15 Old Technologies Scientists Still Can't Explain

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sometimes the oldest inventions are the best yet archaeologists have uncovered some fascinating artifacts over the centuries but some of these incredible items only invite more questions leaving scientists desperately searching for the answers these mysterious discoveries suggest that our ancient ancestors were more advanced than we originally thought and were capable of creating astonishing objects that we still can't figure out to this day this is the lycurgus cup kyrgyz was the lawgiver of sparta and like kyrgyz wanted the spartans to be tough from the world's first computer discovered under the sea on an ancient shipwreck to the 2000 year old battery pack buried beneath the ground these are the 15 old technologies scientists still can't explain [Music] the sword of gujin the legendary ancient sword of gujin is a 2500 year old blade that was buried amongst the ruins of the hubei province china for thousands of years archaeologists unearthed this spectacular sword in 1965 and it quickly became one of the most prized national treasures of china shockingly this epic weapon was found in near perfect condition without any noticeable damage or even signs of rust in fact it was still deathly sharp the hilt is decorated with the sparkling gems and engraved with mysterious markings that experts can't quite seem to decipher nobody knows exactly who this incredible blade belonged to but one thing's for sure chyna is not letting it out of its sight ever again hey hey did you know that if you smash the like button subscribe and click the notification bell you're more likely to win the lottery so what are you waiting for ancient temples of the holy frequency hidden deep underground in malta there is an astonishing secret that will take your breath away this sacred site is the only prehistoric underground temple in the world and dates back to approximately 3 500 years ago yet our ancient ancestors built this magical temple as a place of worship and incredibly they constructed it to resonate at the holy frequency of 111 hertz carved out of solid limestone this epic structure carries an awesome echo and reverberation that will leave you with goose pimples it's believed in ancient cult practice the earth related rituals here celebrating the cycles of the moon sun and seasons so what does this frequency have to do with anything but one scientist explains that many prehistoric structures around the world resonate at this frequency most notably a series of burial mounds in ireland that he had studied previously mri scans have shown that the brown switches of its prefrontal cortex and language center at exactly 111 hertz allowing humans to enter a deep state of meditation pretty amazing right it looks like our ancient ancestors figured that out even without the use of modern technology and even managed to carve their temple so it resonated at that exact frequency in order to help them connect with nature and the universe during their rituals how exactly did they do this we may never know [Music] the baghdad battery the baghdad battery also known as the parthian battery is a mysterious object that's left many scientists scratching their heads this set of three artifacts includes a ceramic pot a tube of copper and a rod of iron and was discovered in kujut rabu iraq nobody can say for sure exactly when it was made or what it was used for but there are scientists that genuinely believe that astonishing object may in fact be an ancient battery yeah our ancient ancestors could have invented electric cells at at least 2 000 years before we developed the modern batteries we know today researchers have created many replicas of this ancient battery pack to see how it works and have found that it can indeed conduct an electric current if filled with a weak acid like vinegar or wine it can actually produce a one volt charge but what was this strange device used for some scholars think it might have been used to guild metals and jewelry whereas some think that it could have been an ancient pain relief machine however there is one more mysterious explanation for this battery pack from the year 200 bc some scientists believe that this battery could have been hidden inside a metal statue standing in a temple and anyone who touched it would have received a sharp electric shock this ancient science would have looked like magic to most people reinforcing the belief that they actually stood inside a holy place how sneaky zhang hung's seismoscope zhang heung was a chinese scientist and mathematician from the han dynasty and became famous for his mysterious seismoscope a device he invented in the year 132 ce fascinated with earthquakes hung believed that there were caused by wind and air even when most people thought they were actually caused by disturbance in the cosmic gang and yang to prove that he could sense these earthquakes in nature he invented this ingenious machine that could record disturbances along the earth's surface the fascinating device released a bronze ball from one of the eight dragon heads which then fell into the mouth of a toad sculpture below each representing a direction on the compass nobody knows exactly how this thing worked but it's safe to say that this incredible machine was well before its time on one occasion the bronze ball was released after there was no earthquake in sight and it was only a day later that he realized it had been triggered by an earthquake in another chinese city yeah this thing was super accurate [Music] damascus steel characterized by their swirling patterns that look like flowing water blades made of damascus steel are said to be resistant to shattering and one of the sharpest swords known to man in fact these sensational swords were actually the inspiration behind the fictitional valyrian steel in the game of thrones yup valerian steel is one of the only substances in westeros that can actually kill the evil white walkers however the art of forging this ancient steel has been lost forever in real life damascus still is extremely rare due to the fact that nobody can remember how to make it here this ancient art has been forgotten over centuries and both blacksmiths and scientists have tried to