15 CREEPY Places on Google Earth

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Google Earth has revolutionized the way we look at the world giving us the opportunity to explore the planet from the comfort of our own homes and some people have discovered unusual and bizarre places that no one knew existed let's count down the top 15 creepiest places found on Google Earth starting with number 15 the Forest Haven asylum in Maryland the Forest Haven Asylum which is in Laurel in Maryland in the US is a haunting memory of the past and the way that mental health used to be treated in the United States opened in 1925 it was originally designed to be a Progressive Care Center for people with intellectual disabilities and meant to be a self-sufficient Retreat where they could live learn and work in a peaceful setting As Time passed though the Approach at Forest Haven gradually changed and by the mid 20th century it turned into an overcrowded and understaffed institution where reports of neglect and abuse were rampant the living conditions here were terrible and the lack of adequate Medical Care and awful treatment became increasingly common leading to a number of inquiries and lawsuits amongst many controversies investigations revealed systemic neglect inadequate Staffing and unsanitary conditions which contributed to the suffering of many residents and the public outcry over these conditions led to a class action lawsuit in 1976 and eventually a federal court order demanded the closure of the facility Forest Haven it was officially closed in 1991 but the buildings still remain there with decaying structures that are slowly being reclaimed by nature it's cordoned off and access is limited but it's become popular with Urban explorers wanting to venture into an undeniably creepy place number 14 zikov Castle Czech Republic zikov Castle it's a stunning historical building that's set above the place where the vlatava and otava rivers meet in the southern Bohemian region of the Czech Republic It's played a significant part of Czech history since its construction began in the early 13th century under the reign of King otakar I first but there's a dark side to the place too featuring an interesting blend of Romanesque and Gothic architectural Styles as it went through a series of construction and renovation stages across the centuries the massive walls and imposing Towers were designed not only to provide plenty of living space but also for defense as it served to protect the Kingdom's borders and control the important river trade routes since being built it's been home to many Bohemian Kings and noble families each leaving their mark on its structure and history one of the most distinctive features of this Castle is the Royal Palace which contains the chapel of St wieles this Chapel is known for how well preserved it is and the early Gothic frescos that cover its walls some of which are among the oldest in Central Europe the castle also has a mysterious Stone known as the devil's Stone which according to Legend brings bad luck to anyone who moves it from its resting place with so much history zikov is linked to a number of myths and legends including stories of a ghostly guard who appeared appears when the Czech Nation faces danger and the zikovsky rasek a mischievous Sprite said to cause disturbances within the walls these Tales have led to it being known as the most haunted place in the country and one where visitors often experience unnerving events number 13 nagoro Village Japan nagoro Village which you may know as the Scarecrow Village is an eerie place in the IIA Valley on the island of shikoku in Japan the small secluded Village has become well known around the world because of its unusual population as instead of seeing people everywhere you'll see hundreds of scarecrows the reason for this is a sad story in itself and the tradition began with sukim aano a local woman who returned to her Village after years away and found a community that had dwindled significantly due to young people moving to cities for work faced with the loneliness and abandonment that affected many rural villages in Japan Ayano began making scarecrows to replace her neighbors and Friends each scarecrow is handcrafted with an incredible level of detail and positioned throughout the village in everyday scenes you'll find a fisherman by the river students in classrooms and old people sitting on benches all of which are dressed in old clothes often ones that once belong to the people they're meant to represent over time the project is grown to include over 350 of them each placed in various locations around ngoro making the village feel both populated and haunting at the same time nagoro has become a destination for travelers looking for a strange and creepy experience with visitors able to walk through what has essentially become an open a museum this has in a way meant the scarecrows have Breathe new life into the village but it's definitely a strange place to set foot in or to even Explore through Google Earth number 12 the Stanley arm Michelson Safeguard complex North Dakota during the Cold War communities around the world took precautions just in case the worst happened and the Stanley arm Mickelson Safeguard complex is a fascinating but uneasy example of this located near the town of noma in North Dakota it was the first and only operational anti-ballistic missile defense installation in the United States constructed during the height of the Cold War in the early 1970s its purpose was to detect and intercept incoming ballistic missile threats as part of a larger initiative known as the Safeguard program which aimed to to develop