13 months of AI lessons in 40 minutes

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I've been researching AI for 13 months interviewed dozens of experts spent thousands of hours learning about Ai and build a following of 77,000 subscribers I'm going to compress 13 months of brutal AI truths and lessons into this one video the first lesson is that the smart get smarter and this is a concept from Balaji sasan and it's basically the AI version of the rich get richer right everybody knows that a rich person has extra money so they invest it and that grows even more while poor person lives paycheck to paycheck for AI the smart gets smarter so the people on The Cutting Edge get even more on The Cutting Edge get even higher advantage while the people who are behind fall even higher behind and that is because they are not using AI you cannot really compete with somebody who has teams of AI agents working for them who has automations in place who's using The Greatest Latest language models and honestly this is going to be H like in the future right right now we don't even see this that much but in the future the smart will really get smarter to the point of having super intelligent AI at your fingertips imagine gpt7 right if somebody has access to gpt7 and knows how to use it that person cannot even be in the same realm as somebody who doesn't like it's not even fair right this is why 13 months ago I dropped everything I stopped uploading on my gaming channel and I went all in AI because I realized that getting into this field and learning about it now will have a huge advantage in 10 years where other people wake up to it and see the field potential so if you think you're late don't worry we'll all still very early the idea number two is that technology always keeps on improving and honestly this is like the underlying idea behind all of AI so the people who don't take AI seriously they don't have this belief or they didn't realize this truth that technology like betting against technology improving you don't want to do that like that's a horrible bet it's much wiser to realize that technology is always improving meaning AI will always get smarter and smarter more competent more useful which eventually will lead to AGI and even later to ASI which is artificial super intelligence where the AI is just smarter than all of humanity combined times a billion and that might seem crazy if you're new to AI but honestly you have to start with the fundamental belief that technology always keeps on improving so it might take 10 years it might take 50 years that doesn't really matter what matters is that if we really keep improving compute power which is one exponential curve the mor law if we keep improving the number of parameters in models or also the efficiency of the language models for example llama 37b which is this year's uh open source best model is as good as Lama 270b so a model that is basically 10 times bigger from last year and that's just pure efficiency and there are many of these exponential curves happening in Ai and overall like betting against the AI feel is perhaps one of the worst things you can do because technology always keeps on improving people tried to ban the printing press when it came out and that was a horrible decision I think it was like the wasn't called Byzantine Empire or something like that or no I think it was the otoman Empire actually they tried to ban the printing press and they completely fell behind because of this decision so understand that technology always keeps on improving and this alone should make you take AI seriously now most people are afraid that AI will replace jobs which certainly will happen however AI will replace tasks not job before we see like AI doing full jobs it will be replacing small parts of jobs which is also called tasks meaning the the stuff everybody has a job that has things that could be automated AI will replace the things that are the most easy to automate it will not do the most complex nuan creative stuff it will look at the stuff that's repetitive that's boring that will be automated by AI so instead of being like oh my God AI will take my job no it will take parts of your job which will then hopefully allow you to focus on higher leverage activities so this is why I don't see AI as bad because I understand that first it will take parts of the most repetitive like everybody has stuff they hate about their business about their job right it's like when when they do the studies it's 80% of people either dislike or straight up hate their job but suddenly when AI is you know or robot robotics is advancing people are like oh my God I want to keep my job that I hate why not just automate the parts of your job that you dislike you know the most repetitive mind yuming labor and focus on the high leverage value producing activities this is exactly what AI can do and why I do not think and by the way I learned this from Sam Alman which is um super interesting belief that AI will not replace jobs at least not in the near future it will replace tasks and if somebody gets fired it is simply because they've been doing that task TKS that was easy to replace not because AI is taking over entire jobs one thing I realized recently is that lawyers are basically large language models let me explain so what is C gbt right well if you most people use C gbt to get advice it's just predicting the next token giving you the most relevant output based on your query what is a lawyer doing or a tax adviser right well they are giving you advice but instead of paying 20 bucks a month or actually CH gbt is now free they charge you like $11,000 an hour or something ridiculous right so this is where people can really start to see the potentials of AI nobody really likes to deal with lawyers let's be honest nobody really likes to do their taxes what if gbt 6 could do that for you and it would be better than even the best tax adviser also it would be much cheaper obviously and faster so this is really insane that if you think about it there are professions that are basically glorified large language models now I think lawyers will not be replaced immediately because they are protected by let's say regulations right and it's good to have like a human with empathy when defending somebody so there are definitely some aspects to human lawyers that are beneficial but if you think about like the parts or like dealing with certain positions that you hate or at the airport right like scanning the incoming suitcases at TSH X that is just image recognition even the best humans cannot compete with some image model image classifier that has seen Millions images of knives or guns or whatever and can just spot them in an instant