1361: The Buried Bloodbath Of Mästerby | Medieval Dead | Chronicle

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[Music] gotland 1361 for the inhabitants of the swedish isle in the baltic sea everything is about to change under the burning july sun the gotlanders stand together as one to defend their homes invaders are coming and they'll destroy everything in their way the gotlanders must stop them or die trying for over 600 years no one knew for sure what happened that day now archaeologists are uncovering evidence of a desperate battle in the marshes at a place called mastery having seen their fathers and sons and so on died everyone panicked and fled a medieval battle it's a fight for your life if you're on the losing side you're more than likely going to die and you're going to die all day the defenders of masturbate stood alone the medieval world the fifth to the 15th century a team of archaeologists investigates medieval life by exploring the world of the medieval dead we have a classic view of the storybook medieval life we don't hear the stories about the common man trying to keep his family alive in our stores there are hundreds if not thousands of skeletons archaeologically speaking we can now focus in on the medieval dead people you're looking for clues in the skeleton all the time and you couldn't help almost look through their eyes thinking what did they see how did they die they came to the land at cronevold where the people fought against them but they were superior then they gathered again and fought at masturbate the second day a third battle was fought and the gotland militia defeated the others taken prisoner they let a stone cross be raised for commemoration the words of the gotland chronicle in 1633 the landscape of gotham hides a violent past some of it historians know about back to the viking age yet much of it they can only glimpse for medieval gotham the year 1361 echoes is a time of terrible upheaval 10 miles south of the gotlandic capital visby master bee sits amid the reclaimed farmland and dense forest in 1361 it lay directly in the path of an eroding invasion force hell bent on the looting and burning of all they encountered there's no contemporary source that tells of what happened at masterpiece what we know comes from the chronicle of bisbee in the 17th century drawn by the island's reputation as a rich trading place king valdemar ii of denmark launched an invasion his main target was the island's capital the wealthy trading port of visby with its strong walls it was the envy of all sweden's rivals in the baltic in july 1361 voldemort's army landed on gotland's west coast and began its march on visby destroying and pillaging every gothander farm and village on the way the lisbians many of whom were foreign merchants barred their gates to the indigenous farmers and villages so for the gotlanders in villages like masturbate right in the path of the advancing danes all they could do was band together in a hastily formed militia and try to hold out they fought a battle somewhere in the marshes south of mastabi astride the main road but the danish army professional soldiers better equipped and more experienced broke through and pillaged their way to bisbee they defeated what remained of the gotham militia in a one-sided final battle it was a cataclysm gotland never recovered overnight its medieval golden age was finished times of dramatic change like this form cornerstones in history it's really good evidence for a massive change on gotland at that time there was an invading force being repelled or attempted to be repelled by the by the locals by the uh by the islanders themselves and of course they failed of course everything changes from that moment onwards for archaeologists like tim sutherland gotland's story is well known early in the 20th century mass graves from visby were discovered hundreds of skeletons and many artifacts and armor betrayed the true scale and horror of 1361. yet this was just from visby for more than six centuries almost nothing was known about the other battles the gotlanders fought for their island including the one at masterby in 2012 tim carried out an archaeological survey of the visby graves partially excavated more than 70 years ago [Music] it's one of the most important sites in medieval archaeology yet it's now heavily developed and there's currently little scope for more archaeology there [Music] but there is new work being done elsewhere on gotland by a team of swedish archaeologists so the chance has arisen where by there is a potential for finding something on the same island from the same period killed by the same people and these other people potentially lie in the ground somewhere outside visby and the locals have initiated an archaeological project whereby they've started to look for a medieval battlefield and they found it almost unbelievably they found evidence of it they found crossbow bolts and bits of sword and weapons finding evidence of lost medieval battles is extremely difficult tim knows because he's tried he's one of the world's foremost battlefield archaeologists and made his name excavating mass graves from the battle of towton in england for this reason he knows what's been done at master b is very important so he and metal detectorist simon richardson are on their way to gotland where they'll lend their expertise to the ongoing project their work at towton was made easier because it was a recognized historic battlefield its location well documented for many long years master b though was a lost battlefield with no contemporary records and only the oral tradition of the locals to keep its memory alive yet there is one other clue as to what happened there standing not far away from where they found all these were fragments of medieval conflict there is a very large standing stone cross and this has all sorts of stories associated with it the master bee cross stands alone in the fields a few meters from the road just outside the modern village it's one of the things that's hooked him into the project no one knows for sure how long it stood nor even