13:12 Make the Clock Work | Full Documentary

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man man just look at him okay what's up i mean why can't he be like everybody else why you gotta be different i don't know man just look at him okay just look at him oh my oh my oh my god i've been running all my life that [Music] known as clock founder and ceo of flock of brand co-founder sniper's basketball academy brand ambassador swift hoops by dalek swift ex-captain and starting guard for knusty basketball team and kscs basketball team two-time mvp rebounds two-time mvp sprite ball eastern region current mvp kumasi basketball and oh my right leg is shorter than my left leg when i had an ass it took a long time for me to have pk so i had to go through a lot of treatment because i really wanted to have another child [Music] if i was told i i could never have a child anymore and you know a woman always want to have more children most women so i was really trying my husband tried a lot i was saying my gynecologist who happened to be my uncle he really tried for me to be pregnant any time we tried miscarriage pops in and then i get a bit sad after trying for for some time he came i was very happy i remember my the lab test that confirmed i was pregnant i came home jumping and you believe it i had a party for children i gave birth to pk in police hospital i was the happiest person on earth in fact there was nothing wrong with him honestly i never knew that midwives do take measurements of babies until that day this midwife took a team measured the circumference of the head measured everything i was shocked i never knew they did that that very day i was discharged because there was nothing wrong with both of us we went home everything was normal until one day anytime i was trying to dress him up with him and then later playing with him all the time he was such a such a joy so i would just hold his legs together and be jumping and turning him around when he was about three months old i i did the same thing try to dress him up on the mat and then trying to hold the two legs together um i realized that it didn't look right it didn't look right so i tried again i kept it to myself and i said no this is this is not true because it hasn't been like it hasn't been it hasn't been like this then i would try it again i realized the difference between the two a little bit different so i i told my husband and he said um are you sure said yes okay let's see so everybody we we were trying to check whether it was right or maybe i was just it was just something that is playing on my mind i don't know so my husband said okay take him back to your anchor so we went back to the hospital my doctor said no um we have to see the specialist because he was a guy named so immediately he booked me to see the orthopedic section in kuala lumpur so we started koligo from there after when he was about three months and the story began from there my childhood was um i'm not sure i can find a word for my childhood it was a bit fun but very tough because the point i realized how i looked i mean physically and how i walked and how my friends had to remind me every time it was tough because i didn't like it and i couldn't show it so much because i wanted to play i wish it could be different i mean everything anybody goes through either makes or breaks them i know mine made me but i wish could be different there was once children were playing around the house and he was there as usual and then i was in the kitchen i could hear from the kitchen window the children they were playing mayban sachi so any panzer that's sort of you know that game with my little children and then when i suspected that when it was parkour's then they said my goodness i went in the kitchen like a baby that has been smacked i was not there but the moment i heard and then after weeping i went to sleep and there he was sitting among the children stretched his legs and so so it was parkour i went and brought him in but i always make sure he never sees me crying over his challenges i i made sure he never saw me crying when he was growing up let's say five six seven eight growing up primary school i would ask him how do you feel if you go to school everyone loves me mom i'm happy but one day when i was taking him to school i asked him how do you feel about yourself he never said anything about his head when he looked at his head i saw tears so tears primary school toughest period in my life it gets tough while you know moving to the next stage it got tougher the class one i was in madonna school in asylum down before maduna school i was in the union's desk but in downstairs i i remember having the olympic monsters because it was fun it was all play all play all my teachers loved me everyday playing i had some kind of friends who thought they knew you know so they could give me a name i had no name when i was in class one class two it was all echo you know and then i got to class four i started meeting people who came from all walks of life if i should put it that way because they sh they show it you know they show that my father has money um i know what i'm talking about i can tease you you know the actual challenge started in class five in class five i had to change schools from maduna i did one year in ants recreatory the should i say recognition of my limp was quite loud and well i was a bit confident in answer preachy you know i was all over the place i was playing soccer i was playing everything that the school had you know but there was no basketball court it was mostly soccer i didn't give anybody a chance to regard me you know relating to my leg so everybody kind of respected me in answer patreon they did they didn't have a reason to tease me because i acted as if you know i knew i knew my worth i knew me so you can't come and tell me like you're this you're that you know and then my mom had to travel a time came in my life when i had to travel because um married problems came in and after some years i had to remarry and then i had to join my husband so i had to leave them behind so that after um settling settling down and after everything is okay with me my status is okay then we could bring them over to join us yeah and um sometimes when you are back home you you hear things and see things differently it's it's it's all roses everything is on a silver platter as soon as you come everything will be okay within one year two years or then you can bring your children or whatever relatives but once you get in you realize that no there's more to it than we think when i was coming i sent him to a boarding school first of all i went to achimoto they said there was there was no vehicles i went with him and he's just typed that though he was small he's a very positive person so optimistic when he went to achimota