#14 Mike Dowd - John Alite & Gene Borrello talk with the Notorious Corrupt Cop from "The Seven Five"

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and we're live we have a fantastic guest today Mike Dowd first of all Felix V&G umbrella Johnny a light and our and our guests as I just said Michael Dowd thank you for coming on the Johnny and Jean show I know personally I can't even I know John and gene are excited but for myself I'm super excited to have you here and we're gonna get into it because I know that you and John have a lot of stories from from back in the days so first of all thank you for being here and you know how's uh how's life been working in the past couple of months thanks for having me and a life is a bowl of cherries I guess no I I constantly have something going on I can't keep track of my life sometimes but the reality is I live a semi-normal level I guess I live a semi-normal life you know but I think this whole world today has changed now everybody has interactions on a daily basis with people they don't even know I mean I mean that's fair to say right between social media whatnot but I have issues I have to deal with like everybody else you know so but as it's turned out due to the things that we've done in our lives we've we've come across the pairings of some interesting characters in our in our lifetime and it's been every day's a wild ride to be honest with you on the show okay because I don't want it that's half my vocabulary and I don't I don't I don't want to feel limited so I would ask you because we've got John right next to you do you remember the first time you you met John and what the for maybe the first time you knew of John what you knew of him and then when you first met him what your first kind of thoughts were okay so what I knew of John was before I knew John okay so and I and I know this could be a sensitive topic but I knew of John through the Gotti crew people and and and I know this you guys been going back and forth with some kind of verbal war for a long time that I actually got dragged into but I don't wanna that's inside note but you know so I knew of John but never knew John and then when I met John somehow he reached out to me or I reached out to him he sort of whether you sort of documentary right yeah yeah we talked about somethin yeah five yeah yeah and he was he loved the documentary and he knew my character he knew me even though he didn't know me because he had dealt with guys like me in his life and 7-5 7-5 see see that's that's that's what confuses me because I'm pissed off that I wasn't getting you know that's some of the grease back then because he was one of the streets when I was when I was there you know and that makes me a little upset by the way why don't we discuss those connections or not I don't know but the reality is I missed out on mine and I'm not too [ __ ] happy about before you came on we were talking about Frankie Burke and me and Frankie actually did a double homicide in the 75 and guys used to ask us but we just did a short show on it though recently and they says how can that happen in the 75 and just leave a body there in some bodies and I said am i down by the weeds yeah we only check the weeds now and then because if you went through the weeds you were likely gonna find a body so that meant work you know and there was so much other work going on that they were already dead so what can you possibly do yeah people don't realize how busy 275 was especially back in a day yeah yeah it was it was it was fun though yeah I have to say you know as busy as it was it was everybody didn't want to miss a tour because something was gonna happen that was really stimulating exciting and I don't mean too much pressure on someone's [ __ ] neck like that's that's the that's today's current stuff well it's just back then it was shootings it was rapes it was robberies it was murdered as it was blood in the street it was it was amazing it was exciting I'm glad we could bring you a lot of work because murders by the time we got they were done you know usually on a patrol situation you arrive at the scene of a fresh kill what's now do you remember from your end what were you thinking when you had first heard of Mike doubt and then the first time do you met him you think this guy's [ __ ] crazy I know well I know a lot about Mike action and his partner from the streets when I was young actually and then when he got jammed up so I knew the history behind him the story behind them I always like my prior to even meet Mike so we met we hit it off right away and he's listen he's a lot of fun he's full energy and you know outside of what happened to both of us in crime and jails and you know I'm to organize a human being he's he's really a great guy good friend fun to hang out with laughs all the time and that's really about what life is for us now I mean like he said he just changed we got wild ride constantly it's just at this point it's in a good direction right do you ever so when I met John initially hood physically met him you know personally because he had reached out to me through social media he sent me of something message or whatnot and then when I met him in person it was like because he's so handsome and he's got all this glow he's got a 24-hour 10:00 so now he calls me to buy a condo in Florida so that I can keep up with his Danny I don't know where you live anymore convertible but you know so when I first met him it was like you know he's [ __ ] Jack you know I know I did a lot of time I was jacked you know but I'm almost yeah young guys snob v6 the old bit you know and you know and you know I come home I was yep you know you know that's like I'm not you working out you know I had it