why in fact it's there adding to the intrigue this the cross has been moved it used to lie down it's been moved from a great distance away it's been moved from a short distance away my my instinct would tell me that you do not move large stone crosses like that for unless there's a very good reason in which case it might have fallen over in which case somebody might have just put it back up again but there's a very good chance that the area around that stone cross contains the graves of the people that died in the battle must be in 1361 just before the battle of visby so there is almost a once in a lifetime opportunity of finding a parallel to something like visby which would be phenomenal we've potentially got evidence for another mass grave or another series of masquerades down the road that masturbate and so are there parallels are they completely different or are they exactly the same and we don't know and that's one of the interesting things that we'd like to find out the project centers around the present-day village of masterby gotland is known for its many medieval churches many of which date to long before 1361 somewhere near the church stood the medieval settlement but no traces remain on the surface it's an almost entirely local team most are amateurs with some professional archaeologists they all know the stories of the gotlanders battle here and for the last few years they've been committed to keeping its memory alive maria lingstrom is the project leader she's a professional archaeologist and was born and raised in mastabi and so has a strong personal affinity with the story she wants to find out the real facts to back up what she learned as a child about the people who gave everything to defend the village more than 600 years ago the first thing they had to do was to verify there was any kind of medieval activity there at all each year they run a metal detecting survey to cover a different area of the grid slowly they're gaining an insight into what happened here in 1361 the most important thing is to trace the actual outline of the battle area piece by piece grid by grid the fines are scattered through the fields lying for the most part right where they fell in the ground dropped by a fleeing defender or an advancing invader now more than 600 years later fellow gotlanders search for this evidence of their forebears simon richardson's experience helps with this he's one of the most experienced battlefield metal detectorists in the world while simon heads out into the fields with the metal detecting team tim prepares for a different kind of survey at the master bee cross he's joined by helen goodchild from the university of york in england she'll helped him carry out a remote sensing survey around the area of the cross the site of the visby graves was marked by a similar stone cross no one knows whether there are burials at master bee well we we know we've got a medieval battle we've got the evidence of that so that's one thing we know that in a medieval battle lots of people get killed so somewhere there would be lots of dead presumably now either everybody's been taken out of the landscape and there are no mass graves or somewhere in this landscape there will be mass graves therefore you look for points of reference and there's no no better point of reference than this huge big slab of limestone and if we want to look for a parallel for something like this cross here there is no better example than a few miles up the road at visby where we know there is a very very similar cross of the same sort of size and dimensions and that does mark the medieval masquerade from the battle of visby we're hoping that in this landscape within this very field itself right close to the cross are the mass graves from the people that died the battle must be we also know that towards the end of the battle must be it appears as though the battle went through or very close by the medieval settlements around masturbate so we'll have evidence of where they lived we'll have evidence of where they fought we'll have evidence of where they died and also hopefully we'll have evidence of where they were eventually buried tim and helen are using a range of techniques to try and detect any graves that might be here but much depends on the geology or even the remains of the medieval building the problem is graves always really quite hard to pick up regardless of the techniques you use i mean it depends what's in the grave if they're buried with their armor then we'd expect it to be hugely magnetic um it'll just be a giant anomaly but if there haven't been it might be more difficult to detect and in fact it might be that the later settlement is going to obliterate any traces of that at all so i mean we've already found that we're picking up what looked like walls and stuff from perhaps a later farmhouse so if we're lucky we'll see the grave as well if we're unlucky we'll get a lot of post-medieval structures ground penetrating radar will enable them to look for large shapes or displacements up to several meters down into the soil if you imagine a radar in something like a plane or a ship and it sends a signal out it's the reflection of that signal off another plane or a piece of land or something and the the ship gets back so it's a reflected signal that it's recording and that's what we're doing so we're sending a signal into the ground it reflects off something or multiple somethings and then gets reflected back to the recorder [Music] as they carry out the survey tim also lets his instinct as an archaeologist build an idea of what could have happened here immediately after the fighting from his experience at other medieval battle sites he's identified a pattern of events the primary event after the battle itself is that the the nearby locals will come and collect their their dead so the members of the family the wives and the daughters would come into the landscape and try to identify members of the family and take them away and then of course you get people coming from further afield who have to do exactly the same thing all over gotland they will try to