13.6: XML and JSON - Processing Tutorial

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okay in this video I want to look at getting data in a standardized format that we haven't seen before so we've seen raw text come into processing we chopped it up into words and we counted those words we've seen tabular data which is really wonderful is like oh I found all these numbers and I want I want to use these numbers and look at this they're just sitting right there separated by commas it's a very easy format I know how to parse it and I've got all these numbers so this is what we're hoping for in life that there's data that we want we found the data and it's in a standardized format meaning I can read this format in particular not me but a computer program can read this format very easily in the next video or some video after this one we'll look at data that comes in and anon you know just kind of SMS what do we do if I have to manually figure out like how is this data structured and organized and it's not really meant for me to parse there's still ways we can we can solve this problem but in this video we're going to live in a happy place where the data is either in XML and you see what I've written here extensible markup language I believe that stands for or JSON these are two formats I want to look at JavaScript object notation so these are standards that have been developed in order for applications to serve up data and this is what we think of as an API and application programming interface a interface for two different applications to talk to each other one might be a web server like the New York Times web server wants to talk to my processing sketch oh how exciting how do they talk to each other by sending data back and forth in some standardized way that they each know about XML JSON so one of the things we'll see is that ah we have this example with the table we made these bubbles that had an X and the wine diameter and a label we're going to see exactly these a these we're see exactly this example duplicate an XML and JSON but uh more likely what the scenario you might be in is the following and we go unfortunately wearing a green shirt today which I I need to attach the microphone to something but you can sort of see through me so this might be your scenario you found something online an API it's free I can get the data I want to vision whether information open weather map and if we read through this page we're going to find lots of documentation for how to get a particular piece of data I've I've already grabbed some for you this is now and you can see this is what we need to sort of start also getting used to this idea of query strings so looking here we see there's a URL you know google.com amazon.com open weather map API org and but what we're going to have to figure out in processing is how do we request the data with some specificity I don't just want all the weather of all of the world I want the weather in London I want the data to be an XML I want my units to be metric and I want maybe seven seven days worth of data I believe so we have to get used to this Q equals London and mode equals XML these name value pairs that make up a request to a particular API but we're going to see that in a little bit later but it's good to kind of get that into our minds right now and now you can start to see oh look here's data I have weather data it's in a location the name of that location is London the country is Great Britain here's my locate some more longitude and latitude and altitude and all sorts of other information so this looks there's something that's similar to a table here in that there's chunks of data in between these tags so the interesting thing about XML and also JSON is the data is stored in a tree structure which actually will give us a great deal more flexibility and power in terms of organizing our data than simply a table would so let's think about let's use whether I'm making this up on the fly hopefully it's going to be okay so let's say I'm asking for weather information and weather is the root of my tree and then maybe I have a location which is a child of the weather which is London and then maybe I have five children like Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday and each one of those has a temperature and a high and a low like a current temperature a high and a low you could I've got it going on and on but you can see this is how you might think of the data this is a bit more flexible than just having to have a flat data there's only columns and rows here we can sort of think of a database of objects there might be another city that's coming in you know New York and that has a bunch of days of weather and each one of those days also has a temperature in high and low so this is how the data is structured in a tree now what is this actually look like so I want to pull up if you remember so I don't have all of this kind of just like ready to go on the fly here but I'm going to go into our examples and I'm going to look at wereld we have load save table this is an example we were looking at in the previous one of the previous videos and we have this table each one of these things has a label as an X Y in diameter and we can kind of imagine that that table is something that's quite a film quite comfortable for us to sort of think of this data in a table XY diameter name XY diameter name let's look at exactly this data in XML so let's come back here where was I had oh I was there I was there a second ago chapter 18 let's look at load save XML and I'm going to go into the data folder and we grab this piece of data and do I have sublime text somewhere no let's just open it in let's try that yeah and make a bigger bigger bigger come on here we go here's the data oh we move it to the side practice makes perfect right okay so you can see here there is a root node bubbles bubbles has four children a bubble a bubble a bubble a bubble each bubble has three children a position a diameter label a position in diameter later look the position has two attributes an x and y the diameter has a piece of content this label the label has a piece of content this sad so this you know this is how the data is structured if there is a tree each element of the tree has an open tag like weather and a close tag backslash whether each child then is inside of this particular node like the city might be London so city is a child now the city might actually have other children inside of here in which case I might put the end tag down here and then put some other children did the actual where the line breaks are don't actually matter that's just for us the human being to be able to see it so as we start to look at data online you're going to start you're going to find the data like this and it becomes detective work for you you have to figure out okay I whether is the route then their city and I want then the Tuesday a high temperature so what is the path to that it's the child of whether the child of the the first child of whether and the second child of that child and then the high attribute so if we go to an actual example where this happens like this is actually using Yahoo Yahoo weather instead of open weather map and I run this let's just run this to see that it works we can see here I'm getting today's high oh I'm not here I'm getting today's high is 72 degrees in this zip code which is the zip code I'm standing in right now and the forecast is partly cloudy how did I get that come back here we can look into the example you can say okay first of all this is kind of key look at this URL I have a URL which is requesting that XML weather data plus zip plus a variable P equals zip so let's just take this for a second and put this into the browser and you can see that's the URL I'm going to but there needs to be an argument P equals what I could get the weather in where I am right now one zero zero zero three that's if code and you can see here's all of that XML data coming in I could change this to nine oh two one oh and here's the weather in Beverly Hills California all that weather is coming in so while if I'm in the browser I'm just typing this stuff up into the URL query