[14] Pat Benatar - Hit Me With Your Best Shot - Live 2001
Video Statistics and Information
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Channel: kittyup1
Views: 1,440,702
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: pat, benatar, hit, me, with, your, best, shot, live, 2001, pet, shark, solo, official, original, music, video, crimes, of, passion, grammy, award, 1980, cover, lesson, concert, guitar, hero, rock, band, expert, Summer, Vacation, Live, DVD
Id: PoX_W6VuFf0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 5sec (365 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 20 2010
Please note that this website is currently a work in progress! Lots of interesting data and statistics to come.
Some time ago u/alinatu made great posts which contained videos dedicated to every type to get a better sense of them:
Soft Dramatic
Flamboyant Natural
Soft Natural
Dramatic Classic
Soft Classic
Flamboyant Gamine
Soft Gamine
Theatrical Romantic
This post is dedicated to pure Gamines. Although pure types are no longer official part of the system, some people might find it helpful to identify as one:
Jean Seberg
Edith Piaf
Paulette Goddard
Heather Locklear