15 Futuristic Cities Planned Around the World

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today we're counting down the top 15 most futuristic cities that are currently under development starting with number 15 Mexico's Forest City in the heart of Mexico an oasis is set to rise a Visionary Marvel known as the smart Forest City Cancun conceived by Stefano boeri Architects this utopian Metropolis is more than just a city it's a sanctuary where nature and Innovation harmonize spanning over 500 hectares of land this futuristic Haven will be home to 30,000 people a Vibrant Community thriving amidst the Lush Greenery what was once sated for commercial development now blooms into 400 hectares of green spaces adorned with a staggering 72 million plants among them 260,000 trees Stand Tall offering an arboreal Embrace of 2.3 trees per resident along with an array of shrubs and bushes yet the smart Forest City is not merely a retreat it's a beacon of sustainability with a capacity to absorb 116,000 tons of carbon dioxide annually it stands as a Bull workk against climate change trans solar the German office lends its expertise to craft a city that's self-sufficient in food and energy encircled by solar panels and Fields irrigated by Maritime Waters Mobility here transcends the mundane with an ingenious system of mobility and chain offering seamless transport freeing residents from the shackles of traditional vehicles and in the tapestry of non-deterministic urbanism the city's layout emerges as a canvas of infinite possibilities number 14 TSA United States in a fusion of ambition and Imagination billionaire Mark lorri has unveiled his Grand Vision for a futuristic American city toosa imagine the cleanliness of Tokyo the diversity of New York and the societal Services of Stockholm all rolled into one groundbreaking Metropolis with plans to house over 5 million people TSA promises to be a beacon of sustainability this one 150,000 acre Marvel will rise from scratch having eco-friendly architecture sustainable energy solutions and a cuttingedge water system resilient to Drought the concept of a 15minute city design ensures that every corner of TSA is easily accessible allowing residents to reach workplaces schools and amenities within a quarter hour Central to its ethos the equitis tower a towering edifice envisioned as the city's Crown Jewel with its innovative features including elevated water storage a IC farms and energy generating photovoltaic rofes equitis Tower embodies its commitment to sustainability but toosa is more than just a city it it's an experiment in governance and Community empowerment drawing inspiration from the Greek concept of Telos meaning inherent purpose TSA strives to empower residents through participatory decisionmaking and shared land ownership the creators Envision TSA as the epitome of openness fairness and inclusivity maybe a a Beacon of Hope for a more Equitable and sustainable future number 13 bioverse City panang in a collaboration between big rambow and local Architects hijas the biodiverse city master plan emerges as a beacon of Urban Development off the shores of Penang Island in Malaysia this project entails the creation of three artificial Islands each resembling a lily pad interconnected by an autonomous transport Network spinning over 18800 Acres at its core biodiverse City embodies the fusion of economic prosperity and environmental stewardship it's driven by a commitment to sustainability this plan envisions structures predominantly crafted from bamboo Malaysian Timber and Innovative green concrete fashion from recycled materials these eco-friendly islands are designed to accommodate between 15 to 18,000 residents each relying on localized water sources renewable energies and efficient Waste Management to foster a car-free environment and prioritize alternative modes of Transport biodiverse City will boast an extensive network of autonomous water air and landbased Transit options prioritizing cyclists and pedestrians surrounding the urban fabric will be a network of ecological buffers ranging from 50 to 100 m serving as vital nature reserves and parks to safeguard biodiversity this design was selected as the winning proposal in a competition held by the Penang state government biodiverse City represents a paradigm shift in urban planning with its commitment to harmonizing human activity with the natural world it's going to stand as a testament to transformative power and Visionary design with collaborative Innovation number 12 the Mal Dives floating city in a stroke of innovation amidst the challenges of climate change the Maldives renowned for its idilic Vistas is pioneering a groundbreaking solution to the threat of rising sea levels the Maldives floating city this has been greenl for construction project offers a stable Haven on the uncertainty of environmental shifts it's composed of over 5,000 housing units interconnected and tethered within a 500 acre Lagoon the city is poised to preserve and enhance the