15 Min. MANILA Walk of SOLICITATION ''Horror'' Fun! - Philippines Fun

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yeah hey that's going huh massage now it's okay I'm alright thanks yeah maybe next time I had one yesterday oh I stay over there on malate Aki yeah mulatto yep yeah yeah I not got a girlfriend she's at work she's in passe plus you know that's a yeah she works there she'll be back tomorrow she's worked there for the last week so yeah but anyway what are you what are you doing what finds a job a job yeah what jokes okay cool huh no it's okay I'll give you fifty pesos for being in the video [Applause] then your baby over there yeah are you all friends oh yeah you're all friends are you yeah only buying a meal for the baby you haven't got any money there you go huh are you sure yeah see it no no I got it I'll get a girlfriend that I want I don't want going on these you share their yeah I will come on I'm good anymore you give her something all right give her something - yeah no thanks men now I hate that he not so good but I haven't got I haven't got any how many are gonna change then yeah well I have any change man I'm sorry hey Bella has gone that's like I think so up discover walk I'm here no I've got a girlfriend man but you have the traffic yeah I've got a girlfriend nice mark yeah [Applause] where what it's over some way I'm like [Applause] [Applause] nostra Leah hey does he hello nope [Applause] [Music] [Applause] yeah I come from Australia yeah yeah [Music] No what's the spice here Wow what's it about what is it sports bar up here what about here is this the same place or not it's the same all right cool I might come back uh-huh yeah I know Jason I know Jason Jason Lucy yeah okay yeah have a look at the process you should yeah yeah thank you there's the prices guys [Music] cake there Biergarten down there and I got rock down there I got rock there what's that what a video yeah I'm videoing now yeah yeah I'm videoing now me I'm walking I'm walking yeah yeah I'm just walking yeah I don't know who this this lady's video walk yeah just the video in the area yeah you think you've me you've been in one of my videos before yeah yeah over there about a year ago yeah yeah yeah I've seen you before you came in one of my videos once yeah yeah just off this street yeah yeah one block one block over yeah one block over here yeah one block over yeah yeah yeah you are la capilla one maybe a half years not working money to be a manila by la cafe how you work there do you oh okay got it okay cool okay cool yeah okay you're not working anymore understand I don't know what this woman's don't you it's what No ah honey what are you waiting for you don't have to wait for me I'm I'm we're just walking yeah okay I'm just walking huh Wow Wow oh yeah I did a little cut there I'm the head yeah when I was shaving yeah it's okay it's just a little cut hey what are you doing I didn't even know this this woman all right oh okay I'll get you later so just don't know what's gonna happen on these walks okay but she was in a video ad before [Applause] [Applause] gotta know how long I'll be gone I'll have some better get out of here [Music] yeah [Music] [Applause] oh well be much kept back this way hello hey guys this way anything hey Brooke [Applause] whoa gonna get run down here now here she comes again for the terminator [Applause] bye-bye yeah see if we get across here okay [Applause] [Applause] trust over here Hey what's this all about tanki be KTV I am 55 a bottle that's pretty cheap Wow there's the ready Spa amen it's cut over here [Applause] hi man has it gone now I'm gonna take hey hey hey yeah yeah run over oh [Applause] over here amen how much make mm business Pookie about 3,000 think helping it better how much you pay how much Omega yeah looks nice okay 1500 kissing I haven't got any money on me man I've only got 300 pesos on me so sorry yeah okay give me Chico price I've got 300 faces on me that's all I've got yeah that's all good on me yeah yeah hey 21500 I've got three hey I got 300 papers on me that's all I've got on me three I don't want to buy that's okay I need to get a drink yeah I want to get a drink no no I want to get a drink [Music] [Applause] now I'll have you go you want to eat it again for you yeah that works what's your night okay I'm doing John Joe Joe Joe Joe nice nice meeting you husband Amira where did you come from Australia Australian city has like no Adelaide yet yeah you get that sort of work yeah yeah YouTube yeah yeah so you can come see you think buzzies watches yeah and then [Applause] so you first name here no I've been here 13 times me 13 times yeah 913 yeah 13 named Jeff jip jip Jeff yeah it's very nice aw by the way you bring if you finished are you you wanna come in man listen I got a guy man I really got a guy but thanks for the interview I didn't quite honestly at speed yeah yeah yeah yeah I'm video now yeah man yeah you and your brother yeah yeah no probs yeah Jeff Jeff yeah Louis see brother see ya anyway this is the meeting of the locals there all were pretty friendly people and thoroughly recommend Manila look at this [Applause] I've got no idea how long I've been going probably over half an hour so I better shut it down to show you this Wow [Applause] yeah very nice yeah [Applause] get a closer look hey guys wind up there thanks a lot thumbs up thumbs down whatever you want see ya
Channel: Philippines Fun With JLB & Friends
Views: 633,839
Rating: 4.3275986 out of 5
Keywords: ermita manila, manila, pinoy, philippines, the philippines, ermita, walking manila, manila at night, manila massage, freelancer in manila, manila freelancer, philippines/oz fun with jlb, jeff lee brown, philippines travel, philippines travel vlog, philippines travel vlogger, solicitation, horror
Id: Gg2H65hRRhU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 58sec (898 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 28 2019
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