13 Reasons WHY You SHOULDN'T Be an HVAC Tech

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why Plumbing is better than HVAC guys I'm a master plumber and a certified HVAC technician but I'm going to tell you today 13 Reasons Why Plumbing is better than HVAC now this video is sponsored by the Trades Academy if you want to find out how to become a better Tradesman where you make more money get better job offers and get better positions or you want to learn how to start your own business and really do it successfully or you need to learn how to grow your business and make your phone ring by using networking and social media all these things I can help teach you go check out Roger wakefield.ri Academy number one masters of the elements is a plumber you're basically a water bender hbac technicians they just try to mimic what nature does outside how hard can it be to make something hot or cold I mean literally as a plumber I can do that by opening up the blinds or starting a fire I can make changes pretty easy but hbac technician who wants to do that number two long-standing Legacy Plumbing is an ancient profession dating back to Roman times with their impressive aqueducts HVAC that's a newbie in comparison only coming into its own in the 20th century think about that plumbers have been around forever could almost be considered one of the oldest professions if you know what I mean I'm a ladies man we do like pop very very well anyway HVAC pretty new technology compared to Plumbing number three Defying Gravity plumbers constantly Defy Gravity by forcing in water to go uphill HVAC technicians on the other hand just push air around how hard is that to do oh thank you let me know if you still feel chilly I mean seriously people come on number four miracles of modern Comfort a hot shower on a cold morning or a running tap in a drought plumbers make miracles happen every day air conditioner not working just open the window turn on the fan stand in the freezer you get it number five complex calculations Plumbing involves complex calculations of water flow pressure and temperature HVAC like we've already stated you just make things hot or cold and plumbing can actually seem very very complicated but after you've done it after you've been in it and you start to figure it out you're going to realize it's just like tying your shoes it's just like riding a bicycle it's just like riding a unicycle oh oh okay maybe not that hard but once you learn how to do it you've got it down Plumbing same thing number six heroes in the Deep plumbers are not afraid to dive into the deep under sinks behind toilets in the bowels of a building in Cross spaces and attics we get into the darkest tightest deepest situations you've ever been in and every time we do it we're doing it with a smile on our face hbac technicians they're either too hot they're too cold or they're in the wrong spot and they sure don't know how to go deep number seven no seasonal unemployment well HVAC technicians twiddle their thumbs during mild Seasons a plumber's work is year round pipes don't care if it's spring summer autumn or winter the water's going to keep running the drain's going to keep flowing the gas is going to keep coming into the building to heat the water or do whatever it needs to do but we're busy all year round number eight the happiness of running water the joy of a hot bath or a clean set of dishes these are Simple Pleasures provided by Plumbing hbac well they just stop you from complaining about the weather what else is there to it number nine the lifeline water is a basic necessity and as a plumber you help ensure it flows reliably to where it's needed hbac tchs they just help when you're feeling a little too warm or too chilly oh it's so cold when you're dead water is that Lifeline you need it each and every day get a little hot get a little cold I get it adjust the thermostat it's not that big a deal number 10 holding the rains plumbers control a vital resource for every building water HVAC technicians they're just there to make sure you don't sweat or shiver too much controlling water making sure it doesn't get out doesn't damage things making sure it's there when you need it and it's not there when you don't want it plumbers take care of the building what do you think about that what is your opinion I'd love to hear what you think do plumbers really control everything I think so and they even do better than that they make it where you can control it by flushing a vow turning on a faucet anything like that number 11 always in demand while hbac technicians might be more in demand during extreme weather plumbing problems can strike anytime it doesn't matter if it's hot cold raining or sunny a burst pop won't wait for good weather but the homeowner will wait for a good technician become the very best become a plumber number 12 the everyday hero a plumber's work often has an immediate and tangible impact on people's lives fixing a leak unclogging a drain it's the little things that count HVAC work is important but people only notice when they're too hot or when they're too cold when a plumber does everything right people don't even notice it they've got their water the raw sewage goes away the gas fixture fires up because the plumber did everything he was supposed to do hpac CeX it's not quite that way number 13 never a dull Mama the plumbing world is full of surprises one day you're fixing a leak under a sink the next day you're installing a luxury shower system maybe water heaters in an attic tankless water heaters in a closet there's so many different things each and every day with HVAC once you've seen one air conditioner you've pretty much seen them all at least Plumbing there's enough excitement to go around all around the job and make it fun and entertaining and keep you having fun and doing the things you love to do HVAC just fix it guys this video was sponsored by the Trades Academy whether you're thinking about getting into the trades becoming the best Tradesman starting your own business or using networking and social media to grow your business and make your phone ring go to Roger and click on the Trades Academy
Channel: Roger Wakefield Plumbing Education
Views: 17,073
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: roger wakefield, expert plumber, the expert plumber, plumbing, plumber, plumbers apprentice, apprentice, roger wakefield LEED AP, trades, Getting into the trades, hvacc, electrician, roofing, roofer, trade jobs, blue collar, skilled trades, trade school, slab leak, slab leak detection, slab leak equiptment, water heater, tankless water heater, hvac vs plu mbing, plumbing vs hvac, 13 Reasons Plumbing is BETTER than HVAC
Id: qIhmH3dR1UA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 2sec (482 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 19 2023
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