13 Useful Tools and Apps for Students!(free)

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hey everyone i'm ishaan sharma in this video i'll be talking about 13 helpful tools and applications that you can use if you are a student or if you're a working professional or if you just want to up your productivity game all of these are going to be free to get started with i have been using them for a long long time so i'll be sharing my personal experience with each of them so make sure that you watch till the end because at the end i'll be having a special bonus application for you if you stick till the end of this video make sure that you hit the like button and subscribe and starting out with the first application it's actually a chrome extension basically we all know how cluttered whatsapp has become there are tons of messages let's say you're talking to the client on whatsapp you'll be having your papa talking to you you'll be having some friend talking to you all at the same time it's just really hard to focus on one task at a time and that's where i found this application or this chrome extension called as kubi and with that you can basically divide all of your conversations depending on its type right so let's say you're talking with a client that is going to be in the work tab let's say you're talking with your family that is going to be in the family tab it just makes my life so easy that's why i use it every single day all of us who are students are using whatsapp on a day-to-day basis and this one tool can be really helpful for you so you can take a look at that as well most people spend countless hours accessing different websites this leads to various passwords nodes files across various different systems and tens of browser tabs open all at once identity is here to simplify the internet for you identity is your home screen on the internet it allows you to organize and access everything you do on the internet in one place i can search for different categories for example for work i can look at list and defolio or let's say i want to do shopping so i can search for shopping or let's say i want to learn something so i can search for that it just makes it really simple for me to access different websites all at one place i can simply click on the style to launch that particular website now when you click a tile the password is automatically copied so you can just click on here and you can log in to your website now on the top right as you can see right here you can view all the different categories that you might have email fun invest learn as you can see on your screen you can also take a look at the notes and list tab right here you can click on this and you can check out all the different notes and tasks and you can complete them like this and you can also add the due date over there and you can link the particular application on which you need to complete that task and that is how easy it is for you to manage all the different websites you access all at one place with the help of identity you can start using it for free with the link in the description i think identity is a great way for you to be mindful and intentional for what you want to consume on the internet huge thanks to identity for sponsoring this part of the video but let's move on to the next part the next tool is going to be extremely important for people who are trying to write proper english people who are maybe trying to create some research papers maybe you're trying to write some assignments some presentation or maybe you're trying to form a proper formal email or you just want to send a text to someone it's really helpful if you can use something called as grammarly you might have seen ton of ads for the same it's free for you to get started with i have been using it for two years now it's really beneficial for me i always double check with the help of grammarly before i send some text to people who are related to my work so basically all the clients that i have and make sure that whatever i'm sending to them is proper because you know all of these small things do add up in the future if you can prevent these minor mistakes from happening it will leave a great impact in the mind of the person that you're trying to talk to so do take a look at grammarly it also offers you suggestions for what words are more adequate for this particular sentence or this particular paragraph that you're trying to use so take a look at that grammarly is a great tool next one is going to be notion extension you all know how much i love notion i've made i think two to three videos now about notion but particularly i'll be talking about the notion chrome extension that you can get for free with the help of the chrome extension particularly whenever you are looking at some blog whenever you're looking at some news article you can always save it whenever you find something important you can just save it into your workspace you can go into notion and you can read it in the dark mode which i absolutely love you can also disable all the ads so whenever you're viewing the same article on notion there will be no ads and you can properly view the information that is important so again this is huge time saver for me in the morning i just look at all the articles i want to read i save them on notion then i go back to notion i read all of them one by one and it just saves me a ton of time so that is going to be another great application that you can use the next tool i started using very recently it's called as get liner basically this is a highlighting tool that you can use around the internet wherever you go if you find something important if you see a line that is important if you see a statistic that is important you can actually highlight it and you can save it and you can do a bunch of different things with the help of get liner this is just me scratching the surface it's free for you to get started with and you can explore tons of different options that it provides i recently got it and i've been using it a ton for whatever research work i have to do whenever i'm making videos so it definitely saves me a lot of time the next one is for all of those people who love creating road maps flow charts or just create structured data and that is going to be whimsical i have been using whimsical for the past one year now i think it's a great tool that helps me create organized content i can basically look at exactly what am i doing right now i love creating these flowcharts that tell me what is my business looking like what is my youtube channel looking like and where do i want to take it in the future all in a very visual manner okay it's very easy to use it's free to use and i have just been enjoying using whimsical next tool is going to be for people who are either in their 11th or 12th grade or are doing engineering and are in college we all know how complicated differentiation and integration is and that's why i've been using this website called as integration calculator the best part about this is that it actually gives you steps for every single problem that you submit and that can be really helpful for you to learn what technique they are using you can look at the different graphs it creates for the derivative as well as for the anti-derivative and you can look at a ton of different settings that it has with which you can do a lot of different complex differentiation and integration so a great tool for all of us who are doing engineering or are preparing for iit-jee the next tool is going to be incredibly important for people who are doing engineering specifically into math based courses physics based courses or electrical engineering based courses we all know how complicated these formulas can get and in order to practice properly and check the solution you can use something called as wool from alpha which is an engine that you can use to get access to various different formulas various different you know graphs you can see and that is going to be really helpful