15 Most AMAZING Things Ever Found Underwater

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a multi-million dollar car found under the depths of lake maggiore a massive steam engine from an ancient era found next to an underwater reef here are the top 15 most amazing things found underwater [Music] number 15 bugatti type 22 breshia in 1967 diver hugo pillon was swimming in the depths of lake majori on the border between switzerland and italy when he discovered one of the rarest vehicles in the world the bugatti type 22 breccia that had been built in 1925 it wouldn't be until 2009 that the rusted wreck could be retrieved but even in its dilapidated state it went on to fetch almost four hundred thousand dollars at auction the buyer saying that he had no intention of restoring it but how did the four-cylinder 1.5 liter vehicle with a top speed of 100 miles per hour meet this watery fate according to legend it was originally owned by grand prix driver renee dreyfus who was known for his love of gambling in 1934 he lost the car in a game with the swiss playboy adelbert bode who tried to drive it home to switzerland the following day he encountered a problem though because border guards demanded he pay the import tax on the vehicle something he was unable to do in his eyes the car was relatively worthless so instead of finding a way to stump up the fees he instead left it in the hands of the border officials and told them to do what they wanted with it not ones to be visibly taking bribes they were left with one choice and rolled the car into the lake where it would remain for the next 73 years bugattis have of course become far more sought after in the meantime especially ones from that era and this particular type 22 can now be seen in its rusty glory at the mullen automotive museum in california number 14 apollo 11 engines right up until recently with spacex's reusable rocket technology space missions have always involved components that have been discarded during the voyage to orbit and extensive precautions were taken to ensure that these large objects would fall into remote parts of the ocean to avoid any risk of them impacting populated areas this means that somewhere lies the remnants of the engines and fuel tanks used in mankind's most important missions of exploration and in 2012 jeff bezos announced that a team he had been funding had successfully located an invaluable piece of history the f1 rocket engines that had been used in one of the apollo missions they were at a depth of 14 000 feet in the ocean around 400 miles to the east of cape canaveral where the rocket had launched from and at the time it was unclear which specific mission they had been used in or whether they were in a decent enough state to retrieve by 2013 however it was announced that one of them had successfully been retrieved and it was the most important one of all the serial number of 2044 this was the central engine that helped the apollo 11 mission launch on its way to the moon further remnants have also been found that are now on display at various museums including the museum of flight in seattle but this is just the beginning of the rediscovery of the space flight artifacts that remain hidden beneath the waves number 13 ss president coolidge launched in 1931 the ss president coolidge was a passenger liner which at the time was the largest such vessel to have been built in the u.s at 653 feet long it had a capacity for 1260 passengers across its nine decks and was seen as the height of luxury it ran routes around the world but just a few years later with increasing tensions mounting during the second world war she was first used to help evacuate american citizens from territories like hong kong before being commandeered by the navy in 1941 refitted for troop transport she could carry as many as 5 000 soldiers she was armed with several guns to help keep her protected as she traveled around the world as part of an envoy it was during this role upon her entry to the island of espiritu santo in veneto in the south pacific that she was sunk although it was a friendly harbor the ship hadn't been provided with the details of where the mines had been positioned and fearful of an attack by a japanese submarine took the deepest and most obvious approach amazingly after being hit at the engine room there were only two casualties and while those on board safely reached the island the ship slid down a slope into a channel at a depth of between 69 and 240 feet while some equipment was successfully salvaged before it reached this precariously angled resting place further removal of objects has been prohibited since 1983 and the ship's remains are now a popular recreational dive site number 12 osborne reef if you go diving about a mile and a half off the coast of fort lauderdale in florida you might come across a mountain of rubber tires and while this may at first appear to be an accidental garbage dump the unfortunate truth is that everything was put there intentionally in 1972 an initiative began with the intention of creating a brand new artificial reef for broward county which would draw more game fish to the waters for tourism and at the same time to help dispose of more than 2 million tires the idea was based on successful similar projects around the world and culminated with at least 100 ships helping to drop the steel clipped tires across an area of 36 acres to a depth of up to 65 feet major mistakes