15 Most ADVANCED Military Bases

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the world of military defense has evolved significantly over the years with cuttingedge technology and strategic planning Paving the way for the most advanced military bases on the planet these facilities represent the Forefront of military Innovation showcasing the latest technology strategy and preparedness to meet challenges of our contemporary world so join me as I countd down the top 15 most advanced military bases in the world number 15 kubinka located close to Moscow the kubinka airbase was opened in 1935 and has been a central hub for the military ever since in fact it's usually home to the best squadrons of the Russian Air and Space forces since Russia has some of the world's most advanced fighter jets this makes kubinka extremely important to Russia's war in the Ukraine however given the Russian military's secrecy little has been made public about the facility number 14 base 37 in recent years World governments have become more and more interested in getting involved in space base and China is no exception earlier this year the people's Liberation Army announced the building of Base 37 in order to track analyze and identify objects in space and presumably this type of Technology will allow the Chinese to do everything from monitor satellites to detect incoming ballistic missiles number 13 long poo Naval Base more than half of the world's annual Merchant Fleet tonnage passes through the straight of Mala Sund straight and lombok straight and longone Naval Base is right there to intercept it if necessary located along the coast of hyan island in the South China Sea it's home to a fleet of up to 20 nuclear submarines this base is mostly located underwater and hidden away in a series of caverns making it a top secret base of operations number 12 temporary Deployable accommodations temporary Deployable accommodations or tdas may not be as Hightech as a builtup base however they are massive innovation in the way the US does Warfare large enough to host up to 600 troops they take less than a month to set up each tent is built with PVC barrel covers and composite insulation and every tent uses a vacuum waste distribution system and wastewater treatment plant that is so effective that the waste water is nearly drinkable as such these accommodations help create great military bases on the Fly and they've been used in countries such as Bosnia Kosovo Iraq and Afghanistan number 11 the Ulin naval base in recent years China's been actively ignoring international law by claiming that the entire South China Sea is its own Ulan Naval Base has played a major role in that effort strategically located on an island in the Northwest area of this body of water the 25 Square km base has some of the best geographical defenses on the planet sheltered by a protected Harbor and mountain range makes home to some of China's most advanced weapons with this including everything from its nuclear powerered subs to its most powerful battleships for added security most of the base is underground making it near impenetrable in the case of a conflict in the region number 10 Mount yamantau of all Russia's military installations one of the most secretive and likely one of the most high tech is located deep within Mount yamantau this can be found in Southwestern Russia's Ural Mountain range near the border with Kazakhstan and it's one of the highest mountains in the area but beyond that height what makes it special is the fact that it's home to a top secret base while a lot of the details are only speculative throughout the mid to late 1990s us satellites observed extensive excavation efforts in the area when American authorities questioned Russia about this excavation they got a flurry of conflicting responses with these including claims that it's a mining site a repository for Russian Treasures a food storage area and of course a bunker for top officials in case of nuclear war in fact the response to question question surrounding this place in 1996 Russia's defense Ministry stated that quote the practice does not exist in the defense Ministry of Russia of informing foreign mass media about facilities whatever they are that are under construction in the interest of strengthening the security of Russia end quote this led to some tensions when in response to a tour of America's equivalent facility known as the Cheyenne Mountain Complex Russia did not reciprocate signaling to the Americans that Russia had little interest in strengthening a post USSR partnership as such us intelligence services are certain that mount yamanto is a military and communication base of some sort however the unfortunate truth is that it's unlikely that the Russian government will ever admit to what's truly going on down there number nine pic space base in recent years the Arctic has been heating up in more ways than one now thanks to a little bit of global warming its ice has quickly been melting and this has opened up Water waste that may just be a prim location for shipping and global trade if all goes to plan the American pic space base is primed to play a major role in this development located in Northwestern Greenland it's primed to counter Russian and Chinese influence in the Arctic region and detect impending nuclear attacks it also has pretty solid facilities and it's not only home to the world's most northern deep waterer Port but also features a 3,000 M Runway that handles more than 3,000 us and international flights per year perhaps most importantly the base is home to a subst stantial portion of space Delta 4's allnew missile warning sensors and space Delta 2's space surveillance and space control sensors yet while it may have its fair share of strategic advances both living at and maintaining the base has proved to be a challenge it's known to drop to temperatures as low as - 44° C it's periodically battered by Winds of upwards of 180 km an hour and it's nearly inaccessible for many months of the year it's also worth noting that just this year the base was