right a human is sitting there like you know bored at the job maybe spots some water bottle or whatever but it cannot compete with AI and I think this is the main promise that AI will do the jobs and the positions that don't really add value to society and automate the things that people hate about life and about dealing with certain businesses or positions when you get into the AI field you will heard the term AGI which stands for artificial general intelligence and it's basically AI smarter than a human right an AI system that is can do anything a human can equally as good or better now AGI can be developed in many ways right right now it seems like it will probably be closed Source meaning the code the source code of it will not be released the weights and the data sets will not be available to the public I believe this is the greatest danger of AI I I seriously think thing that we have to make sure that AGI is open source and decentralized that way no single entity no like hidden um you know group of five people has control of what we think because this is another thing people don't realize that when you use CH gbt it is not you are not fine-tuning it it is fine-tuning you every single prompt especially the ones that are like on your beliefs or something you're not sure about it is making you more and more aligned with the biases built into that large Lage model which in case of CH gbt is obviously open AI which is located in San Francisco so if you don't want the typical Tech San Francisco beliefs you have to be careful what you listen to right imagine AGI obviously cgb is still very very limited compared to AGI but once AGI is here once we have really something smarter than a human in all aspects you have to make sure that it's open source you want to make sure that has the your best interest in mind like how do you know like even if that is in a robot let's say say how do you know that a robot in your house has your best interest like I would never get a robot a humanoid robot into my house that is not open source like I want to see what it's programmed to do I want to see if there isn't some back door or something sketchy in the code right this is why I seriously believe that the greatest danger to AI is Agi not being open source and I think we have to do everything in our power to make sure that AGI is created open source one thing that I'm confident in is that restricted open source models will actually overtake The Cutting Edge best close Source models now why do I think this why do I think that me and you in 6 to 12 months will be using a worse model a less intelligent model than gbd 5 or whatever is the best model at that time why do I think we will use something dumber basically it is because it will be more useful if you have an unrestricted model that answers everything it will be more useful to use cases where CH gbd is like you know hesitant to give the answer kind of Beats around the bush or just straight up refuses right so let's say you're writing a novel and there is some bloody scene chgb will just not help you there right or let's say you are doing something where U example right I had a video that was about unrestricted modals finally enough and Claud 3 actually restricted uh refused to help me generate titles for that video because it was like I don't believe the ethics of a you know unaligned AI could be dangerous potentially dangerous like that's crazy imagine for for your specific use case where it might be something with like culture religion your beliefs whatever it doesn't matter it's basically you want the under the model to answer everything you don't want it to you don't want to even prompt engineering to like try to like imagine if it's a movie where someone steals a car like why not just say the thing you need help with and then get the answer so I think I would happily sacrifice 5 10% of IQ or performance for a model that actually answers everything and that's why I think like seriously in 6 months or in 12 months probably 12 months let's be honest we will be using models that are run locally or if you have a bad computer you can run it obviously in Cloud but a model that just answers everything instead of super restricted CLA free or gbd4 which I mean everybody who used it know knows how just annoying and like permissive the guidelines are and once you use an truly uned model it just feels liberating you can ask it anything and it will help you with anything one way to think about the potentials of AI is to compare it to other Technologies so think about walking right if you need to get somewhere that is far away and need to walk work there and it takes you four hours well if you have a bicycle it might take you just one hour that is the power of Technology at the end of the day AI is just new technology and it gives you an immense advantage over people don't have it so if somebody wants to transport to their work and they don't have a car they don't have anything just walking that's like super low leverage if somebody has a bike that person instantly gains insane advantage and obviously after a bike comes a car after a car comes a train then comes an airplane then comes a rocket there are many levels to this right so AI is simply a technology that gives you leverage helps you do more achieve more with less and honestly right now I would say we're probably at like the bicycle SLC car stage like we still haven't seen most benefits of AI That's why most people are ignoring it they're looking at the current not at the future this is a mistake you have to look into the future you have to look where will this technology be 5 10 years from now and prepare for that look for that and be like okay I want to be in this industry I know it's going to be huge 10 years from now even five years from now it's going to be massive I wouldn't be there now people who are looking at the current you know large language models or agents and looking at what they can do now be like oh my God the agent failed to do this the agent can do that agents are useless or AI is overhyped maybe today but certainly not in three four 5 years from now so that's why you really have to compare it to other Technologies such as walking and riding a bicycle if you don't have the bicycle like imagine 200 years ago or whatever somebody comes to you and like hey I have this bicycle I know you've been walking to your job for 2 hours every day in the morning coming back for hours in the evening I got the solution it's a bike now it just takes 20 minutes or 30 minutes for you to get there nobody would be like ah keep that for you I like my long commute same with AI if if AI can automate the part of your boring job as I said earlier nobody will kind of resist