Maldives natural ecosystem it's strategically located just a 15minute boat ride from Malay and the International Airport it embodies an integrated tourism model seamlessly blending hotels residents and restaurants the males floating city will be a car-free Utopia traversed by canals and natural white sand roads inviting exploration by foot bicycle or electric buggies and scooters it's constructed through a dynamic public private partnership between the Dutch docklands and the island government the city's going to rely on cuttingedge floating technology from the Netherlands this project has been celebrated for its Forward Thinking Design This Small Dees floating city it's earned accolades as a finalist for the best futur project at the prestigious MIP I Awards number 11 Aon City senagal in the lands of Sagal a Visionary project is taking shape Aon City conceived by the renowned sagales singer and entrepreneur Aon promises to be a beacon of innovation inspired by the movie Black Panther Aon envisions his creation as a real life wakanda melding cuttingedge technology with the vibrant Spirit of Africa the journey began in 2018 when Aon unveiled acoin a cryptocurrency at the can lions International Festival of creativity a build building upon this Foundation plans for Aon City emerged with Aon announcing the ambitious Venture during a historic moment in January 2020 set along the picturesque Atlantic Coast just 100 Mil south of darar the city aims to redefine Urban living renderings of the city are a Showcase of breathtaking Landscapes featuring Condominiums offices Parks a university an Ocean Resort and even a 5,000 bed hospital yet aon's Vision extends Beyond Sagal shores as plans for a sister City and Uganda were unveiled in April 2021 this parallel project announced alongside Uganda officials promises skyscrapers shopping malls technology hubs and eco-friendly tourist Resorts all contributing to the economic growth and prosperity of the region now Central to Aon City's ethos is sustainability they made a commitment to renewable energy and eco-friendly practices it's going to be powered by solar energy and designed to meet lead certification standards now while Aon City's development is a Monumental undertaking with phas is spanning over a decade Aon remains undeterred in his mission to create a vibrant Hub of culture Commerce and Community with the debut of phase one slight for 2026 the world eagerly anticipates the realization of aon's dream or his nightmare number 10 net City China in the bustling city of shenzen China technology Juggernaut 10 cent is spearheading a groundbreaking Endeavor the creation of almost an entirely car-free city of the f future known as net City stretching across 2 million square meters equivalent to the size of Monaco this Visionary Urban Development prioritizes pedestrians green spaces and the integration of self-driving Vehicles nestled on reclaimed land along the Pearl River Estuary net city is envisioned as a vibrant Hub accommodating some 880,000 people with 10 cent leading the charge unlike the enclosed campuses favored by Tech Giants of yester year net City Embraces a more inclusive ethos designed by the American firm nbbj the master plan prioritizes connectivity and Civic engagement here the distinction between work and Leisure blurs fostering a holistic Urban experience that resonates with contemporary Lifestyles Central to net City's design philosophy is a departure from conventional car Centric urban planning while some areas will accommodate traditional Vehicles the layout emphasizes a green Corridor tailored for buses bicycles and autonomous transport but net City's innovation extends Beyond its Transportation environmental sustainability lies at its core with features like rooftop solar panels and sophisticated Wastewater recycling systems as construction gears up to commence later this year net City Heralds a new chapter in Urban Development where technology sustainability and human Centric design converged to shape the cities of Tomorrow number nine amaravati India Foster and partners the renowned architectural firm is embarking on an ambitious Endeavor Master planning the new state capital of Andra Pradesh in India the city named amaravati is poised to become a beacon of sustainability and urban Ingenuity spinning over 200 square kilometers along the banks of the river Krishna at its heart lies a Monumental government building characterized by a striking needle-like roof that pierces the sky the architecture within amaravati are a fusion of modern Innovations and Timeless principles a sprawling government complex stretching over 5 A2 km will be enveloped by ribbon-like lakes and treelined boulevards reminiscent of iconic Urban Landscapes like New York Central Park and Lan's designs for Deli Central to the city's ethos is a dedication to Green spaces and eco-friendly Transportation a common theme we've seen today over 60% of the core area will be dedicated to Lush Greenery and bodies of water with an intricate