15 Most Poisonous Fish In The World

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fish are tasty that's why it's such a terrifying shame that so many of them are absolutely lethal some fish despite being deceptively small can pack a bigger punch than a colossal shark as their scales are fit to burst with venom these are the most poisonous fish in the world [Applause] number 15 puffer fish anyone that has ever seen a single episode of spongebob squarepants will be familiar with the pufferfish a pretty unpredictable and incredibly dangerous fish and apparently a dubious driving instructor in bikini bottom the puffer fish is probably most well known for its ability to inflate itself into a ball to evade or threaten predators by inhaling water they're able to expand their elastic stomachs to several times their usual size making them incredibly tricky targets for smaller predators and that's before we come to the topic of spines some puffer fish have spines lining their skin to put off these opportunistic predators so we are now dealing with a puffer fish that can inflate itself several times bigger than usual has spines on its skin and what else oh right it's incredibly poisonous incredibly there is enough poison in a single puffer fish to kill up to 30 humans and if you're unfortunate enough to fall victim to that toxic poison there is no antidote just bad luck the pufferfish is by far one of the most dangerous fish you could hope to find in the world and one that is capable of killing well anything that happens to ingest it like this video smash the subscribe button and click the notification bell right now or slenderman will come from under your bed when you're sleeping [Music] number 14. fox jellyfish everyone knows what you do when you get stung by a jellyfish right ok good so that's one less gross thing i have to go through today the box jellyfish is like most fish a pretty unpleasant thing to experience on a bad day especially if you've already peed the box jellyfish is named after its unusual body shape but the poison comes entirely from its deadly tentacles which are covered with tiny poison loaded darts known as nematicists if a living thing is unfortunate enough to encounter and get stung by one of these animals the poison is capable of causing paralysis cardiac arrest or even death and all three of those things happen in the space of minutes and they wonder why i don't want to go anywhere near the ocean despite all of the horror that i just described it's actually not that apocalyptic there are over 50 different species of box jellyfish and only a handful have venom capable of killing humans so that's something right despite the low likelihood of the box jellyfish killing you it's still not the kind of animal you should be seeking out but chances are you knew that already there are very few people who would want to be peed on following a jellyfish attack number 13. spotted trunk fish it may have a pretty goofy name but the spotted trunk fish is capable of some significant harm and by significant harm we obviously mean death is there any kind of harm more significant than that while the spotted trunk fish never grow beyond 12 inches in length their body is coated with a bony outer surface featuring two sharp spines this body armor serves to protect the fish against predators but the true toxicity and protection comes from its skin when the spotted trunk fish is touched the glands on its skin release a colorless toxin that is dangerous if ingested that means divers are generally pretty safe but any animal that dares to try and eat the fish such as nurse sharks will most likely die soon after enjoying what i hope was an excellent final meal and since the spotted trunk fish isn't a particularly good swimmer it's a popular choice among sharks and predators looking for an easy meal which of course means a whole lot of dead sharks out there in the ocean the spotted trunk fish is thankfully not a fish that will kill unsuspecting divers but it's definitely not the kind of creature to be messed with consider this a warning to all the nurse sharks watching number 12. clownfish here's the thing about finding nemo at no point in the movie is it specified that both nemo and marlin are poisonous that'd really paint the story in a different light right i can't imagine anybody wanting to find nemo after discovering that technically speaking the clownfish itself is not poisonous but they may as well be the clownfish's whole appearance is actually designed to be a warning to any potential predator that their attempt to infringe on their home a poisonous sea anemone that kills anything that it touches except for clownfish that is thanks to the wonder of nature clownfish seem to be immune to the fatal effects of an enemy with their bright orange and black and white striped body these fish use their bodies to warn those predators about the likelihood of death if a human were to go near the anemone there's a strong likelihood that the clownfish would actually bite you just to keep you away or they may head inside the anemone as a kind of challenge to that brave human in summary the clownfish is far from the friendly and wisecracking fish we've come to know and love they're intelligent and capable of surviving a poison that would and does kill any other species number 11. lionfish if you need us to tell you to stay away from poisonous fish it may well be too late for you but on the off chance that some of you may still be open to the idea of avoiding death by poison let's talk about the lionfish the fish gets agitated those spines come through the fleshy sheaths and then the venom is exposed it's difficult to even try and define the lionfish as a species typically they grow up to 19 inches and weigh up to 3 pounds but actually the lionfish can be bigger and heavier or even smaller and lighter than that so while the size of the fish seems to change from one species to another there are some traits that do not the lionfish is a venomous fish one that releases its poison through its needle-sharp fins when injected into the bloodstream this venom can be extremely painful but is generally harmless when drunk or eaten it's also apparently harmless to healthy human beings although there are some that can have extreme allergic reactions to the venom in that case you may not make it while most humans that encounter the lionfish will live to tell the