down to 22 minutes by the way because that's enough 22 minute workout really yeah I've done and ripped but anyways look he's handsome he's glowing he's got all his and and I'm like giant to myself what the [ __ ] you doing for a living right now like who's hiring you got 28 Jani was nice to me and you know what when you when you go through the tragedy that that many of us have had in our lives you know personally brought upon ourselves above our own of our own doing when someone's nice to you for no ulterior motive just because they understand they empathy sympathy whatever the kind of thing you want to call it you know agony but that's a connection that we all will we go to that that period of our life like if someone's real to you and reaches out to you with with it with a sense of touch I mean we're dealing with a lot of [ __ ] right now on the street like people gotta have empathy for one another you know and some places sympathy or not but you know you gotta understand what other but when Johnny was so kind to reach out to me I didn't give a [ __ ] what he did or he did it to because he wasn't treating me that way and and and you know we want real people to treat you like a real human being and that's how Johnny treated me so at that point you know it doesn't matter what he did yesterday or who he did or didn't do it to and that's that's that was the way I that's why I you know call it fall in love whatever you know have that bro thing with someone like that because of that feeling and because of that connection so there's still people from from you know the past life that you'd be able to state that you've stayed in touch with they're still are friends with either that you worked with when you're in the you know in the police department I mean there's still is there anyone that you feel like is a good friend you still have from back then well you know that's a loose term right because you know good friend what's a good friend it's you know the dollar in your pocket right and and someone that you know when I have a question are they gonna answer the phone I'm not asking them to come paint my house for me I mean you know a you know like like I'll call Johnny up like I'm negotiating some kind of a deal with the movie people or something of that nature I'll give Johnny a call and see what his experience was on it you know some people don't have the time for you you know so who's your friend right you know the guy that was took you on a fishing trip once you know is he Mike we were just talking about that right there before you stepped in we were talking about how when you got your highs and lows and from whatever life normal street life legitimate life how people just ride the their train to be a friend only when things and only when things and when things are bad they don't know how to pick up the phone I think that's why we relate so well teach other is because we kept it real with each other no matter what we're friends good bad and different we're gonna have our ups and downs and I think a lot of people especially when you come from the lives we came from they just aren't sincere and and it's hard to get some sincere friends and and they're not you hear the way I speak about Mike everybody knows that you know a couple of my friends in Florida and you know different things that he that he socializes with and talks to and you know it's hard to find real people and especially today's day it is yeah do you guys feel like yeah I mean you guys all had your different experiences that now in this you know next life do you feel like it's harder to trust people I mean I'll start with you Mike do you feel like can you do you feel like you're able to fully trust anyone these days well no no but but let me premise that by saying you know I'm more cautious about who I give information to because information will always be used against you right no matter what it is you know I like red cars and short skirts so if I say that to someone if there's a red car in a short skirt in the area I you know they're gonna use that against me so any information that you give people can be used against you you know I used to think that that was a way of like connecting with someone but often times now it's like that's the first thing that's gonna be put in your face or used against you so you have to be cautious on that but the reality is I've changed my approach I was a guy cuz I'm a reader I read people the minute I meet them and within three four or five seconds I've determined they'll never go down the road with this person other than hey how you doing how's the weather as your kids have a nice day on the other hand I look at someone and and I say okay this you know with the first few minutes yeah you know that this person is not there to hurt you or use something against you and that's that's how I sort of judge people today from my perspective because when you share information with people you're gonna get burned one way or another and and and you gotta you gotta know people aren't ya percent yeah I agree 100 percent he's right because once you tell some money information about what you're pretty much known for like you're saying it gets used against you that that happened to me same scenario with all the robberies and stuff like that where people would now blaming for everything that was going on when night 8 when you know half that I was even responsible for but just because I'm known for that now it's you know he's right with the information it's now I did it all no everything's on me you know so it's alright for me it's harder to trust people now because I had so many close people turn on me you know and and for you John do you feel like in you know post jail and post that