come and identify their family members and hopefully take them away as well also you've got people on the battlefield scrounging looking for items of value there's lots of activity and then eventually you are left with a battlefield full of dead that nobody's claimed then somebody sooner or later will come along a member of the church a member of the artistic local aristocracy and say right we'll clear the battlefield and so anybody that is left will presumably be placed in the mass graves just to clear up so either the masquerades would be something somewhere like a church yard if there's a very small number of them or it could be if they're a large number they've been in an open piece of landscape where there's a piece of ground that's not under agriculture at the gotlands museum in visby tim and simon get an idea of the kind of evidence so far discovered from 1361. this is just a small selection of a huge range of artifacts here including armor weaponry and human bones one type of artifact is dominant among the finds made by the master bee project so far crossbow bolts so far many have been found probably shot at gotlanders by the invaders voldemort's army is known to have included german mercenaries possibly some of whom were crossbowmen the crossbow was a weapon feared on the medieval battlefield it required less skill and strength to use than a longbow and so was seen as a devilish unfair device a medieval terror weapon ideal to break a lightly equipped militia like the gotlanders and drive them back in panic this class case contains the essentially the masterpiece collection and as you can see these are the classic uh crossbow bolts and the second back from the right there is the the classic short stubby but heavy crossbow bolt and this is from the battlefield that must be so you brought one with you essentially it's the same size shape and weight because it's not a little bodkin it's not a very narrow slender artifact is it it's a big heavy serious piece of kit but this is a masterpiece collection so this has come off the master bee battlefield so basically these are crossbow books there's no denying that yeah i mean they're all standard form aren't they they're just just very in size so that's important because we're getting continuity now between what is essentially being used across europe at that time and we've got them on the master b battlefield and we've got them on the frisbee battlefield so it's all the standard kit around that time it's a short stubby head as well it's not a long slender you know like a bodkin arrowhead so if it hit you in a piece of flesh obviously you'd survive but if that hit you in the face or in the head it would take you down and you wouldn't bother getting up again tim and simon head out into the field to help with the survey they soon find it's not a straightforward place to metal detect it's going really well it's hard work there's so many nails literally pounds and pounds um so yeah you're on your knees every five minutes and uh digging but everything has to be uh investigated so you know you could leave her what you think's a nail and it could be a chainmail link or a fragment or something else just a process of elimination it's a surprise yet another nail the many nails are a hindrance to the metal detecting team scrap from more recent eras is a problem on most historical sites especially on fields used for agriculture for hundreds of years is the kind of thing well this is a stuff we've been finding on the battlefield they're mainly made up of nails and wires but there are there's the odd item which is a fair bigger a lot of agricultural stuff a little piece of wire yeah it's frustrating finding this sort of thing but it's what you have to go through it's part of the process you have to remove these items to find um you know the battle related things yeah i mean something like this look looking at the metal it looks quite old to start with and maybe initially when it comes out of the ground you know it could be mistaken for part of a knife or further inspection it's all it is it's a small adjustable spanner quite normal with all this background noise to search through simon needs more than his technical ability decades of detecting on medieval battlefields means he too has a strong instinct for where to look when you're doing these surveys when you are walking around you try and imagine the flow of the battle where the most advantageous place would be to stand your army and they knew they were going to where they were going to attack from they knew how they could maybe by looking at the landscape how they could encircle the the enemy trap them push them into a a narrow place between two woods or into a marsh or against the river they'd try and use a landscape to their advantage by looking at it and i suppose metal detecting is the same really you look for the higher ground where people would uh make escape from away from the rivers uh away from the marsh people may be made escape plans i know i would yeah i mean the big bill is on this landscape 100 years ago 200 years ago 300 years ago and i'm previous to that and then obviously there's no traces of them yeah so so they pull the buildings down so there's just thousands of nails everywhere aren't they and they're literally just spread absolutely everywhere they're literally everywhere yeah and they're not just one or two there are literally thousands tens of thousands of these things in a week i bet i found close to a thousand yeah you know the more bolts the more distinctive artifacts can find from the battle yeah and then plot them we're just getting this more and more condensed spread of the uh the battlefield archaeology and we can see that it is actually a battlefield it's not just a normal piece of land no but the area we're moving to in a minute over there on the rise that that should be quite exciting right that's on the main route and it's on higher ground which will have taken the people flying past the marsh so we're now in the position between the marsh and master bee yes right excellent so hopefully we'll get even more evidence