were made with the planning though not the least the fact that the tires were only loosely tied together and soon broke free to move around in the water this destroyed the little life that had taken hold and prevented any future corals from forming to make matters worse storms lifted and dropped them on nearby reefs with such force that those two were damaged meaning that it wasn't just a failure but was also an environmental disaster the tires were often found washed up on nearby beaches and there's been an effort by the navy to help clear them since 2001 but this has yet to make a dent and the tire reef remains a tragic reminder of human intentions gone wrong number 11 heracleon also known as thonas the ancient egyptian city of heraklion was once one of the most vital trade links in the country thought to have been founded as early as the 12th century bc it was near the mouth of the nile and was so famous at the time that in greek mythology it was one of the last places to be visited by paris and helen of troy before beginning of the trojan war heracleon remained relevant for almost a thousand years but by the second century bc alexandria had become a more important port this proved to be fortunate for the egyptian economy because after a series of earthquakes and tsunamis the ground beneath heraklion liquefied and the city sunk into the water over the next few decades long thought to have been a place of legend the ruins were first discovered by a british air force pilot who spotted something unusual as he flew over the abukir bay in 1999 the first archaeological exploration visited the site and a large number of artifacts such as coins pottery statues and an ancient boat and even two temples have been found still just a fraction of the site had been fully explored and it's hoped that when researchers can return they'll learn so much more about what life was like at the time and hopefully uncover new secrets about egyptian society number 10 the vanuatu post office for many travelers it's somewhat of a tradition to send a postcard to friends or family at home when you're on vacation if you're someone who does this you'll know it often involves learning about a postal system far different to the one you're familiar with once you've bought the postcard things can often get far more complicated than you initially expected if figuring out how much a stamp should cost to send something home isn't tricky enough the island of vanuatu in the south pacific has an extra step you can go through if you want to send one of the most unique postcards in the world that's because at the hideaway marine sanctuary you'll find one of the world's only underwater post offices which is about 10 feet beneath the waves divers and snorkelers can swim down with a specially designed waterproof postcard where staff will emboss them with a special device that's used instead of an ink stamp it's definitely a unique way of reminding your loved ones that you're thinking about them while you're spending your time in paradise rather than having to walk through a town in search of a postbox you can send them a card from this one without having to miss out on a dive trip through a stunning wildlife reserve number nine the red sea steam engine the red sea is a hundred and seventy nine thousand square mile sea water inlet from the indian ocean that lies between asia and africa and has long been a vital source of produce for the region it's also a popular tourist destination with countless resorts along its coast and is known for its clear water and perfect diving conditions having been used for millennia there are numerous sunken artifacts to discover but one of the most unusual is a steam train engine which lies at a depth of around 100 feet you might be wondering how this locomotive found its way to this place and the story behind it is almost as fascinating as the dive site itself it was being transported to alexandria in egypt along with another engine and a large cargo of other vehicles and ammunition on the ss thistle gorm in 1941 it had left glasgow scotland a few months earlier with the intent to shore up military forces in egypt and had almost completed its journey before being bombed by german aircraft having set off from crete they were searching for a troop transport but after failing to find it they released two two and a half ton bombs onto the ship that they did locate the ss thistleborn the ship sank almost immediately and while most of its cargo still remain inside it the two train locomotives had been secured on its deck and they broke free while it was sinking and landed on the sea floor to either side of it the wreck was discovered by jacques cousteau in the 1950s and since then it's regularly said to be one of the top 10 dive sites in the whole world we are constantly adding more people to the top 5's production team to bring you all the best content be sure to subscribe with notifications on and hit the like button number eight cenote and galita divers are used to being aware of unusual currents and ties that are virtually invisible to see when you're underwater but in a water-filled cave in mexico's yucatan peninsula there's a completely different type of challenge to overcome a toxic underwater river only the most experienced of divers are allowed to enter this cave which is known as cenote angelita and when you hear about how it formed it becomes clear why caves like this are continually being