15 Largest & Insane Military Vehicles

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the militaries of the world have invested billions in land air and seafaring vehicles some of them look absolutely incredible today we'll be taking a look at the most powerful and the most unique vehicles in the world here are 15 of the largest and most insane military vehicles number 15 jail tv short for joint light tactical vehicle the jltv is a force to be reckoned with when traversing the dangerous terrains of any battlefield and it may not look impressive but this vehicle is the workhorse of the united states military the us military took the humvee and just gave it an upgrade so while the original humvee is just fine the jl tv is bigger and better in just about every way it's twice as heavy and has a much higher carrying capacity than its predecessor despite the rough terrain and today's unconventional warfare but being inside this insane military vehicle is one of the safest places you can be it's got armored doors that each weighs a few hundred pounds the cabin is wrapped up in an armored shell that gives the jltv blast protection seats and underbelly so in the event this bad boy drives over any land mines hiding out in the field the ride may get a bit bumpy but everyone inside will be safe and sound and should the jail tv catch on fire it's equipped with an automatic fire extinguishing system but it dishes out as much as it can take with a heavy machine gun anti-tank guided missiles and even automatic grenade launchers number 14 the striker upping the ante and raising the bar set by the jail tv is the striker bigger and better than our previous entry the striker weighs 19 tons and fits 11 people nine troops and two crew members the striker is specifically designed for versatility and boy does it deliver it comes in 10 different configurations for 10 different scenarios and can make the shift from a four-wheel drive for the highway to an eight-wheel drive for cross-country and off-roading in a cinch doesn't matter where you are the striker is coming to get you this crazy military vehicle was actually named after two medal of honor recipients both with the name stryker who served in world war ii and the vietnam war respectively but there's more to this beast than a cool historical name and being an all-terrain vehicle it's also showing up on the battlefield with heavy machine guns some more automatic grenade launchers and even guided missiles for when things get a little too heavy plus it offers everyone on board some much needed ied protection and reconnaissance technologies number 13 aav7a1 amphibious assault vehicle the aa7a1 amphibious assault vehicle is going to meet all of your aquatic and terrestrial needs when it is out to sea the amtrak can make it through the choppy water as high as 10 feet and when it does finally reach the beach it's reaching a top speed of 45 miles per hour without batting an eyelash the amtrak will also happily man checkpoints or even work as a bulk refueler or field ambulance it really does it all including being able to lug around 10 000 pounds of equipment and 21 troops but the amtrak has actually been around for decades deploying from u.s marine corps assault ships to spearhead beachfront attacks if you ever see any of these showing up on your beach you know it's the beginning of the end number 12 v22 osprey tilt rotor part helicopter part plane and all insane military vehicle the v22 osprey tilt rotor is the first production tilt rotor aircraft to take to the skies this insane hybrid military vehicle can land and take off vertically just like a helicopter when it's airborne it transforms into a turboprop craft that flies faster farther and at higher altitudes than any typical helicopter this also makes it the perfect vehicle to get in and out of some pretty tight and contested areas seeing as how it doesn't need the long runway a normal airplane would require but the v22 osprey's biggest client to fame these days is that it serves on the escort fleet for marine one which is the helicopter that carries the president of the united states but the v22 osprey is big too i can carry up to 24 fully equipped troops all armed and ready to go at the drop of a hat it can climb to about 25 000 feet or about 5 miles up in the air and it's a top speed of 350 miles an hour but something that moves that quickly carrying all that much around has to stop for refuels all the time then right actually this military vehicle is capable of refueling midair seeing as how its helicopter capabilities allow it to hover in the air it can even tuck in its rotators like tucking in a car's rear-view mirrors to make it more compact for storage number 11 marauder the next insane military vehicle was actually featured on top gear so if it looks familiar then there you go the marauder is mean looking vehicle built in south africa and is a popular choice amongst plenty of the world's militaries it weighs a whopping thirteen thousand kilograms and is powered by a six cylinder diesel engine so if anything gets in this thing's way while it's coming down the street it's probably gonna get absolutely obliterated fast and furious style and it's probably one of the best vehicles to be in when things get a little hot and heavy and shrapnel starts falling from the sky that's because the marauder is packing double-skinned armor to reduce the kinetic energy that normally passed into the cabin when something explodes outside so when things really do start to go boom around the marauder the troops and crew inside will barely notice a thing it's pretty much bomb proof this vehicle is going to take just about