of the battle then as if as people came away from the marsh and then uh routed towards the village itself when the survey switches location the result is more fines and more crossbow bolts they're searching directly over the path of the final retreat of the gotlanders beyond them the only thing standing between the marauding danish army and masturbate was the farmstead at grence where the cross now stands so what sort of stuff you've been finding then yeah it's been a really good server this year this is what the balls usually look like pretty ugly yeah it doesn't look like a crossbow bolt when you first pick it up does it this is a close combat area but we have a few balls here as well but the main battle area is just a couple of hundred meters away so this is was probably shot at a goth lander fleeing for his life [Applause] well that's good that's a superb one yes that's what you would recognize as a classic crossbow bolt they are in different sizes aren't they yeah they're not all the same size big ones over the past few years the surveys have discovered almost 50 bolts like these all conflict uh is brutal um people do get killed and they get killed in horrible ways in the medieval conflict you get literally hacked to pieces or you get these big lumps of iron these iron crossbow bolts through your skull or through your spine or through a joint in a limb you can just imagine the people so frightened so afraid you know these brothers and fathers and fighting together you know seeing these seeing the friends the neighbors the family killed in killed in terrible terrible ways and all they really want to do is is to protect their community and you get this invading army coming in you know just want to take it away and they'll take it away in any any any way they can and they're totally afraid and all they want to do is is get away get back to their homes which here they they more than likely died defending anyway a medieval battle takes a fight for your life literally you win your side wins and you survive great if you're on the losing side you're more than likely going to die and you're going to die horrible death the bolts are a grim reminder of what must have been a terrifying experience to be pursued across the marsh under fire with simon's help though this year's survey has uncovered many other important finds some of them could relate to the fight the gotland has put up against the danish and mercenaries this is a really interesting find that we made yesterday it looks like the pommel of a sword this is a upper part of the sword these fragments are extremely rare and further evidence of the medieval battle which unfolded across these fields here you have the cross guard and the rest of the sword you know what i think this is a second pommel we have i think most of the swords were taken away uh by the survivors so uh it's really rare to find swords uh like this and here we have a bottle i think it fits in perfect perfectly with a picture of 1361. there are quite a few parallels of that from the visby graves but it's quite a broad one it's quite a broad belt yeah for a heavy belt is it maybe sword belt yeah it could be a sword belt or something yeah there are also pieces of armor again extremely rare to find in situ on a battle site this is a really promising fine as well might be a lamellar see the holes here lamellar armor was formed of many overlapping iron scales or lames it was a style that dated back to viking times on gotland well lamellar armour is his armor that is made up of small plates so what you would do is you would have a series of these next to each other overlapping each other all riveted or tied onto something else and it forms uh it's almost like a suit of mail except it's made of plates instead of little tiny rings so the fact that this has got little holes in it suggested it might be actually part of an armor complete examples were buried on bodies in the visby graves but here at masterby the finds are evidence of the armor's use in battle [Music] and again some of these looking at the visby examples you can almost imagine that potentially being shield-shaped and some of the armor actually has copper alloy designs on the on the armor itself so some of these might not even have been just been playing they might have been decorated as well tim heads back to the cross with the radar survey complete he and helen use another means of inquiry to try and unlock its secrets we were told by the locals that there was no inscription on the stone and so i thought that was quite unusual for quite an elaborate cross like this and also considering that it's so similar to the cross at visby which has got a very elaborate and an ornate inscription and so when we came up here as you can see the liking covers it so well and disguises it it's just so camouflaged you just can't see any indentations on the cross one of the questions one has to ask is why is a big cross of this stature standing in the middle of a field in what seems to be a completely agricultural landscape automatically questions spring to mind is it related to the battle and if so is it the memorial cross of the mass graves that possibly lie underneath it or is it just a memorial to the battle itself and the people who died here it is possible that underneath and around this cross are the graves the people who defended this landscape in 1361. [Music] it's possible they might be able to see inscriptions that still remain on the surface of the stone not visible during daylight hours all they have to do is wait for darkness the idea is that we're going to shine a raking light across the surface of the stone and the reason behind that is that by using a very low light against the surface it will cast very deep and recognizable shadows and anything that's an undulation in the surface of the stone and that casts a shadow we'll be able to record if we shine it from there and then what we can do is turn it oh look at that and remember we're only doing the a quadrant at a time you can already see all the lettering too is that's an a yeah oh yeah that's yeah an a there's definitely