network of cycle paths Water Taxis and electric car routs the Legislative Assembly Building positioned at the heart of the government complex is a feat of architectural prowess it's crowned by a towering conical roof soaring over 250 M into the sky its design seamlessly integrates shade and natural ventilation creating an inviting space for Democratic discourse throughout the city public spaces and private sanctuaries intertwine fostering a sense of community and Harmony from The bustling plazas representing each state district to the Serene Courtyards within the high court complex amaravati is designed to inspire and Elevate The Human Experience well I can't wait to see what happens number eight oceanics Busan in the port city of Busan South Korea a Visionary project is set to redefine coastal living an ambitious ocean settlement designed to combat the looming threat of rising sea levels approv for development this groundbreaking floating city promises to be a beacon of innovation and resilience it's crafted through a collaboration between designers Architects and Engineers the oceanics project envisions a series of interconnected platforms each capable a of accommodating up to 300 residents in buildings rising up to seven stories pre-fabricated and assembled in factories before being towed into position these flood prooof neighborhoods offer a solution to the pressing need for sustainable development they've been designed with self-sufficiency in mind these neighborhoods Embrace communal living and ecological Harmony from communal farms and aquaponic food growing facilities to renewable energy systems and Waste Management Solutions every aspect is meticulously planned to minimize environmental impact and maximize its resilience uninhabited platforms will host renewable energy infrastructure while fleets of electric vehicles ensure seamless connectivity within the city and the mainland the vision will extend beyond individual neighborhoods though with plans for larger Villages and ultimately a metropolis Oceanic City housing up to 10,000 people with construction on the first prototype neighborhood slated to begin next year and completion by 2025 Busan is going to emerge as the ideal location for this pioneering Endeavor as the World grapples with challenges of climate change Oceanic city is going to stand a testament to the power of human Ingenuity and collaboration in confronting adversity moving on to number seven woven City in Japan situated near Mount Fuji in Japan lies a pioneering experiment in urban living woven City spearheaded by Toyota this project is set to redefine the boundaries of Mobility technology and community spanning over 700,000 m across 175 Acres it's built on the former side of Toyota's higashi Fuji plant the city aims to connect the past with the future revitalizing this historic location into a vibrant Hub of experimentation and progress at its core woven city is a living laboratory a playground for testing Cutting Edge technology in personal Mobility automated driving Robotics and AI the streets of woven City are carefully crafted to accommodate various modes of transportation from pedestrians to automated vehic Vehicles fostering a seamless flow of movement powered by hydrogen fuel cells woven city is going to aim to be entirely self-sufficient generating its electricity while minimizing environmental impact while the exact cost of woven City remains undisclosed estimates suggest a significant investment around $15 billion however for Toyota the investment isn't just Financial it's a commitment to creating a better more harmonious world as construction progresses and trials begin in 2025 woven city is going to stand as a Beacon of Hope and possibility in the heart of Japan amidst The Majestic Beauty of Mount Fuji a new chapter in urban living is unfolding one woven with Innovation sustainability and Endless Possibilities number six changdu future City China in the Rolling Hills of changdu China changdu future city emerges as a groundbreaking vision of urban living meticulously crafted by architect Studio om spanning over 4.6 Square km this car-free master plan red findes traditional Urban Design paradigms it's composed of six clusters inspired by chengdu's traditional Village settlements each Zone seemlessly integrates with its surrounding landscape fostering a harmonious relationship with spaces dedicated to education Innovation housing government facilities and Commercial Ventures embracing a car-free ethos all buildings within the Clusters are accessible by foot within 10 minutes promoting a pedestrian Centric Urban Mobility there's going to be a cuttingedge smart Mobility Network employing automative V Vehicles which further is going to enhance accessibility at the heart of the design philosophy lies a departure from conventional urban planning uing the dominance of Road networks in favor of an approach grounded in geography and topography the winning proposal for changu future city marks a paradigm shift in Urban