tale the venom will cause an immense amount of pain but what is life without an immense amount of pain anyway right number 10. yellow boxfish anyone that remembers the bp oil spill of 2010 will recall the horrific damage that comes when the water is poisoned by an unfamiliar chemical what they likely won't know is that even fish themselves are capable of poisoning the water the yellow box jellyfish is not the most poisonous fish by any means but they are definitely one of the most damaging these fish use a toxin named ostracitoxin or pahutoxin to defend themselves but there's a catch unlike many animals the yellow boxfish isn't so good at releasing this toxin strategically in fact it seems like any time this animal gets stressed or feels threatened the poison just floods out into the water and what happens then exactly what happened with the bp oil spill a lot of dead animals as the toxin pollutes the water any animal that happens to be in the area at the time ingest it and quickly find their red blood cells being destroyed i think you can figure what happens after that while the yellow boxfish may not be the most poisonous fish on the planet it's capable of causing a lot of damage to many innocent or at least unsuspecting sea creatures number 9. giant moray there are some animals that deliver a more painful attack than others studies have shown that a single bite from a more eel is more painful than bites by other fish of the same size the reason for that well it's more complicated than they bite harder they bite with enormous force and almost anything is fair game while some will speculate that the instinct of pulling away the bitten limb will be the thing causing the problem this is apparently not the case neither is the theory of infection while infection will make the problem worse that's not the root cause of the pain as far as we know the cause of the pain comes from the toxins within the eel's mouth thanks to a scientific study that saw scientists analyzing the eel's mucus the results confirmed that several toxic substances were present including some that destroy red blood cells entirely unless you're a fan of bleeding profusely the giant moire is just another example of a sea creature you should avoid at all costs experts are still not entirely sure what toxins the mucus is made up of so it's hard to say just how dangerous an encounter could be number eight scorpion fish if you've been around our channel long you'll know that we like hybrid stuff so take a donkey you mix it with a helicopter and hey you have a donkey copter or something bad example anyway the scorpion fish is kind of a hybrid let's talk about that there are over 200 known species of scorpion fish in our planet's oceans a baffling number for those of you that had never heard of the thing as the name would suggest the scorpion fish is an intriguing mix of traits belonging to both fish and scorpions including you guessed it poison scorpion fish are blessed with spines that contain a deadly venom which immediately injects into the bloodstream the moment contact is made studies have shown that a single sting from one of these spines can prove fatal to unsuspecting animals though thankfully it's just painful for humans the scorpion fish tends to linger around the rocks near the sea floor so it's highly unlikely you'll stumble upon one while on a trip to the beach but if you'd rather avoid any chance of getting a mildly painful poison injected stay home who wants to go to the beach anyway there are people there number 7 weaver fish if you've been avoiding the water ever since you saw jaws prepare to start avoiding the sand too the weaver fish is the stuff of nightmares to put it bluntly even those that know what to look out for may end up getting a shock the weaver fish is a small sand-colored fish that buries itself amongst the of starfish in sand but they offer them making them almost invisible to the human eye so when a happy suburban father takes his barefoot stroll along the beach be prepared when an exposed human foot lands on one of these hidden fish their dorsal fins and bed itself into the offending foot and begins injecting venom thankfully this venom is not fatal but it does create some excruciating pain that will make you wonder why you ever thought coming to the beach was a good idea while it's impossible for anybody to guarantee you won't suffer this pain there are two things you can do to avoid it wear shoes or drag your feet along the sand by dragging your feet the sand is disrupted and the fish are scared away if you're lazy just take the venom the weaver fish is a creature that i doubt many have heard of a poisonous camouflaged nightmare in waiting jaws told you to stay out of the water but the weaver fish is now telling you to keep off the sand number six stingray everyone knows about the dangers of the stingray or at least they know that stingrays can prove fatal in the right circumstances but that's only in extreme cases strangely enough stingrays are not always aggressive but they are always poisonous while the shape of a stingray is just naturally beautiful and elegant all of its power comes from that long whip-like tail at the end of this tale sits a few barbed spines each one containing a dose of venom when that tail stabs you the toxin is released into the bloodstream the pain is excruciating and if you happen to get stabbed in your heart fatal however despite this obvious capability to inflict significant harm on living things the stingray is often gentle and peaceful and typically only stings if it's being disturbed or stepped on by unsuspecting swimmers so the good news is that your chances of death by a stingray are surprisingly slim unlike many fish the stingrays poisonous streak is pretty well known all around the world which explains why so few people actively seek them out they may be beautiful animals but it's not something you'd want to find on a beach number 5. surgeonfish it would be pretty awesome if these fish were able to inject poison into you and then perform surgery well no actually that wouldn't be awesome what am i saying that would be horrific but it would be you know what i've scared myself let's move on the surgeon surgeonfish or tang is any one of 75 species of small thin tropical marine fish from the family back in thuriday their name doesn't come from their surgeon-like injective poison but from their body coated