he knew was going to get actually but a friend it was a friend who told me to bring him in that they were going to take him so when we went in fact the head mistress said there was no vacancy so i told that the teacher friend over there said look go to saint john's immediate from achievement straight to st jones so when he went everything was fine they said i should they gave me the perspectives everything so i made sure before i left the saturday before i left i packed everything i bought everything he needed for school and sent him to saint john's achimota st jones was the problem i'm not sure you see i am saying this now and then all that i went through made me strong but i don't want to go through it again nobody ever wants to go through that st jones was a good school boarding school for class one that kids babies in boarding school i started in class six over there the very next day i was given a name that's accident i'd see me it wasn't because of my leg it's because i made a mistake with a word i was supposed to say atre in she and i'm a fanti and you fancy you see at her and they were all she guys so they had actor name so they just that was it the actual problem started with two guys twins oh god they found pleasure teasing me [Music] that up till now i don't understand they it wasn't their job they didn't make it their job but every single day when they meet me they have to tease me monday they have to tease me it was tough it was so tough i i complained to my sister every time i don't know i don't know i i felt she didn't believe it or even if she did she thought it's part of school life i didn't like it [Music] and apologize sound as if it's because of my neck that i got that name though though explain it to people sometimes taking the other names like pulele i don't remember terrible you know the polar song he raised his leg good they gave me a name like that even when atemi was so popular they made songs for me to tease me jesus every day every single day and i was so sad i was so angry i needed a way to make them stop so i had to do something i mean how else am i going to stop and i'm robber from robbing my family house if i'm a part of the if i'm a part of them won't walk my house did you get to be a part of the robbers you don't love your house so i have to be a part of them whatever they do i need to figure out how i'm going to do something that was the problem i shouldn't have felt as if i needed to be a part of the things that i didn't feel like being a part of to feel good about myself but that was the only way i think about it if i had another chance [Music] that period was hard so tough the period i cried the most the period i complained the most the period i maybe was rejected the most it was later on that i heard that there was a problem in the school that um he had jumped over a wall with some friends and gone out of school and in fact i was so sad i was so crushed i cried that day on the phone why why would he do that knowing how knowing his condition you know taking his cause why would he even jump over a wall with friends apparently the story wasn't like that but you know as a child i think he should be left alone to also be truant once in a while i'm not but i'm not supporting i wasn't supporting him i was sad i didn't like what he did but i come later i said oh he said no my human being why do i have to think that he should be perfect he shouldn't have to know i don't have to do that he's a normal teenager at that time he was a normal teenager growing up we like to experiment we like to explore so um i think he's not a saint and i love him the way he is i have an amazing family i'm the only one in the family with a limp so it's like they had a manual on how to raise a kid like me i can blame them for a lot of things but they were there my mom and my dad got divorced so my mom left with us me and my big sister so basically from six years old till my mom had to leave the country it was me my mom and my sis and after 11 years old i had to live with my sis and my sister's husband right now but then her boyfriend amazing himalayan he is literally my father took care of me so much clark i don't know if i should say it's my son or my brother-in-law when the mother made her mind was going to relocate they took into accounting school and the idea was that from the boarding school you go to either the grandmother or the anchor and i made up my mind i'll go visit him at least every every other weekend provided i'm in town so one can i went look for him and suddenly we got into chat and i said look what stop you from coming to live with me and you were like oh how come so i spoke to my mom school buckets i want to come i want to go and bring him home so that's why i started he living with me this is what i can say about my big sister and mr jose mr say was ever since i've known him has been mature he is amazing i don't know how he does it but he told me a lot living with him now my big sister was probably 22 or 21 i had no idea of how to raise an eleven-year-old boy stubborn roy she was amazing she had to do it all by herself with her boyfriend then because they were married i know it was tough for her because she had to make decisions she had to go to school herself look after kid brother he's very stubborn and do a lot of things to make sure this boy has a better life because she can't screw up you know my mom trusted her my mom was still there my mom was all you know in communication my big sister had no idea what was happening to me the kids in the area went playing at a point in time and the attention goes to him because of his leg so the stomach came i didn't know sometimes he used to quell he'll be in there he doesn't want to go out or ask him my husband asks him he says there's nothing wrong it took a very long time for him to open up one time he told me you know what this is how i felt and when he said that i never questioned him about certain things anymore in my life i left him all that we did was to pray for him and sometimes i didn't understand him because a young girl raising a boy it's not easy mom is not here but thank god god gave us my husband and my long divorce along the line he can't sing we tell you leave him he said he's a young man growing but i didn't know what to do sometimes so um sometimes i fly up and he'll tell me take it easy with him he also he will come along life with my big sister wasn't you know all rosie and but she did a good job she did a very good job and she is my mvp pick his journey thus far it has not been very smooth it has not been very smooth because not because we've been away but he's been in good hands but because of society he once told me because of society cruelty and society abuse emotional abuse and other things so it's not been easy but as to how he was able to pull