life that even even just having friends you know in general it's a you feel like you you have to watch what you say or that you you fear that they're gonna use it against you at some point I think what Mike said and what Jean said is you know as you get older you learn a little bit more about life and we had the experience of life experience as as Mike was on a street as a cop so he's seen everything he was educated as a cop he was also educated as a criminal he was educated in in the in jails he's educated in in people in general and I think our lives actually made us pretty smart and pretty wise and as you get older you get a little wiser so I think that we learn to you know one thing we can do we got a sixth sense as far as the street and reading people just what Mike said and you know who's real and who's full of [ __ ] from being on the street and being it with all the experience that we had as we get over we were jeans age you get a certain amount of experience as you keep getting older you start learning and you deciphering through [ __ ] and you know we seen it all from drugs to bodies to good people to bad people - you know disloyal you know he was in on force and whatever he had a lot of disloyal police officers that were his friends until he got jammed up and then there wasn't see the guys were at my house one day and the next day oh he could sell sand to an Arab like these are the comments that are being made about guys that that you think got your back you you baptized their kids with them and [ __ ] you know and all of a sudden it's you know he can sell ice to an Eskimo oh what a [ __ ] [ __ ] like that about it thank you this is a guy you had in your house trusted around your family I mean and how is your mentality changed you know since since going to jail I mean what in this you know second kind of life I mean how well so I've learned that you really don't own your life you know like a lot of your life is like my life has been controlled by somebody other than me so and that goes back to like the information you share so I try to not to put my life in control of somebody else's hands so the more mistakes that I make or the more information I give you it I lose control my own life and destiny so my experience I mean I had hundreds experience is probably Johnny can tell you in prison and Gino but for me I I immediately cut people off more quickly and I'm not that guy I'm a sociable the gregarious you know and that's how I learn I share and I get information back but for me I've I've made my world smaller if that's a you know even though there's a social media world I made me personal world smaller hey my addiction well you going to jail eyes the cop was the heart of you and now like did you have more situations or did they have to like what was it like being in prison no one is being so I let it break it down for you that's right this situation would come up so every day was you felt like someone was gonna come after you every day without you in population yeah why no I just a popular wow yeah they wanted to keep me in isolation I chose population wow this is federal okay I started out in MCC New York I was there for two years and I watched how it worked right I watched how eighty eight percent of that federal prison was cooperating with the government and and and you're telling me that I can't be in population with these [ __ ] rats I mean no you know I mean the real you know I love you right you [ __ ] guys you know who the [ __ ] you think you and you're telling me that I gotta worry about working a track with this guy in the same area and then it gets into some other stuff but the bottom line is that I felt that if you're gonna [ __ ] be turning in you know all the pies on right there we'll turn it in their brother-in-law and their mother-in-law and sister-in-law and I'm like and then in comes the Jamaicans and Pappy Mason's my cellmate next to me and like okay Pappy Mason just was in cused of killing Eddie burned right and I got jug jug head Mitch whatever his name is I knew them all back then right he was the probation officer they killed you know there's all these guys next to me and they're all crawling for an extra piece of chicken I mean I gotta be worried about these guys I mean I can handle them myself don't get me wrong one human being you know two guys you have a hard time no matter what wooden table would you're in but the reality was this I can't do another fourteen like this right in the [ __ ] box and so I told I was gonna kill myself did it let me out months ago well first of all I have to get a feel for how it worked you know and how prison would be and then when I realized that most of the guys in there like they would come to me sneak talk to me they'd always sneak talk to a cop because they still have that sense of that you're a cop but a lot of people even though they're gangster criminals whatever they still like talking to cops like you did and I'm not saying they're sharing information with them you just like to get a feel for what's going on because they noticed some balance usually they know they got the wrong guy you know there's some balance in a cop you know so like like like they bounce [ __ ] off you I'm Gia I'm sure you've done it in your lifetime I'm not putting you out there but I know you did you work with them but but so I don't know what the [ __ ] about right now but that's how it was for me going through prison I and one of the things that came back to me and I'll put some guys on this pot is that the wiseguys treated me like [ __ ] in prison not in the beginning because they needed me you know an MCC New York there's only like forty two white guys everybody else is black and Hispanic in there and you