15 Disney Princesses Who Switched Lives

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[Music] have you ever wondered what would happen if Disney Princesses switched lives Pocahontas as Rapunzel Ariel as Cinderella Aurora as Jasmine the combinations are inless get ready to get your minds completely blown by these amazing illustrations most of our feature drawings were done by an awesome illustrator called Dylan boner think you're a bigger Disney fan than us make sure you subscribe to our channel to never miss another video again now join us as we look at 15 Disney princesses who switched lives Belle and Snow White Belle is the star of Beauty and the Beast she's gorgeous intelligent and very outspoken so what if Bell was replaced by Snow White check this out do you think the beauty in the Beast story would change with Snow White as the main character instead of Belle oddly enough she seems to fit right in Belle's yellow dress and although Belle's hair is long and brown Snow White short dark hair really doesn't seem to stand out that much do you think think Snow White would be able to play Belle's part and stand up for the people she loved the most Snow White's voice was so unique the actress who played her wasn't even allowed to make another movie again with her singing suit Belle's melodic voice we bet there would be a lot more animals in the Beauty and the Beast Kingdom Jasmine and Snow White so Belle and Snow White would definitely be an interesting mix but how about Jasmine playing as Snow White this looks like a pretty good match can you imagine the fairest of them all with long dark hair the two are also the two of the youngest Disney Princesses so maybe this scenario isn't even that far-fetched but we can imagine Jasmine wouldn't be very happy in this role the Arabian princess's choice of clothing usually includes pants while Snow White was in her beautiful yellow and blue dress Princess Jasmine looks almost unrecognizable in a dress could the two youngest princesses switch lives the two also have completely different voices while Snow White's unique voice is high-pitched Jasmine's is much deeper what would it sound like like if Jasmine sang Snow Whites a smile and a song Pocahontas and Rapunzel now here's an unusual couple these two have nothing in common except for their long hair and age yep both Pocahontas and Rapunzel were 18 in their movies but would they be able to switch lives this picture sure thinks so in fact it looks like Pocahontas is easily fitting in Rapunzel's princess dress and Pascal seems to like her too do you think Pocahontas could play Rapunzel's part they're completely different characters with completely different personalities while Rapunzel is much more innocent and childlike Pocahontas was wise and faithful could the Native American princess survived the Tangled life in a tower or would she make her way out a lot earlier than Rapunzel did we can certainly imagine Pocahontas standing up to Rapunzel's mother and giving her a piece of her mind although Pocahontas's hair isn't as long as Rapunzel's it definitely has an impressive link Belle and Sleeping Beauty we saw the bell and Snow White combination so how about Belle and and Princess Aurora from Sleeping Beauty here's a picture of Belle being soundly asleep waiting for her prince to give her a kiss is that really so far away from the story of the Beauty and the Beast in fact did you know that there are far more similarities between Sleeping Beauty and Beauty and the Beast their looks are both inspired by the beautiful Audrey heurn and did you know that Belle's dance with the Beast is exactly the same as the dance between Aurora and the prince amazing right but now that we think about it we don't see any issues with Belle swapping lives with Aurora come on Disney make it happen Ariel and Cinderella all right Belle and Aurora make a perfect match but what do you think about Ariel and Cinderella to be completely honest Ariel looks like a modern-day princess with her long red hair and in Cinderella's outfit although both of them long to live a different life they are set apart by their personalities while Cinderella is forced to obey the rules Ariel openly disagrees their stories do have one more thing in common their feet if they would change lives do you think Ariel would put up with her step sister's attitudes we bet she'd put an end to it a lot faster than Cinderella did but if she did we'd never have the beautiful Cinderella Story we still can get over how amazing she looks in Cinderella's blue dress this is definitely one of our favorite combinations Tiana and Elsa now this would be a very interesting match would Princess Tiana be able to take on the role of Elsa the queen of ice Elsa closes herself up and leaves because she scared her p could hurt the people around her on the opposite Tiana is a hardworking waitress who believes she can do anything she sets her mind to as long as she's patient completely different characters right so what could Tiana bring to the Frozen story BuzzFeed actually brought up a good point that we have never seen Tiana acting like as a princess most of the princess in the Frog movies she was either working or she was a frog but could Tiana fit in the Frozen Kingdom most importantly would she be able to sing Let It Go as well as Elsa does Tiana Tiana as Cinderella don't worry if you ever wanted to know what Tiana would look like if she acted like a princess we got your back here's Tiana transforming into her magical Cinderella dress she looks absolutely wonderful doesn't she did you know that Tiana is the only Disney princess with dimples how cute is that Tiana's hard work ethic would definitely be a game changer in the story of Cinderella there's an interesting theory about Tiana and Cinderella both princesses were married into royalty but along with Belle they're also the only princesses that are wearing Opera gloves yes all other princesses who were born into royalty have bare hands don't believe us see for yourself is this a clever hint done by Disney or just a circumstance whatever it is our mind is officially blown Snow White an Arial now this is the only illustration from our selection that wasn't designed by The Talented Dylan Bonner instead this image belongs to a deviant art user SE Chan who turned Snow White into a unique version of Ariel what do you think we love how the artist kept Snow White's unique colors of her dress and made it somehow work considering Snow White would actually be a mermaid she looks very