#14 How to run Selenium TestNG tests with Maven Command Line | Run Tests using MVN Commands | SDET
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Channel: Suresh SDET Automation
Views: 12,373
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Keywords: Maven, TestNG, Maven TestNG, Maven TestNG CMD, Maven CMD, TestNG CMD, MVN command line, MVN TestNG Command line, What is Mvn test command, How do I run a maven command, How do I run a test from the command line, Does maven package run tests, maven command to run test suite, maven command to run all test cases, maven run specific test, maven run specific integration-test, maven run single test not working, mvn test options, SDET, Suresh SDET Automation
Id: vjSQpEggrFs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 31sec (571 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 27 2021
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