anything that can be dished out like explosions as powerful as eight kilograms of tnt under the hull and 14 kilograms under the wheels good luck trying to take this thing down number 10 caspian sea monster this wild military vehicle certainly lives up to its name and you can expect anything with the word monster in its name to be an absolute beast in this case the caspian sea monster takes the cake a product of the soviet union the caspian sea monster or a chronoplane is neither a boat nor a plane instead it takes on the best of both worlds it's what's known as a ground effect vehicle meaning it uses its wings to create a big but soft cushion of air that the aircraft can use to skim over the water surface the caspian sea monster is mostly a cargo craft but it can carry a much larger load than most other conventional aircraft seeing as how it doesn't have to take on the burden of properly gaining enough altitude for takeoff but when it hits the water it's a lot faster than a ship hitting a top speed of 300 miles an hour all of this is thanks to its 10 column 10 jet engines the only catch is the caspian sea monster never actually left the experimental stages so it didn't get the action it deserved actually during a test run the only model in existence crashed in the ocean it was never recovered due to its ridiculous weight a smaller version was eventually made but nothing will ever come close to this behemoth number nine bvs10 viking here's another insane military vehicle that really lives up to its name the bbs10 better known as the viking it isn't playing around so when you see it out in the field you know things are about to get real the viking is a twin chassis armored vehicle used by the uk forces and was built by the bee system swedish subsidiary hageluns this all-terrain and fully amphibious vehicle comes packing a heavy machine gun smoke grenade launchers and can even fire mortars at the enemy couple that with its extra armor and the fact that it has a detachable rear unit for quick escapes and you've got the recipe for disaster if you're on the wrong side of this thing the viking has a two unit configuration and tracks that let it navigate the snow sand and soft terrains like it's nothing number eight buffalo mpv made in and by the united states is the buffalo mpv this guy was produced by general dynamics force and protection incorporated and it's the biggest vehicle the company offers so you know it's going to be good known as an mrap or mine resistant ambush protected vehicle the buffalo mpv isn't really designed to transport troops despite how safe it may be on the inside actually it traverses the battlefield as an ordinance disposal vehicle keeping the roads safe for the next convoy that comes in buffalo mpv comes complete with six run flat tires and a v-shaped monohull chassis that makes it essentially mine proof so whoever is lucky enough to drive it can see the boom without having to feel it after initial production the mpv got an upgrade too where they added a baa system armor making it just about impervious to anti-tank rpg attacks but since this is an ordnance disposal vehicle it's working with an advanced mine detection system and uses its 30-foot robotic crane arm to get rid of ieds this military vehicle gained so much attention and popularity that was even in the transformers movie if it's good enough for them it's good enough for anybody number seven titus not to be confused with the roman emperor titus stands for tactical infantry transport and utility system coming from france of all places the titus draws upon the country's previous military heavy hitters like the le clerc main battle tank development took just two years but they managed to provide their troops a pretty solid mrap vehicle at a much lower cost but with higher efficiency despite its tank-like and heavyset appearance the titus has amazing mobility and offers a more modular approach than the other vehicles in its category it can hold up to three crew members and 10 passengers and has another four cubic meters of baggage space so the soldiers can sit pretty and bring all of their toys with them in between missions but the titus is also equipped with a remote control weapons station a 40 millimeter grenade launcher and two light machine guns from the rear and if you think you're attacking this thing from the bottom you're out of your mind because the titus is another mine proof vehicle sorry bad guys there's also plenty of fun electronic gadgets on board like jammers recon equipment and the fast information navigation decision and reporting system or finders for short [Music] number six lazar the western allies are the only countries packing some serious and insane military heat serbia has seen its fair share of action over the years which is why they developed the lazar lazar is an eight by eight multi-role mine resistant ambush protected vehicle that looks like it would fit right into any action movie or a video game it meets the advanced needs of serbia's infantry and is specially designed to traverse urban and other high traffic areas it gets its namesake from prince lazar who won the battle of kosovo in 1389 against the ottoman invasion and some 700 years later prince lazar's legacy is essentially a military bunker on wheels this vehicle is the perfect countermeasure to enemy ambushes anti-tank weaponry like mines ieds and rockets but it can also effectively engage bunkers and other armored fighting vehicles as well as with extreme efficacy of its remote control weapon system and has a range of almost 500 miles so if you think you can outrun the lazar you've got another thing coming if you've got 11 friends