through to come this far i don't know how he did it right before i went to kscs fourier technical school um i was given so many names of course and i went through a lot of things you know fitting in and blah blah blah so i had to tell myself that it's going to happen again it's not going to stop there is no way i'm going to another level of my life and i'm going to meet young guys and they're not going to give me a name to tease me i want i psyched my mind to make that that that was going to happen so i told myself that um whichever stage i get whichever next name that comes up i mean whichever name that was given to me i don't care i'm done with this level i'm going to my next level but whichever next name i get i'm going to embrace it and i'm going to make it something good i mean that's what i told myself i didn't know what if i was going to be able to do it but that's what i told myself so then i went to ksts two nights in school my school father sent me to fetch water for him in a bottle i went to the um the tap to fetch it was evening around 7 30 and i met this um i knew he was a senior because he was when charles was in our school but he got to ssd where trousers so i got to know he's a singer and he asked me you called my name he actually said you be there boy like yeah and you you're the one please the basketball when i meet you i will call you clock yeah like clock i need about why you will come across i see when i meet her o'clock okay if i if i could make no response i will ask you okay so i went back to the room it was like clock it doesn't make sense so i went back to the room i gave the bottle to my bottle of water to my school father and i told him that i met this email says and he laughed like ah why'd he laugh but he didn't tell me and he said it out loud you know louder to his friends in the room that charlie can't see something and teaching you the boy would attack somebody give a name like what would their name say name the clock they all started laughing i didn't understand but i also laughed at it you know like okay just an example is coming clock from the room to the hall to the school everybody was holding the call i didn't understand i accepted it and i didn't accept it because i have told myself that i'll accept every name i didn't know what the name meant so i think a week and a half or two weeks i was talking to my school father i was like do you even know the meaning of your name the name everybody's calling like ah i mean i told you you just laughed and explained it to me about the um hour minder and the minutes minder one shots one log so my leg i remember i cried i felt weird first of all because i felt dumb very dumb why how didn't even think of this i cried i really cried and i think i cried for a day or two sad that even though i told myself that the next level i get i will embrace whichever name that is tagged on you i was hoping that i won't get another name like that i was hoping that i'll get a name that told how sharp i am in basketball or anything but then i had to tell myself again how to retell myself that yo you told yourself every level you get every name you get you embrace it so why are you crying like what are you crying for so i mean that was hard to take though telling myself that but i had to i had to recycle myself and then figure out why i love this name i mean clock is a cool name it is a cool name a weird name for a human being but a cool name so that evening i sat down i drew the clock and i made my own meaning out of the clock i first of all accepted the meaning of the minute and the armando you know indicating my legs that was my first meaning and i embraced it and accepted it and i added meanings to it about the clock going all around and not stopping until the battery dies or till it stopped i will do everything i lay my hands on the best i can and make sure i excel in it unless i die by god forbid unless i'm stopped by something i can't force time dr lagno kumar told me we can do something about it so we'll fix a date for the correction yeah we've seen the difference we had to go to clinic even until he was about four years after they told me they couldn't do that because anytime this guy comes to clinic he was so active he wouldn't like you to restrict him with the ball he has to you have to leave him alone to play around even in the clinic in the hospital even when you pull him he will come back before you realize he's gone with the ball and people will be watching wow this guy the doctors on that day they fixed another appointment for us to come for correction so i was happy i thought they were going to do it for my boy to be okay everything would be equal same length of flames we went there and this boy started playing with the ball again so the doctors called me and said we've seen this guy he's so active and it looks as if he likes boy football at that time it was football we think we're the doctors have sat down we've had a meeting and then we've thought about it that we should leave him the way he is because the moment we touch him he will not be as active as he is now you'll be restricted and i don't think we would have done him any good so we think we have to leave him the way he [Music] i played everything um putting gay alikutu and i was good at all of them everything pampana stay i mean those who grew up locally i understand these games i did everything and soccer was easily accessible because as soon as you get out of the house everybody's playing soccer you know so i can't be doing any other thing alone i didn't like playing alone i want to play people playing any other thing made me feel good the fact that i am playing and i'm happy playing and i don't have to sit down and have a discussion with somebody or talk about something with a friend for me to be teased because every time if we're in a circle and we are talking about any other thing at a point my name will come up as a topic and i have to be teased and i have to cry and i have to leave and playing soccer was easier because there will be no discussion it's just you passing me about me passing the balls one scoring one losing get out of here so um it was it was easier you know and i just wanted to play so soccer is available so i just fell in love with it i didn't mind being teased if you're going to allow me play i just wanted to play so whatever you want to call me if it's off the soccer pitch then i have a problem because i have nothing to take my mind off it but then if i'm being teased on a soccer pitch i have soccer or whatever we are playing whether it's whatever then i can take my mind off it for a long period of time till time is up to go home and then i don't have to respond to you again but then if it's off playing and you're teasing me i'm focusing on you i have nothing to take my mind off it so