figure out the process in which it was forged but to no avail these epic swords could split a feather in mid-air and were incredibly sharp legend states that the metal was first fed to chickens and harvested from their droppings and that it was cooled after heating using goat pee but nobody knows for sure if these crazy techniques are actually true some experts reckon it's only a matter of time before we figure out the secret to making this mysterious 11th century medal so you never know you might soon be chopping your vegetables using a damascus kitchen knife [Music] the lycurgus cup this ancient roman chalice is not your average cup made in the 4th century it's believed to be one of the first ever examples of humans using nanotechnology this enchanting green goblet transforms into a deep red under the light and researchers even reckon it changed the color of the liquid held inside too that's a pretty neat trick for roman times it was crafted using tiny particles of gold and silver ground down to the one to one thousandth the size of a grain of salt this nanotechnology works with the metal particles reacting to light causing a sensational shift in color this astonishing drinking vessel was decorated with the image of king lycurgus hence the name the lycurgus cup and scientists are still in awe of its shockingly advanced technology to this day who knew the romans were actually nanoscientists construction of the sphinx the great sphinx of giza has been baffling archaeologists for decades this massive statue was carved from one single block of limestone and is a whopping 66 foot tall and 240 feet long in fact it's one of the largest and oldest monolithic statues on our planet this mysterious sculpture represents a mythical creature with the body of a lion and the head of a human and was believed to have been worshiped by the ancient egyptians but there's still a lot of things we don't know about the great sphinx while many scientists agree this magnificent sculpture was carved in 2500 bc there are some experts out there that believe it could be even older they think that the sphinx was eroded by heavy rainfall dating all the way back to 10000 bc meaning the egyptians could have been around for a lot longer than we originally thought not only is there evidence the sphinx might be more ancient than we previously believed but new research has found that these gigantic statues might be sitting on top of a secret network of subterranean chamber tunnels that have been unexplored for thousands of years will we ever find out the ancient secrets of the sphinx the codex gigas sitting in the national library of sweden and stockholm there's a dark and mysterious book that's frightened and perplexed scientists for centuries believed to date back to the 13th century this epic tome is three feet tall and 620 pages long made from the height of at least 160 donkeys in fact the codex gigas is the largest known medieval manuscript in the world so you may be surprised to learn that this humongous book was actually hand written by one single monk the codex contains both new and old testaments from the bible as well as sinister texts on exorcism medicine and many more topics but the most chilling part of this book is one page in particular this page contains a full color large illustration of satan differing in style from all the other pages of the book yeah it has another name that sent shivers down the spines of archaeologists for centuries the devil's book this creepy book is kept in dark rooms so it doesn't become damaged in the light and weirdly the last 10 pages have actually been cut out and removed we don't know why this mysterious monk wrote the manuscript but experts estimate it could have taken him a whopping 30 years to finish yep as ancient artifacts go they don't come much stranger than this the real question is are we sure we want to know the secrets hidden inside this manila event manuscript ancient city of nan madol located on the remote island of ponpei this mind-boggling ancient city is considered to be the venice of the pacific this mysterious network of canals link hundreds of ancient crumbling ruins the origins of which are still unknown the ancient city of nan madal was built on top of coral reefs over a thousand years ago and is made entirely from gigantic heavy rocks this world heritage site is also referred to as the ghost city thanks to rumors of restless spirits that haunt the ruins the stone walls of nan madol are 25 feet tall and 17 feet thick in some parts and archaeologists can't quite figure out exactly how our ancient ancestors managed to build such epic structures in the middle of the ocean was it dark magic or just super skilled workers who had ancient technology advanced beyond its years we may never find out all the hidden secrets of the mysterious pacific island the face dose disc this mysterious clay disc was found in the minoan palace of face dose it might be just under six inches in diameter but it holds a whole lot of mysteries that nobody has been able to solve this strange 4 000 year old disc is covered on both sides with a spiral of stamped symbols that have sealed onto the city clay in a clockwise sequence these symbols seem to represent everyday things we still recognize in modern life such as a shield a beehive and even a man and a woman but what scientists can't seem to figure out is what all of these means together the 242 different tokens on this disc are made up of 45 different symbols and experts think this ancient craftsman used vertical lines to break the symbols up into separate words but what exactly are those words well it looks like this mystery might never get solved the most incredible theory experts have is that the disc may contain some kind of prayer to a minoan goddess based on the few symbols they have deciphered but it looks like it could be at least another four thousand years before they figure out the true meaning of the ancient face dose disc what do you guys think it's gonna tell us incredible roman concrete we're all familiar with concrete yeah our cities are full of concrete and this useful building material can be found just about everywhere but did you know that the ancient romans used concrete too in fact their concrete is actually considered to be far