for you if you're just trying to practice and get better at a particular concept in engineering based courses so do take a look at this it has a lot of different formulas i'm not going to go into that but yes it is definitely useful if you are into electrical engineering or just engineering based courses particularly now that we are talking about making graphs and stuff you should totally take a look at something called as desmos which is an application on which you can plot graphs you can plot multiple graphs on the same page and you can see how they are performing and how they are interacting with each other it's really helpful for people who are into maths people who are doing math based courses so do take a look at this i have used it a ton for whatever courses i have in my university and it will be great for you if you're also preparing for your iit jee exams so do take a look at that um it's called as desmos.com i'll have the links of all of these tools in the description you can take a look at them if you're interested by the way if you are liking this video make sure that you hit the like button and subscribe to this channel as well the next application is going to be really important and that is going to be currently i still remember back in 2019 when i was inviting an entrepreneur for a podcast on my channel they just basically asked okay what time works for you i just said okay this is what time i'm free in and they just replied by saying yeah i'm equal tell me some other time and i was saying okay how about this time then they were saying yeah okay this works then tomorrow they say that no this is not working tell me a different time it was just not working out for us and then that entrepreneur just said hey you know what try using currently and send me a currently link i didn't know what currently was i just looked it up and i found out that currently is a tool that you can use to create your own link with which people can schedule meetings with you right and there are a bunch of different features with the help of currently but particularly talking about this feature is the main one and i have been using it since 2019 every single day whoever wants to do a session with me just schedule a meeting with me they will use this link that i have and with the help of this they can schedule a 15-minute meeting they can share duel a 30-minute meeting or they can also schedule a one-hour meeting for me and this really helps me make sure that i'm not overburdening myself previously i just used to do meetings all day long but now i have a pretty nice schedule that i'll be doing meetings from this time to this time and other time is just going to be for me to just reflect on whatever i'm working on so that's what you can also use it's really helpful for people who are working professionals maybe you're working with a client maybe you're working with people who are outside of india so for them also it's going to be really helpful so i'll be talking about is really helpful for me this is what got me started into the whole social media management field this is what got me started with making thumbnails for my own channel and it's a great tool for you to use it's called as canva you can use it for free you can go to its website you can use its app it's a great tool for creating any designs right previously i used to be afraid of designs i was not a visual aesthetic kind of a person but when i started using canva i realized that using canva i can actually create great designs without having a lot of knowledge about designs in the first place it has a bunch of templates that you can use it has a bunch of it has a very nice learning curve that's what i would say right so once i used canva for a couple of months i was very easily able to go to other tools like for example figma right when i had to create a portfolio when i had to create a prototype for a website i used figma to create it but because i had a nice experience with canva i was able to nicely transition between canva to figma but anyways canva is great for you to get started with if you are into instagram social media management or if you like to create instagram content you can do it with the help of canva you can do a bunch of different things with canva i've made a video as well in which i've talked about how can you start freelancing with canva so do take a look at that with the link in the description if you're interested but moving on let's talk about the next application the next is going to be google's own suite that includes google docs google sheets as well as google presentation or whatever they call it but with the help of these three tools you can quickly create some documents and it just makes everything very easy right previously i used to find a lot of different complicated note taking applications and stuff like that and then i found out docs it's just really fast for you to just take down some notes and just write some stuff down and then later you can use it for your own purpose i know a lot of you would already know about this but i just wanted to make sure that you're on the same page so do take a look at google suite if you have not already you do not need to use microsoft's paid office suite you can just use the google suite moving on we have the last application on list and this is going to be light shot with the help of light shot you can properly take screenshots only for a particular region not for the whole screen i remember previously with the help of the native application installed in windows as well as you know my macbook i used to create the complete i used to take the complete screenshot of the screen then i used to crop it then i used to send it to someone but with the help of this you can easily just take a screenshot of that location itself that you want to share with someone and you can just share it very easily but that is what i have these were the 13 different applications that you can use there are a ton of more applications that i can share with you but tell me if you like this video and you want me to make more of these in the comment section the bonus application that you can use is going to be deep stash it's basically a website that you can visit and you can get ideas from various different authors or just entrepreneurs or just like people who are actually learning something new they can just share something you yourself can share a new idea and you can share it with people so do take a look at that as well if you're interested i have been finding some really interesting content over there some deep content right if you are ready for that deep level content do take a look at this but that's all i have for you today let me know what do you think about all of these in the comment section what was the one new application that you found out for students let me know about that as well if you're still watching just say i was till the very end also take a look at identity with the link in the description it's a great tool for you to be focused and be mindful of whatever you are doing on the internet take a look at the link in the description for that as well that's all i have for you today you can take a look at my instagram as well as twitter i'll see you in the next video [Music]
Channel: Ishan Sharma
Views: 24,718
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ishan sharma, 5 free apps every college student must use, free apps to boost productivity, best apps for college students, apps every college student should have, 10 free apps college students must use, essential apps for college, 7 useful apps for students, best apps for students 2021, productivity apps for college students, productivity apps, top apps for school, how to stay productive all day, boost productivity & save time!, 13 useful tools and apps for students!(free)
Id: ac50I2Mz18Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 17sec (797 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 12 2021
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