Development as part of the broader plan om is spearheading the development of the international Educational Park a Visionary Zone dedicated to Higher Learning and research designed to complement the site's topography this Educational Park will feature lands ape Terraces seamlessly integrated with the natural landform at its heart a landmark complex will serve as a campus Hub housing library student center auditoriums and collaborative workspaces number five the line Saudi Arabia the Line This is an ambitious project in neom t book province in Saudi Arabia is poised to redefine Urban living on a Monumental scale spanning an impressive 170 km this linear smart city is not merely a developer but a testament to Saudi Arabia's Vision to the Future as a pivotal component of the Saudi Vision 2030 project the line holds immense promise for economic growth and job creation with projections indicating that the potential to generate 460,000 jobs and contribute over $48 billion to the country's GDP the significance of this endeavor can't be overstated the line is set to become a bustling Metropolis serving as a beacon of progress in the region one of the most striking features of it is it its commitment to preserving nature with plans to maintain a 95% of Neo's pristine landscape this conscientious approach to development reflects a deep respect for the environment and underscores Saudi Arabia's dedication to sustainability at the heart of the line's design philosophy lies a commitment to leverage and cuttingedge Tech through integration of AI and datadriven models the city aims to optimize daily living experiences residents are going to play an active role in shaping this City's future with incentives offered for contributing valuable data to the line's innovative ecosystem however the line has not been without its controversies and challenges concerns have been raised regarding its potential environmental impact particularly with their regard to the displacement of indigenous tribes and disruption to Wildlife migration critics have also questioned the Project's feasibility and raise concerns about its potential to create a dystopian or artificial environment despite those challenges though the line represents a bold and Visionary Endeavor that's captured the imagination of people around the world with construction already underway and the first residents expected to move in as soon as 2024 the project is well on its way to becoming a reality number four changdu Sky Valley now we're back to changdu for the changdu Sky Valley where technology meets nature in the most delightful way possible picture this a vibrant blend of urban Innovation and Rural charm seamlessly integrated to create a city like no other spread across an area of over 4.6 million square met this future forward city is set to revolutionize the way we live work and play The changdu Sky Valley rises from the midsts of picturesque agricultural fields and Rolling Hills preserving and enhancing the natural beauty of a surrounding area with every step imagine traditional agricultural Fields coexisting harmonious with Sleek modern buildings at top Hills creating a Skyline that's as diverse as it is breathtaking what's more the Innovative cross Industrial Research program opens up a world of possibilities for locals from preserving the Lin pen landscape AP to embracing cuttingedge food and agricultural practices changdu Sky Valley is going to be a playground for Innovation and exploration the technical team next has developed a parametric Solution that's as flexible as it is efficient using digital scripts and careful analysis of the landscape they've crafted a city that adapts to the needs of its inhabitants offering personalized solutions for everything from climate change to sustainable water use and the best part Chang Du Sky Valley is designed to be accessible to all with pedestrian friendly Pathways connecting every corner of the city whether you're strolling through the knowledge Valley or exploring the experience Valley or venturing into the Venture Valley you're never more than 15 minutes away from your next adventure number three the new administrative Capital Egypt welcome to the Future home of Egypt's New Capital City a Visionary project that promises to redefine Urban living and Spark an era of growth and Innovation spearheaded by the renowned architectural firm som the capital Cairo project is is set to transform the landscape of Egypt with its ambitious plan spanning over 700 Square km imagine a sprawling Metropolis stretching eastwards from Cairo to the shores of the Red Sea offering a dynamic Urban environment for 7 million residents at the heart of the capital Cairo project lies a commitment to harmonize with nature and promote economic Prosperity with over a 100 new residential neighborhoods nestled amidst the natural Wy topography the city is going to embrace its surroundings while harnessing the power of natural elements such as breezes and occasional rainfall but the capital Cairo