subject to a name change in the past it was simply referred to as THU Air Base however in 2023 its name was changed to piic in a nod to the area's traditional greenlandic name according to chief of space operations General chant Saltzman quote this renaming represents our wish to celebrate and acknowledge the rich cultural heritage of Greenland and its people and how important they are to the sustainment of this installation against the harsh environment of the north Arctic Circle end quote in any case it seems to be that the US continues use its military buildup in the Arctic places like pic space base will continue to be focused on and while the base's extreme living conditions make it a less than ideal place to work pic will continue to grow in importance for the foreseeable future number eight Pine Gap while the United States has many important bases within its borders Pine Gap may just be the most important one outside the country located smack dab in the middle of the Australian Outback it was built between 196 6 in 1970 in a joint effort between the two countries it is easily one of the most secretive and complex military bases on the planet this complex is staffed by about 800 employees who work a series of 38 radar dishes or radomes that are concealed underneath golf ball like shells as per the info from the Edward Snowden leak these high-powered satellites primary purpose is to collect data from around the world and use it for both intelligence and Military purposes on one hand Pine Gap plays an important role in missile detection while this was a little bit more important during the Cold War it likely continues to be used in this way today and in doing so provides early warning of ballistics and nuclear missile launches however its far more important use is as a tool of global surveillance what is fairly certain is that the facility is able to pinpoint the locations of air strikes nuclear weapons and other Military Intelligence hubs it was because of this that it played an important role in the wars against Afghanistan and Iraq where it would be used to help coordinate the US battle plans and drone attacks however its far more Sinister use is as a tool for Global surveillance supposedly the employees at Pine Gap have the ability to listen in on practically any phone call on the planet and by all accounts it's a serviceable command post for satellit related intelligence missions it's also apparently precise enough to find the locations of terrorists and get their exact locations making it easier for the US to conduct drone strikes against them as such while Pine Gap may not look all that fortified its capabilities are pretty scary and it plays a large role in maintaining America's strangle hold on Global Security moving on to number seven the Gerald Ford class while not a military base in the traditional sense in today's day and age aircraft carriers have played a massive role in projecting power after all it's these bases that are essential in controlling the air and water and while there are many of them out there it's America's Gerald R Ford class that's considered considered to be the world's most advanced aircraft carrier at the moment several are slated to be built but the first Gerald Ford class carrier was completed in 2017 and as of now a total of three are currently in operation costing approximately $4 billion a pop it was built as an upgrade to the old Nimitz class and outcompetes it in several ways for example it has a ton of automated technology on board and as a result it requires 500 to 900 less crew members to operate than the preceding Nimitz class and therefore costs about 30% less to maintain besides the lower crew count it also outcompetes the older nits by being able to conduct 160 sorties per day instead of just 140 by having the ability to produce about 150% more electrical power and by it being possible to interoperate it very well with other Navy Army and Air Force vessels it also has a very high weight and stability allowance to accommodate for the added weight of new systems that will be installed over the ship's 50-year operational life while its ability to hold up to 90 aircraft and and Ed weapons such as rathon evolve ceas Barrow missiles and a close-in weapons system make it an elite Warfare machine best of all there's a pretty solid chance that the Gerald Ford class will continue to be improved as time goes on that's because there's a belief that systems such as free electron laser electric armor and advanced tracking systems will one day be added on of these the free electron laser is perhaps the coolest making use of high-speed electrons and photons rather than just photons with conventional lasers the Navy believes that they will be useful in defending against cruise missiles and small boat swarms therefore as technology continues to improve so too will the Gerald Ford class number six China's Cambodian base in recent years China's been on the rise and this has led to them creating their second overseas naval base in Cambodia it traces its history back to the 1970s where during the Cambodian Civil War British and Cambodian authorities work to rebuild what was then a small one Pier Outpost over time it became relatively modernized and was rather uncontroversial until 2019 that's because it was in this year that Wall Street Journal broke a shocking story according to their sources the Chinese people's Liberation Army was given exclusive access to about onethird of the ream Naval base for up to 30 years this was relevant because it gave Beijing a new Southern flank on the South China Sea which is crucial given the fact that they have claims on the entire body of water things have heated up further after recent reports have shown Cambodia not only has knocked down one of two US funded buildings on the base but is also using Chinese funds to modernize it satellite imagery have shown that between August of 2021 and July of 2023 there was a dramatic uptick in construction materials at the site now there's an entirely new pier and both peers at the base are