a defense system capable of protecting the United States from a potential nuclear attack the facility in North Dakota was chosen due to its proximity to the Minuteman missile silos in the area which were seen as being likely Targets in the event of a nuclear conflict the complex featured a range of advanced radar systems and missile interceptors including the missile sight radar and four remote Sprint and Spartan missile launch SES designed to track and Destroy incoming missiles the architecture of the place is complex and it's unusual particularly the pyramid-shaped MSR building which hous the radar and computer systems necessary for the detection and interception the operational life of the Safeguard complex was surprisingly short though having become fully operational in April 1975 but due to high operational costs and strategic limitations it was decommissioned in February 1976 less than a year later today it's a cold war Relic and a reminder of a period in military history that saw rapid technological advancements and intense geopolitical tensions the site has since been partially dismantled though the iconic pyramid remains as a haunting memory of how dangerous those times were thought to be number 11 the yunan sculpture garden in Finland found in parakala in the southeast of Finland the veun and sculpture garden was meant to be a welcoming and endearing artistic attraction but instead became one of the strangest and sometimes creepy places you could ever go it was created by the self-taught artist Vio Ronan who spent over 50 years populating his garden with nearly 550 concrete sculptures but despite his extensive practice he never really managed to perfect the human face originally employed as a Papermill worker throughout his life the artist began creating his garden in 1961 at the age of just 16 over the decades he built a world filled with life-sized human figures each taking on a different expression and pose these sculptures are depicted in various activities such as playing instruments dancing or engaging in yoga poses and many of them are fitted with real human teeth and eyes made from glass orbs making them quite odd to look at also in the garden are a number of buildings including the artist's home and decorated environments that incorporate elements of Finnish folklore and ronin's personal mythology one of the most interesting features are soundscapes as some sculptures have internal speakers that play recordings such as deep breathing which makes it feel even stranger walking through the sculpture garden you'll experience a combination of Wonder and discomfort getting a glimpse into the artist's inner life and a sense of isolation renan rarely left his home and was known to be reclusive preferring to let his art speak for itself number 10 the clown Motel Nevada Nevada is a place where you'll find somewhere to stay that caters to virtually any need you could possibly imagine but probably the creepiest option is the clown motel in tonopa with the landscape to one side and the historical old tonopa Cemetery to the other it's best known for its extensive collection of clown memorabilia and themed rooms first opened in 1985 by Leona and Leroy David it was initially a tribute to the couple's father who was an avid clown collector the motel's lobby is home to over 2,000 clown figurines paint paintings and life-size statues ranging from delightful to Eerie and from classic circus clowns to more contemporary designs The Collection has grown Through The Years largely due to donations from guests and clown enthusiasts ensuring that no two visits will ever be the same the motel's closeness to the cemetery which ended burials in 1911 and houses the graves of many of the original miners adds in another layer of creepiness to this day with guests often reporting strange occurrences and plenty of stories of hauntings both in the motel and in the nearby graveyard it's this combination of clown theming and ghostly tales that makes it a truly unique place if you dare St each room is clown themed and named and decorated after famous clowns there's also a gift shop offering clown memorabilia giving a chance for visitors to take home a piece of their peculiar experience as well as booking a space on a ghost tour which is particularly popular around Halloween number 9 leang seu Indonesia Leong seu which translates from Javanese to mean a thousand doors is a notoriously haunted building that's in the city of searang which is the capital of Central Java in Indonesia its name comes from its design which features countless doors and windows within the structure many of which don't actually lead anywhere despite the name there aren't actually a th000 doors but you'll rarely see a building with more entrances than this one built in 190 4 during the Dutch colonial era it was originally the headquarters of the Dutch East Indies Railway company the building was designed by Dutch architect C Citron and was a stunning example of colonial era architecture combining European Aesthetics with local influences its construction was completed in 1907 blending Gothic and Roman elements with high ceilings large windows and beautiful stained glass the building didn't remain as off a space for long though as during World War II it was taken over by the Japanese forces and used as their main base this meant that it also served as a sight of imprisonment and torture during the time and the spirits of those who were held there are said to still roam the Halls to this very day after Indonesia proclaimed Independence laong seu was repurposed for various different uses including becoming an office for different Indonesian Railway