i didn't mind you teasing me on the soccer page or while you're playing because i had i had the game that you were playing to take mine off which is what you're doing so it was quite easier if i were playing and you were teasing me than not doing anything and then you're teasing me i i played a lot a lot of sports i was a part of a lot of activities but when you got to basketball i i'm not sure i can explain but it was different i i could do more let me say that i could do more in basketball without being sidelined you know in soccer they will always tell me i'll get injured because i'm playing the ball with my legs but in basketball okay i'm running on my legs but most of the ashes meant to be happening with the hand and all that and i think i grew more confident when i got to the stage where i accepted basketball so i i didn't accept anybody trying to tell me what to do or trying to put me aside i was still pushed through i think it's the convenience and the fact that i got to the point where i could speak for myself and basketball was just i just fell in love with it i had this friend called mario corte madonna school together her father was a very good carpenter i used to visit her almost all the time and one day her father asked us to go out and play small because we're always indoors playing video games or watching tv so we went out to play and there was soccer available you know mo had a kid brother so playing soccer together like moe asked me do you play basketball you want to play basketball let's not play soccer she couldn't play soccer so it was a soccer ball but we had to bounce and fake it like it's a basketball i didn't know what i was doing we already know what we're doing but we know that basketball we have to bounce it so we just bounced the ball around and from there i started seeing basketball around you know some some of the old men coming around holding a basketball as they're going to play somewhere i started seeing basketball on tv a lot but i didn't have the chance to try it because i didn't have anywhere to play you know when we moved to north kanishi my mom had to work at north kanishi we actually moved to live in jolo my mom had to work in northern issue there was a flat called cnb flat was where basketball began when i played my first basketball game in high school the name clock changed from the guy who limps and plays to the guy who plays but it wasn't enough for me i didn't feel it was enough for me because [Music] it was just not enough i just needed to be more i just needed the first thing you think about when you hear the name clock is to be the guy who is good at basketball not the guy who lives right or even the guy who lives in prince paul so that means i have to work harder to you know put him more and show more so the basketball personality overshadows this whole you know attack that i'm giving because of the name clock and that was hard because this is high school a million basketball players were good you know every tournament you go they're wild players so this is what happened when i realized that it wasn't enough i had to do more so i had to do other sports volleyball [Music] and i had to show that i could play soccer too back in junior high school i have to be selected to play soccer when they like you know [Music] but in high school i selected people to play soccer when clock actually became clock even out of ksts oh i like this story there was we played um a zonal competition you know that jones segtech new jabbing you know it's like interschools in taco but basketball and then from that place will be selected to represent the zone of diazo therefore that specifically to present the region wow so we played that competition my first ever competitive organized competitive basketball i played i didn't have a basketball shoe i was going room to room trying to get a shoe for the next day because it was a big deal for me i hadn't played organized basketball my whole life like wearing a basketball jersey you know saturday morning strapped up i went to see the coach our coach was called sakura he looked at me somewhere i didn't even know i was going to get jersey but then i had gone for training but there were players that might see me i was in ss1 ssd guys were there one guy didn't show up so he gave me a jersey i felt so good about it i wore my shoes did a warm up i didn't play fair's game i didn't play second game i didn't play that game i won the bench i like two games to go i didn't play the fourth game and i went to sakura small boy looked up to him to play you've not played oh you play you play you play don't question how you play started the last game it was against corfugia technical school kutek apparently that was a game for to qualify to the next stage so the game started first quarter i didn't play second quarter i didn't play i'm not sure he even saw me at the bench so this senior was called abebu very huge dude he was a giant he was subbed he's tired he's the star of the team you know so you know he came he was coming to sit down i told him i mean we have not played some ah how do you not play once the coach told the coach come here come here i stabbed one my first move first ever move on that chord was to spin around i was test i had never met that crowd in basketball before insect take who exactly supports you jesus they are all over the place and people know i can play i mean this boys knew i could play first pass got to me i remember i was like what what am i gonna do like i was plenty for a second and i got the pass and i turned him there was this huge defender in front of me i just took one dribble and i just spun like that and the whole place was like wow and that was it for me that was it for me i stole the day it was fun i didn't make most basket i gave good passes and i didn't lose the ball and my name was all over the place after that day all over the school everybody was talking about clark everybody was talking about clark players were selected to represent this the the region sorry the zone for diazo i wasn't selected i was in pain i knew it was just the beginning my plano catch day you know and i didn't have so much play time so a classmate of mine is called we called him in ransom one of the smartest dudes i've ever met in my life i don't know how he does it but he's naturally smart i admired him so much he fully admired me you understand how then why i did that evening after the selection the next monday the players were selected are supposed to come to kscs to you know to train that evening i was going to prep so we'll go to dining forward to prep so i was wearing my back all strapped up for prep and i met a muslim upstairs like are you not going for training with them like i was selected or what how how does it make sense and everybody knows they are supposed to be that