15 Most Incredible Things Found In Antarctica!

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you would think that seeing as snow is white it must be hard to hide in it anything that isn't totally white should stand out a mile right well in actuality it seems that buried in the snowy regions of the world is all manner of curiosities and no snowy region has coughed up more oddities than the legend that is Antarctica these are 15 most incredible things found in Antarctica number 15 Antarctica ancient civilization nothing in life is guaranteed or a sure thing even what scientists think they know can later be disproven take cigarette smoking for example it was once actively encouraged especially for pregnant women but then it became one of the world's biggest killers so is it really out of the question to assume that man Arctica isn't hiding the lost city of Atlantis beneath its cold icy exterior some say yes some say no but no one actually knows for sure conspiracy theorists believe that parts of Antarctica zeis are hiding some pretty big secrets underneath some even say that this other most continent was once ice-free and inhabited by human the Greek philosopher Plato started the ball rollin in 360 BC by saying a mystical City with half human half God creatures existed he didn't say where which meant people created their own theories according to the Sun an ancient map from military intelligence known as piri Reis confirmed that Antarctica had a secret city remote sensing photography from NASA also showed a potential city or human settlement under the ice and theorists once again assumed it was the lost city of Atlantis the imagery supposedly shows a pyramid and a settlement beneath thick snow although that has not been confirmed before we go on we have a cool challenge for you all it'll take about five seconds to complete let's make a deal just leave a like on this video smash that subscribe button and hit the notification bell and you will get 10 years of amazing luck and fortune try it it actually works number fourteen krokodil cousin what do you get when you cross a crocodile and a dinosaur anarchists or oh sorry it wasn't a joke with a punch line it really is anarchists or anarchists or was a real creature and is thought to be both of the dinosaur and crocodiles cousin dubbed the Antarctic King researchers discovered the fossil of this creature in 2019 and while it wasn't a complete fossil it showed enough information to prove it was a kind of hybrid or evil of the two animals it was around the size of an iguana and nothing like it had ever been seen before according to researchers the arcus or was a carnivorous reptile that ate insects and amphibian while any new animal discovery is exciting it's even more so when you're dealing with an uninhabited continent this new creature teaches us how long it really took for crocodiles and dinosaur descendants to repopulate and bounce back from mass extinction in the past scientists thought that a species could repopulate the earth within tens of millions of years but the arcus or shows that it took a mere two million for it to evolve into the crocodiles and related critters we see today number thirteen giant hole that comes and goes there will be very few occasions you'll be able to think of where a giant hole appears and then it disappears there will be of course times when you wish that were the case such as when your dog digs up the yard or a sinkhole swallows a bus but giant holes in Antarctica well something fishy's going on when satellites were launched in the 1970s scientists learned a lot of new things in Antarctica they quickly discovered that there was a giant hole in one of the seasonal ice pack by the time summer rolled around however that hole was gone there was no explanation no reasoning and scientists were left scratching their head but then it happened again in 2017 the exact same ice pack had a hole in it but it was at a time when that ice should have been at its thickest and most robust unlike the hole from the 1970s it was 740 percent larger then just like before it disappear you know yourself how long it takes to fill in a hole that a dog has dug in a yard so how can a giant hole in a thick layer of ice disappear as quickly as it appeared it took decades of study but scientists now believe that they know what they're dealing with warm air and cold air collided at the South Pole in 2017 to form a cyclonic storm the inward swirling of winds of this cyclone pushed I spark in multiple directions and all away from the eye of the storm impossible now when you're dealing with 72 mile-per-hour winds that create waves of up to 52 feet high the impossible becomes the probable and it can't mean anything good according to researchers climate change could create more instances of these cyclones which measure at about category 11 on the Beaufort scale so maybe not a positively incredible find but a unique one all the same number 12 crashed alien spaceship many thousands of people believe there is an alien life-form out there waiting for us to discover them and while there have been many unexplained situations that could point to the existence of aliens this find in Antarctica is unfortunately not one of them however that's not to say it's still not an incredible fine on South Georgia island in 2018 in Antarctica Google Earth recorded an image that looked like the landing site of a UFO or alien crash there was a long trail and a circular imprint and a lot of people desperately wanted to see little green men running around on the snow as Fox Mulder from x-files says I want to believe alas that was not to be scientists jump into a burst conspiracy theorists bubble by saying it was most likely the result of an arctic avalanche an ice block or huge rock may have broken away and slid through the snow and ice that would explained the circle as well as the trail just to be on the safe side an alien website called secure team 10 zoomed in on the crash landing site using satellite mapping the 1,000 yard trail sure was impressive but it didn't look like a UFO crash-landing caused it after all number eleven giant sea spiders sea spiders are generally not something that caused people to recoil in horror even gaze at them in awe these marine anthropods are prevalent throughout all the oceans in the world and are as average as say blades of grass or worms in dirt in a word they're by no means extraordinary unless of course you'll find them in Antarctica and there most mutant for some reason see spiders in Antarctica