15 Most Heartwarming Animal Reunions with Owners

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if you've ever lost a pet even just for a few days you'll understand the feeling of sheer relief and joy when you're finally reunited but imagine how you would feel if your reunion was years in the making now that would be truly special from the daily ritual between a man and a lion to the overwhelming excitement following the return of a lost dog here are 15 most heartwarming animal reunions with owners number 15 bond between man and lion every day right throughout the globe animals are rescued from some truly terrible conditions they are given new homes and soon forget about their first few months or years others however hang on to that fear clinging to their new owners perhaps concerned they'll be returned to their old life in 2012 a young lion cub was one of those rescued animals she had been put into a holding pen by a farmer who was sick of shooting animals that were preying on his cattle the young lion cub was rescued by Valentin Greiner a keeper at a wildlife park in Botswana he named her sirga and they soon developed an extraordinary bond it's not known how old the cub was when rescued but she was able to be trained to interact with humans particularly Greiner who she became quite fond of in her earlier years sir go would be released from her pen daily for an affectionate embrace with her keeper often leaping into his arms we can only imagine this ritual has changed somewhat considering she would now be fully grown and would surely not groin her clean off his feet the pair are obviously devoted to each other with sirga particularly excited if groaners been in town for the day and she had missed her hug how cute is that before we go on like this video smash the subscribe button and click the notification bell right now or this centipede will crawl on your face when you're sleeping [Music] number fourteen lost dog and owner reunion unless you've lost a dog for several months you probably have no idea what the feeling would be like when you finally reunite this footage of a dog returning home to its owner after two months on its own might give you some indication where the dog has been his owner will probably never know but the fact it's excited to be back is quite the understatement the dog appears to have been picked up by someone else and brought into a clinic for the reunion no doubt he'll need to be checked out before heading home to ensure his two months on the run haven't had any ill effects but he seems mighty team to catch up with his human mother and who could blame him it's also obvious that the feeling is mutual with both overwhelmed the dog is so excited his tail is wagging furiously and he almost suffocates the woman with slobbery kisses and canine hugs his days of scavenging and rubbish bins for food and sleeping her up at night are over now that's some to howl about don't you think number 13 happy goose hugs woman when it comes to pets this one is a little unusual but that's not to say it isn't still devoted to its owner because clearly it is going by this hilarious footage and unlikely pairing this lady and her goose have obviously formed a very close bond and the millions that have viewed the video will agree the clip was initially filmed to attract the male goose a mate but it went viral when viewers discovered this chap isn't your average barnyard variety owned by Sydney Adams the gander named dufus lives in Dennard with his flock all the animals on the farm are rescues and Adams treats them all like family she says her relationship with dufus has grown over the years as it certainly wasn't love at first sight one day he just started hugging her and the pair of Benin separable ever since doofus was injured when he came to Adams and used to chase her out of his enclosure months of perseverance and a little TLC later and she had him eating out of her hand so to speak now he greets her daily with a goose sized hug and even a little conversation this is one clever bird when you say number 12 emotional reunion with chimpanzees they were once simply medical research subjects kept caged 24 hours a day all in the name of science today several decades later female chimpanzees swing and doll enjoy the Sun on their backs and the wind in their hair but if it wasn't for a 23 year old graduate student they may never have made it the pair were rescued along with several others from a research lab where they were no longer required they were taken to a sanctuary in southern Florida that is now home to over 30 chimps Linda stayed with them for four years helping to acclimatize them to their new surroundings chimpanzees have provided us with so much in this world it was a bold experiment but it worked 18 years after leaving her beloved friends she visited unsure whether they would remember her but as this clip shows she needn't have worried as the clock was turned back as if she had only left them the day before swing and doll greet her with a quiet handshake followed by a loving embrace they appear to be smiling as Linda weeps thrilled at the fact they remember it's abundantly clear that the woman who had given them their freedom had also developed an unbreakable bond of friendship and love with the pair number 11 death dog overwhelmed owners returned get out the hankies this one's a real tearjerker this clip of a lovely old golden retriever being reunited with her master after months apart has gone viral on the Internet it shows just how close the bond between dog and owner really is the thirteen-year-old Golden Retriever named buddy is the beloved companion of Army Private Hanna Foraker at just 21 her dog has been around for most of her life and she had to leave her behind for three months of basic training Foraker came home to Cleveland for a visit and Buddy was so excited that she appeared to be crying what makes the reunion even more special is the fact that the elderly retriever is also deaf so didn't realise her master was even home when she was let outside Foraker said she did a double-take not quite knowing who it was at first but then she quickly came back and began crying and whimpering the excitement was obvious Foraker was home for just two weeks with buddy her constant companion the whole time her family believed she even had a touch more energy during the visit but he also suffers from arthritis so Foraker worries about her while she's away she keeps in touch via Skype now that's adorable number 10 horse reunites with owner after holiday