14 Detective Riddles 95% of Adults Can't Crack

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[Music] so in one small town there lived three neighbors mr. black mr. Brown and mr. white quite a colorful trio which one stolen necklace from the town's only jewelry store honestly I don't have a clue but maybe you do here are some tricky riddles you'll have to crack to earn the title of the world's best detective your results await at the end number one the missing jewelry it was mr. and mrs. Smith's wedding anniversary mrs. Smith was going to put on diamond earrings her husband gave her for their wedding but when she opened her jewelry box she was shocked to see that the earrings were missing she called her teenage daughters Dora and Laura I've told you so many times not to touch my things who took my jewelry this time Dora was indignant I haven't touched your jewelry box Laura also denied taking her mom stuff why would I need your old earrings are ten seconds enough for you to figure out which girl is lying it was Laura who stole the earrings her mom didn't specify which piece of jewelry was missing uh-oh number two the insomniac a man was exhausted after a long workday but when he finally nestled down in his bed he couldn't fall asleep he tossed and turned until eventually he picked up his cell phone dialed a number listened to several long tones and hung up after that he immediately fell asleep how so [Music] his next door neighbor was snoring loudly but the phone ringing woke the offender and the man finally managed to fall asleep number three an accident on a cruise ship officer Larson was doing security on a luxurious cruise liner one day the ship got into a terrible storm most passengers stayed in their cabins since they were all seasick from the huge waves but suddenly the officer heard a strange noise coming from the deck he rushed there and found a man lying unconscious on the floor when the man came around he told Larson that he had been on his way back to his room when somebody hit him on the head and took his money and phone officer Larson found two suspects Mike and Jacob Mike said that at the moment of the robbery he had been working out in the ship's onboard gym and Jacob claimed that he had been in the bathroom feeling terribly sick who's probably lying Mike if the waves were bad enough to make people sick the gym was probably closed so that the equipment didn't fall on someone and hurt them for a missing soccer coach one day a famous soccer coach went missing right from the locker room the detective has three suspects and all of them are from the coach's team Brandon says that after training he stayed on the field to practice a bit more andrew explains that he had to rush off the field immediately after practice due to a family emergency and james claims that the coach had still been there when he left the locker room who's the kidnapper it's Andrew if he had to rush off so quickly he wouldn't have time to go to the changing room yet he's wearing normal clothes not his uniform five a friendly hitchhiker it was a scorching hot day when officer Robinson was driving along a country road suddenly he noticed a hitchhiker on the side of the road and stopped to give him a lift the man was so thankful he said he'd been waiting for someone to pick him up for more than two hours then he offered the officer some chocolate Robinson declined the treat and told the hitchhiker that he was looking for a group of bank robbers the hitchhiker suddenly exclaimed a red car just sped past me it must have been them but they were going the other way we'll need to turn back however Robinson and maybe we took him to the police station fair enough the man turned out to be one of the robbers how did the officer know that [Music] if the hitch-hiker had been standing on the side of the road for two hours on a hot day his chocolate would have melted already so he lied to lead Robinson the wrong way number six an embarrassing mistake Lily a real estate agent was showing a luxurious home to a wealthy family the family liked everything about the house except for one thing the police had huge floor-to-ceiling windows and the parents were worried that their small son might accidentally break the glass and fall out Lily really wanted to close this deal so she decided to prove that the glass was unbreakable she ran up to the window and hit it at full speed the glass indeed didn't break but Lily fell out the window and sat there dazed and confused what happened the glass didn't break but it did pop out of its frame 7 a pencil on the floor five people were asked to step over a pencil that was lying on the floor but not one of them managed to do it what was the problem with this seemingly simple task the pencil was placed near the wall ate a strange number you have ten seconds to figure out in what situation do you look at the number two but say ten it happens when you look at a clock hey it's ten past ten nine a missing exit once upon a time a princess was locked in a room on top of a tall tower she found out that she could escape only through the fourth door the problem is there were only three doors in the room how could she find door number four remember you have just ten seconds to help the princess break free look at the symbols on the doors they're actually numbers it means that the princess should leave through the first door 10 a horrible ladder you've been kidnapped by a crazed Riddler you find yourself at the bottom of a deep well you try to climb up the walls but they're too slippery the only way to escape is a ladder with razor-sharp blades instead of regular rungs how can you climb the ladder and get to safety without any injuries hurry times a-tickin just turn the ladder upside down number 11 first light you come into a pitch-dark room you know that there's a gas stove a candle and a kerosene lamp in this room luckily you have a box of matches in your pocket what will you like first the first thing you need the light is undoubtedly a match 12 mysterious patients 2 drivers Chris and James were both taken to a hospital Chris had a sprained shoulder and James was badly bruised at the same time their cars weren't damaged at all you have 10 seconds to figure out what happened to these guys the drivers got into a fight their cars weren't involved at all 13 a safe place you're walking through the forest and suddenly see a crossroad with a man standing right in the middle one road leads to a village where a mob of bad guys live and the other to a safe place you don't know whether this person is a bad guy but you can ask him one question in order to get to safety if the man is bad he'll lie if he's good he'll tell you the truth which question should you ask the question should be where is your village if this person is innocent he'll direct you to the safe place if he's a bad guy he'll lie and point toward the safe place as well 14 the first one two people are walking toward each other they're both males the same age and have similar job positions who will be the first to greet the other you have 10 seconds to figure it out obviously the more polite one ok it's time to see how close you are to getting the title of a modder Sherlock let me know how you did down in the comments if you solve 0 to 4 riddles that's a true detective level of only 30% uh-oh you might not want to take any cases right now but you can beef up your problem-solving skills if you practice more if your score is 5 to 9 cracked riddles you're 60% Sherlock not bad but you can sharpen your skills even more just get a bit more practice with riddles that test your lateral thinking and finally if you untangle 10 to 14 mysteries you can call yourself a 100% true detective so if something goes in the jewelry store next door remember to offer your help because you are a real gem hey if you learn something new today then give the video a like and share it with a friend and here are some other cool videos I think you'll enjoy just click to the left or right and remember stay on the bright side of life
Views: 3,610,008
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: detective riddles, mystery riddles, riddles, brainteasers, riddles with answers, puzzles, test your brain power, test your intelligence, test your logic, observation skills, lateral thinking skills, attention to detail, logical riddles, observation, murder riddles, critical thinking, memory improvement, boost your brain, increase your brain power
Id: I_tcfzMaRog
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 57sec (717 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 23 2019
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