and i didn't really care it didn't bother me at all it doesn't bother me today i am very grateful that i grew up in a place that is a melting pot of cultures super grateful for it my wife is japanese mixed and she's born and raised here and we have kids and i couldn't be more grateful for growing up in this type of environment now i am originally from the south and i know people still from the south and i know people who are just so accustomed to the certain type of people that they are used to being around all the time and they move somewhere or they grew up you know what i mean they grew up in one place their entire life even people here they grew up here their entire life have never experienced in another culture anywhere else and they just get culture shock so we are a melting pot of cultures it is actually more asian influence dominance out here now above 30 now is the consensus data of the asian um inspired influence and so definitely something to consider as far as if you're okay with that before you make your move out here to hawaii there's going to be a melting pot of cultures people who don't speak the same language as you people from all over the world all over the world are here in hawaii trying to make a way of life and enjoying paradise number six is the education system this one's a big one for me because like i just said i have two kids too so if you have kids and you're moving out here with your family the education system is not the best but it's not the worst at least not to my knowledge so you got to do your own due diligence on this one there's websites like niche.com or gradeschools.org where you can do your research and you can see how the schools are they have their own ratings and there's no one website that literally has like the definitive rating of schools and estate type of thing this is you know based on reviews and sort of public data and public knowledge so i'm just gonna tell you in general the schools are not the best most of the time if people can afford to send their kids to private school and get a private education they do um something to consider okay when you are looking at all this data and all these things and you're looking at schools out here but if we do look at some of the rankings um online and public knowledge right then you can just see for yourself that hawaii doesn't necessarily rank in the top for education um a lot of times out here parents not necessarily parents but people are just more focused on uh living life enjoying the way of life the customs out here and being outdoors so it may not always seem like it's a top priority but that's again you got to do your own due diligence on that one number seven it is crowded okay well mainly where i live on oahu and i want to go back to that bartender's story where i was eating at cholos and uh matter of fact because i was talking to her about it and stuff and she's like yeah i'm actually moving to kauai and i was like oh why are you going there um she's like it's getting too packed here so she was like the reason i even live up in sunset which is north shore was for the isolation she preferred not to be near town uh because if you go even watch that video um where i do the vlog tour of north some of north shore you can see how crowded it is up there but um she decided to live up there for the isolation so she wouldn't be near waikiki and all that madness and all those tourists um and that's about an hour plus drive too but she was looking for that and now it's just chaotic everywhere and she's like i gotta go so it is crowded here um this is one of the things that i always say too is it seems like they're trying to pack as much stuff in this island as they can as many things as they can into one tiny little space especially on oahu the development seems to never stop there's construction everywhere and then again most of the tourists know like you'll hear waikiki honolulu places that everybody knows so typically when you start looking up hawaii the first thing that you're going to see is these spots and that's here on oahu this is the main tourist destination it is the most populous island it is where the business hub is it is where most of the jobs are and so um we get pretty crowded here it's it's pretty crowded like i said if you watch any if you watch the waikiki vlog if you watch the north shore vlog if you watch the kailua vlog any of these you'll see pretty much like you'll get us like wow it's pretty packed there the waikiki when i went back to waikiki beach i was like oh this is nuts like we had literally just entered tier four or about to enter tier four uh which means we're reopening um from after all the craziness and so of 2020 and 2021 beginning of 2021 so um yeah it's it's been crazy it's pretty crowded number eight is gonna be what i call island fever and this kind of goes back to you know your family being far but island fever is real and so uh we get asked this all the time was it like living out here you know do you kind of get sick of the being on an island you can't you can't do much excuse me as far as you can't get in the car you can't go on the road trips all that stuff island fever is real um a lot and my family so my wife and i we go to vegas twice a year um and we also try to plan another trip with our kids so we typically leave the island about three times a year um you just got to get away because you know what i mean it's there's no way for us to get in the car and just go on a road trip so that's that's what we do we get away because we're stuck on this rock and you have to get in a plane to leave you have to you have to get in the flight and it costs a lot to leave um so island fever is real all of my wise family travels a bunch they go obviously vegas trips vegas is known as the ninth island if you didn't know that or you've never heard that and most of you know the locals that you will talk to um they typically do take trips to get off island you know and you'll start to hear a lot more that a lot of local families do have mainland family um they go visit their mainland family get their mainland feel and then come back to paradise so island fever is real and that's something to consider with the isolation of being in islands okay number nine is going to be employment and so it's a tough job market out here number one thing would be for the employment is that it is a heavy heavy tourist-based industry we got rid of not all but essentially all of our agriculture uh you know um income and economy so we are a tourist heavy based economy much like vegas kind of is right so we rely on tourists coming here spending money those that industry being open those hotels being open for the locals that do work at these hotels and restaurants those are some of the biggest industries out here and so employment opportunities