having spent three weeks abroad this horse owner was in for a pleasant surprise when she returned home the clip was filmed on a relatively gloomy day but as it all unfolds the viewer can't help but feel warm inside for some people having a horse as a companion is no different to a dog or a cat you miss him like crazy while you're away and you hope they feel the same but you're never quite sure when this owner had to leave her horse for three weeks she was pretty sure the separation would be just as difficult on her beloved steed as it would be for her but she had no idea just how much this truly special moment was filmed on her return and it's obvious the emotional connection between the pair is mutual from a distance the horse isn't quite sure that the voice he hears is his beloved master he starts to slowly walk forward on closer inspection he confirms it is her and starts running towards her embracing her in his own way when they meet in the middle of the paddock she's clearly made his day number nine dog missing for 12 days this heartwarming reunion is a real tearjerker but not for the reason you might think butterscotch the obviously very much loved family dog has been found after 12 days on the run the clip starts off with him sitting in the car having been picked up by the lady of the house she has been out distributing flyers for days and her efforts have been rewarded but he knows butters wouldn't miss seen about a week and a half ago butterscotch or butters as he is affectionately known is sitting on the seat beside her he almost looks like he's sulking perhaps he's had a well-deserved telling-off I'm not sure but he doesn't look like a dog he's been rescued from homelessness after 12 days perhaps he'd found himself a lady friend who knows butters mom tells the cameras she has found him after a lot of searching and is taking him home to reunite him with her husband and daughter Kayla when the car enters the street butters dad is so excited he dashes towards the car across to the passenger side and simply can't get the car door open fast enough the moment he gets hold of the dog is truly heart-wrenching as he sobs in relief butters however seems relatively calm about the whole situation probably wondering what all the fuss is about this is clearly one very missed and very loved dog number a Christian the lion 5,000 miles is a long way to travel to see a friend who perhaps may have forgotten them but John Rendell and ace Bork took that chance in 1972 three years prior the pair had adopted a young lion cub called Christian he was born in captivity at elf combs ooh on the west coast of England before being sold to the department store her odds pet section back then such a transaction was legal and John and ace bought him in 1969 the well-loved and affectionate cub was kept in the basement of a furniture shop on the Kings Road in Chelsea he ate in a local restaurant and played in a nearby graveyard but his size soon proved a problem a chance encounter with Surry couple built ravers and Virginia McKenna founders of the Born Free foundation led to Christian being returned to the wild in Kenya in 1971 nine months later his original owners John and ace traveled there hoping to catch up with their lion friend although hesitant at first they watched as Christians slowly edged down the rock face but upon recognizing the pair he quickly picked up the pace the clip of the emotional reunion has received over 15 million views and shows just how strong the bond between man and lion can be Christian can be heard crying out an excitement as he lunges at John and ace pulling them both into an embrace almost knocking them off their feet it was just an incredible reunion so pleased was he to see them they even introduced them to his friends Mona and Lisa now isn't that sweet number 7 a man calls elephant the man stands alone dirt at his feet water to his right and what looks like elephant droppings to his left he's waving and yelling kala behind the camera we can hear people talking in hushed tones they sound concerned and no wonder when we hear the trumpeting of elephants in the distance elephants can make that sound when they're excited distressed or even aggressive the sound can be heard from up to six miles away but these elephants are much closer than that seconds later they come thundering into the picture there are four in total three adults and one baby this guy's either extremely trusting or is about to lose his life fortunately the elephant's slow down as they approach the man and fold him in a warm embrace it's clear they know him and you can almost hear the sighs of relief from those watching from behind these elephants live in the elephant nature park in Thailand and the man is Derek he works at the park and is one of their favorite people he has a favorite to calm la the elephant he was calling out - it's so heartwarming to watch after all there's nothing quite as special as seeing these gentle giants interacting with a human they adore so much number six lions hugging a woman your first impression of this video might have you thinking this poor woman is about to be mauled by a lion right before your very eyes fortunately that isn't the case this clip is in fact a recording of the regular reunion between two rescued lions and Michelle Azima Nova is a woman who helped raise them as cubs the heartwarming moment when they came face-to-face with the pair shows they definitely remember her they went crazy with excitement so much so that things got a little rough and Zima Nova had to tell them to mind their manners malkia and Adele were raised in a big cat rescue center in Slovakia after they were rejected by their mother when they were tiny Cubs the pair were born in captivity two parents that performed in circuses across the Eastern European province they grew up with humans as their parents and the reaction when they set eyes on Zima Nova their godmother is of genuine love malkia and Adele found it up like a couple of puppies overcome with excitement standing on their hind legs to greet her hugging her close it's adorable they even wrapped their paws around her neck and squeezed her this is the first time they've seen her in wee and their happiness is obvious number five baby limb Bonnie's a chimp a young chimp who lives in Miami is not only a hit with his close human friends he is also an internet sensation with more than a half a million Instagram followers and there's no wonder he's so popular this guy has personality in spades he's also very cute limb body is just