know it's all clear nation prison you know even though most of the nicest guys what black in Spanish to me and it turned out that the the the wise guys that were cooking with the I don't want some names but the Persico people and all those guys they treated me wonderfully in MCC you know but once I got to prison that they would turn their [ __ ] head and won't even know me you know and that was like wow again you know yeah I'm getting disrespected you know I mean and and and of course I would never see as being a cop in prison you don't seek a friend but in prison you know everybody runs up to your hands you stuff you know your first day off the boss get this get that they load you up with [ __ ] and then boss when you go back to commissary you know you repay everybody you know what I got Mike I had probably had about 30 cops at work for me and one of them I talked about a lot was a very good friend of mine I moved two hours away he moved next door to me Phil Baroni and I told you was decorated detective he killed what me sold drugs with me was my bookmaking pawn everybody knows that and I said out of all the street guys that stayed with me and I had a falling out with this guy he was probably the toughest guy at any gangster and stay with me he took my back he would shoot with me he would fight Ford he fought the only problem I had with him was money he was cheap as a bass yeah yeah but I gotta tell you the truth he didn't want to go to jail I heard he was gonna he was gonna eat the gun they stopped him but as a tough guy the guy was tough and I had other cops that stay with me what's up guys so I go back to the same thing always say I judge a guy for the guy I don't KITT Mike's the same guy for me he has no uniform or he has a uniform doesn't matter to me I think the weak guys do what Mike's talking about in prisons because if you're a pretty strong guy secure guy you're gonna be the first guy to stand up because you don't need the crowd to follow you all right so yeah and right and and this is the and he's a pretty tough guy anybody watches anything who knows him personally he's no slouch so it's hard to go into a situation when you know you don't know the situation like me walking into Brazilian penitentiary you got to feel your way around right you stick your foot in the pool a little bit and right and get an idea and then when once you learn it you know he's from the street he knows the street I think once you know the street and nothing changes no matter where the location is I'll give you two experiences and make you both laugh and you're probably you're probably get the gravity of what it was like okay so now I'm down you know once you down a while you start to have that little confidence and that little varnish where you know like it's like being a hair bad cop right now this guy don't [ __ ] with that cop you know look at his nightstick it's dragging on the floor as guns down by his ankle you know you got a problem but anyway so I mean I get transferred I'm like nine years down ten years down I call it a hunger strike somewhere whatever anyway and then I ended up I like to say it because they'll change my [ __ ] level if I have to go back to prison because I created some kind of hunger strike I didn't create it I had it anyway so they turned this first the brand new Brooklyn MDC and I ended up getting transferred to make-- in Pennsylvania yeah yeah and I ran into Joey Gambino Joe yeah it wouldn't look me in the [ __ ] eye one time but he had me help get my roommate at the time Giovanna was a mono because they were on trial and that was his like rat whatever whatever guys was testify against him he says tell Giovanni please don't [ __ ] us so I I'm the middleman relaying messages to this criminal organization right and Jay hung the jewelry because Giovanni wouldn't [ __ ] sink him at the trial because like we discussed the messaging back and forth you know the [ __ ] pigeon and and I get to Mickey in nine ten years later and he's like Joey's got his head turned to the [ __ ] ground the Mikey gotta be kidding me dude I just fed your brother in the other prison I was in because his brother had yeah well you wanna I gotta cut you you want to hear a funny story like I give you a funny story Milano was the mayor of Camden and it's on the opposite side of what he's saying now no mallanna was involved with everybody in Philadelphia he's there and he got an eight or nine year but at McCain I go to McKeon right after your McCain and he won't talk to me so I go in a music room and I says what are you stupid whining what you talk to me who's all you guys got me all jammed up I get eight years now I'm not involved in that case I know guys who are involved in case I go out there you didn't need me in here you need me I don't need nothing from you I'm just trying to help y'all because I feel bad everybody's staying away from you I said so I'm trying to do the right thing for you when you need something let me know you don't got to lock yourself in the room you know later on you got friendly with me but this is jail man this is just the way I talk about the street and gene you know because you came from this almost the same experience when you first came home now you know people want to grab onto you and gravitate like when Mike's movie came out seven seven nine in the top five I mean whoever doesn't see it you got to watch it and it's got to get into a motion picture it has to because it's incredible his life story's incredible and I know 275 and he knows I know a lot of guys that work with me from the 75 that were dirty and you know it's funny guys want to know you and certain places then they don't want to know you so you got to have thick skin and say you know [ __ ] it who does right well Mike I want to tell you in Rikers Island in the state they probably wouldn't let you come out of protective custody no matter what what they they wouldn't no state they would marquees on they would never let no matter what but never yeah yeah they would not have a whole unit they were target really not locked down right so it's a different life right that but but yeah I know that but in um so I get the McCain I get to ADA story so I get to make--and and and I'm there about three days and this guy big black guy two sizes building walks up me I'm taking a pain and just finished hit the weight pile and we're taking a pee and the Sun goes [ __ ] sunny so big right and he goes wrong ball man I'm gonna be [ __ ] kidding me I'm here three days I'm down nine ten years and I got somebody gonna tell me I'm using the wrong ball alright and how am I gonna get past him before he takes me I don't know what's gonna happen here right so I go what I caught him in half with my he goes he looks in like the [ __ ] wrong with you I know what you say because you bold man I go I thought he said you got the wrong ball man he said you bold so I go what do you mean by that now I right wow thanks what do you mean by that he goes use that cop in New York City I said yeah because you don't give a [ __ ] I know no he goes I just let you know man yeah you're right here you know oh alright well thanks yeah thanks for letting me know I'm alright I don't know about a week to about three weeks later some Irish guy named Mike from Boston you know the Boston guy's a tough is Gary and join the toughest guys in the joint straight up because they are hard knuckle [ __ ] they don't care a Brinks truck okay yeah all the brings a man bring structure brothers they were afraid he wasn't yeah they were in with me yes anyway so it's guys welcome by he's and you can tell he's a squared away straight guy and turns out he was former military marine guy or whatever and I would see him looking at me you know and he just keeps walking and then one day he says Mike like he catches me off guard somewhere and I go what's up he goes I gotta tell you something I go why he goes I want to walk with you but and this is like this is like this is like I shouldn't say this but he goes this is what he said to me he said I'm down like four or five years he said and I watch you around here you never stop doing what you're doing you never hide your [ __ ] always out there you're a leader you're in front of the pack you know you take the track you do this and so I said yeah and he goes I don't have the balls he says this is worse I thought I was a man until I saw you I'm like what he goes I want to talk to you but these [ __ ] [ __ ] here tell me to stay away from you all the wise guys and all the [ __ ] wannabes and what not tell me to stay away from you don't talk to him he was a cop and I'm here [ __ ] shaking the world but you know what it is Mike and again they don't want to be known he's walking with a cop well there's rules on the street and his rules in jail right but the same thing he's talking about there was a pedophile priest that you molested about eight kids well he probably more but he copped out to eight kids and uh he's meeting different guys from the joint and he's giving him newspapers they're not supposed to talk to him right but they're meeting a pedophile and that's okay for them right and I end up slapping the guy did everybody's like what are you slapping him and they quote me uh PPP is some porn police patrol and I said and now this is another guy that's there as a cop mm-hmm and I'm not like everybody else so I talked well my boy bought you what am I going you guys [ __ ] kidding me the guy's a criminal he's a guy why wouldn't you talk to him he was doing work for a son on Jimmy it's okay myself it was okay then but you gotta talk to a pedophile priest and take his newspaper but the difference is some guys will stand their own two feet right and some guys want and I could give a [ __ ] what anybody says any where I'm at and everybody knows that about me I'm so out there now the same way right that we're friends whether we're out here or inside me and you were parents right and a lot of your old guys that were involved in two-seven-five with my friends back then and some of them are still my friends but it doesn't matter because these guys change the rules as you go and that's the problem right right yeah yeah I got a week before I came in I was working with some Colombo's okay yeah real right thank God it stopped where it stopped right you know they're doing time for bodies you know they're probably not doing time now none of them really you know everybody's [ __ ] gave the next guy up for the right for the next guy but I'm working with Columbo guys that are in the war I don't even know about this war I heard about it guys got all over spying he goes where about Vietnam we're at war I don't know there was two factions of realized arenas and he'll actually three okay see I don't know but all I know is they're at war I'm working with this guy and he kinds of [ __ ] and I'm like oh yeah Arina got life Joey scope will got killed and Persico just died so that's the you know yeah well so you know these in the early 90s they had to walk ya know this guy's body shop and he's like he's locked in the gates what's the matter the war broke out again what war we [ __ ] the Gulf War yeah he's actually wanted a nice that guys - Joey scope woulda died I mean really it was a nice guy and unfortunately in that life one of our friends was involved in it killing Anthony Russo who was a good friend of mine now but that's just part of the life it's just the way it goes this treachery is unbelievable