companies having witnessed critical periods in Indonesian history including the struggle for Independence and the postcolonial era it's a hugely important structure but it's the scars of War and the remnants of its use as a Detention Facility during the Japanese Occupation that have had the biggest impact on the place local Legends are common even with efforts to restore it over the past decade there's a spooky feeling at every turn it's become a popular tourist attraction though with people wanting to see the incredible architecture but there's no avoiding its creepiness and it's become the go-to destination in the country for anyone wanting to confront the Paranormal number eight poglia island Italy Venice is of course one of the most famous tourist destinations in the world but the Lagoon in which the city is found also has several other Islands one of these is known as pogum it's off limits to visitors because of its complicated past and it's one of the creepiest places on the planet the island once had a thriving Community but this all changed in 1348 when the Black Death swept through Europe plia became a quarantine comp Colony as one of the plague islands where the Venetian Republic exiled many of its infected citizens it's estimated that over the centuries more than a 100,000 people who were sick or suspected of carrying the plague were sent there and as a result the island became a mass burial ground with some estimates suggesting that the soil on plia is composed as much as 50% of human ash the Island's dark history didn't end with the plague though as it continued being used as a quarantine facility until the late 19 century and then in the 1920s the buildings there were repurposed into an asylum for the mentally ill according to another Legend a doctor at the facility tortured and performed experiments on the patients driven by a quest to understand the mysteries of Madness said to have eventually succumbed to the Revenge of the spirits on the island the Asylum was closed in 1968 and completely abandoned nature began to reclaim the structures with vines and wild flowers covering the decaying Hospital all of this creates a truly ghostly atmosphere with the few people who managed to actually set foot on it regretting getting anywhere close in recent years the Italian government auctioned a 99-year lease for POA in an attempt to raise revenue suggesting the island could be redeveloped into a vacation or commercial destination however resistance from local communities and the continued paranormal activity has put a stop to those ideas and for now it remains empty moving on to number seven Eastern State Penitentiary Philadelphia Eastern State Penitentiary in Philadelphia Pennsylvania first opened in 1829 on the outskirts of the city and at the time it was seen as an architectural wonder and a completely new approach to how prisons were built it was designed by John havland the gothic structure was conceived with the intent of inspiring Penance which is why it was called a Penitentiary and it introduced a new model of solitary confinement based on Quaker ideas the philosophy guiding eastern state was one of solitary confinement that allowed inmates time to reflect upon their crimes something they believed would help their moral reform each inmate was housed in an individual cell with a skylight representing the eye of God and the design included private outdoor spaces attached to each cell where prisoners could exercise alone maintaining their physical and mental health without the corruption that was thought to come from mingling with other inmates this system of isolation was referred to as the Pennsylvania system or separate system and became quite influential with many other prisons around the world being based on it however the practice of solitary confinement eventually came under scrutiny with critics arguing that it led to mental harm rather than Rehabilitation by the early 20th century eastern states slowly abandoned its solitary system due to overcrowding and changing philosophies towards how prisoners should be treated and transition towards a system more similar to those seen in modern prisons while it was open Eastern State House some Notorious criminals including bank robber Willie Sutton and most famously Al Capone whose luxuriously finished cell contrasted sharply with the Stark conditions experienced by other inmates it was though eventually closed in 1971 after 142 years of continuous use the abandonment led to the building's rapid deterioration until in 1994 it was reopened as a museum and historic site now it remains a reminder of the changing approaches to prisons over time and an undeniably creepy place to is it when you feel the cold isolation around you that countless prisoners experienced often with no hope of ever leaving number six Scott's Hut Antarctica located on the edge of the Ross ice shelf in Antarctica and built in 1911 during the British Antarctic expedition also known as the teranova Expedition Scott's Hut was constructed to be the base for Captain Robert Falcon Scott and his team as they took on their mission to become the first to reach the geographic South Pole things ended tragically though when they failed to return from the pole in 1912 but their Hut remains in place as a monument to a time when exploration involved extreme bravery and huge risks the Hut is a Timber structure built from prefabricated panels that were designed to withstand the extreme conditions of the Antarctic the design and construction were based on the principles learned from the people who lived in the Arctic optimized to retain heat and resist the fierce winds and chilling temperatures