address area thing but in processing itself I need to form that URL as a string and I can concatenate two strings together with the plus operator so this is a very simplistic example if I were to pull up I have another example which is loading from New York Times you can see here there's a bit more stuff going on I'm searching for processing in the newest article I'm using an article search here there's a query there's a sort order I also need to have an API key so I have to form that URL how did I figure out how this URL is formed I'm simply doing that by going to New York Times website and reading through its documentation so there's no like catch-all scenario here I'm just kind of showing you all the bits and pieces but you will have to do that detective work yourself so back to this weather example how are we getting that stuff load XML so we saw load strings gives us a txt file load table we can load a CSV any type of tabular data and now we have load XML which is assuming that that whatever these the query is a file the URL worked what we're getting is XML data and now XML get child Channel item Y weather forecast get the integer for the high temperature get the string for the text so this is how I search into a particular piece of XML data and if I go if I go back to the browser and we're looking at this you can see okay what was it it was oops it was channel item Y weather forecast look at this channel is first I already forgot let me move this over to the side here oh this was going so well Channel item Y weather forecast okay channel item where's I somebody find me item there it is down at the bottom here item why weather condition is there a why weather forecast there it is why weather forecast and here that's the information that I wish for so I've got a botching this because you know belt I'll try to read you this video that's a voice but but you get the idea so you you load a URL you load it into load XML and you find that piece of data you're looking for in addition to our URL we could see here that sorry load save XML this particular example now I can run this example which is just loading in an XML data file this is the tabular data with bubbles and look at this here we go I want to get give me the position and give me the X and give me the Y then give me the diameter so this is the syntax much like how we look through a table we looked at every single row and every single column now we have to look at every single child and in each child let me pull out that x value let me put out that Y value and the same way that in table we could then save that table data back out we can also save XML data back out and you can see that's happening right here save XML data slash XML okay so it's kind of like a haphazard a very scattered description of XML and looking at a few scenarios here is now let's look think about JSON so JSON JavaScript object notation now if we'd been programming all along in JavaScript you'd be like yeah we're done javascript object notation is just the syntax of JavaScript and in JavaScript you can make an object like this I'm going to save our particle equals open curly bracket close curly bracket you know X is at 100 why is that 200 and the diameter is 52 so this is a line of code in JavaScript which is declaring an object literal an object literal a particle that has an excellent diameter and we've kind of seen this in processing class particle float X float Y float D so this is kind of like instead of a template this is just making the object itself what's interesting about JavaScript object notation is if you put this into a text file this is exactly the syntax for storing that data so if I come back over here and I were to go to let me find load save JSON and I'm going to open this JSON file we can see now oh I'm not over here I'm really screwing this up we can now see that this is that same data in JSON format there is something called bubbles what is that it's an array that square bracket means an array with a bunch of things in it each one of those things separated by commas has a position which itself is an object with an X and a Y and a diameter which has something in a label which is a string so this is now a standardized format for that particular data and if I look into the code we can see what's happening okay I need to load that JSON file what's in that JSON file an array of bubble objects for each array give me the give me the object in each one of those arrays and then give me the position give me the X give me the Y give me the diameter so you know I'm not going through like the the nitty-gritty details of this syntax I think that if you looked at all three of those examples next to each other and all three data formats you would start to see how are things organized columns and rows XML children JavaScript JSON arrays which is a list of things and JSON objects which is a collection of properties with a name like position and a value like 12 comma 13 and x and a y so this is how we're working with data and I think I'm kind of wrapping this up here but I think it might be useful just to see a JSON example so this by the way okay so here is that New York Times example which which goes to the New York Times API searches for the word processing sorts it by and then we get all of this JSON back so you can see here this is kind of a mess this is very while this is very easy for a computer program to read this is very hard for us to see one thing that you can do that I think is useful to see I'm going to take this copy paste it there's a site JSON for matter that I can just paste all this like garbled JavaScript of JSON in and I'm going to hit process and it formats it nicely for me so now if I look at this full screen I can start to like see like ah okay so where is that there's a response and it has some Doc's each has a URL oh there's a headline main Australia issues blanket visa honorable I should search for something different but you can see here's that headline and if I go into processing and go to this New York Times API example and I run this you can see ah I have that exact same headline now showing up and processing how did I do that and you can see here that what did I do I said okay I got all that JSON data then I look for the response then I looked for docs and then I looked for the first element index 0 and then I looked for the headline and then I looked for main so what we that detective work essentially that we did by figuring out that it's a response Docs then there's an array a the first one that I need headline that I need main that is mirrored here in the in this processing sketch by looking through all these pieces of JSON ok so I don't know how useful this was because it was kind of a smattering of lots of things and I like one video with both XML and JSON and but you can see so what I would say to you what's your exercise now find a data source online I will try to link to a whole bunch of examples of things see if you can pull that data into processing and try to just pull out a singular unit of information a temperature article headline and then you know once you've done that you might start looking for oh can I get larger amounts of day can I get how many times from the New York Times a certain word appears every year from you know 1950 to 2014 and draw a graph of that so so this is some beginning steps and I will say goodbye and I will hear from you someday when about this particular video goodbye
Channel: The Coding Train
Views: 117,981
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: processing json, json xml, xml to json, processing xml, json vs xml, xml vs json, xml json, Application Programming Interface (Literature Subject), XML (Programming Language), JSON (Programming Language), JavaScript Object Notation, Tutorial (Media Genre), processing.org, Computer Science (Field Of Study), icm, data, String, XML, JSON, API, Processing (Programming Language), processing tutorial, processing, difference between xml and json, xml and json
Id: rqROpUNb2aY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 0sec (1080 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 24 2015
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