and just what - Amy annoys to him like that one of my friends was actually a bodyguard for Joey scope oh and he said he's the walk-around grenades he says come on man - sit down - grenade boys like this buzz but he spoke Vietnamese fluent and he was like it was like he said with his legs crossed and [ __ ] and I'm looking like this freak and and the guy he worked for I don't give his name he's a monster he was the biggest guy you want to see in your life all right and and this is his bodyguard he's half his size yes so I'm looking at this this guy saying I don't get it he goes yeah he does this build dirty work an idea that I can't be doing you know cuz he don't give a [ __ ] you know anything else about this record do you remember the first day that you got in Jamie did you ever think that you know you were a cop so you were used to putting people in jail did you ever think that uh still you feel invincible well well I thought convinced before jail the minute before and then but right when you step in I mean what's going on in your head so there's two phases here there's the first phase when I got arrested which was like quite the scene and what a movie scene that is Holly flying [ __ ] anyway and and so I get arrested and then I get transported out to the river head and I'm in Riverhead County Jail for a while and I know I'm gonna be either bailed out or I'm gonna end up you know taking some you know decent little stupid plea and in same sorry to the world which I which I am and what but still you know it's at this point in my life I paid my [ __ ] do so I don't really get hung up on that [ __ ] anymore but like I'm ready to go away for a little skid bit and say yeah cuz people don't know the stories is I knew that all they really wanted was me to quit right so now you're gonna sort of force me to quit okay I'm gonna quit right so so so here I am getting ready to quit they get me out on bail let me quit and and things gonna go back like that's how you think you're so [ __ ] like your mind is so not in tune to really what's happening to you but that's what I'm thinking and then I get out on bail and then I get set up by Kenny bull around on bail on the wire and all this other [ __ ] that went on and then when I hit they're feds and I'm driving in and they got me in the back of it and they driving me into the [ __ ] federal building and says the guy system in this social Silica's these guys you know they had a little bit of that edge because they've been there before so these detectives they got me and they drive me in front of the Federal Building a driving pass and says United States of America versus you they tell me and I went oh my god this isn't good you got 14 years oh yeah Phil Baroni now let me give you an it comparison for Baroni sold drugs with me killed with me bookmaker with me did an armored van with me part of the conspiracy I did it but he stayed home but I had his badge and he did armed home invasion he got three quarters just pay right right on my count he got only ten months in jail and he became a multi-millionaire with my money that I made him know now let's take comparison Mike he didn't kill anybody right he didn't do any things that filled you with me as far as murders and all the social stuff he got 15 years so look at the disparity so I didn't get 15 well if I [ __ ] sucked ass to get 15 okay because they offered me on my first plea was 24 to 30 years oh man man and I'm sitting here and the question goes back to what did it feel like when you walked into so now it's the United States of America versus me and the guy says this we take over countries just so you know yeah I'm not gonna do too good against them right charge what was your racket hearing you know RICO conspiracy to this thing or Rico yeah yeah yeah Wow yeah mobbed up right away right I got the RICO anyway so I think they closed a cell on me I'm in the hole right they put you in a hole right away when you first come in usually specially guys like myself calm my profile yet I'm in the [ __ ] hole I got guys crying on either side they're [ __ ] they keep leaving though guys leave it every day [ __ ] you gonna do to do to do to come back like nine hours later we'll [ __ ] fed and fat [ __ ] right and I'm sitting myself what's I don't know what's going on they close the door they bring me food for a few weeks in a Michael and the [ __ ] it out what's my special you guys are telling me a [ __ ] special news every [ __ ] day the headlines that are news doubt this doubt that I mean you know my boy even commented they're gonna look for the Lindbergh baby kidnapping you know I I was just one Monday the Lindbergh baby kid anyway so but you're sitting there and you're saying yourself this is interesting my [ __ ] life man it's like quiet like this you know so that's how low you feel at that moment like this is the rest of my life in this [ __ ] cell like like maybe you know we're gonna try it for a while you know I know and overcomes or well enemy or travel or world or whatever Rodriguez from the [ __ ] Cali cartel and he sees me [ __ ] throwing my eggs out and I [ __ ] whatever that [ __ ] white stuff is that looks like oatmeal but it's not great nothing I can't eat and finally does this guy comes over to me and he says to me you got to start eating cuz that's what it is yeah I mean thank off the guys with some wisdom that they take a little guy he's my size but you know a baby like me coming into joint and giving you a little bit of guidance see over there even though he tried to set me up with five hundred kilo deal in the [ __ ] hole by the way yeah I mean I'm looking for help but here's the guy I got 500 kilos for you don't you worry and we got a friend outside he's gonna