15 Most Unusual Motorcycles Ever Made

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[Music] the world's first motorcycle was created in 1885 by two german engineers that was over 130 years ago a lot's changed over time we're going to explore the most peculiar changes from a motorbike powered by steam to a bike that transforms into a boat in under five seconds we're gonna explore the 15 most unusual motorcycles ever made the seating position is nice and upright giving you a very clear and commanding view ahead over what is a very functional display [Music] uno dicicle a bicycle was a vehicle with two parallel wheels side by side as opposed to having one wheel in front of the other you know is a motorized dickle that was created in 2006 by get this a 17 year old kid making a science fair project his name is ben gulock and he's been inventing things since he was a small boy in his grandfather's machine shop the teen was upset about the pollution traditional cars leave behind and decided to design a more eco-friendly way to travel thus the uno was born ben knew in order for the uno to be successful it had to be eye-catching we're a visual society and ben set out to prove that going green can still be stylish and cool similar to a segway the uno uses gyroscopes to maintain its balance a rear kickstand supports it when it's parked the latest version of the uno has three wheels when the bike reaches 15 miles per hour the middle wheel moves to the front and the two outer wheels move to the back the entire transition happens in under one second while in full motion now that's a scary ride now let's get ready for today's missing topic would you look at that now this is a chopper look at all that chrome look at how big it is it's a bite lover's dream can you imagine seeing it out on the road i'm not even sure this is street legal i mean how many modifications were made on this thing it looks to be a harley davidson with some let's call them upgrades this photo has been floating around the internet lately and we want to get to the bottom of it if you know who owns this bike or any information at all comment below using the hashtag missingtopic and let us know hey hey did you know that if you smash the like button subscribe and click the notification bell you're more likely to win the lottery so what are you waiting for piaggio mp3 the piaggio mp3 is a tilted three-wheeled scooter by piaggio an italian motor vehicle manufacturer the three wheels allow it to stand while it's parked unlike a traditional motorbike it also can be parked on hills and slopes this machine is truly a city commuter's dream because of its three-wheel design it's technically listed as a tricycle meaning you can drive it without standard driver's license this bike is great for first-time and novice riders it has a front brake which is required for all three or four-wheel vehicles but it helps beginner riders feel comfortable the no kickstand feature allows you to safely stop at red lights without having to balance the weight of the bike yourself the 80 miles of travel per gallon guarantees you won't be at the gas station every day if you don't have a motorcycle license but you are still looking to experience the thrill of having the wind blow through your hair on the open road you might want to invest in the mp3 it has all the perks of a standard motorbike without the hassle [Music] white lock tinker toy now here's something you don't see every day here's the vehicle that owns the record for an engine with the most cylinders you probably would have guessed that that record belongs to a monster truck or plane or some type of ship but you'd be wrong the amazing and unique 48 cylinder engine belongs to this motorcycle the white lock tinker toy created by herfert shire superbike center in the uk the vehicle took an astonishing five years to build the truth is it doesn't have 48 cylinders it actually has 49 if you count the single cylinder in the starter engine the developers admit that it wasn't built for speed or power in fact it was made to get in the guinness world record books it's technically drivable but unless you're seven feet tall with exceptionally long arms you won't be comfortable riding it in fact your arms probably aren't long enough to turn the steering wheel the bike designer has only been able to ride it moving straight forward with no turning the tinker toy is said to be capable of reaching 110 miles an hour if you're interested in purchasing it the owner says he may consider selling it if he's met with the right offer he currently doesn't see himself selling it for less than half a million pounds which is about 650 000 american dollars so what do you think time to break out that piggy bank vespa 150 tap okay my son has a scooter but it's nothing like this the vespa 150 tap is a military anti-tank scooter that's specifically designed to take out tanks on the battlefield introduced in 1956 and updated in 1959 and briefly used by the french military who apparently found the benefits in the scoot and shoot strategy the 246 pound machine can travel up to 40 miles per hour it carries 22 pound missiles that travel a thousand feet per second it fires with virtually no recoil keeping the vehicle riding smoothly while it shoots unlike many unique post cold war military ventures the vespa did indeed make it into actual combat although it never took out any enemy tanks like it was originally designed it did destroy enemy fortifications in smaller lightly armored vehicles the vespa was relatively inexpensive to make costing about 500 dollars per unit scooter enthusiast and collector dick humpty once set off on a journey to locate the world's last vespas from shows to junkyards he searched high and low hoping to find an original vespa scooter to this day many bike shops around the world have restored the scooters even painting them in bright vibrant colors hey i don't think they were candy red on that battlefield [Music] the ark vector arc vector news bursted on the scene in 2018 warning the public they were going to change the game they promised to deliver an electric hyperbike that would weigh less than 500 pounds 133 brake horsepower a 0 to 4 charge in 45 minutes and impressive 360 miles before plug-ins but the uk company was let down when