team emerson asked me to go and change and go so yo you hear me i wasn't selected my name wasn't mentioned no you just go that's why he just told me to go go and change and go okay i went to change and i went that didn't had big hope that oh okay maybe the coach will when i got to the entrance of the basketball court i met the coach he's like why am i late um actually i wasn't selected but i thought i could just come and train with them you know so that i can have some he told me no i've been looking for you like oh wow okay i didn't know i've been looking for you i asked my food to go and call you and he he's telling me you run around like okay then i'm here hurry up start jogging [Music] so now i'm part of a team but guess what this is the part that i like the most or i hate the most i was a part of the team we trained for a long period of time we went to ibree girls you know ibree for the zonos competition to represent confucia i was part of the basketball team i didn't play any game i didn't wear a jersey for all the games that were played but the last one just the last game this had got the jesse to wear one player said he hadn't played the whole time so he's not even going to wear that jesse so he left he left the jersey on the bed i was like i go wear some i just wore the jersey went with them i i'm not sure i was going to play if the team hadn't stretched you know at the finals that was the last game our team was doing good so the stretch was good you know like i think 15 to 18 points difference then the coach wanted everybody to play now so now called me sapped i went inside i played like two minutes two minutes that second stops [Music] i was all over the place i remember that two minutes 30 seconds stops i made one basket i gave three passes i stole the bow once that was the end of the game that's the the tournament for me after the tournament we had one there was this closing ceremony and then i was sitting right behind this coach so apparently i was the 13th player of the 12-month squad i wasn't supposed to play at all i was not supposed to play this coach was nicely telling his colleague imitating my leg explaining to him how happy he is that he allowed me play and that was the part he had fun telling the coach he was telling his colleague that he at least wanted to you know show that he had the will or the power to include you know people like me i mean that was cool it was thoughtful but that broke me i didn't like it i thought i was here because i'm good not because you want people to see that you try for somebody apache that's what that's what i called me all right i didn't like it i just i just didn't like it that's how i got my number 13. then i told myself i wasn't supposed to play i am the 13th player of the 12-month squad now i need to be the number 13 in every 12-month squad i play and that's the challenge i gave myself i have to move from being the 13th player of the 12-month squad to that 13th player of the 12-month squad so the number 13 off the top that's a difference and that was that was gonna take hard work so then i had to work hard i didn't i i still do support was a big deal for me it's still a big deal for me it's a very good way for me to prove that i'm more than my limb and more than what my name was [Music] my coaches played a very big role you know in in me as a sports person and as an individual too when freshmen come to school he organizes into a whole freshers game so that was when i noticed i saw him play for his whole report and his um physique you know it's it's actually difficult to tell when you see him at first sight that ah and this guy really performed but i've through that encounter through those games i noticed that he has he has something in him his first year in school i am i was a bit a bit scared because most often when he played for a while i had to ask him are you okay especially when people have to push him around you have to bump into persons i had to ask whether he was okay inside coach i'm good to go but initially i was scared but after a while i noticed that you know this gentleman is really in for business not all my coaches were positive but not a lot of them were negative i remember one one guy who was supposed to be a coach asked me to go find a wheelchair that was that was bad i came to be a part of the team but it looked like just pick up basketball that they came to play so i wanted to play and then i wasn't part of the selection so i kept asking him if i was going to be allowed to play if not i'm gonna have to get out of here i asked him once i asked him twice and a third time he'd be like well bitten him why would you why would you tell me that okay i'm sorry if i'm giving pressure on worrying you but don't tell me that i mean i don't know why people tell me that and he mentioned it again okay it's fine it's okay i went to the sideline my friend was a part of the team so at the point he got tired playing and he called me to stab him and play he warned the guy told him i mean make him feel like you've been allowed to play i'm going to allow somebody else to play try it and you're off the team so then that was it and he was supposed to be a coach for kids [Music] so for coaches i've not had many experiences of coaches looking down on me so much but this this um these ones that happened was bad for me and it made me make decisions for myself my friends big big part of my process it was hard for me to allow people you know into my circle because i didn't know i'd do it there first of all i had a feeling you all don't want to be my friend you know i don't know it was a strange feeling it was like you're just doing it because you want to act like you're a good person okay so i'm friends with him you know i didn't want that so i wasn't allowing anybody at all i mean in the beginning i was doing now because i wanted to fit in so everywhere i don't have to my head up my head there at the point i realized my worth the point i decided to be who i am accept who i am and be who i am the way i want it you have to you have to prove to me that you're not here you know just for appearances my name is hello my girlfriend i've known the call forever let's keep it that simple yeah the very first time i met clock was in saint peter's empire so we had a super donald game at the time but unfortunately i was playing handball and he was playing basketball but after handball i always go and play on the basketball court so one afternoon he came there and when he came up said that we should play game to 21 that's what he said but he wanted to check the ball and i told him no i don't know him and he doesn't know me so we will shoot for it so whoever gets the first shot will check the ball i mean if you know clock very well he will definitely win that i mean that's two ways about that so we shot then