superior to ours today yet roman concrete was so sturdy and solid that people are starting to ditch modern concrete and go back to the old ways but what makes it so amazing well it's all in the ancient materials romans used volcanic ash which prevented cracks from spreading and they were even able to set it under the water once placed under the water a fascinating reaction occurred making the concrete even stronger it's thought that romans were using this to build bridges and marine structures from at least 150 bc and some of those constructions are still standing today yet most concrete blocks these days would crumble in a matter of decades but not roman concrete pretty amazing right they even built the world's largest and oldest concrete dome in the world the famous pantheon building using this spectacular roman concrete you can add that to the list of things that the romans have done for us the iron pillar of delhi this incredible iron pillar has stood 22 feet tall for over 1600 years but miraculously it's never seemed to rust that's right this shiny ancient pole dates all the way back to 375 a.d and is made from such pure iron that scientists can explain how they cast it without using modern technology located in delhi india this mysterious landmark is considered by some to be an out of place artifact known in conspiracy circles as an upper this strange towering pillar is thought to be proof of sophisticated technology dating all the way back to ancient times and many believe that this mysterious civilization must have had access to super advanced tools and knowledge in order to cast a 99.9999 iron structure such as this one the fact that it's never gone rusty even after a thousand years has baffled scientists to say the least so what do you guys think of this iron pillar of delhi is it the work of an ancient super technology or is it just an example of excellent craftsmanship you can let us know in the comment section below go beckley tepee the astonishing gobekli teppy is believed to be the world's first ever temple there is only one problem scientists have no idea exactly what it is our ancient ancestors were worshiping this phenomenal 11 000 year old structure is so old that it predates the wheel pottery and most known tools so how exactly did they build it the stone columns of a gold blackly tuppy are a whopping 16 feet tall and weigh a backbreaking 10 tons each there's no doubt about it this would have been one difficult construction project without tools or machinery to make matters more complicated archaeologists have uncovered over one hundred thousand animal bones beneath the stone circle suggesting this would have been some kind of sacrificial altar not only that but they were carved with ancient drawings of scorpions vultures and even lions long before the written word was even invented and researchers have only just scratched the surface literally it's thought there could be many acres left to excavate and over a dozen more stone circles buried under the ground this has to be one of the most mysterious places on earth [Music] indecipherable voynich manuscript this mind-blowing medieval book has been bamboozling cryptologists for over 600 years this rare and mysterious tome is written in an indecipherable language that even the world's greatest code breakers can't seem to crack this coded pattern of letters was created way back in the 15th century and is believed to have originated from somewhere in central europe it's made from 246 extremely delicate pages crafted from velum and animal skin used for ancient writing what is the voynich manuscript actually about well no one knows for sure but there are some clues this bizarre book contains pictures and diagrams of castles dragons plants astronomical symbols and even planets all colored with green brown yellow blue and red ink experts reckon that the manuscript may be divided into six unique sections biological cosmological pharmaceutical astronomical herbal and finally recipes yeah this book sure contains a lot of secrets who knows what we might learn when cryptozoologists finally crack the code [Music] the antikythera mechanism when an ancient shipwreck was recovered from the agnc the last thing they expected to find was a two thousand year old computer yet the antikythera mechanism is one of the most mysterious and mind-boggling machines known to man this incredible relic of ancient technology was believed to have been operated by spiritual leaders or perhaps shaman and seemed to serve the purpose of predicting astrological events okay say they weren't browsing the web or watching youtube but that's still pretty impressive for a computer built thousands of years ago it's covered in mysterious symbols that can't be deciphered and it's thought that the antikythera mechanism can actually record planetary movements within one degree that's remarkably accurate for a machine this old researchers still haven't discovered all its uses and without any record of it ever existing there's a slim chance they ever will the secrets of this ancient computer have most likely sunk to the bottom of the ocean along with the shamans who used it are these epic technologies lost forever or do you have faith that modern science can crack the case you can let us know what you think in the comment section below and don't forget to give us a big thumbs up if you enjoyed this video you can also hit subscribe for more awesome missing files content thanks for watching and see you next time [Music]
Channel: Missing Files
Views: 1,733,784
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: old, oldest, old technology, old technologies, missing files, unexplained, mysterious, mystery, cant explain, science, ancient, ancient technology, discoveries, ancient mystery, science cant explain, mysterious discoveries, mysterious things, mysterious finds, strange, ancient artifacts, ancient inventions, history, mysteries, mysterious artifacts, still cant explain, ancient discoveries, most mysterious, discovered, list, viral, scientists, scientist, strangest, unknown, oldest technologies, top
Id: ldwr0HXpDSo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 42sec (1062 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 24 2021
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