filled with salt and fresh water but instead of mixing the denser salt water falls to the bottom and the freshwater stays above over a hundred years large amounts of organic matter such as plant life and dead animals also fall in and when this all decomposes it turns into hydrogen sulfide again instead of mixing in it forms a cloudy layer in between the salt and fresh water and seems to be flowing like a magical smoky river those who have been in the cenote say that at first all you can see beneath you is a deep blue color but once you reach a depth of around 60 feet you begin to see the wispy layer that's flowing around branches and ghostly trees if you're brave enough you can keep going down through this layer to the salt water beneath but it's a good job you'll be wearing a wetsuit because if it made contact with your skin you'd be instantly burned said to be one of the most bizarre and enrapturing dive experiences on earth there's nowhere else quite like it number seven the antikythera mechanism in 1901 a crew of sponge divers were in the water off the coast of the greek island of antikythera when they came across a roman era shipwreck that's been dated to the first century bc at a depth of 148 feet it was in remarkably pristine condition considering its age and an expedition by the hellenic royal navy the following year found a number of fascinating artifacts like bronze and marble statues pottery jewelry and coins what the wreck has become most famous for however was a mysterious mechanism that was found amongst the rubble which is believed to be the oldest known analog computer it is spent so long underwater it's difficult to know exactly what it was for or even what material it was made of but it's generally accepted to have been built from a bronze alloy and would have been used to chart the movement of the heavenly bodies could this then be a precise calendar which allows the user to know the exact time of year or based on some of the inscriptions to keep track of when the olympic games and other regular important events would be held it's an incredibly complicated mechanism with some believe to be far too advanced for civilizations of the time furthermore it's very unlikely to have been possible to build it without there being more primitive versions which raises the question of why nothing else like it has ever been seen before number six hmhs britannic the titanic is undoubtedly the most famous ship to have ever sailed and tragically became renowned because of a fateful voyage but it wasn't the only vessel built to those specifications and one of its sister ships the britannic also met an unfortunate end it was the third of the fleet to be constructed and engineers made alterations based on the lessons they learned from the titanic tragedy it launched just before the beginning of the first world war and was intended as a transatlantic cruise liner before being commandeered by the british navy for use as a hospital ship on the 21st of november 1916 the britannic was sailing near the greek island of kia when it was struck by a german mine 30 people were killed and it sank in less than an hour but on this occasion the other 1035 people on board were rescued it was the largest ship to be lost during the war the largest passenger ship to ever be sunk it was forgotten about by the world until jacques cousteau discovered and explored it in 1975. surprisingly the vessel is still in relatively good shape considering it was hit by an explosive it lies around 400 feet beneath the surface and is in much better condition than the titanic because the iron-eating bacteria that are proving to be so detrimental to her sister ship are facing competition from other species in the greek waters instead of decaying the britannic is slowly becoming one of the largest artificial reefs in the world and is subject to regular expeditions to understand the long-term impact of structures like this in the marine environment number five sf hydro the invention of nuclear weaponry changed the course of the second world war but it was very nearly the other side that developed the deadly devices first the nazis had been well on their way to create a nuclear device of their own and it was only because of the actions of the norwegian resistance nazi troops had taken over the country and were particularly interested in the hydroelectric plant at the yukin waterfall in telemark it was the first place in the world that mass produced heavy water which is an essential resource for some nuclear reactors and methods that produce nuclear isotopes for weapons as the war went on resistance fighters interfered with plant operations and the nazis took the decision to take all of the heavy water they had produced and return it to germany they loaded it onto a ship the sf hydro which set sail and was sunk by an explosive that had been smuggled on board by the resistance for decades it was unclear quite how close the germans had got to acquiring the heavy water for research but in the early 1990s there was no doubt the wreck was discovered and within it were two canisters that contained thirteen hundred pounds of the substance which would have been more than enough for them to continue the development of a bomb number four the baltic sea anomaly in 2011 a swedish exploration team called ocean x were scanning the floor of the baltic sea when they made an astonishing discovery now known as the baltic sea anomaly images appeared