he won but we didn't play for that long so that day we didn't have any conversation fast forward two years later when sprites ball was up and running my friend in nabusco called me that should come and play for him i was in the naboo squads and they knew sec at the time but hey that's basketball so and again i was eligible to play high school basketball so i also called wolf to come and we'll go and play i mean we didn't know how far we're going to play the game up too but we knew we're going to win definitely so the finals and then take him and clock saw me but again he didn't pay attention he didn't know what damage we're coming to do that day so we started playing long story short the game went two over times no hype like two over times we played we played and by far were there were the opponent but me aj and wolf if you know all three of us at the time you would know we also were playing against so i think the second overtime the second overtime clock ended up calling the timer himself yes that's what happened he called the timer because at the time he had figured out who the problems were but we already knew he was a problem for his team so we also had our own strategy how we're going to encounter them so we played the first overtime and then the last second clock had a ball we're leading them by three from center he shot the ball and he scored and that ended the second overtime so the third one yo city at the time said they should check the ball first and it was a sudden death situation whoever scores the first shot wins the game and the ball is going to the host nation i mean if we knew we are not supposed to be there so we could not argue we just kept quiet we just had a plan to counter it so we did what we did they came the plan that caught drew up was fantastic but we already figured it out so the ball was supposed to move around till it gets to him i play the call personally to make sure he doesn't get a ball if you know me you know if you don't have to get the ball you wouldn't get the ball according get a ball they run out of patience and somebody threw the wall and i went back to catch that rebound because everybody was retreating no everybody was actually coming towards me because they were eager to score wolf went the other way so i caught the ball i gave it to wolf he waited for all of them to come and settle down again if you know wolf you know what i'm talking about he waited for everybody to come and he shot a three-pointer and that ended the game that famous story um ksts were were in top form they were just they were destroying any team that you know come before them a broadcast state college had beaten popchon and when we talk about basketball in the eastern region the top schools are ksts and popchop so if a broadcast state college beats pope john then ksts you have to be careful and the boys started asking themselves when did these boys join a broadcaster's colleague well there was no official complaint was an official complaint so we organized as we were just there enjoying ourselves because the boys were giving us a very good game and there was a certain wolf who i had seen back in the crowd he played for commission during the community dance we did something for communities in 2009 10 11 12. so in 2009 committed dance would wolf played so when i saw him ah i've seen him before i'm like oh well maybe he was a student during break he came to play they beat case tears a call cried like a baby he was inconsolable and even called christ in sex that's a struggle now everybody insect wanted to beat me and wolf and i was bad to the extent that we actually had to run right so that day we played against him i didn't have a conversation with him interestingly enough then we finished high school i stayed home for a year coincidentally he also did stay home for a year and we both applied for tech that's where our actual story began i called just a brother to me like pure deep down my heart i don't even need to call him every day to know that when there's a bullet coming he's going to take it for me and he doesn't need to even think about it he knows how to do that for him i have some amazing friends call me a crazy i'm going to talk about that that i can't finish i'm kamiyah geocrasy i'm a medical doctor by profession former and current teammate of clock and we played together for kenyat basketball team from 2012 to 2016 when i competed and currently we are teammates for snipers basketball team in kumasi i'm also the chief marketing officer of clockwork brand the first time i met clock [Music] my brother i just come to school my younger brother i just come to school and they were playing a pickup game at republic hall at kusd and my brother called me to come play for them but i ran late because of class i had class so i didn't close early and by the time i got there being the impatient boy he is he had already formed the team and so i saw him playing basketball with these two boys initially nothing struck me about it you know i just thought okay i'm gonna watch a couple of games and then i'll get in the game as i start paying close attention to the game that's when clock began to stand out and i was amazed at how he had control of the game but just the sheer confidence that he has when the ball is in his hand and that's the first image i got of clock just a supremely confident person but he struggles that fine line between confidence and being obnoxious and he does it so well that you can't help but admire it so that's the first time i met him on a basketball court pick-up game at republic hall after the pickup games tryouts came he came and tried out and naturally he made the team and two years after he made the team actually no a year after he made a team i became the captain of the team so i was in charge of organizing the boys and that's how paco and i came to be friends especially because he never gave me any problems right typically with boys teams when you're supposed to organize a training session whether a coach is absent they're supposed to organize a meeting to discuss a game or something boys always be late both always have an excuse some people are talking when the drills get hard boys are slacking off nobody wants to run the extra sprints nobody wants to run the extra suicide but i never had a problem with paco clock was always the the guy that i could count on to lead by example to not put up any resistance to whatever extra activity we had to do as a team to get better so it's through that out bond formed and we are both very intense people so it was very naturally we just gravitated towards each other on the basketball court because we play with the same intensity and um that's something that sort of rocked a lot of people the wrong way but that's the only way we knew how and i suppose to sort of solidarity