isn't just about bricks and mortar it's going to be an ambition for a brighter future as Philip enquist S partner and leader of the urban planning department puts it quote the new city will be built on core principles that include places of Education Economic Opportunity and quality of life for Egypt's youthful population end quote with government buildings and foreign embassies set to relocate to the new capital congestion in central Cairo will be alleviated Paving the way for a more efficient Urban environment as plans for the capital Cairo take shape the world watches in anticipation this Monumental project symbolizes Egypt's resilience and determination to overcome challenges and embrace progress with construction set to begin soon the dawn of a new era for Egypt is on the horizon and the capital Cairo stands as a Beacon of Hope and possibility for generations to come number two nusantara Indonesia and speaking about the dawn of of new eras there's one in Indonesia the birth of new santara the future Capital City set to redefine the nation's landscape and Propel it into a brighter future scheduled for inauguration on August 17th 2024 coinciding with Indonesian Independence Day new santara will take Center Stage as the new Beacon of progress new santara spans a vast expanse of 2500 square kilometers surrounded by Majestic Hills lar forests and a picturesque natural Bay construction kicked off in July of 2022 marking the beginning of a Monumental Journey towards building a city of the future the initial phase known as the government Central area zone will lay the foundation for government offices schools hospitals and essential infrastructure over the next five phases new santaro will evolve into a vibrant Hub of activity catering to the needs of its 7 million residents with an estimated cost of $35 billion the project AES to create employment opportunities for 150 to 200,000 workers from across Indonesia by harnessing renewable energy sources and dedicating 10% of its area to food production n santaro will be a model of eco-friendly urban planning the journey towards n santura began long before the first shovel hit the ground it was fueled by the government's determination to address developmental inequalities and alleviate the burden on Jakarta the current capital with President Joko Doo at the helm Indonesia embarked on a historic mission to create a new symbol of progress and unity weirdly enough new santara has got a sister city aana in in Kazakhstan as another planned city the Metropolis underwent significant Transportation upon becoming the capital of Kazakhstan designed by a Japanese architect serving as the governmental Hub of Kazakhstan aan host key institutions such as the Parliament House Supreme Court and the arcor presidential Palace number one liberal land metaverse in the realm of digital Innovation zaha Hadid Architects emerges as a Trailblazer spearheading a groundbreaking Venture into the realm of metaverses the liberland metaverse a virtual Utopia set to redefine boundaries of virtual reality picture a cyber Urban Oasis a virtual cityscape reminiscent of a Sci-Fi Dreamscape replete with signature futuristic designs in this digital realm avatars roam amid sprawling curval linear buildings embodying the epitome of architectural Innovation but what sets it apart is the ethos of self-governance mirroring the real life Free Republic of liberal land a micronation championing Libertarian ideal nestled between Serbia and Croatia this disputed territory serves as the Muse for a digital Frontier where autonomy re Supreme in the metaverse the laws of physics take a back seat Paving the way for architectural Marvels that defy convention from floating rooftops to expansive Interiors unconstrained by Earthly limitations yet amidst this creativity shoe marer envisions a practicality and with adaptive environments catering to the ever evolving needs of digital denisons as the digital landscape take shape questions about the metaverse is governance and policies abound Schumacher envisions a realm or certain zones are free from Collective rule making offering a Haven for those who seek autonomy in a virtual realm well while the road ahead is paved with uncertainties the journey into the metaverse is one of boundless potential as the digital Frontier Beck and Zha stands at the Forefront reshaping the landscape of virtual reality one pixel at a time with each rendering each algorithm they breathe life into a world world where imagination knows no bounds welcome to the liberal land metaverse where the possibilities are as infinite as the digital Horizon thanks for watching everyone I'll see you next time thank you to our channel members
Channel: Top Fives
Views: 15,992
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: city, cities, future, futuristic
Id: EgD-wdUaATA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 43sec (1483 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 15 2024
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