are huge everywhere else they're around the size of a pencil eraser but in Antarctica think dinner plate any insect or critter that large is something at which you can recoil in horror while scientists haven't proven without a doubt that polar gigantism is to blame it is the most likely cause they believe that Antarctic water is both cold and rich in oxygen which makes creatures such as sea spiders grow far more significant than those that reside in warm water they're slower metabolism caused by the frosty temperatures may also play a part but their size is not the only incredible thing about these sea spiders unlike most others that have eight legs these have more they can have as many as ten or twelve and their body is small in comparison therefore they're basically all legs and not a lot else they also don't need large bodies for they breathe through their legs number ten tiny ancient water bears if you thought you'd seen your fair share of weird and wonderful looking creatures then you haven't seen nothing yet tardigrade which also goes by the more adorable name of tiny ancient water bears are possibly some of the strangest creatures ever to walk or crawl the earth stranger yet we never knew they existed in Antarctica until quite recently tardigrade which are only around 0.056 of an inch were discovered by pure accident in Antarctica an explorer had been cleaning mud off of a trillion used to probe around 0.6 miles into a thick slab of ice while clearing off the dirt he discovered tiny frozen tardigrade bodies not only do these intriguing little creatures not have faces but they don't really belong in Antarctica either scientists found them in a frozen body of water far below sub glacial Lake Mercer which hadn't been disturbed for at least a millennia scientists believes the tardigrade had been there for thousands of years and that they even swept they're from meltwater number-9 rainforest in antarctica for as long as our generation has been around Antarctica has been one big cold icy snowy wasteland nothing grows there no one goes there and there's not a lot happening there if truth be told however scientists have been quick to point out it wasn't always like that and while you might scoff at this it was actually a rainforest at one point scientists drilled sediment cores and found fossils of palm trees and woody plants such plant life couldn't grow if Antarctica were an ice-covered continent as it is today instead it's thought that 52 million years ago temperatures on the southernmost continent averaged around 68 degrees Fahrenheit making it the perfect climate for a rainforest it's concerning to think that the problems we were having with climate change are precisely what was happening before and in that instance the ice disappeared at least 90 percent of the world's freshwater is in the ice packs in Antarctica which could mean disastrous results if it were to melt scientists can only base their theories on what has happened before around 100 million years ago there was a greenhouse crisis in Antarctica not all dissimilar from the one happening today the polar caps melted and dinosaurs wandered through rainforests one woman to back that claim up is professor Jane Francis she spent ten seasons in Antarctica and found leaves and twigs as well as fossil plants on top of glacial Peaks she said such evidence proves that at one stage Antarctica looked remarkably similar to the rainforest like environment in New Zealand number a ghost mountains imagine waking up one day going outside and finding new mountains that's basically what happened to Antarctic researchers using planes with gravity radar and magnetic sensors scientists braved temperatures of around negative 22 degrees Fahrenheit to map buried mountains with the measurements they would be able to see the rock formations beneath and get an idea of their sizing as it turns out these ghost mountains which exist under a massive layer of snow and ice are around 497 miles long 248 miles wide and are roughly the size of the European Alps from their research they were also able to determine that they had peaks that towered at around 3,000 meters above sea level and had valleys of about 1000 meters below it typically mountains are formed by the collision of tectonic plates but that's unlikely to be the case in Antarctica instead researchers think that they formed after a supercontinent broke up who knows when these mountains buried around three miles under the ice surface will break through and show themselves number seven Antarctica's Loch Ness monster if someone were to tell you that a giant water dinosaur once wandered around Antarctica you'd laugh at their hilarious joke turns out it's no joke researchers found a 15 ton elasmosaurus allanne Antarctica which shows dinosaurs existed in the seas around the continent before the mass extinction it was the heaviest fossil of its kind and consisted of most of the dinosaur skeleton except its head it took decades to remove it from the ice the elasmosaurus part of the plesiosaur family which are some of the most gigantic sea creatures when it was alive the elasmosaurus like neck a head like a snake for flippers and a body like a manatee we don't know about you but we're kind of pleased these no longer exists number six blood waterfall this may look like a scene from a horror film but in actual fact it's a beautiful part of nature the blood waterfall is a real attraction in Antarctica that consists of salt oxidized iron water from a lake bed flowing into the ocean griffith taylor and antarctic scientists first discovered it in 1911 the blood-red liquid pours from a five-story waterfall and contains tiny living microbes in any other situation these microbes would be expected but Antarctica is supposed to be entirely uninhabitable the existence of 17 different types proves that while rare life on Antarctica does eggs test number five Air New Zealand flight 901 Air New Zealand has an incredible track record when it comes to flight but flight 901 is proof that it's not entirely unblemished in 1979 an aircraft carrying 237 passengers crashed into Mount Erebus killing everyone on board it remains New Zealand's deadliest airplane crash the cockpit voice recorder recorded audio from the ground proximity warning system or GPWS telling pilots to pull up it then proceeded to say 500 feet 400 feet go-around power before the final impact with such a blemish-free record investigators were keen to find out what had happened the night before the disaster corrections were