three years old he loves his skateboard hanging out with other exotic species at the Wildlife Foundation where he lives and eating popsicles what else would a little guy do on a hot day his Instagram account was launched to educate followers about the conservation of chimpanzees and to make people aware that wild animals shouldn't be kept as pets but this clip of him catching up with his human friends would have many think it's a good idea perhaps he hasn't seen this pair for a while because he's very excited about their arrival limbani is very vocal and jumps around like a kid at Christmas leaping into both their arms holding on tightly the scene is gorgeous he is truly the poster boy for chimps it's no wonder the foundation where he lives has a top ten ranking on Trip Advisor's list of things to do in Miami if you're ever visiting it might pay to stop in and see what all the hype is about number four taking a nap with a cheetah this gorgeous adult cheetah is simply perfect at least her keeper thinks so Eden was born and raised in a cheetah breeding center and she is gorgeous she is one of the few cheetahs living at the center that loves physical contact and enjoys lying under a tree in the Sun with her human friend as the clip shows he's not entirely comfortable with the fact that she nibbles at his arms legs and fingers on occasion but when she's purring he knows he say just like an oversized domestic cat she grooms herself and the keeper but unlike her smaller counterparts this cheetahs tongue is quite bristly and the licking is actually not entirely Pleasant it's more like a violent massage than a grooming and at any moment she could sink her teeth into his ear this guy's got guts apparently they've only known each other for a handful of days so she's also pretty trusting it's obvious feedin is sweet as she lays down beside him purring away looking for a cuddle it's easy to forget that underneath that fluffy exterior lurks a wild animal and with a face like a living Disney character who knows she might one day make it to the big screen number three tornado victim finds dog unless you've experienced it for yourself it's hard to imagine how it would feel to have your home completely flattened by a tornado the devastation would be immense standing amid a destroyed neighborhood this clip shows Raquel Brown speaking to CBS news reporter Steve Hartman two days after an ef5 tornado pulled through her home and the homes of all those around her the large and extremely powerful tornado ravaged Moore Oklahoma and adjacent areas on the afternoon of Monday May the 20th 2013 at its peak winds were estimated at 210 miles per hour and once over it had claimed the lives of 24 people and injured 212 more but through the devastation there were stories of hope and during the interview Brown was handed a pretty special moment of her own in the form of a four-legged friend believed to have perished as she speaks to Hartman she's heard to Yelp Charlie as she spots the dog crawling out from under the rubble that was one sir home the reunion is joyful the relief mutual even Hartman joins in for a quick cuddle or two he too is excited that out of such a disaster can come some happiness number two Jane Goodall releases chimp dr. Jane Goodall established the Jane Goodall Institute in the Republic of Congo in 1977 she and many others like her have ensured the health and well-being of chimpanzees throughout the years by moving them on to the chimp unga sanctuary island of chin zulu this clip is particularly poignant as it shows both Jane and her colleague dr. Rebecca attend SIA releasing a chimp on the island the chimp called wound-up was saved from the illegal bushmeat trade she had been stolen from her home and her family by poachers and was barely clinging to life when rescued mundo was given medical treatment support affection and plenty of love On June 20th 2013 she was the fifteenth chimpanzee to be released on to chin zulu Island Jane was thrilled they had all reached this point in the journey thanking Rebecca for all her hard work and essentially bringing wounded back from the dead upon her release the chimpanzee hugged Rebecca and then sat on top of the cage taking in her surroundings she then turned and embraced Jane for quite some time appearing as if she knew the importance of what was about to happen after a moment she wanders off into the undergrowth happy to investigate her new home number one lion sees adoptive dad after seven years this clip is proof that animals have long memories particularly when it comes to things they love the lion is in a 2-part enclosure when a man she clearly recognizes pops by for a visit her keeper opens a gate to let her out and it's on if you don't understand the context of the video you would think the poor guy was being mauled but it's clear the line is just very happy to see her long lost buddy she stands up tall embracing him in what looks like a bear hug before they fall to the ground and start play fighting things get a bit rough from time to time but it's definitely all in fun not once does the lion show any signs of aggression towards her old friend I mean it's been seven years they've got a lot to catch up on it's clear as day that she missed him terribly so here's hoping she doesn't have to wait another seven years to see him again there's nothing quite like the bond between human and animal particularly when it's a really close one animals are very often constant companions loyal trusting and kind so when they're left behind for one reason or another it can be really tough for all involved but as they say absence makes the heart grow fonder and if these clips are anything to go by that statement is very true also check out our other cool stuff showing up on screen right now see you next time
Channel: The Finest
Views: 819,221
Rating: 4.8664641 out of 5
Keywords: animals, dogs, dog, pets, reunion, animal reunions, animal, compilation, cute, animal video, pet, try not to cry, emotional, heartwarming, owner, dog reunion, rescue, reunions, reunion with owner, emotional reunion, loyal dog, reunited, animal planet, discovery channel, cute animals, animal reunions with humans, wild animals, pet videos, crying, reuniting, owners, animal videos, dog reunited with owner, Heartwarming Animal Reunions, Animal Reunions with Owners, try not to cry challenge
Id: HqURY3uQevE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 19sec (1399 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 28 2020
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