with distinctive sharp spines on either side of the tail these venomous spines resemble a surgeon scalpel and like a surgeon scalpel they can cause some pretty deep and painful cuts the surgeon fish is famously aggressive and has been reported time and time again to have severely hurt the fishermen that encounter it but it gets worse if you can believe that the surgeon fish is edible but it comes with a cost eating this fish brings with it a special kind of food poisoning known as ciguatera which causes numbness in the face discomfort itching as well as increased hypotension and a slowed heartbeat so overall a complicated meal the surgeon fish is rightly considered to be one of the most dangerous fish in the ocean especially if a brave individual decides to eat it number four flour urchin in some countries and cuisines sea urchin is considered to be a delicacy and has been referred to as the ocean's foie gras that's very much not the case with the flower urchin one of the most toxic sea urchins you could hope to find the guinness book of world records has named the flower urchin the single most dangerous urchin in the world native to the indo-west pacific region of the planet this sea urchin is loaded with venom this venom contains two deadly toxins contract in a which can cause the clumping of red blood cells as well as spasms and pedotoxin which can cause convulsions anaphylactic shock and even death so this should not be considered a delicacy of any kind unless you find death particularly intriguing the flower urchin like many sea urchins injects its venom into predators using its sharp spines and multiple punctures is enough to kill even the most durable living creature when the guinness book of world records tells you this thing is the most dangerous urchin in the world that's a warning to heed an encounter with this thing could quickly leave you paralyzed if not well an ex-human number three conus they may be adorable they may be cute they may seem harmless but sea snails are just as deadly as any other poisonous fish in fact these may well be some of the most deadly snails anywhere in the world these predatory sea snails are named conus on account of their colorful and unique cone-shaped eyes and can usually be found in the tropical seas around the world all of that basic information aside we should probably get this out of the way up front there is not a single species of conus that is not poisonous unlike most toxic fish which tend to hold their venom in spikes along their body the conus is a little more creative this now uses a modified radula tooth and a venom gland to attack their prey a kind of harpoon type device that paralyzes its targets almost immediately the venom itself can vary in severity from species to species with smaller conus poison being no worse than a bee sting and a larger species proving fatal to humans there have only been 15 recorded human deaths as a result of kona stinks but that's still a surprisingly high number for such a little-known creature experts have frequently advised humans to never pick up one of these animals and honestly good advice number 2 blue ringed octopus as we've said multiple times on this channel octopi are an interesting bunch some of them can be curious friendly creatures that are content to sing and dance with the wiggles others are to use non-sweary language unpleasant the blue ringed octopus is the only known octopus that is poisonous to humans and it's also one of the most aggressive species of octopus on the planet this single species is capable of killing 26 adults in minutes which is insane especially considering that the injection process is almost unnoticeable for its victim the blue ringed octopus has two kinds of venom one kills its prey and the other is used as a defense mechanism when the octopus feels it's being attacked or provoked it injects its killing venom through the use of a reasonably painless bite that produces two small puncture wounds within seconds that poison is coursing through your blood and it's nighty night for the victim while most octopi are comfortable keeping their distance from other species the blue ringed octopus does no such thing this is an animal that is more than willing to fight at all costs and more often than not it wins number one the xantheday family as far as seafood goes crab is easily one of the most popular meats in the world although it goes without saying that not all crabs are safe to ingest and the majority of these toxic crabs belong to one family the xantha day the xanthode crabs are most common in australia and are easily identified by their black-tipped claws however these crabs are considered to be some of the most dangerous and toxic crabs anywhere in the world with many of species in the family found to be the bearer of poisonous substances to break that down the mussels and egg masses of xanthan crabs have been found to hold two of the most lethal natural substances known to man saxotoxin and pterodoxin if an average sized human were to ingest even half of a milligram of either they'd be dead pretty quickly and for the enthusiastic cooks among us no the high temperatures from cooking the meat does not seem to have any effect on reducing the toxicity it may taste better but you'll still be dead thankfully for us foodies there are many many more edible species of crab out in the world so we can rest easy knowing that we're not missing out on much except for an early death and maybe some garlic sauce would you risk getting up close with any of those let us know in the comments below also check out our other cool stuff showing up on screen right now see you next time you
Channel: The Genius Lemon
Views: 12,524
Rating: 4.9123631 out of 5
Keywords: poisonous, sea creatures, fish, poisonous fish, poisoned fish, poisonous sea creatures, most poisonous fish, poisoned sea creatures, toxins, toxic, food poisoning from fish, poisoned by fish, fugu, japan, puffer fish, venom, poison, lionfish, poisoned sea food, dangerous foods, venomous sea creatures, toxic sea creatures, deadly fish, toxic fish, raw fish, fish poison, dangerous fish, dangerous animals, dangerous creatures, ocean creatures, dangerous ocean creatures, water animals
Id: Ppd9QJF_AFo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 36sec (1296 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 22 2020
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