a d there is is that an o so is that dominus domino i know i know dominar yes see that's what we think it might say then wow and then of course we've got some down here it's incredibly deep already you just read you just read inscribed letters that haven't been read out loud for about 700 years potentially yeah amazingly the inscriptions can be made out after centuries despite the weathering on the cross out in the open exposed to the elements every single year you get a fraction of a millimeter disappearing because of frost action so the water will soak into the surface and it'll freeze and the surface will just fall off but it's my news because it's really hard stone but over over the centuries prove what was presumably a deep inscription is almost gone and so hopefully we're recording it in time but some elements of it have almost certainly already gone the letters are very faint and difficult to decipher they're a kind of script used across scandinavia and europe during the later middle ages we are exposing what are almost certainly letters but some of them are such an odd shape to our modern eye that we have to find a reference to what that letter is now these letters appear to be in the form what they call black letter which is a very uniform shape but what we need to do is to compare known black letters to what these letters are on the inscription and so we will find some that are nothing similar nothing like similar and then we'll find some other exact replicas like the letter d we know that is a black letter letter d yes i think these dots separate two words so we have the last letter here and then the other word starts with an o or a d that's that would have that's not a a black letter d though this is a typical black letter d yeah so it may be that somebody's even cleaned it up again these two are incredibly deep they are really nice it's either that or it's just for some reason it's very hard around there it's not eroded but we're gonna blink such a good letter there that's beautiful yes that's just yes but it's a minuscule or what do you say it's a small a yes although it's um in the beginning for maria lingstrom it's an important discovery she's known about the cross since childhood growing up in masturbate but she never realized it still bore these hidden inscriptions really excited yes considering it wasn't supposed to supposed to have an inscription on it anyway this is absolutely fantastic so we now know that it once had a full almost well yeah a full inscription and it's just worn away i was born here so i've seen it all my life and i've always been told that uh the cross was blind and uh that's why we're having blank blank there's no exception on it so you were always told from a very early age yes this was a blank cross yes and now how do you feel about seeing this for the first time oh this is amazing this is a dream coming true really part of the inscription seems to be jacobi which may refer to saint james's day [Music] just prior to when the battle of visby is known to have taken place it could just be coincidence so the cross the cross in visby has got an inscription that's got the dates of their battle on it yes and that was what date was that three days after uh i think jacob it must be since it's the 27th 27th of july so if this has got uh jacoby are written on it which is said james's day then that would refer to a medieval saints day which very coincidentally just happens to coincide with the date of the battle and masturbating which is fantastic so it does look as though we've got a medieval cross with an inscription on it which we didn't know existed and the inscription might just say jacobi on it for for james james's day which is the date of the battle must be that'd be unbelievable to describe that for the first time out in the fields maria and the metal detecting team are back at work they're on the north western shore of what was the shallow lake in medieval times it's the area across which the defenders fled after they failed to stop the danish advance we're actually on the shore of the lake now you can see it's dipping down a bit over here and there we have the the former lake it was ditched out in at the end of the 19th century so it's not a deep lake then it's shallow yellow yes yeah and 1361 is supposed to have been a really dry and hot summer so it was even shallower but the marshy lake bed wasn't enough to stop the danish advance the gotlanders knew if the danes came over the lake the battle would be done so it would be over yes yeah so the gotlanders tried to hinder the danes on the lake and that's why we have both crossbow boats there and also pots of swords parts of spike clubs and so on so that was a defensive position they tried to prevent them from crossing that light and they failed obviously in the great scheme of things this is now becoming almost parallel to the archaeological evidence from the graves at visby but it wasn't a proven battlefield until relatively recently no not amongst the experts they said no no historians said we don't think there was a battle but the people here invested we have never doubted there was a battle here so what's happening now is the battlefield archaeology is formalizing this part of history and of course now you can rub a stamp it say there is definite proof of medieval battlefield in this landscape the weather closes in as this year's survey is almost complete just beyond where the team have been working the land shelves down to where the heaviest part of the fighting probably was the close combat area the two sides more than likely met in the narrow part of the shallow lake as the danish and mercenaries forced the crossing to outflank the gotlanders yes we think that the gotlanders had a gathering point here on the northern shore of the lake and that they met the danish army uh actually on the lake on this narrow spot so there were two lines uh shooting uh with their crossbows and shooting arrows at each other and then we have a close combat in that area as well and then we have the close combat area here when the people are fleeing there is a