13 Passenger Shuttle Bus Tour

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hello i'm jess this is joe there's ruger and kevin and this is our shuttle bus conversion hey our bus is a 2008 chevy express shuttle bus thing it came from a retirement home it's kind of messy because we've been driving it across the country we just finished a 2 000 mile trip to new mexico and now we are in a fish just jumped in the river look at that anyway we are in rexburg idaho and that is part of the henry's fork river pretty sure the front door is the original bus doors we just welded them together in the middle added a little extra piece so we can have a doorknob and our latch oh hi lay down dogs are not helpful since this bus was part of a retirement home it had a wheelchair lift in it which we were able to just take out and sell which helped with the cost of the bus but it's really nice having the side doors because we can have our propane tanks our diesel furnace some extra oil antifreeze our power cord this is the fuel tank for our diesel furnace and then this is our whole water system which we can do a more in-depth video on later but this filtrates filters filtration it's a filtration system filtration system for our shower and then we're able to have a bunch of our outdoor stuff up here rock climbing stuff hammocks leashes for the dogs this dog and then along the back we have our ladder which i know it's a little crooked it's okay and our redwood deck on the top and then we have a couple extra fuel jugs for our diesel furnace and spare tire then a luggage carrier that we can keep some of my tools in and then this side is pretty plain and then also this back door can open this was the emergency exit from the bus originally so we're able to have lots of extra storage underneath the bed and then this is how i fill up our water tank and that's my drain for the water tank and then on this side of the bus you can see part of our deck up there again if you back up far enough you can see part of our solar panels maybe but i'm short so probably not we have 400 watts of solar and our battery bank is 200 amp hours so plenty of solar to run everything we need on the inside okay so coming into the bus our first thing is we have these little coat hooks and uh they're kind of nice they just flip up and down so when we're not using them we can keep them up which when we're driving we have to take this off so we can see anyway so that's nice because then they can be out of the way and then we also have this little key hook so we can hang up all our keys and stuff keep them out of the way and then on this cabinet i'll just show you now but we have our pump for the sink and then coming in we have this really neat curtain rod that we found on amazon that is flexible so we were able to bend it in pretty much the exact shape that we needed and we hung this curtain partially just to get rid of the cab so that you don't see it all the time makes it feel a little more homey and it also just helps to keep the heat and stuff out from the cap then right here we have this piece of metal that we use to cover up the original electrical of the bus and so we just put that there we can put magnets and whatever cute things we have and one hang up i have a ristra and then we have this little storage area here it's mostly candles because we have a problem and we like candles but we can store all kinds of stuff in there we still have room then we just have some other cute little things that we've picked up on our travels we also have storage here we keep a lot of stuff like my camera extra things and then some extra little storage containers on the walls and then we also have this little charging station we um just had a few different kinds of outlets and then if joe was a nutcracker that would be him this is our one another cabinet that we have we don't open it very much because stuff shifts around in there and it falls out but it's just books maps couple extra things so we have that and then along here we have just a little shelf that we put up it's just to help keep stuff off the counter so we have just our kettle things like that and then it frees up a lot more space down here we have our cute little fruit hammock i love him and then our sink we really like because it's pretty wide and deep and it's a lot bigger than the one we had in our other build it has this removable cutting board that fits right inside and then it also has this strainer that fits inside so that frees up a lot of space in our cabinets because we don't need to store either one of those they just fit in the sink and then it has a nice grate at the bottom so that we can dry things easily and it also has this faucet that we also found on amazon and it moves around and it's super nice and we really like it underneath we just have some more storage and then we have two seven gallon tanks one is the fresh water one is the gray water our countertops are the same as the table it's that same douglas fir um torched and stained or sealed excuse me um and then we have for storage we have three drawers so we have utensils in one and then just extra things in the middle like bowls pots and pans on the bottom and then underneath our stove we do have this little bonus drawer that we keep baking sheets and things like that our oven is really nice we really love it we got this it's actually brand new from a brand new fifth wheel uh the guy just didn't want it anymore wanted something different so we lucked out with that it's pretty nice it's as big as we need and it's a led display so that's pretty nice and then our stove is a dometic it just has this shield that lifts up two burner stove it's all we need and it's worked great and we really enjoyed it we have just some hooks to hang up some utensils on the back wall here and then we have two cabinets here for more storage cups plates bowls um ingredients things that we use quite often okay this side we have our pantry so we have plenty of