15 Powerful Secrets to Get Rich Sooner

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are you familiar with the misogi ritual the notion around the misogy is you do something so hard once a year that has an impact on the other 365 days of the year it has its roots in traveling long distances and sitting underneath an icy waterfall until everything you have to do becomes clear you're on a journey to build wealth and build a life that you're proud of and by the end of this video you'll learn how to cut that time in half here are 15 Powerful Secrets to accelerate your progress in life welcome to a lux don't help anyone help yourself this is counter-intuitive to what everyone else is preaching but everyone who built anything was selfish in their first few years this early you don't have enough resources to share so you've got to use every single drop to further yourself you haven't learned how to swim just yet so don't go out there trying to save people from drowning left and right don't help anyone else get your hands on enough fuel to jump start your own life and you'll figure everything else out later once you arrive show them how you got there but until you find some Breathing Room hits everyone for themselves don't tell anyone work when no one is looking they don't have to know their opinion is irrelevant unless they've successfully done what you plan on doing they don't need to know because there's no advice they can give you that has true value for you this is your journey your vision and your dream you wouldn't have a desire or a dream unless it was within your power to make it real so don't dilute the dream keep it for yourself and to yourself sharing it with others might trick your brain into believing the work is already done and you'll lose the hunger to actually go after it that's why you know people who've been telling you for the past five years about the business they're going to start next week you've learned enough now do let's get this straight okay unless we're talking about practical step-by-step tutorials everything else is basically entertainment this video you're watching right now only has value if after you're done watching something gets done if you're one of those people who keeps watching these kinds of videos without putting in any real practice at least be honest with yourself your disguising entertainment as education at the stage you're at right now you'll actually learn more by doing than by consuming so shift the ratio instead of 80 to 90 percent consumption and only 10 percent of doing well spend ninety percent of your time toying in the practicalities of your business or craft you're smart enough to know the growth you're after is hidden in consistency you don't get what you deserve you get what you conquer life is never going to be fair especially to people like us who don't start as high up on the mountain as others but the peak is something you have to conquer on your own success Waits on the other side of you Conquering the situation that you start from one of the most powerful lessons we've learned comes from the only billionaire comedian Seinfeld who put it beautifully when he said your blessings in life will come to you once you find the torture you're comfortable with think about that for as long as you need to find your torture once you do find it accept it as the torture that you'll put up with for the rest of your life because you know if you keep at it it'll take you to the promised land make yourself rich first then figure out everything else everyone wants to be everything all at once yeah yeah we just referenced the movie again you want to get in shape you want to travel the world have a hot partner read books write a book write a movie spend time with friends build a business do charity work you know the rest you're probably thinking about it right now the reason why you should follow the money first is getting rich first allows you to do the rest of them in peace it's hard to give it your all on anything else if you don't know if you're going to be able to make rent and while finding peace is a worthwhile Pursuit the road to wealth actually comes with a road map that's quite easy to follow it'll take you less time to get rich than it will to find peace so you might as well get it over with this is why for the first year in the alacs app we prioritize your finances once you double or triple your income you open up time and resources to go after everything else go to alux.com app download it and go through the principles of building Wells pack by either buying it directly or getting a subscription that's the straightforward recipe to Building Wealth condensed and explained so everyone can understand time to escape mediocrity and go to alux.com app do it yourself before you ask for help some of you aren't making any progress because you're waiting for someone else to open up the door for you and in some cases even carry you inside some of you have been postponing a couple of tasks for over six months now which if you really sat down and focused on them you'd be done in 15 to 20 minutes you will learn nothing from this the value in doing the work yourself is it allows you to speak the language you know what to ask for you know what worked and how you got there especially in your early days you have to be the one doing everything disappear for six months and work on only one thing people on the internet laugh about this phrase because it recently became popular with the under 20 year old Hustlers don't worry we're glad you found self-help just don't forget to actually help yourselves okay if your life isn't what it should be then what's a six-month commitment when we were building easelux.com our first publishing business which we eventually scaled to seven figures we literally locked ourselves in a room with a laptop writing three articles a day for six months before things started to kick off these were summer months when all of our acquaintances were out on some beach paid for by their parents and we did it because we didn't come from money and we wanted to level the F up sure it felt lonely but here's what we want you to take away from this loneliness is a tax you have to pay to access your next state of being some people are so scared of bothering or outshining others that they sacrifice their own potential for mediocrity would you be okay living like this for the rest of your life well if not here's what we want you to do think of yourself as dead this has been your life so far and now it's over alright now wake up and live what's left of it properly launch it ugly the problem is people compare their first step with the last step of others and the Gap is huge one of the lessons that we've learned from Y combinator which has become a staple in the industry is if you're not embarrassed by the first version of your product then you launched too late just to help there and see what happens improve on it as you go not sure if you've ever done this but you can literally go on to our Channel click videos and sort by oldest our first video on YouTube is a slideshow of the most expensive restaurants in Dubai uploaded nine years ago it's not pretty it ain't fancy but we were toying with the idea of transitioning from articles to video and it didn't take us long to figure out ways to improve so launch it now and build it in public every time you feel like quitting picture your haters laughing at you that should keep you motivated you've got some people you'd like to prove wrong don't you good act as if they're always watching some of them probably are outside of your haters you've got your family and friends who although they mean well they might actually have the opposite effect the thing is the rarer you are the more rare are the people who are able to see what you see it's hard to find people like you they used to laugh when we told them that we would be multi-millionaires by 30 and then we did it once you do