makes it easier to be different and that's where our bonsai are forming you know because we had a similar approach to the game we thought about it the same way and we have very similar characteristics when it comes to um our approach and love for the game of basketball have i ever had to fight somebody for looking down on clock or disrespecting him on the court all the time sportsmen have huge egos it's sort of almost a requirement to be successful at sports um because you you need this internal drive to get up at 5 am to go jogging you know when you play basketball to go lift weights and play basketball to put in the work when there is no ball involved no girls watching no metal to be won no prize money to be won to put in that work you sort of need an internal drive you need an internal barometer keeping you in check so also going to have an ego and then here walks in you know unassuming looking like an angel and just blows you out the water and he will not hesitate to let you know right he is somebody that completes the fans he's someone that knows how to put on a show for people [Applause] some of the players thought that he wasn't strong enough so maybe they'll try to go easy on him you know uh but but you do that at your own risk you know because he is strong so don't don't get don't get it twisted he's a strong guy so you know some people like oh come on man the guy the guy is has issues so don't don't go close okay he will hit that three and i think attack i don't know where he got that from but because his handles became sicker he was that showboy they will bring on anytime the game was tough just to come and humiliate people and depress people people depressed [Applause] oh i can't remember a single tournament that we've played where somebody on our team didn't in the very least get chippy with him there was one time i remember we were playing rapport and if a call was calling his car and that their car was scoring it was nice like he was all over the place and that it was terrible for all of us none of us had our rhythm and i told him bro nobody get rid of him right now and like amongst all of us you are the consistent one so me qabnaj okay we'll go figure one thing out but you should shoot anybody that catches the wall throws it to a cost hub this guy's caught i mean i think he made about eight three pointers in a row and the next thing i see somebody just wants and pushes him that day we stop playing the game i mean if you know me you know we were still playing the game i mean it became a fight to the whole time the file wasn't on me somebody filed a call and you can't file a call i mean you can follow when i'm not on the court if there's one thing i've learned knowing clock is that we sh we can't define anybody by any disability the person's willpower the person's commitment to finding a way is about the only thing that matters amaco came to my attention at the sprite ball competition i think and um you he's not someone you will look because he's unusual in basketball your typical person's if you think of a basketball player or somebody who's tall jumping around and to see somebody who's not of a very large stature and also with physical challenge it strikes you immediately and the one strikes you again later is that he's not there as a quirk he's there on a competitive basis because he's playing as well as or better than some of them able-bodied persons so that was unusual so you could i couldn't miss that i must say he is somebody who has overcome a challenge in a way that everybody should admire the city mall in partnership with sports brand powerhouse clockwork brand brings you the most exciting basketball event ever in the dirty city comerica it's happening tomorrow and on sunday 17th and 18th of october i pass through at the kumasi city module 11 [Music] good day i got a.m energy i've been feeling so great like i gotta be so on my way to the mall i'm super excited this morning um street bowler the most it's happened for four years now and um well i didn't organize the first one i wanted to play the first one but it was three on three short notice so i witnessed it and then the second one i played i think that was the time i got to meet the mall manager and he didn't want me to win because he didn't like the fact that everybody was saying clock is going to win and cop is going to be the mvp so it was against my every move on the court that's how he became feds and well we didn't win went to the finals and chiefs snatched the trophy so um after the tournament i we had a quick conversation and he was like he wants next year to be better like yeah i think i i'm good at organizing tournaments too if he wants me to help you just give me a call loki i wanted to organize the whole time i just didn't want to help and then the next year i got a text message from him that street ball is happening again and he knows that i'm the master basketball god i think that's what he said he wants me on board like why not and then yeah i organized the third one w3 amazing the only problem was the rain but it was amazing like big big change everything was different branding basketball everything was different and then fast forward this year volume four i thought was not gonna happen because the pandemic because charlie scary scary but god being so good here we are heading to the mall but i have organized quite a number of tournaments quite a lot actually my first tournament organized was in republic hall i think i was in level 200 we just organized a basketball tournament for those on campus to play it was a big thing because um i think you know these campus elections and those who want to be president and src blah blah blah so they pull money for us to organize it and it was a big thing and it was cool my first tournament i actually organized and it was quite challenging the biggest that i have been a part of or i've organized the swift house i think because that is like the whole ghana every region and blah blah blah and i think swift hopes rub shoulders with the street ball on the ball [Music] it's a good day i got good energy i've been feeling so great like i gotta be and i got a bad check that's in love with me living carefree i'm bothered by my fatality and you better be quiet don't say right with the vibe if you're rich or you basic keep it 100 can bring to fix it i'm up in the clouds [Music] clockwork is a sports brand basically it's a sports brand like nike i like seeing like nike because i've always wanted to own something like nike you know growing up it's a sports brand that wants to make a big difference in branding in sports branding in the country i have a bigger dream to go far you know outside the country outside africa but basically now in ghana cropper is a sports brand the first feedback dxd tournament in komasu was organized