extremely capable after all they're large enough to accommodate any ship in China's Naval Arsenal including the new 300 met long type3 fujian aircraft C carum it's because of this that the US is a little bit worried that China no longer has 30% of the base but in practice control over the entire operation according to US Secretary of State Anthony blinkin quote and when it comes to the remem Naval Base I think countries throughout the region would be very concerned if any one country had exclusive control or use of any portion of the base or was doing anything that undermine the security of other countries in the region so I think it's important to have transparency and to make sure that the base is open to all and not the exclusive use of any one country end quote however the reality is that only time will tell whether or not this once hidden base will play a major role in the region number five Fort Knox of all the military bases out there few are quite as secure or as famous as Fort Knox it's located in Kentucky in the United States plans to build a fort there first began during the Civil War however after the US Army deemed the area to be of little military importance it was temporarily abandoned while the Confederacy took advantage of this lack of military buildup to conduct raids throughout the area it wasn't until 1918 that a military installation known as cnox was created there cnox served as a training ground for US troops and in 1932 America's first mechanized cavalry troop was stationed there this led to a flurry of developments and today Fort Knox is one of America's Premier training centers for troop development on one hand and the fort has some great facilities that allow soldiers to receive top tier training for example Fort Knox is home to the digital airr integration range or dagar as the name suggests the range allows for any activities that occur on it to be coordinated with separate air missions even if those air missions occur either at a different base or abroad this coordination is possible thanks to some super Advanced Computers and in total a complex comes in at an astounding 12 square kilm and cost about $45 million to build build with this a rather low price tag only being possible due to it using some of the old infrastructure from an old shooting range Beyond this role Fort Knox is far more famous for holding about half of the United States official gold reserves home to about 75 million troy ounces of gold the security at the bullion depository is very tight guarded by the US Mint police there are multiple guard towers fences and an undisclosed security feature that stops you from getting in however even if you do find yourself inside you'll have a tough time getting around as almost nobody is familiar with its very complex layout meaning you'll be on your own in terms of getting from point A to point B if that wasn't enough the safe is extremely difficult to open and believe it or not no one person knows all the procedures necessary to open it as such the Fort Knox bullion depository building is nothing short of impenetrable number four Guantanamo Bay while Guantanamo Bay may be Advanced it's for all the wrong reasons that's because it not only is the site of a highly fortified military base but also one of the most depraved and systematic torture sites on the planet Guantanamo Bay first got its start in 1903 when Cuba agreed to lease the land to the United States as a coing station and naval base in perpetuity while the rise of a socialist government in 1959 led to constant calls for the US to return the base the US has unsurprisingly refused and it didn't take long after 1959 for the base to become extremely important in the context of the Cold War it would be the possible staging ground for an invasion of Cuba had it been deemed necessary and it was because of this that the base was pretty well equipped for such an operation while the Cold War has since ended the site continues to be under us occupation and as of now more than 8,500 Sailors and Marines are stationed there however the unfortunate reason why Guantanamo Bay has a spot on this list is due to its status as being one of America's most Infamous prison facilities while the United States has euphemistically called the facility a site for quote enhanced interrogation techniques quite recently a prisoner by the name of Abu zubeda was able to pass on detailed images of the torture he experienced to his lawyer in short he's been waterboarded countless times and has been subjected to gruesome acts of violence sexual and religious humiliation and prolonged psychological torture and while many of these tortures are too graphic to be described here some have included Force feeding through the nose random and Relentless beatings and being Chained and subjected to hunger cold and Loud Music These are done because he is not a citizen and has no rights and since it's all happening off American soil there's less pressure for it to be stopped when worst comes to worst in recent years there's been evidence to suggest that Abu zubeda is innocent and a report by the guardian seems to suggest that he's being locked up without any solid evidence against him so yeah I think you'd agree while technically Advanced Guantanamo Bay is an absolutely horrible place number three Raven Rock Mountain Complex if a nuclear World War III were to happen it's almost certain that the majority of the United States's military and executive branch would be shuttled away to Raven Rock Mountain Complex located high up in the mountains of President Biden's home state of Pennsylvania it was approved by President Truman in 1950 and built between 51 and 3 in order to serve as a Command Center in the event of a nuclear catastrophe commonly referred to as the underground Pentagon it has emergency Operation Center for the United States Army Navy Air Force and Marine Corps in total it consists of five separate three-story buildings and these not only contain the basics such as power water and clear air circulation but also facilitate a medical and dental