who need a safe ride this may be your best bet number five iav striker the militaries of north america pack a serious punch and we're not just talking about the good old usfa their neighbors in the north have their own big and crazy toys that they'd like to bring to the playground too so the canadian branch of general dynamics land systems cooked up the interim armored vehicle striker or iav striker for short this vehicle is another 8x8 vehicle with speed and agility at the helm along with heavier protection and attack capabilities the iav striker is used for command control and targeting and comes with a handful of weapons options and sensor packs all combined with the most advanced computer and communication system anyone can ask for it's actually become a military favorite seeing as how its versatility makes it one of the premier choices for asymmetrical warfare situations whether it's needed on the front line a tactical or technical role or just getting troops in and out as fast as humanly possible the iav striker is the way to go since it's an 8x8 it obviously is well suited for rugged off-roading missions but also excels in urban environments as well and you know that thick armor is going to repel any rpgs sent its way anything that can fight and defend at the same time is a surefire winner number four m9 combat earth remover sometimes when you get to the battlefield you've got to move pretty quick and we're not just talking about getting boots on the ground when something big gets in the way it's got to come down and that's when you call in the m9 combat earth remover the name should be pretty self-explanatory but we'll break it down for you anyway better known as the m9 ace this insane military vehicle works best as support for the armed forces it can knock down just about any kind of wall clear out riverbanks smash through obstacles and be used for cover by ground forces trying to set up a perimeter and despite all it can do the m9 ace is pretty low maintenance seeing as how it just needs one crew member to operate it live out all of their child demolition fantasies the catch though is that it's pretty tough to see out of this thing from the driver's seat so whoever's lucky enough to be at the helm must undergo extensive and serious training but once they're inside nothing is going to get in their way literally and surprisingly the m9a sets a top speed of 30 miles an hour so it's not going to be winning a drag race any time soon but it'll reach the perfect speed to bring a house down number 3 avenger weapon system the avengers have been a household name for years saving the world like it's their day job no not those avengers we're of course talking about the avengers weapon system while the united states army may have troops on the ground moving across different bases and garrisons there's also the threat of an air attack and the avenger weapon system or just avenger for short is one of the best ground to air countermeasures to have on their side this military vehicle carries up to eight stinger missiles that will easily shoot down helicopters and any other low-flying aircraft looking to make a strafing run against the few in the crowd the avenger though is essentially a humvee with a heft missile defense system with motion tracking capability sitting right on top offering the perfect shoot and scoot and believe it or not boeing is the one who produced this insane military vehicle for the united states number two m2 bradley fighting vehicle the folks at bae have given us plenty of versions of their bradley fighting vehicle better known as the bfb but there's one in particular that really takes the cake the m2 the m2 bfb is a nasty brute and you better hope that if you do see one of these big and insane military vehicles that is here to help you out of a tight spot the m2 model can hold and transport up to 10 soldiers so it can get you out of the hot zone or shore up with the cavalry to turn the tide and since it's got a top speed of about 25 miles an hour there's no need to worry about being a sitting duck but then there's the firepower because the m2 came to play always ready for combat it features a 25 millimeter bushmaster cannon firing off some of the biggest rounds you'll ever see you see this thing coming down in an urban war zone it's easy to get it confused with a tank which means it's instilling fear in anyone and everyone on the wrong side of its gun number one m1 shredder park tank part bulldozer all insane the m1 shredder is a favorite of both the united states marine corps and army using the beefy chassis of the m1 tank and replacing their m1 grizzly the m1 shredder lives up to its name seeing as how it's an assault breacher vehicle shredder serves as a utility vehicle and is going to ram through anything and everything in its path it's a pretty tough and rugged support vehicle but can also tear the place up in other ways too remember that it is still a tank so it's packing a nasty machine gun and smoke grenades and can reach a top speed of 43 miles an hour so when the smoke clears you're greeted with a bulldozer firing giant bullets at you you better raise that white flag watch our vehicles playlist for more top 15 videos about amazing vehicles sit back relax and binge watch all of our best vehicle videos
Channel: Top Fives
Views: 1,615,286
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Largest & Insane Military Vehicles, Largest & Insane Military Vehicles in the World
Id: uDwW-De29aw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 19sec (979 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 10 2021
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