are hard to come by but again i do help people moving out here all the time moving out here for work um i've been recently on a call with some people who are moving out here got jobs in medical fields and things like that but the employment is tough a lot of times you might end up finding yourself um having to work your way up the totem pole you know you're gonna have to start at the bottom and you're gonna have to prove yourself you're gonna have to work your way up so employment can be pretty tough and even starting a small business out here if you plan on coming out here to start a business hawaii likes to support local and so right away i mean you're not local um then you may never be accepted as local and you just have to be okay with that but once you earn the trust of the locals and you get the support of local business then you'll be golden but it takes some time and it takes some patience for sure coming out here and just starting up some business out of nowhere um may not be in your best interest next two that we're going to talk about so number 10 is going to be um your money won't go as far and number 11 is going to be the cost of housing but going to number 10 which would be your money won't go as far what do i mean by that well out here in hawaii this data and all the consensus bureau all that stuff polls say um typically you're gonna need to make about 150 000 a year to live comfortably out here now comfortable is a very you know subjective uh definition comfortable to you maybe different than comfortable to somebody else um but that's what is typically said is about a hundred and fifty thousand dollars to live out here now that same hundred and fifty thousand dollars may only be seventy five thousand dollars on the mainland you know what i'm saying so what you need to live comfortable out here would be 150 you may only need 75 to live somewhere else like arizona right or or texas so your money is not going to go as far goods like we talked about most of our goods are shipped in here so a matter of fact i just bought milk and i put it on my instagram story um you guys can check me out on instagram instagram um it's at r y n real estate right in real estate um but on my instagram i put that on there and i was at the store with my son and we bought a half gallon of milk for 4.69 that was like oh my goodness um we actually got gas the other day two three forty 349 for a gallon of gas and that was uh costco um so yeah your money is just not going to go as far out here everything is more expensive because everybody's got to get products shipped in and then we got to keep prices higher to even keep our profit margins right so um you got to think about those things which leads me into number 11 which is our cost of living and so it's 2020 and 2021 has done crazy things to the housing market out here is no different where your single family home prices are now above a million your uh condo townhome prices are roughly around the 500 000 range these are averages um average million average 500 000 ish that's approximate uh because of the fluctuations of the market so i don't even exact number but you can expect those type of prices and it all depends too on the size and the location but even the average rent now is approximately around two thousand two hundred dollars a month on the average rent okay my wife and i we used to rent a small apartment slash town home or condo um whatever you're gonna call it a two bedroom one bath it was about 745 square feet we rented that for two thousand dollars a month before we were able to upgrade so um yeah that's that's a little bit of perspective on that again it does depend on the area the style of living the size of home and those types of things okay now if you're looking for a single family home um ocean front depends on where the ocean is or the beach is honestly you can expect kailua or lanikai to have the most expensive beachfront homes that beach then i would say down in hawaii kai and then waikiki but if you're looking that if you go beachfront home um on the west side out there in makaha it's going to be a little bit cheaper if you go farther north into kaneohe or even on north shore it can be a little cheaper so but it all depends on that type of stuff right location size all these things right location location location but our housing costs are going through the roof especially with you know the lumber prices and what has happened with those recently so things to consider if you're talking about moving out here and buying a house which i can definitely help you out with okay number 12 is island time now this is kind of a funny one if you're coming from a place like new york or california or maybe even south florida um yeah i can think of like you know out here you could be sitting at a light and the light could fully pass through a red light and you didn't go when it was green you know what i mean like you're sitting there you're on your phone or you're just looking out the window and the light turns green you don't go and then it turns red again you're like oh i missed that one and nobody bought you looking like oh people are behind me and nobody honked and that's kind of how it is out here yeah so with island time it's just people are not in a rush people are not you know i mean especially like if you're looking at uh you need some some documents or the dmv these types of things people are just not in a rush to do things out here it's pretty laid back chill environment we'll get to it when we get to it relax no worries like it's a very laid back environment um so if you're used to fast-paced city life kind of like that hawaii may not may not be for you right so um if you come here from that environment too just don't expect for people to adapt to you oh this guy moves fast fast-paced guy uh no um they're gonna be like brah chill like chill slow down it's okay we're here we're alive we're in paradise just relax it's okay we'll get it done so that's the type of vibe with that number 13 is the bugs and now i know there's bugs everywhere it depends on where you go and the type of bugs that you will see hawaii's got like a different breed of bugs it's crazy it's wild it's some stuff you'll never see like it's anywhere else it's crazy uh the roaches are massive like roaches flying around giant mega cockroaches just flying around it's insane and it doesn't even matter how clean like you think you are um there the roaches are just insane and it's because of the moist environment and the areas that they like to be um but if you're not a clean person um then it's gonna be ten times worse for you so um like termite termite can in pest control is big out here especially for termites but roaches having them come out and spray especially around your house one of the things that you may