investors failed to keep the promises that were made to them but then something happened amazing after losing the company to bankruptcy original owner mark truman managed to purchase the company back mark then set out to release what many think is the most important work of his life the ark vector staying true to his word the bike was released with all the promised features the bike also operates with a human machine interface that includes a tech embedded jacket and helmet that provides haptic feedback that's right similar to tony stark's iron man suit the vector gives the rider all its information directly to the suit and helmet one of the first things you'll notice when you take a look at the motorbike is the fact that there's no dashboard everything you need to see is displayed directly in the helmet while you wear it and the suit vibrates to alert any warnings now that's pretty cool [Music] helsin steam-powered motorcycle we've seen vehicles that run on gas and vehicles that run on electricity but what about a motor that runs on steam you may think this is a look into the future but it's actually a blast from the past travel back to 1914 with me and take a look at the motorcycle william hell design called the helsin hell had been experimenting with small steam engines and got the idea to use one for a bike and history was made it was recently featured at a bike show where it was shown actually being ridden there are even independent bike companies who will build you a house and replica for ten thousand to fifteen thousand dollars i don't think it's a bad idea considering the pollution that gas-powered motors leave behind would you ride a helsin on your commute to work comment below and let us know what you think rokon trail breaker trail breakers are motorcycles designed for off-road riding mountain roads bumpy terrains and hilly areas are all great places to ride the rocon most popular in the 1960s many bike enthusiasts still find the rocana be an incredible vehicle to this day trail breakers first gained popularity in the california sand dunes in the late 1950s rokon motorcycles use a combination of chain belt and shaft drives to drive both the front and rear wheels because they're designed to perform on rugged terrain they do not reach high speeds but it's the high intensity feel most riders are looking for when they purchase a rocon the hollow drum wheels provide flotation in sand mud or snow there isn't much the rocon can take on celebrity television host and motorcycle collector jay leno owns one and calls it one of his favorite bikes to date the 1929 majestic take a look at our next bike take a guess is this from the past or is it a new motorbike leading us to the future there have been so many bike designs over the years would you believe me if i told you this bike is from 1929 the majestic is a bike invented in france by georges roy georges set out to create something that combined the best parts of an automobile with the thrills of a motorcycle what made the majestic special was its enveloping bodywork the swooping steel panels with unbroken lines from nose to tail one thing that hasn't changed in nearly 100 years of the bike's existence is how cool it looks imagine traveling on the interstate wind blowing in your hair just you and the open road unfortunately there are some technical issues that go beyond the looks of this vehicle for one the steering is far from accurate and you'll find yourself having to adjust the handlebars often also there have been complaints that the engine isn't especially powerful leaving more to be desired from some enthusiasts but yet and still the majestic is a true looker no one can deny that maybe it's best showcased in museums and bike shows gibbs kwatski the gibbs kwatski is a beast on land specifically designed for off-road action you'll have a blast twisting and turning on rugged terrains trust me you're the king of the hill when riding this monster but the coolest feature of the quad ski isn't when the rubber meets the road it's actually when the rubber meets the water in only five seconds this remarkable atv seamlessly transforms from a vehicle to a watercraft i'm pretty sure we've seen something like this in a james bond movie anyway the quad ski has a top speed of 45 miles per hour and that's on land and water the perfect beach partner you can drive yourself there and get in the water all in one swoop between 2012 and 2016 only about a thousand of these gems were assembled for sale before production ended they were sold all around the world not only does gibbs no longer manufacture quad skis but no other company is licensed to make them as well if you find one now it won't be cheap expect to spend about forty thousand dollars but imagine taking a date out on a ride then shocking them by turning your four wheeler into a no-wheeler now that's a flex misho perot steam velocipede sometime between 1867 and 1871 someone took a small luis guillaume perot steam engine and attached it to an iron-framed pedal bicycle some people consider this to be the world's very first motorcycle a debate that's been ongoing for years motoring journalist and author defines a motorcycle as a bicycle that's being propelled by a heat engine in that case then yeah this steam velocipede is indeed the very first motorcycle but other historians reject that idea saying a true motorcycle must run on gasoline the opposing sides both present compelling evidence and the dispute isn't likely to be settled anytime soon steam power was all the rage in the mid-1800s so it's no shock that someone decided to add a steam engine to a bike it's actually fairly simple to do a small single cylinder steam engine hangs below the seat which also functions as a water tank the rider sits forward and lets the steam do all the work and while the debate on what was the first motorcycle lives on one thing about this cannot be denied everyone agrees that this is the very first bike to use the right handlebar grip to control the throttle a design that's still being used by all modern motorbikes today so what do you think do you think this is the world's first motorcycle the quasar the quasar is a semi-enclosed feet forward motorcycle it was created by two men named malcolm newell and ken lehmann although it's technically