written source from the 17th century which messenger mentions that there were two battles fought upon the lake two days in a row but uh i'm not sure the the gotlanders could stand up that for that long they would have been in family groups standing next to their fathers and brothers and sons and so on and when they're scattered they probably fled in these family groups as well having seen their fathers and sons and so on died everyone panicked and fled how many battlefields now how many too many to count got my fourth medieval battlefield probably one of the most interesting as the team head out of the field for the final time this year they're following the route the gotlanders probably took as the survivors fled back to the village tim has seen the signs of this kind of panicked route before on other sites other battlefields obviously where things aren't is almost as important as where things are because then you know the shape of the battlefield itself and there's usually a big block a mass of artifacts and then it usually tails off in one direction you know either north south east or west or whatever and eventually it just fades away into nothingness as the people ran away and were either the the either they escaped or they were killed at the cross the radar results are inconclusive there are no obvious grave pits in the fields around the cross but there are the possible remains of the medieval farmstead that stood here at the time of the battle tim and simon return one last time to take august samples from the areas highlighted by the radar results we're organ mainly to look at the the subsurface structure of the soil so we're looking for the how deep the soil is and then what the subsoil is made of and how deep it is everybody's telling us that there's nothing here and until you can prove it then you just never know the master bee cross binds its secrets tightly this is where the debris trail of artifacts seems to lead perhaps the final rallying place of the defenders of masturbate before they were overwhelmed tim and simon try to picture the final moment and where if anywhere near the bodies of the fallen gotham dislike [Music] the location here is at the end of this tale of archaeological evidence of the battle so we're getting crossbow bolts we're getting bits of armor and all sorts of things and this is all intense purpose it's the tail end of it so if we got the mass of the battlefield there one would expect the majority of the people to be buried there at least temporarily and then take them to the church later on but if there was a settlement here and this is part of the route then is it possible that this is where people were fleeing to and then there was like a horrible situation occurred here that was memorialized not just for the battle but for the you know for the for the carnies that took place most of the artifacts are in what we believe to be the center of the battlefield but you wouldn't move a large number of dead people from there to a spot like this which is a few hundred meters from the church if you're going to all the effort all the trouble to move them from there which is a lot of labor you carry on to the church and build them in the cemetery yeah so why is this memorial stone here maybe this memorial is just commemorating this is the area of the old village this is where maybe the last stand was so we'll put the cross here it doesn't necessarily mean they're buried here yeah it just means where everything sort of ended you know this could be the end the beginning of the route where they just stopped fleeing back towards visby and the locals obviously get caught up in it yeah uh so it might mark the transition point did they actually exhume the grave from the battlefield and take them into the consecrating ground or are they still there on the battlefield waiting for us to find out there are several graves between here and the main concentration yeah in the game and it's for the danes the enemy would they go too much trouble to bury those i don't think so i don't think so because they'd be too busy going towards they hadn't finished reach their objective yet their objective was frisbee and with local populations wiped out there aren't going to be many people around exactly all this all this landscape they ended up decimated yeah at the time of the battle because there would have been thousands of troops moving through this landscape taking anything that was movable anything of any value whatsoever that's the food the livestock any of the artifacts in the house it houses they probably look to burn the houses but then move on and there are a few knives found there and we're talking one you know this this size yeah you know that'd be a good piece of uh a useful piece of equipment you know for a laborer or for a farm if somebody found that they would have had it but i don't think people have gone to the trouble of looking maybe a lot of them don't come back because they're dead exactly yeah [Music] whatever happened here in the hours and days following the battle the walled city of visby capitulated soon after [Music] and with it the whole of the island fell to voldemort in the days though it was regained by sweden years later medieval gotham was never the same again [Music] like their brothers in arms who filled the grave pits outside visby somewhere in this landscape so far undiscovered lie the defenders of masturbating [Music] you
Channel: Chronicle - Medieval History Documentaries
Views: 30,297
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: history documentary, medieval history documentary, middle ages, medieval history, the middle ages, medieval dead, medieval mystery, medieval archaeology news, medieval archaeology finds, medieval battlefield archaeology, sweden battle medieval, archaeology history show, fun middle ages, shocking history, medieval life, what was medieval life like, medieval secrets, uncovering history
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 46min 3sec (2763 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 06 2021
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