happy but she's still not letting go of that Apple can you imagine Snow White singing part of your world or any other The Little Mermaid Classics we have no doubt she'd get along with Flounder since Snow White is practically the queen of all animals this would certainly be an interesting mix of the two completely different worlds and we'd love to see how it would play out on the big screen Cinderella and Tiana well you know what Tiana would look like dressed as Cinderella but how about Cinderella dressed as Tiana we can definitely see this combination work Cinderella is pretty friendly with animals anyways so a talking frog would suit her just fine we love her hair and her green gown not to mention that both princesses share the same age did you know that in the early drafts Cinderella actually had a pet turtle named Clarissa perhaps these two princesses share more similarities than we think one Disney fan stated that both princesses were overworked and and have the typical rags to Rich's storyline but that's not all have you ever noticed how similar both of their ball gowns look who do you think wore better no wonder why it's so easy to imagine Cinderella and Tiana switching lives Aurora and Jasmine now here's a very interesting pair could Sleeping Beauty take on the life of Princess Jasmine the two couldn't be more opposite but by judging by this picture Aurora could easily fill in Jasmine's shoes Jasmine is probably one of the trendiest Disney Princesses she is sporting hair and pants and crop tops and she definitely does it well Aurora's fashion is best known for her beautiful long dress it's definitely weird seeing Aurora in Jasmine's outfit but we think the Blue Heron pants and crop top really go with her long blonde hair and she's also matching with the genie do you think Aurora would be ready to enter the world of Aladdin she'd have to fill in the shoes of a very confident and headstrong princess both princesses do share a similar value love so perhaps they aren't that opposite after all Rapunzel and pocah speaking of interesting pairs what do you think of this we've looked at Pocahontas replacing Rapunzel but this scene is definitely interesting Rapunzel is getting her hair skillfully braided by Mo we all know Moo's braiding skills are on point so perhaps you could use a little challenge like Rapunzel's long hair and we can see these two getting along really well but would Rapunzel be able to Take On The World of Pocahontas we're talking having an interracial relationship as well as a tattoo and she'd have to replace her lilac dress with an awesome native outfit both princesses are exactly the same age and they're both headstrong in their own ways what do you think Rapunzel would bring to Pocahontas's story we can see how her 70 ft long hair might get in the way of Pocahontas's daily activities Ariel and Belle check out this picture is that Ariel dressed up as Belle and it looks like she fits right in the scenery perhaps Ariel was always meant to live the life on land and perhaps the land was in the world of Beauty and the Beast this is amazing the two princesses are just one year apart in age but we definitely see a few similarities but would she be ready for the role of not being born in royalty and having to put up with the overconfident Gaston although Belle is a year older than Ariel we believe she could learn a thing or two from a brave and feisty Little Mermaid Ariel was also ranked as the best Disney princess when it came to wardrobe she can pretty much wear anything and it still looks good Elsa and Ariel so Ariel would do fine on land but would another princess do fine in water check out this image of Elsa and Anna in The Little Mermaid World don't they look awesome Elsa looks like she's got the full control of the world underwater while Anna and Flounder are scared of Ursula Elsa seems to be dealing with her like it's nothing Way To Go Elsa there's actually a fan theory that ties in Frozen and Little Mermaid remember Anna and Elsa's parents fans claimed that the Shipwreck they selled on is actually the Shipwreck you could see in The Little Mermaid Frozen is claimed to be set in Norway while The Little Mermaid was based on the coast of Denmark the two countries are separated by the Sea could it really be that the wrecked ship in The Little Mermaid belongs to Elsa's parents Merida and Mulan it's the ultimate Disney question who would win the free spirited Merida or The Adventurous Mulan what if we told you that these Disney Princesses switch lives here's Merida replacing Mulan and she definitely looks like she's ready to fight who do you think is the better Warrior while Merida has a very good range with her bow and arrows lulan has her sword while both princesses definitely have their own Irreplaceable skill sets we think Merida would need to step up her game and take a training camp to ever be on the same level as Mulan but Merida has the fighting Spirit the confidence the independence and she is the first official Disney princess that needs no man to finish her story how awesome would it be if Merida actually got to play Mulan Mulan and Merida so we think Merida would definitely fit in the world of Mulan but how about Mulan deal with Merida's Adventures as you might know using the bow and arrow isn't exactly mulan's greatest skill but judging by this picture she has no issue with archery somehow we can just picture Mulan with a Scottish accent can't you it would definitely give us a few Giggles but hey who are we to judge based on this picture Mulan would totally Rock a bow and arrow and we know she'd stand up to her parents the exact same way Meredith stood up to hers two iconic and Incredibly Brave princesses definitely belong in their own category of inspirational Disney characters but we still didn't get an answer to our question which princess is better Mulan or Merida which two Disney Worlds would you combine and why let us know in the comments below and don't forget to give this video a thumbs up if you're a huge fan of Disney for more videos like this one check out 10 most epic Disney movie themed bedrooms ever see you in the next [Music] video
Channel: TheThings
Views: 718,746
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: TheThings, disney, princess, alternate, universe, amazing, connection, fun, family, friendly
Id: 1flZ2wOn0g8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 49sec (709 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 02 2017
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