at the regions known for inside the hut was divided into various sections including living quarters a kitchen and a storage area and it was stocked with Provisions scientific equipment and personal items the Hut is remarkably well preserved with contents that are almost exactly as they were left by the tanova Expedition over a century ago inside you can still see the beds reindeer sleeping bags clothing and even a box of Huntley and Palmer's biscuits scientific instruments tools and personal objects are still there Frozen and TI time since like stepping into the past the isolation and extreme cold have helped preserve the Hut and its contents although the site faces threats from increased tourist activity and climate change conservation efforts are ongoing to ensure its preservation has both a historical site but it's also been meticulously imaged by Google so instead of traveling all the way there you better off just exploring it from the warmth and comfort of your own home number five airplane Boneyard Mojave air and Spaceport in California the Mojave air and Spaceport in California is a hub for Aerospace Innovation and development but it's also home to one of the most fascinating and creepy places related to Aviation the airplane Boneyard deep within the Mojave Desert this Boneyard is a retirement home for hundreds of aircraft that have reached the end of their service life the desert's dry conditions and hard pan soil make it an ideal location for storing them as it prevents corrosion and preserves the aircraft in a state suitable for potential reuse sources Salvage spanning several Acres the Mojave Boneyard is a bizarre landscape filled with rows upon rows of parked airplanes ranging from small private jets to massive commercial airliners some have been stored whole for potential future use but others are destined for parts Reclamation or recycling the site of these decommissioned planes though can be strangely somber each was in service for decades making thousands of flights transporting millions of passengers and visiting all corners of the globe and this F resting place sums up the transient nature of Transport technology and the human impact on our planet it's not somewhere you can just visit though meaning the best way to see it in all its glory is through mapping services this because some of the aircraft being held here still contain classified or extremely valuable components and it's on a private site that has commercial interests alongside the Boneyard the Mojave air and Spaceport operates as a pioneering facility for the Aerospace industry hosting companies that test and develop new aircraft space vehicles and Associated Tech this has created a unique contrast between the old and deteriorating with The Cutting Edge and new further peing the interest of photographers Aviation enthusiasts and plenty more people number four spree Park Amusement Park Berlin Germany around the world theme parks aim to be some of the happiest and joyful places you can visit but both because of the state it's currently in and the criminal behavior of its creator the spre Park Amusement Park in Berlin Germany is the complete opposite of what it's set out to be originally it was known as cter Park plant Vault when it opened in 1969 it's along the banks of the river spree and operated under East German control until the fall of the Berlin Wall in 1989 it was the only amusement park in East Berlin covering 73 acres and attracting up to 1.7 million visitors a year at its peak after German reunification spree Park was taken over by Norbert wit and his family who transformed and rebranded it the park introduced more western style attractions including a giant Ferris wheel roller coasters water rides and an English Village but despite these efforts they soon began to struggle financially attendants dwindled with the increased competition from elsewhere and poor management decisions and by 2001 the park was forced to close its Gates leaving rides and attractions to fall into a state of disrepair following the Park's downfall Norbit WIA secretly shipped some of the most valuable rides to Lima Peru supposedly for repair and renovation instead he attempted to open a new amusement park in Lima which ultimately failed and then in 2004 he was caught trying to smuggle almost 400 lbs of cocaine from Peru to Germany in the masts of the Flying Carpet Ride which led to his imprisonment since its closure spree park has become a destination for urban explorers and photographers drawn by its continual Decay and The Surreal sight of its rusting attractions that are being reclaimed by nature in recent years there's been a renewed interest in the park and the Berlin government purchased the site in 2014 with plans to rejuvenate it while preserving its historical and cultural significance part of The Proposal involved restoring some of the original rides too adding modern attractions and providing spaces for cultural events but this is of course a massively costly project so for now it remains off limits except through Google Earth number three Centralia Pennsylvania Centralia in Pennsylvania in the United States is a near Ghost Town that's become more famous for its underground coal mine fire than for its history or the small number of residents who still live there located in Colombia County Centralia was once a bustling Place benefiting from the riches that came from the large coal deposits in the area the town was settled in 1841 and Incorporated in 1866 and at its peak had several thousand residents as well as plenty of businesses schools and churches fortunes began to change for the town though and its residence in 1962 with a