clinic fire department post office dining facility snack bar dormitories Chapel Barber Shop Fitness Center bowling alley and believe it or not even a Starbucks since two on-site power plants make it completely self-sufficient it can operate for long periods of time without any outside access according to the US government that timeline is a minimum of 30 days in a completely sealed off position and in the case of an emergency a total of 3,000 people can be accommodated there of course this leaves us with one important question has there ever been an event important enough for the Raven Rock Mountain Complex to actually be used well well there haven't been any major nuclear attacks since Nagasaki and Hiroshima 911 was pivotal enough for the compound to serve as an emergency purpose while not all officials were whisked away there Vice President Dick Cheney was housed in the complex this was done so he would be far away from President Bush keeping both of them separated and safe in case 9/11 led to a more numerous string of attacks thankfully it hasn't been deemed necessary to use it in an emergency capacity ever since however if tensions don't soften between the US China and Russia there's a very real possibility that it could one day have to go into emergency mode once more number two the Cheyenne Mountain Complex the United States is undoubtedly the world's strongest military power and by most accounts their strongest and most fortified military asset is Cheyenne Mountain it's located high up in Colorado this underground city Fort traces its Origins back to the cold warm it was during this time period that the United States was constantly at odds with the USSR and there was a very real chance that this would escalate into a nuclear war this in turn necessitated the creation of a secure nuclear bombproof Fort and the Cheyenne Mountain Complex became just that constructed between 1961 and' 67 it was built Underneath more than 750 m of granite making it near impossible for any type of bomb to puncture all the way through to the base even if subjected to a direct hit the 15 buildings within the base are further protected by a system of more than a thousand giant Springs and a set of flexible pipe connectors these work together to limit the movement from the shaking of a bomb an earthquake or EMP to a maximum of 2 and 1/2 cm in the event that an explosion happens close to the door this can be repelled thanks to the fact that the 25 ton door can deflect a 30 Megaton nuclear explosion from as little as 2 kilm away at the same time a network of blast valves with unique filters are present to capture airborne chemical biological radiological and nuclear contaminants making it near impossible for anyone inside to be harmed no matter what's going on outside the Cheyenne Mountain Complex was the Central Command Center for the United States space command and NORAD however since then the forts role has changed after all from 2008 onwards these two organizations have moved their Central Command centers to nearby Patterson space Force Base yet this doesn't mean that cheyen Mountain Complex is no longer important that's because despite the change in Des designation this complex now serves a role as NORAD and US northcom alternate Command Center in this capacity it's still used as a training site and of course if things were to go sideways and there was to be a World War II I'm quite confident that some important military personnel would be stationed there number one the magino line depending on who you ask the magino line is one of the most incredible or the most useless forts in world history it came into existence almost entirely thanks to World War I and the rise of Germany you see France was Keen to avoid a repeat of the destructive trench warfare that happened within their borders between 1914 and 18 this meant fortifying the French border to prevent a German attack and in the context of 1929 the best way to go about that was by building a wall at this time the armies of Europe were not mobile or armed with enough to surpass such a formidable fortification and by the time it was first opened in 1935 the German Army would have had an extremely difficult time getting through it this was mostly thanks to the fact that it had some top-notch features state of the-art for its time it had no less than 142 large artillery forts 352 fortified gun in placements and 5,000 smaller bunkers and pill boxes these forts were connected by a series of underground mess Halls hospitals Recreation facilities and railway lines making it so that troops could be moved easily and so the Defenders could live comfortably however despite all of this planning the magino line became obsolete very quickly in the period of just a few years the magino line had become too weak to counter a dedicated German attack of coordinated infantry artillery tanks aircraft and paratroopers perhaps more importantly political considerations meant that the opening of the Arden's forest was not properly defended after all had they have done so they would have looked like they were leaving their Ally Belgium out to dry yet while the density of the forest meant that the this opening would have made it impossible for a World War I era Army to break through by the time the war broke out in 1939 the Germans had the Machinery necessary to easily Blaze through the densely forested Arden region While most historians believe that France was well aware of these Flaws by the time World War II rolled around it was too late for France to do much about it while it was hoped that the magino line would be useful enough to give France and its allies enough time to Counterattack the Germans this simply did not happen I'll see you guys next time thank you to our channel members
Channel: Top Fives
Views: 253,195
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: bases, military bases
Id: O4K3ti0PaVM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 35sec (1415 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 03 2023
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