made to the flight path coordinates no one informed the crew of these changes while they thought they were traveling down McMurdo Sound they were actually headed straight for Mount Erebus even right up until the crash the cabin crew and pilots were none the wiser the plane hit the mountain at around 1,500 feet number 4 Martian meteorite in 1984 meteorite hunters found a meteorite in Allen hills Antarctica that is thought to be one of the oldest Martian meteorites according to a chemical analysis the meteorite may have come from Mars when water existed on the red planet's surface experts believe the meteorite which was named Allen hills 84001 or alh84001 for short left Mars due to the impact of another meteor around 17 million years ago it's thought to have been on earth for approximately 13,000 years and was formed from molten rock around 4.0 91 billion years ago number three mysterious plane crash there are around 170 plane incidents every year which means that plane crashes while sad are not rare however some are more curious than others in 2013 the wreckage of a plane was found on Antarctica Mount Elizabeth the three Canadians in the aircraft Bob Heath Perry Anderson and Mike Denton were not in it while the trio had survival suits tents and enough food and water for five days they were never seen again and are presumed dead the cockpit voice recorder was not working when the plane went down but the aircraft tried to climb around 45 seconds before impact it's thought that cloud cover at the time may have affected the warning system leaving the crew with no time to react flight records also indicate that the heavy cloud cover had caused the pilot to take a more direct route to their destination without enough altitude to clear the peak they crashed into it around 4000 meters above sea level to this day the planes tail still sticks out of the snow as a makeshift memorial for the crew who were never found number two ancient frozen graveyard in 1980 a human skull and femur were found by archaeologists on Livingston island off the Antarctic Peninsula thought to be around 175 years old they are the oldest human remains found on the continent but that's not the only noteworthy point after investigation it was discovered that they belonged to a 24 year old Chilean woman Chile is around 620 miles from Antarctica and she is thought to have been there between 1819 and 1825 if that's true she would have been one of the first to visit the continent the journey would have been treacherous for any Explorer but also rare for women to take at that time female explorers were almost unheard of the Chilean woman's remains are not the only ones found in Antarctica either British naval captain and explorer Robert Falcon Scott is still buried in the snow along with four of his men the rest of Roberts crew had been out looking for him on Ross shelf in the Antarctic after they had failed to return from their quest on the South Pole the previous year while one of the search party members physicists Charles Wright was out looking for them he found something protruding from the snow it was the top of a tent they had found their captain and two of the crew and Ari Bowers and Edward Wilson Robert and Lee between the two men with a diary that outlined their final days the entry said it seems a pity but I do not think I can write more for God's sake look after our people Robert also wrote about the worry he had for the financial situations of the families of his men left behind the remaining two crew Edgar Evans and Lorance Oates who were not in the tent had died earlier as it turns out they had been beaten to the South Pole by a Norwegian explorer by the name of Roald Amundsen they headed back towards the coast dejected Edgar died descending Beardmore glacier and Lawrence died on Ross shelf he had headed out from the tent in a blizzard wounded after being concerned he was a burden to the others attempts to survive all men were just 11 miles from a food depot but the negative 76 degree Fahrenheit temperatures in the Antarctic blizzard made it impossible to reach number one 100 year old whisky anyone Antarctic Explorer Ernest Shackleton once tried to reach the South Pole but while he failed in that goal in 1907 he succeeded in another recently the New Zealand Antarctic trust found and retrieved crates of brandy and whisky that used to belong to Ernest they were stored beneath his Hut for 100 years perfectly preserved Ernest toys said that if he didn't have strength of will he too made a first-class drunkard during the journey he had ordered 25 cases of McKinley rare old Highland malt whisky they were labeled with commemorative stickers to mark the endurance expedition in 1909 after their failed attempt to reach the South Pole they abandoned some of those crates and they were buried deep within the ice for a century New Zealand Antarctic Trust flew the whiskey and brandy to the Canterbury Museum in New Zealand to saw and stabilise them they slowly defrosted the bottles over a two-week period from negative four degrees Fahrenheit to 32 degrees 10 bottles survived the thawing process and were still wrapped with protective paper and immaculate labels according to scientists the bottle still contains their alcohol content and were perfectly intact the who are lucky enough to taste the brew said it was light mellow and a joy to sip Ernest may have failed to reach the South Pole but he left behind a remarkable treasure trove for other explorers to find and that has to count for something wow just wow how crazy are these Antarctic finds and here's us thinking that Antarctica was a barren continent with not a lot going on what was your favorite discovery did we miss anything else off this list also check out our other cool stuff showing up on screen right now see you next time
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Keywords: frozen in ice, antarctica, mysterious things, mysterious, frozen, frozen in time, mysterious discoveries, strange mysteries, unsolved mysteries, mystery, strange, unexplained discoveries, strange discoveries, unexplained, mysteries in antarctica, discoveries, mysterious places, found frozen, south pole, frozen in antarctica, antarctica map, discovery, mysterious findings, antarctica iceberg, antarctica finds, antarctica discoveries, ice discoveries, incredible things
Id: ZhOkx5xwn88
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 50sec (1250 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 30 2020
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