13 Shocking Discoveries Made In Ireland

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13 shocking discoveries made in Ireland number 13 zombie graveyard found in country Roscommon this gruesome discovery was made in 2011 by a team from the Institute of Technology sliggoo they found a graveyard from the eighth century which wasn't terribly shocking until they discovered that skeletons buried in the graveyard have been interred with a large rock placed in their mouths to prevent them from rising from the dead in Ireland the mouth was seen as the route by which the spirits entered and exited the body and was thus why rocks were placed in such a way number 12 Kolani cave and man clonycavan man was first seen falling off of a peat cutting machine in February of 2003 discovered in Meath this 2,300 year old human was found with some sort of gel in his hair which was select up into a mohawk it appears that he was murdered violently by an axe as he has deep wounds in his skull after being found Clowney Cavin man was relocated to the National Museum of Ireland number 11 iron age bog butter bog butter is found annually by turf cutters in Ireland earlier this year a 2000 year old chunk Wang twenty-two pounds was found near a home in anglich bog that's nothing compared to the hundred plus pounds of 5000 year old butter that was discovered in Tala Moray in 2013 the food substance is thought to have been buried in ancient times as a form of refrigeration it's pretty much exactly what it sounds like butter made from cows milk that is buried in a bog number 10 casual man the remains of a four thousand year old human were discovered in a County lay OS bog in central Ireland it's believed to be one of the oldest bog bodies ever found and was dated to the early Bronze Age around 2000 BC the remains of the men were found without a head and from all indications it appears that he was a young king who for whatever reason fell out of favour and was the victim of a ritual sacrifice upon an earthing the body it was thought to only be three thousand year old and be a female sucks number nine burial discovered under pop good times for over five hundred years historians have thought that the Irish are descendants of the counts an Iron Age people who invaded Ireland between 1000 and 500 BC an Irish man discovered the remains of three humans while taking land for a driveway next to his pub in 2006 that could change that way of thinking DNA evidence shows that the remains of the three skeletons found predate the Celts and their arrival in Ireland at least 1000 years number 8 Linda Kyle discovered in 2010 near the village of Anna Gaston in the County Laois this Viking settlement village was built in 841 around the same time as the settlement of dove Lynn or Dublin the site was used to build and repair ships before eventually being abandoned in favour of Dublin the find is evidence of one of the earliest settlements of Vikings in Ireland and it's estimated that at its height the village contained five thousand Vikings with up to 200 ships number seven Ireland's oldest burials an excavation near the River Shannon in Hermitage CEO Limerick undiscovered to early Mesolithic barriers that are the earliest ever identified in Ireland the burials were radiocarbon dated to approximately 7,500 and 7,000 BC and have great historical significance it indicates that formal burial in Ireland was taking place way before the development of farming and settled communities number 6 Darren a flan horde when this hoard was found in 1980 it was hailed as one of the greatest archeological discoveries of modern times it was found by a father-and-son metal detecting in the area the hoard consists of a richly decorated 9th century silver chalice a large 8th century patent instead an eighth century liturgical strainer and a bronze Basin from the eighth or ninth century apparently the treasure was buried to conceal it very likely from Viking raiders the discovery led to years of legal action between the finders in the state and eventually led to the National Monument Act of 1994 number five early but of it buuut event is a town in ireland that was founded around 1208 when its streets were being dug up for resurfacing work in 2015 a group of archaeologists were called in and made some very exciting discovers they found the remains of a town wall a cobbled street and an underground chamber dating back to medieval times the findings will help researchers better understand the medieval street layout of the town the town has been through a lot it was sacked by English forces twice once in 1569 and again in 1691 after the second attack the town remained in a state of stagnation for over a century before finally being revived number four twelve century brooch New York University student McKenna McFadden was in Ireland this summer for a school related trip when she stumbled upon this incredibly rare 12th century artifact she was with a group being led on a tour on only island on the west side of Ireland when she noticed something in the sand she didn't think much of it until she shall define to the archaeologists leading the tour who was very intrigued by the piece it's called a kites brooch and it's used to fasten a cloak or shawl the artifact is only one of a few ever found in Ireland and is now at the National Museum of Ireland in Dublin number three box of bones thousands of bones were discovered in a cave and county clare island by a team of scientists in 1903 eventually the bones were put in a box and sent to the National Museum of Ireland where they lay largely forgotten for a century the bones were recently reexamined and a bear bone was found that established the fact that humans were on the island 12,500 years ago while archaeologists have always suspected that there were humans in Ireland much further back than once thought they didn't find any evidence to prove this theory until this latest discovery number 2 thousand-year-old necklace like so many discoveries made in Ireland this ancient necklace was found along two disks by a farmer who was cutting turf in a bog after a few years he passed the necklace on to local chemist who kept the historic fine and his shop safe where they remained for years then in February 2009 two thieves grabbed the safe during a burglary and left it in a dumpster in Dublin detectives literally went digging through dumpster after dumpster until they luckily found the treasures with four hours to spare before the trash was going to be collected examiner's from the National Museums Irish antiquities division called the pieces one of the most important archaeological finds for many years the necklace was worn by the early kings of Ireland and it dates back to sometime between 2300 and 1800 BC and now for number one the first be sure to subscribe for new videos every day ancient Latin Psalter a 1200 year old religious manuscript was discovered in 2006 by a workman operating a mechanical digger on the bog of fat and Moray near River stone the importance of this book is immense and its discovery has been called the more important for Ireland than the finding of the Dead Sea Scrolls which was for biblical scholars it changes scholars views about how ancient Irish manuscripts were produced the Psalter contains 60 pages from vellum a parchment made from animal skins that were inscribed with a complex text of all 150 of the Bible's books of Psalms [Music]
Channel: Talltanic
Views: 1,391,904
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Keywords: shocking, discoveries, ireland, facts, fact, bizarre, list, strange, skeletons, archaeology, hidden, buried, clonycavan, discovery, findings, unbelievable, actually, found, ancient, oldest, irish, greatest, treasure, brooch, necklace, manuscript, Dead Sea Scrolls, real, things, amazing, incredible, believe, artifact, history, king, strange archaeological discoveries
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 27sec (447 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 09 2016
Reddit Comments

Slygo Lime rick has to taking the mickey

👍︎︎ 7 👤︎︎ u/Ironstien 📅︎︎ Sep 18 2016 🗫︎ replies

Took a few seconds to figure he was talking about Laois. Poor fecker.

👍︎︎ 5 👤︎︎ u/jayoinoz 📅︎︎ Sep 18 2016 🗫︎ replies

I had to stop after c o lime rick

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/KinkyBear91 📅︎︎ Sep 18 2016 🗫︎ replies

I can't finish it its just too painful.

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/HappyLeprachaun 📅︎︎ Sep 18 2016 🗫︎ replies

Even Buttevant got a raw deal

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/rebelcork 📅︎︎ Sep 18 2016 🗫︎ replies


👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/brokenneutral 📅︎︎ Sep 18 2016 🗫︎ replies

you won't believe no 8!

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/Driveby_Dogboy 📅︎︎ Sep 18 2016 🗫︎ replies

It's a computer voice. That's why the town names sound like your GPS.

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/Highfaluter 📅︎︎ Sep 18 2016 🗫︎ replies
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