notice around homes is um sometimes people will cement the border like a border a one or two foot border around the outside edge of their home this also helps with termites and bugs um or they will have sort of like a rocker gravel that is laid out around so again these types of things help with termites and bugs centipedes these are spawns of satan um i've was when i lived in makakilo oh man there's centipedes up there just crazy these things these little creatures can be really really long and they got the little tinkly things uh one time i was walking my dogs and i wasn't paying attention where i was walking like i wasn't looking at the ground i was looking out um apparently i stepped on a centipede and when i stepped on the centipede like like this part is my heel my heel hit the centipede and that oh yeah like this is my heel the centipede curled up and went up the back side of my leg feeling i will never forget made my skin like literally crawl and i get the feeling like that thing crawled up my leg and i shook my leg real fast and ran away with my dogs you don't want those things to sting you if you do like if you get bit by a centipede you may have to go to the hospital that thing is painful uh boy don't don't let that happen so number 14 is going to be the military and the military presence now i am a veteran i'm a combat veteran i've served my country i served for four years um the reason that i bring this up is because hawaii the whole state in entirety has over 14 military installations okay a lot of those are here on oahu i have a video that actually is for military members pcsing out here but it talks about a lot of the main bases out here um and i sort of plot them on a map so that people can get an idea of where these things are at but there is a huge military presence here on oahu and here in the state of hawaii one of the more historic uh tragic events of pearl harbor happened here right if you go to pearl harbor you can still see they didn't they left some sites up that still have bullet holes and things like that around the pearl harbor area that you can see um so there is a very strong military presence here we've got all of them we got air force we got army navy marines um you know we got then of course we all got our hawaii state national guard and then you've got triple army medical center and all these are tons of different areas so there's a very strong military presence maybe you were in the military and you had a bad experience you want to be like nowhere near any military at all like or you're just sick of it like then you know then we're probably not the place for you because we do have a ton of bases and a strong military presence out here so something to consider um if you don't mind being around military and you're very proud american and pride you know and like me um very patriotic then uh yeah definitely we got plenty of military and friendlies out here so we'd like to have you last but not least is number 15 natural disasters our natural disasters are almost unlike anywhere else in the united states okay we are again in the middle of pacific ocean and a lot of times um earthquakes in japan or somewhere else can really you know shake the earth's uh crust and stuff and send basically tidal waves or tsunamis so i've never experienced a tsunami what i have experienced is numerous tsunami warnings because they tend to die out before they actually make it but that's not to say that they aren't out there in the ocean and we do get the warnings excuse me so tsunamis is a natural disaster that you've got to consider and uh be okay with if you're thinking about making that move um we have volcanoes so there is active volcano on the big island and so if you're thinking about living on the big island that's something you've got to think about there's a volcano erupting lava flowing like legit lava flowing it's in the news you can go check it out um so yeah i think about that we actually do have a hurricane season it's the same season as florida but we get hurricanes that come basically it seems like they come from i want to say like the united states side of the pacific and they come up towards the big island first usually but we do have a hurricane season every year we end up you know either taking a small hit from a hurricane or dodging him thankfully thankfully dodging him but that's when everybody's big rush to costco or the sams to stack up on which was toilet paper apparently last year but and then water supplies generators all that type of stuff so we do have a hurricane season as well out here so natural disasters are just different than most other places in the united states but it's very unique i love hawaii i choose to raise my family here in hawaii i grew up in hawaii and like i said i couldn't be more grateful that i did in the culture and the environment and the experience of growing up here versus the alternatives that were there or that could have happened thankfully they didn't um i absolutely love hawaii i love hawaii and these are 15 reasons why it may not be for you but this is also 15 reasons why it may be for you and these are things that you're just okay with and you're like yeah he said he never experienced a tsunami so it's not to worry about maybe but if you are moving to hawaii you can shoot me a text you can give me a call you can send me an email people are reaching out all the time and you can do just the same reach out give me that call shoot me that text you can schedule a zoom down in the description however you want to get a hold of me i got your back when moving to hawaii i got some other videos that i talked about in this video i've done vlog tours i go out to the areas with the camera and i hold it up and we talk i show you the areas i let you know what i think of them what the people there think of them what they're like what the houses are like what the homes are like so you can go check some of those out we've got an entire playlist of living in hawaii so i'm gonna have some other videos that i just talked about that can be popping up right now you
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Keywords: living in hawaii, moving to hawaii, reasons not to move to hawaii, 15 reasons not to move to hawaii, 15 reasons nto to move to hawaii, honolulu hawaii, honolulu, hawaii, where to live in america, worst places to live in hawaii, worst cities to live in, living in honolulu, best states to live in, 10 reasons not to move to hawaii, oahu, best states, worst places to live, top reasons not to move to hawaii, moving to oahu, moving to honolulu, top 10 reasons not to move to hawaii
Id: JzOavgczkIY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 26sec (1826 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 22 2021
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