too you're faced with another dilemma the greater your success the fewer the people you'll be able to share your success with there aren't that many people interested in what you're doing there's even fewer that we're able to succeed at it eventually you get to know everyone feeling stuck is a signal that you've stopped growing you heard that right there's actually a split here if you have too many things to do and you don't know what you should do first well what you're feeling is anxiety if you don't know what to do what you're feeling is sadness or being stuck the great news is you can stop being sad by figuring out what would be the first step for you to take toward your big goal read books watch videos where people share their personal insights like this one or even get the damn a log set by going to alux.com app it's literally the only app specifically designed to help you accelerate the speed of your progress and give you clear actionable steps to move forward your life is cheap because you think investing in yourself is expensive allow us to help you resume growth get the a Lux app stop lying to yourself or to other people just because you don't say it out loud doesn't mean it isn't there the more you avoid the truth the bigger its impact will be inconvenient truths are better than Pleasant delusions you need people to call you on your boat to tell you to get yours together in our experience more often than not that person ends up being yourself look yourself in the mirror and tell the truth so you know be careful around people who claim to be helping but are actually just putting you down some people who claim to be brutally honest are more interested in being brutal than in being honest learning to differentiate between them is quite a valuable skill don't aim to be the best aim to be yourself everybody wants to be the best right oh what a terrible way to live there's only one best and everyone who isn't the best technically is a loser if you want to go with that binary so statistically you can give it your all and go after it every day only to realize that you're still technically a loser now what if we told you there's actually only one way where you're the absolute winner and nobody can compete with you if only you choose to play a different game instead of competing at their game go all in on yourself get really good at the you game figure yourself out do everything your own way nobody can be a better you than you are we learned this by paying close attention to Miles Davis he once said it took me years to play like myself years to play like myself man how powerful is that it'll take years for you to find your voice to find your path and once you do you'll be uncompetable with nobody in the world is better at being Joe Rogan than Joe Rogan and how everyone else is trying nobody in the world is better at being Rick Rubin than Rick Rubin is everyone you look up to who's worthy of adulation has actually figured this out it took a long time but once they figured out how to play like themselves it was over because nobody could compete anymore zoomed in your life is a tragedy zoomed out it's a comedy zoomed in life might be moving too slow but if you zoom out you'll realize you've actually made quite a lot of progress zoomed in you might be angry at your partner for something they did zoomed out you realize just how much you actually love them and how big of an impact they've had on you learn to adjust your lens as life progresses it's a phenomenal exercise to keep yourself in check and speaking of check move one piece at a time and don't try to jump steps many of you live with this idea that you know exactly what needs to happen and success is a linear Journey from where you are I'm sorry but that's hilarious not only is it arrogant but it's a terrible strategy to think you've got it all figured out it's like you would sit at a chess match and announce all the moves you plan to make ahead of the game it takes only one different or unexpected move from your adversary and your entire string of moves becomes irrelevant that's why smart people play chess and they play life like it's a game of chess you move one piece at a time and see what life does how does life respond to your move along the way you keep your eye on the board of life and make adjustments to your strategy as life moves on its own turn as with everything in life the more you play the better you are at the game which is why they say freedom is on the other side of discipline you no longer fight with others because you're focused on your own have you ever seen anyone happy with their lives start a fight no of course you haven't angry poor and miserable people Star Fights as a way to deal with whatever horrible thing is happening in their lives the moment you start to prosper the moment you focus on growth you realize your energy is better spent elsewhere people are energy vampires they think the only way to get rid of the smell of on them is to rub it on to you so let them keep it okay you don't want anything to do with that as you're listening to this you immediately think of someone who does this don't you who just wants to argue instead of actually dealing with their problems this season of your life is focused on you so act like it okay now which of these Powerful Secrets will you apply immediately let us know in the comments and as for the truly loyal elixirs we've of course got a Bonus waiting big goals take time so brace yourself it's gonna be a long Journey whatever small goal you have in life right now if you're obsessed with it you will eventually attain it and then you're faced with something that we're dealing with right now do I stay here or do I go for some bigger goal you love the game and you wouldn't watch these videos if you didn't you will set bigger and bigger goals for yourself or you will eventually find purpose in growth the realization happens when it becomes clear just how big some goals are even though we started from zero for us getting to our first million was a lot easier than getting to 100 million has proven to be you can get to 1 million with a small team that shares your hunger and brute force and hard work but 100 million requires more complex mechanics which puts into perspective our goal of getting to a billion there are only 2 640 billionaires in the world out of 8 billion people that's why most of them look like Warren Buffett or Soros it takes a lot of time for all that compounding to work very few of them get to a belly in their 30s the alux app has the potential to completely change education As We Know It And if executed right we believe leave we have a shot at making this a billion dollar company and the investment banks that we met with last month well they also think that we have a shot but we might need to start charging what the app is worth so if you're a true Alexa please get the app now by going to alux.com app and get yourself a yearly subscription for 99 now before the next pricing update comes into effect and things get a lot more expensive this heads up is our way of saying thank you toward the end of July or early August version 2.0 is coming out and it's going to be a game changer if you've at least downloaded the app onto your phone please write the words alux app in the comments let's see how many of you have made it to the actual end of the video a big thank you to those who are still here [Music] thank you
Channel: Alux.com
Views: 355,650
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Alux, Alux.com, Alux Youtube, fine living, billionaire lifestyle, accelerate, money motivation, wealth faster, change your life, powerful secrets to change your life, powerful secrets to get rich, powerful secrets to make money, powerful secrets for life
Id: 7qWHHV9D89A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 2sec (1022 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 25 2023
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