make it drop and you're gonna make you know two and a half million dollars right now and I'm like this is great I should have thought the federal prison years ago you know charge while I'm sitting in people you can't [ __ ] believe this does not happen this is what happens all day long buddies trying to get a rule 35 even in the witness units they try don't ever stop holy [ __ ] raisin they call me you got a phone call now I'm like I'm facing 24 to 30 on a plea I tell him [ __ ] you trial now they're trying to set up a new set of charges they never stop well the feds never stop yeah there's nothing too small for them and nothing too big they will never stop I mean you gotta set me up I'm in the lowest point of my [ __ ] life can you just give me a break you know you got me for this can you just leave me alone I mean it's insane with them 30 well they might have thought you had information about guys that maybe you maybe all the crooked cops you know I mean they thought you coulda gave that's they usually do you know that maybe you just want to keep the ball rolling there's no way I want to say if you know something about feet and keep beating like goblins you know anyway you know so much [ __ ] that Abdul you think it was also because your trial was so public and was all over the news and everything that they wanted to make a big statement on you know getting these crooked cops and you know making a point about no APD really no they wanted it to end mmm they wanted to end with me and that's why they made it so big about me you know if they could get a captain or a chief Oh Oh what am I gonna tell the [ __ ] captain your captain [ __ ] making eight thousand a week I mean ya know he's gonna want half right it doesn't work that way like people think you know what I mean you have your little crew and that's it you know and and if somebody on the outside steps on you you and your crew either you take care at them or you put them in and then you make more money with them you you use them for some kind of money-making operation I had 12 guys lined up in uniform waiting to work for us Wow and they were on the job less than a year I'm like you guys gotta go [ __ ] yourselves man you gotta learn how to be a cop first if you want to go bad you can't be a [ __ ] bad cop the minute you start the job it's ridiculous and I don't promote that stuff it's all wrong you know but I'm saying if you really want to you you're 22 years old you want to risk your life in your future by taking these risks that you see that we made no no what we're doing by the way they just have a clue well it might had something do with the car you were driving what was the big money to fill out what happened to that Corvette some wise guy took it the keys now I was Allstate it's done I paid my [ __ ] debt on that way the other day I was watching I was on them I was watching the 75 again and my girlfriend she told me she was like he looks so calm at that trial and I've never seen someone be so honest what's going on in here I mean you knew so many cameras the world was watching and we're you did you go in there like yeah I'll just tell him exactly as it is what's going on here well first of all you can't lie in that [ __ ] room because they're bringing a new charge that's number one and and what lie I mean at this point I was like throwing up you know one of the Mary Murphy I think from news 11 or at that time or two whatever the hell she was she used one of these words which which I can't even and I know the word implicitly but I can't repeat it right now and I went and then she like she defined it's like like like he's like you were regurgitating you know and spoiler ferreted yeah that's exactly what it was like so so and I forget the word right now but it escapes me it's quite an educated word what am i five hundred words of power in that book that you read run prisons yeah now when we speak to no one that I know could understand any of these 500 words but so so the gravity of that was like I was in a hole for [ __ ] nine months right and then I was in in his in a cell with a bunch of next door half these wise guys master master Frankie Frank master ah no does that make a matter mono master ah no there's a matter on oh I don't know almost yeah yeah yeah he's had seven bodies but he was like that Isis man will he not the guy out right in front of me because the guy gave him a hard time over the phone boom plastered on the bike yeah but but so I come out of that environment and I'm in front of his like like I'm I feel like I'm on vacation yeah just in my I've been locked up for almost two years old know whatever was I think I talked about 14 months by the time I got in front in front of that panel and I had already gone through testimony with the people that were on the panel I didn't know they were gonna make me look like a jackass which by the way that's what they do like someone might have wanted to give me a heads up on that you know so mr. Dowd you all over my [ __ ] and now you [ __ ] talking to me like like like I stole you a personal lunch money I mean for Christ's sakes you know anyway you couldn't believe that the way they cuz it's all about them right and I don't know this I think it's all about me that's a challenge we can be but you know for me it was it was it was a break to come out of the cell you know and they walked a suit and tie on like a gentleman like a gentleman finally again you know maybe I'm not quite a gentleman but you know these look like a job did you uh I mean you talked about I think a little earlier maybe about the highs and lows and in prison but did you ever have a really low point I mean I've talked to these two individually about those moments and I don't know if