space in here for our dry goods we even have an instant pot in here so we've got more space than we know what to do with i think and then our fridge is also dometic it's a three-way it runs off of propane ac or dc so we can run it off solar if we want shore power and it's also quite large we have a lot of room in here has a freezer and it's uh all we need as well moving back into the bus a little bit we have our bathroom we have this nice curtain that goes across and then we have a couple more of those hooks like in the front for our towels we have a nature's head composting toilet and it's true it does not smell no smell it's been great and i've taken some pretty stinky dumps we have our shower here which our shower is made out of formica and it's nice because we're able to have a normal shower head and handle and then our shower pan is 30 by 24. we have another cabinet up here for our toiletries medicine all that good stuff and then our on-demand hot water heater which is propane and it does vent a little bit inside here so we just open the window and then we turn the fan that's above my head on and it sucks all the air out really good don't even hardly get a smell in here or anything we do have a carbon monoxide detector just to be on the safe side and then our max air fan is dual directional so it can suck air in or push air out and we have a matching fan in the front that we can use as well so this one can push air down and the other one can suck air out and we get a nice cross breeze inside the bus this is our closet well this is jessica's closet lots of room to hang clothes and then we also have shelves in the back and then this is my closet up here because jessica can't reach and i don't have as many clothes this cabinet just has some extra dog stuff in it um a couple collars different kind of leashes this is kevin's kennel because he's just a puppy still and i don't trust him to be out by himself when we're not in the bus and that is also made out of formica the door here just came off of one of the old kennels that we had this is the outlet for our diesel furnace so that's where the hot air comes out keeps it nice and toasty in here even on really cold days this little gate goes underneath the bed and we have our laundry basket and a couple other things down there and also the access to the electrical system is underneath there which we can go more in depth in a different video on this is the control panel for our diesel furnace you can either set it like on a timer or once it gets to a certain temperature it'll turn itself off our ceiling is from home depot it came in a pre-made i think it was like an accent wall something or another but it came with all the different colored planks that we were able to piece together and then we have our emergency exit so i wanted to keep the original emergency exit for the bus so we can open that up if we need to in emergencies and then all of our can lights that you see in the bus are leds and they're super bright and don't take up hardly any headroom which is good because i can barely stand up this is jessica's wonderful picture that she took in west yellowstone when we were there a couple years ago in the winter time and then our floor is the lvp flooring it's waterproof if it's installed correctly and it's really easy to install you don't really need any special tools or anything like that and it's super low maintenance lasts a long time then all of our handles for our doors are buffalo hide that we found online big strip and we just cut the strip into smaller pieces use the leather hole punch and some hardware to attach them they work great and i think they look awesome all right this is our bedroom area i apologize if there's any extra noise but we don't have fancy stuff that's the way it is my favorite thing about this bedroom area is our windows we have windows on all sides so we can sit back and have a nice drink or just hang out do some work whatever we need to do and have great views from all sides that emergency exit door can open and these side doors can open there's joe and it makes it super nice get air flow and whatever else we need and then we also have a lot of storage right here we keep a lot of electronics and extra things here our laptops and then we have our outlets we have one for solar and one that runs off of shore power if we need it and then we have the original ac unit that came in the bus right there it works extremely well if it's warm and we turn that bus on and flip on that ac it's cold within feels like just minutes it's works really great we also have this extra cabinet for some more storage and then we do have this charging station as well it has a couple usb ports and a cigarette lighter and then we have this little shelf joe put in so we can keep our electronics that we're charging and then this is just for our inverter so if we're somewhere we need a little extra power we can turn this on there's joe so just like jessica pointed out in the bedroom we have an outlet for our solar system and then one for our shore power here in the kitchen and then we have this big outlet bank with usbs on the bottom and that runs off our solar system and that's joe if he was a nutcracker yes courtesy of his aunt and her husband so yeah that's uh that's it we love our bus we are really happy with how it turned out and anybody has any questions you can always drop a comment and ask and then just uh like and subscribe to this video if you want and we'll be posting a few more things maybe a little more in-depth about some of our appliances and shower system and stuff in the future and our travels so if you're interested hopefully you come along with us on the journey thanks bye
Channel: TannerAdventures
Views: 109,501
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Id: kIY_m635AvU
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Length: 17min 3sec (1023 seconds)
Published: Sat May 15 2021
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