to show a 200 foot wide circular object that seemed to have ramps and staircases around it after the images were published worldwide it didn't take long for people to realize its similarities with the millennium falcon theory soon began circulating that a team had discovered a crashed ufo it has such an unusual shape that surely it could have been only created on this purpose and not randomly by nature right that's what those who discovered it believed many other people's thoughts too but amazingly the general scientific consensus is that this actually is a naturally occurring phenomenon the region has undergone huge amounts of glacial erosion and activity throughout history and it's quite possible this is a large piece of rock that has been transported from elsewhere and smoothed down by the ice as for the staircases these are also thought to be rock formations that just so happen to look like steps because of the poor resolution number three sakuyam mexico is known for its unique geography not only is it covered in luscious landscape but because of the soft limestone rock that makes up large areas of the country particularly the yucatan peninsula there are hundreds of natural pits and caverns that have been eroded by water over the centuries and are known as cenotes these cenotes were essential to maya communities and there's one called sakuyam that is believed to be guarded by a feathered horse-headed serpent it lies just outside the perimeter of the ruins of the ancient city of mayapan which was once at home to at least 17 000 residents there were 40 cenotes within the boundaries of the city which were used as water sources but for some reason sakuyama was treated very differently even to this day locals refused to get too close to the place and tell stories of a snake-like beast writhing in the trees and snatching anyone who ventures near to it it was only a matter of time until researchers took the opportunity to dive into the water and in 2014 they revealed what they found and it suggests that a cenote was the site of a series of terrible events inside they found two chambers that were connected by a tunnel and in each one there were human remains there were ten skulls in one and five in the other but these were no normal skulls they were elongated this is likely the result of a process that saw infants heads being flattened after birth but why their remains were left in the cenote as more of a mystery the maya used to bury their dead around their homes so this is thought to have either been a part of our spiritual ritual to do with the underworld or was a place chosen to dispose of plague victims to prevent others from becoming sick number two manganese nodules very little of the ocean floor around the world has been fully explored and quite often new species and surprising objects are found there's a strange phenomenon that occurs all over the planet but is particularly widespread in the pacific and could lead to a new race to collect valuable resources known as manganese nodules they are small balls that can range in size between ones that are only visible under a microscope to ones that are eight inches across they form around rocks and have concentric layers of iron and manganese hydroxides that are often partially buried in the sediment the growth of these nodules is an incredibly slow process taking many millions of years but their prevalence is astonishing they are thought to be present across upwards of 70 percent of the sea floor estimates suggest there could be as much as 5 billion tons of nodules in the oceans which would prove to be an extremely valuable resource discoveries like these means that the oceans could well be the frontier for mining of the future so long as technology can be developed to retrieve the nodules in a cost-effective way number one cone-shaped structure the sea of galilee is one of the most important water formations on earth thanks to the ancient civilizations that have historically relied upon it but recent investigations have found there might be far more to the place that seems at first archaeologists announced in 2003 that they had found a huge stone structure beneath the surface one that they say could only have built by humans but quite how and why this was done is far from clear thought to be a rock cairn it's made up of more than 60 000 tons of cobbles and boulders has a diameter of 230 feet and is around 32 feet tall for comparison stonehenge has a diameter just half of that and is only half as tall which means this discovery could represent one of the most significant structures to have ever been built in the ancient world close inspection by divers has found that the stones don't appear to be cut but have definitely been placed there purposefully and the structure was more than likely built on dry land implying that the sea itself is only a relatively recent formation current theories are the cone-shaped structure is at least four thousand years old let's hope that further studies will finally unlock its secrets subscribe to top fives for more and check out some of our other popular videos [Music]
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Keywords: Most AMAZING Things Ever Found Underwater, underwater discoveries
Id: 1ZbnkZqOcLg
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Length: 20min 4sec (1204 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 07 2020
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