you can recall a time that you felt like you were at your lowest load there was absolutely zero hope so I guess you know it ebbs and flows but there was a point where I had so this people may have heard this I don't know what John Johnny no is awareness but I had earned a year off of my sentence for taking the drug program anyway long story short but out getting out in the weeds with the story because it can get convoluted I end up putting in for a transfer anyway but so I put in for a transfer and I end up I'll give you a little bit of a stupid so the unit manager doesn't like me because I do pay for I never did paperwork in the street is a problem but now I'm a paperwork guy right I keep everybody on their [ __ ] peace in Hugo people that don't know what paperwork when you're writing up councilors and cops and right things for whatever they're doing wrong to you think it's serious in Washington know when you said they taking shoes away by the time I get to Washington with all my complaints you know now everybody's mad right for the guy whatever so long story short it took me four years of paperwork to get them to take a year off of my sentence that I had earned but it was about having a weapon in your possession doing any crime made you like violent for the purposes of the drug program you didn't qualify for the year rough but that was an arbitrary rule put in place by the Bureau of Prisons so I had to challenge them for four years and then when I finally win they refused to change my sentence date I love the [ __ ] year of paperwork to get them to change my sentence date and finally the unit manager says to me after I put in for my presidential commutation you deserve a commutation I said I came to prison I've done everything you've asked me to do I volunteered for every program I'm on you suicide watch which I saved do people trying to kill themselves for real I said I'm it's in the newspaper one of them so there I read your drug and alcohol program for five years I was a peer counselor what could I do stop bank robberies from the joint I don't know what what do you want I've done everything that you could do in prison essentially to be considered for anything you know rehabilitative whatever and you [ __ ] you make us do all this paperwork all the time you think you're special I said no I just think I'm regular and anybody who's done what I've done because I'm supposed to be camp eligible like in like a year nine ten eleven twelve years later I'm still in the [ __ ] medium I don't I'm which you know camps give you a little more leeway a little more room to be semi-human you know so I knew it was a tough battle all the way now this guy's telling me this I said I said he's a Mexican guy so you know Mexican guys they're a little bit think they're tough you know they're great boxes you know they can [ __ ] it like me so I said to me you want you want to hit me don't you could see the [ __ ] I mean I could read people do you want to hit me don't you he's just spitting at me I go take your best shot [ __ ] I'm sure you can fight you were met by is racially [ __ ] what happened the point is if he's anything and he's a Mexican guy you know he likes to throw his hands in home but I could tell he won it and it was like boiled and decided my [ __ ] look it won't go anyway you and me we'll just do it you know right he goes I got a surprise for you I said oh really so PS they transfer me he's part of my transfer team right they sent me to Devens Massachusetts which is closed today right for devan's that's what I run into Joe Joe Johnny Gambino with the with the paralyzation guy anyway so they send me there and when they send me there I lose the year off so it gets added back to my sentence so you talk about I mean they put me on Thorazine whatever kind of they put me all kinds of [ __ ] antidepressant drugs and [ __ ] and put me to sleep for hours because I don't know I was on the fence as I said my release date was 2003 and they changed the 2004 because when I transferred from this Judicial Circuit the 11th were I won my case the First Circuit didn't have the same rulings in place so he's like one of the counselors came at me sit down did you sure you want to get transferred like instead of saying you're gonna lose the year off you're [ __ ] because there may be some issues with your thing Isis what issues I can handle all issues right I get there I'm there about two weeks they call me in these Toulouse was a psychologist ladies you know sure you know just like my [ __ ] lucky day in prison to attractive young women around me man and we got good news in bed why don't we start with let's start with the bed you lost you year roof when you transferred from [ __ ] Florida to Samantha chooses I went like the floor would not hold me I was so shocked I was so she turns around and says to me do you want me to call an ambulance for you like like that's she saw I was like physically I was in some kind of a [ __ ] state of [Music]
Channel: John Alite
Views: 139,452
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 6ix9ine, mafia, john gotti, john alite, gene borrello, jre, www.alitesports.com, www.johnalite.com, johnnyandgeneshow@gmail.com, Johnny and Gene Show, John Alite, Gene Borrello, Mafia, Gambino Crime Family, Bonnano Crime Family, Crime, True Crime, True Mafia Stories, Organized Crime, The Johnny and Gene Show, Johnny Alite, Alite, Enforcer, Mob Life, Mobster, Mob John Alite, Mafia John Alite, Felix Levine, Mike Dowd, Mike Dowd John Alite, Mike Dowd 75, 75, 75 precint, 75 documentary
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 47min 7sec (2827 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 04 2020
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