categorized as a motorcycle it goes against almost all of our ideas on what a motorcycle actually is first the rider doesn't sit up straddling the vehicle instead he sits down with his feet planted forward still the quasar is a cabin bike being it has a roof that encloses the rider the front windshield also uses a traditional car style of wipers and a heater yeah it's everything we know a motorcycle is not but it actually does still contain the heart and soul of a good old-fashioned motorbike first it obviously gets a check mark in the two wheels column next it may look like its travels at the same speed as a golf cart but it actually can exceed 100 miles an hour a selling point to many of the quasars fans but in the long run only 21 of these vehicles were ever made of those 21 only 10 can still be located so if you're lucky enough to find one maybe you should play the lottery the magola the magola was a german motorbike produced from 1921 to 1925. when you lay your eyes on it the first thing you'll notice is its unique design a five cylinder rotary engine is mounted right in the front wheel there are a few benefits that come with this design along with a few drawbacks as well on the positive side the engine simplicity makes it extremely reliable with very little maintenance needed but on the other side of the coin is the negative that being the fact that there is no clutch gearbox or any type of neutral setting this means whenever you want to stop the vehicle the engine must be turned off this may not have been an issue in 1920 when stop lights were far and few between but in this day there's no way it would work you would have to completely turn off the engine for every traffic light stop sign or any other reason we make the many stops we do when we travel remember how reliable i said the engine was i'm not sure it will remain that way with so much wear and tear yet and still the magola is considered a classic among bike lovers many are still collected and appreciated today with a running price tag of a hundred thousand dollars fully restored near a car car near kerr invented the aptly named near a car in 1918 it used a steel channel chassis much like a traditional automobile and hub-centered steering making it nearly a car get it it's a double pun when you realize that near a car is also a misspelling of near kerr's last name his bike design was sold from 1921-1928 was hugely popular during those times in those seven years it sold over 16 000 units to this day it remains the highest selling hub centered motorcycle of all time he first emerged on the vehicle market as a sales rep for smith motor wheel company he then moved up to chief engineer soon after he began his production of the now famous near car after world war one many aircraft companies found themselves without any orders to fill so they began making motorcycles his design became so popular he created headquarters in britain and the us another interesting thing about the near car was how it was directly marketed to women it may seem normal now but you've got to remember the 1920s was very different for women at that time they had just received the right to vote in 1920 but all in all their social roles were very limited so in a sense nirkar was one of the first companies to endorse women's rights good going carl the jaguar bike so your eyes don't deceive you meet the night shadow the bike inspired by the british car jaguar one look at this bike and you can tell it's not very practical baron hems the designer and creator initially wanted to make a car that was shaped like the jaguar logo but in the middle of his planning he had an epiphany and night shadow was born there's an entire motorcycle subculture dedicated to making bikes look like all types of things but this has to be the first one it took baron a full 10 years to complete night shadow working as an interior designer by day used his knights to work on his side project if you've ever seen baron out riding night shadow you'll notice his leaning forward so far to grab the handlebars it almost looks awkward but he admits he still gets a kick out of the attention he gets with his pet project some people look at vehicles as a way to get from point a to point b and that's it but not barren he likes to take a ride on the wild side [Music] the bmw gs here's the father of all motorcycles the bmw r1200 gs it hit the market back in 2004 and the bike world hasn't been the same since by 2007 over a hundred thousand units were sold making it bmw's best-selling bike to date in 2012 cycle world magazine which is basically the bike bible for motorcycle lovers named the gs the best motorbike of the past 25 years it's widely considered the perfect bike and its reputation remains to this day in fact the latest gs release saw a sales record almost immediately upon release there are numerous owners clubs dedicated to the gs series you'd be hard-pressed to find another bike model as popular as this one several celebrities have also boasted their love for this champion of bikes one thing that makes the gs so special is the fact that bmw continues to make improvements with every new release but how do you perfect what's already perfect the answer is in the details bmw consistently has been improving their techniques which is why they remain ahead of the game well how about that 15 of the world's most unusual motorcycles comment below which one surprised you the most and as always smash that like button and share this video with a friend [Music] you
Channel: Missing Files
Views: 1,332,807
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: most, most unusual, unusual motorcycles, weirdest, strange, strangest, strange vehicles, strangest vehicles, strangest motorcycles, motorcycle, motorcycles, missing files, unbelievable, vehicles, most unusual motorcycles, amazing motorcycles, weirdest motorsycles, motorbikes, weirdest vehicles, best motorcycles, coolest motorcycles, coolest bikes, motorbike, best motorbikes, custom motorcycles, cool motorbikes, amazing motorbikes, innovative motorcycles, super bikes, best bikes, 2021
Id: DXYsuWAwuvI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 32sec (1112 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 06 2021
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