1/3 Stepotoe & Son...Back In Fashion

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mess record check one part 50 the summons to appear at the West London Magistrates Court first thing Monday morning no you're not in trouble with the law again striking a police officer of an offensive weapon namely 30 pubs with my own knickers and bras what here onlys dignity it didn't go much as a pair of seven thing chriscaro rag quite a wallop er I really chuck them over to both Cody so that carry him down I don't know all the fuss was up I was lucky what a bleedin mangled they are it nice to last in the regs that's very good Aaron that's a good day's work that is binges looking happy why fix his car in his country people became rid of their eggs I'll be wearing a mic I'll tell you the out system is chaotic there's revolution hear him out my words two years that's what gives you Mike two years and the only well-dressed people in this country will be the army and a police force the right-wing takeover I'm telling you what's yeah the newly installed Prime Minister general sir percival SPD SLDS mmm and bar appealed that to the country today for calm and unity in these troubled times and promised that free elections would be held within the next 20 years Antony Wedgwood been continued the public trial of hell's Wilson entered its thirds week with an impassioned plea from the doctor he was only carrying out orders from Hugh Scanlon once again Wembley stadium was packed for the 12 V ship carrying the exiled Trades Union Congress to the isle of men was accidentally torpedoed three times today by one of her Majesty's submarines a great deal of machine-gun fire there was no survivors the captain was awarded the DSO the last plane load of MIG Nog's flew out from London Airport today while on the roof of the number one air terminal the band of the Grenadier Guards played I'm dreaming of a white Christmas excuse me early this morning Barbara castle committed suicide by throwing herself at the window the private wing of the Charing Cross Hospital all kindly go Oh stay off the streets and remain you over till tomorrow morning Billy Billy Billy Peabody yeah Cheers so give me my two years old mine profit anything's happening now without are you would you enjoy it with you and I still police die oh you would love that yeah he sticks right would run on Nucky's element is now it's chaos inflation wage claims crime waves long hair drugs strikes I don't go and strive how can you go on strike with you don't do anything keep this country going night on the silent majority i am laura balaji when did you last pay your income tax oh that's different that's a matter of principle i'm not paying income tax with a socialist government you see mcdonald going forward income tax I'm a poor man yeah that's not bad yeah you know nothing there what are you doing I'm keeping this I'm keeping all that stuff no that's not for keeping that it's for selling how it's quality goods this stuff it's appreciating daily they stay well I never appreciate anything in this yard least of all you now you can put it all back in but set.we is selling it now goods is better than life look father well I am well aware of the world's current mistrust in our monetary system and it's preference for invested in objects I feel I must point out to you that we asked to live one cannot eat a Botticelli canvas or all spare time indeed this big Jim Slater pointed out so his shareholders only the other month and we is in the same position gentlemen our cash flow liquidity is running at a level contrary to the required financial gearing necessary if we used to take advantage of any future up surge in the spiraling economy was that mean we're skimming we needs money we can't pay the bills with exactly I mean we can't present oneself at the council offices with the right demand in warning and a starting motor for a 1947 no with you I lost interest when your mother died oh you will put on shell yeah but first costume exhibition they'll jump another Hampton Court you're so jealous of me aren't you you can't stand having an arrogant father When I was your age I was the best best manage heavens bush not Sundays only every time I got off the car at a bar now I know you're lying no we went to mother and me down would land across the green up to Hammersmith Palais every night like a couple of film stars we were Fred Astaire and Ginger Rogers those days you can cut up a loaf of bread with people used to lean out the window to see what we'll be wearing next time yeah well I was left arm sweaty my pram with a lump of bread puddin stuck there Wallace turned up so that one's got to you me neighbours came in now again yeah what's a fault you know throw you out once the Charter says go to school in short trousers and a pair of - tongue correspondent shoes uh British your papers on it wouldn't fall off my toes never reach further than the lace house ever let's practice it before I lose my temper hey come on and we polish this up we could get a nice tenifer this lovely little card tables not a card table it's an occasional tables a cart takes an occasional table if it's a card table we can't send it because we haven't got one they got a pack of cards either so that's all done and take wax polish no that's a Meserve RNA yeah what's the policy no strip it that Cuba
Channel: SociopathicFruitloop
Views: 90,598
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Steptoe, Son, Harry, Corbett, Wilfrid, Brambell
Id: mLKR-yfhNew
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 0sec (600 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 02 2009
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