series of events that couldn't be recovered from a fire was lit in a landfill near the entrance to an abandoned Coal Mine to clean up the site which while it may sound extreme was actually a common practice that backfired however when the fire ignited an exposed vein of anthracite coal and when efforts to extinguish the fire failed it spread through the extensive network of Mines underneath the town this fire has been burning ever since moving beneath the town opening sink holes and releasing harmful gas the environmental impact and safety concerns led to intervention by the government and in 1983 Congress allocated more than $42 million for relocation efforts by 1992 the Pennsylvania Governor invoked eminent domain on all property in the town which was a controversial move but was upheld by the courts in 1993 today Calia is essentially abandoned with only a few people remaining refusing to leave their family homes despite the risk the streets that were once alive with Miners and their families are now mostly overgrown with vegetation with smoke occasionally still rising from the cracked Earth a continual reminder of the ongoing fire below with the fumes that are being released by the fires deep beneath the ground though it's not exactly safe to be there for too long without the risk of developing long-term health conditions number two bangar Fort India bangar Fort which is in the alwar district of rajastan in India is said to be the most haunted place in the country located at the edge of the sarisa tiger reserve the fort is surrounded by Hills and it's steeped in Legend and Mysteries it was built in the 17th century and was a great example of the medieval Indian fortifications that were typical in reisen at the time the fort complex includes temples palaces and multiple Gates each intricately designed with the architectural style of the period among these the most impressive structures are the temples which feature beautiful stone carvings that have remained in surprisingly good condition to this day according to local Legend though the fort is terribly cursed the story centers on a wizard named Singa who fell hopelessly in love with the beautiful princess knowing that his love was unrequited he attempted to use magic to win her heart the princess however saw through his plans and found a way to turn the spell against him in his last breath the wizard cursed bangar dooming it to destruction and desolation not long after bengar Fort was attacked and sacked by Invaders from neighboring states leading to its abandonment and the locals now believe the fort is haunted by the Restless spirits of those who fell victim to the curse what makes the fort really unusual is that despite welcome visitors authorities have expressly banned visitors from being there between sunset and sunrise because of the dangers of the hauntings making it one of the only places in the world that paranormal activity has been confirmed by a government this of course only tempts more people to the place to try to experience all the ghoulish happenings for themselves as well as taking in the Splendor of the architecture with the bizarre Royal Palace and several temples still looking like they did originally number one the darvaza gas crater Turkmenistan if you ever wondered where the door to Hell might be located then the answer is probably the creepiest place on Earth and can be found in the karakum desert in Turkmenistan officially known as the darvaza gas crater this geological anomaly has worryingly been burning continuously since 1971 and shows no signs of ending the story of how this happened dates back to the late 1960s to early '70s when Turkmenistan was still part of the Soviet Union Soviet Engineers were searching for resources when they stumbled upon a cavern filled with natural gas the ground beneath the investigating rig collapsed though creating a large hole with a diameter about 230 ft and a depth of about 66 ft fearing the release of poisonous gas the engineers decided to burn off the gas believing that the subsequent fire would extinguish within a few weeks so according to reports they set it a light with a couple of grenades as soon as they found however that it was a much larger deposit of gas in the area and the fire has raged ever since it's located about 160 Mi north of asabot the capital city of turkistan the darvaza gas crater is surrounded by Eerie almost apocalyptic landscape the fire inside the crater lights up the night sky with an ominous glow the heat near the crater is intense too in the the smell of burning sulfur can be overwhelming despite its popularity especially as it's one of the only major tourist attractions in the country there are real concerns about the long-term damage that the crater is causing recently there's been discussions by the turkman government about extinguishing the Fire or exploiting the area's gas reserves more effectively but so far such initiatives have yet to materialize mostly because no one can agree or know for certain quite how to extinguish a blaze like this it's likely then that that'll continue to be a creepy burning crater for many years to come being both a fascinating place to visit but also a reminder of how destructive human activity can be without proper management or environmental awareness thanks for watching everyone I'll see you tomorrow thank you to our channel members
Channel: Top Fives
Views: 28,614
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: google earth, map, maps, geography
Id: bFRxNuwlRps
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 47sec (1667 seconds)
Published: Sat May 11 2024
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