by dynasty my team matinees and i wanted me um columbia christie crazy and elon wild hungry guys we won our pajaro and we had to go to accra to represent you know kumasu we needed to rep you know oh guy guy basketball and all that so i told them i could make t-shirts like oh you can like yeah okay we trust if you can yeah support there for you yeah so i had to ask you know my friends where screens were made in town i did some research i went to town i want to buy paste and all that did the design they liked it i printed in my room you know if you know cares you know printed in my room they liked it they went across after school there was a campus compass basketball record accomplishment and snipers was a part of it so even after school we participated and i wanted my team i had the motivation from the teachers i made for the snipers you know to go and play the usd so i had i felt my team should have you know some t-shirt that warm-up t-shirt you know we should just play over there and then i made that t-shirt and i remember ellen was in love with it so much sounds like i could do this i could supply t-shirts you know make t-shirts for all these basketball teams because then the legit basketball league was running in commercial so i i it was just a thought okay maybe just a thought and then there were plans already things i was supposed to do after school so i didn't want anything to do so after we wore it i'm sure prime minister has that t-shirt after we worried and played with it the boys were all like oh wow this is cool like i didn't know you could do this and all that i was i felt motivated like i've always wanted to have something like that you know have my own brand then i thought okay how about i merge my art life my art you know part of me with my sports part of me and make it a bird so i went back and i went to see kotori i told kutri this is what i think i want to do i remember i was walking with him from padua outside inside padre outside and i told him this what i thought and i had made the tilap make a sample so i showed it to him just straight cuts in and out i think and he was like yeah that's a great idea i could trigger this as an artist whatever i need whatever i advise whatever direction i need if i eat things if i think you could help i should let him know that motivation was there he tried for me that weekend i went to our car i went back home and i was sleeping in the couch i was putting all the thoughts together i was on google now i need a name you know like what how can i call my brand i remember i didn't think too much about it because i had clockwork ringing in my head the whole time you know because a friend of mine always called me proper instead of clock she was always calling the clockwork i sometimes stopped her like yo call me claw what's the spot she never stopped eunice never stopped she was she called me clockwork the whole time i used to call him clockwork all the time he initially didn't like it and then one day he hits me up and said seniors i'm about to start a branch and the name is clockwork and that is where i i felt i had done something i had influenced something even if it's not the whole business it's just a little change the name in itself was good enough for me at the point in time it was just him in the beginnings it was just him printing our shirts getting business deals handling everything himself calls printouts deliveries it was all and things like that could be a bit overwhelming but he stuck to it all he decided that this is what he wanted this is where he's going and this is what he wants to achieve in the end he stuck he stuck to it all i was there as a friend i was the support system i was there for him as much as i could be himself clock on his own he is strong he is very resilient he is strong-willed he is his mind takes him places his mind decides on things and he does it his mind tells him do this and he does it he doesn't stop till he gets what he wants i had a dream i had a dream i had a vision i had i want clockwork to be big i want to own a leak in africa specifically africa i want to train people in secure development in sports not just basketball i want to employ people in graphic design and making jerseys and sewing and have a big community of a factory to come across an enterprise an establishment a venture that is by definition a labor of passion it if that's what you're looking for if you your internal clock pun intended is geared towards identifying passion purpose you can't help but be drawn into this enterprise and so um we have goals we have missions we we want to be a global brand we want to provide high quality sports apparel infused with real creativity um because first and foremost clock is an artist in everything that he does the art system comes out and clockwork is sort of the amalgamation of all of that um but what it means to me personally is a labor of passion that i am blessed to be a part of the clockwork brand is nothing short of excellence i think what he has done on the basketball court he had transferred that his experiences on the court into now creating apparels for teams i've seen the works that he did one for for us in december during the africa basketball festival i said to him i want you to do something special for us and what he delivered the teams loved it and i've told him i said look long as we continue to be in this basketball space of this sports you know um arena i will continue to support you i'm very optimistic that the clockwork brand it's going to be very successful it's not just going to be limited to just basketball but i see premier league teams i see other you know groups coming to him to you know work with him because he would do deliver nothing but the best to you just like he did on the basketball court i can tell you for a fact i think i know how far he's taking basketball in ghana but the reality is i don't in 10 years we'll come back to have another conversation and i'll tell you i thought i knew he was going to do this but i'm waiting to see what he does in 10 years 10 years from today 20 years from today there'll be the need for another conversation like this to see how far he has come and even that time he will still be a work in progress because he's destined for greatness and we'll have to continue to support and celebrate it back in high school before i went to school i told myself that whichever name i get i will have to make that name i think for me accept it so i go clock and i make the clock work i actually did [Music] [Music] oh [Music] me
Channel: Take it to the Max
Views: 8,933
Rating: 4.9851851 out of 5
Id: Io76Lc9rDUE
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Length: 80min 24sec (4824 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 31 2021
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