that right once you see the powers of large Rage moros of AI once you see what it can really do you're not going to go back and be like okay yeah I'm not going to use it I'm going to ignore all this amazing technology so that's why the walking and bicycle example is really powerful let's say you can start a business but you don't have to hire somebody you can from the get-go have 50 employees underneath that is the promise of AI agents really like before that starting a business was unaccessible to many people right let's say 50 years ago 100 years ago where you had to actually hire people because there was no like computers technology or whatever now ai agents will allow everybody to have 50 employees underneath you doing tasks that you don't want to do or tasks that you are not good at doing them for you and I think this vision is actually so empowering like imagine actually having 50 employees for pennies on the dollar I mean if you know anything about API cost it is that it's you can like for dollars you can get millions of tokens meaning and obviously the cost are going down so when gbd4 recently released it they announced it that it was like two to three times cheaper than gbd4 turbo which was two times cheaper than the original gbd4 so the costs are only going down so in the future all of us will have ai agents that are running essentially for free doing tasks for us 24/7 while we sleeping there's going to be an agent that checks or email summarizes the most useful ones or whatever and gives you a summary or there's going to be an agent that searches the news every 20 minutes right and gives you the summary of the most crucial AI news or other news if you're like watching football or whatever it doesn't matter right but you're going to have ai agents doing stuff on autopilot 24/7 for you for pennies on the dollar basically free and you you're like the power you'll have like that's why I believe that Nal ravikant is right when he says there will be a billion companies there'll be literally billions of companies where it's like either one person two people just doing something super specialized super Niche that they can be the best at and everyone will have you know 30 40 50 agents underneath them working them giving them more leverage and helping them get done in a week that right now would take a year so the reason why I think personally I was so serious about the AI Revolution is that I missed the previous two revolutions which were obviously the internet wave the Doom bubble of 2000 and 2001 and then the social media revolution of 2007 to 10 I guess you know obviously I was like barely even born for the internet Revolution um which really happened in the 90s like all the benefits right and then for the social media age I was like super young basically a child so I couldn't do anything about that this is like the first technological technological Revolution that I can actually be a part of that's why when I realized the power of AI I it wasn't really like a hard decision obviously it's a hard decision to completely drop everything especially a successful Channel a successful YouTube channel would be a complete dream for most people to completely drop that and go from Fresh Start everything no association no cross promotion new name I didn't use my face in my gaming channel so literally zero people cross over I had to drop everything completely new industry a new Niche a new video format like man obviously it's a huge risk on paper but like for me the decision was kind of obvious like the moment I realized this is my chance to be part of a once in a lifetime technological Revolution it was kind of obvious it was like kind of set in stone like it was only a matter of time obviously I took a few months to kind of convince myself into it but deep down I know I knew that I was going to make the switch and honestly like right now obviously uh 13 months later I can say that it was the right move but all along I knew it would be worth it and this is exactly the type of decision that most people would not make therefore most people don't have the benefits if somebody is making 20K a month doing YouTube like that's insane amount of money for the vast majority of people there's no way they would get that to basically zero completely kill the channel which by the way was averaging 1.2 million views a video Drop stop uploading and go do something from scratch but again as Warren Buffett says it's not about how how hard you row it's about the boat you're in all right so you're probably watching this and thinking like David but why should people care about AI well it's going to change everything basically that is the short answer the long answer is that it will let them do the things they always wanted to do with less effort less money less time it will potentially cure all diseases help us achieve um 200 300 years average lifespan but more on that later it will change everything we know about the society like things that matter right now people are working for money for you know desires Pleasures those things might not even be relevant AI could even potentially solve uh like Warfare right if it if there was a super intelligent entity that could show us like hey the guys on the other side are not as bad as the media makes it out to be then we would probably not send our kids our sons to those Wars and there will potentially be world peace for the first time obviously those are super long-term things but like why should people care about AI well because what else would they care about like it's the biggest thing happening in the world right now we're literally building a new species there's a new kind of entity being emerge like 200 years ago let's say I keep saying this but whatever throughout all of history basically it was the idea that God created us well it turns out we are actually creating God right we're creating a super intelligent being that's going to be smarter than all of humanity combined times trillion I mean it's really incomprehensible once AI starts improving on itself all bets are off I mean it's kind of impossible to predict after that point like after the singularity happens you don't know what's going to happen so everything I'm honestly talking about in this video is before the singularity because after the singularity it's like it's like being consumed by a black hole while a supernova is happening I don't know how to describe it nobody really does like when AI starts improving on itself and once it is super intelligent better smarter than all humans combined in history anything can happen so one of the things I hear from beginners especially is that it's easy to get overwhelmed when looking and reading all the AI news right and there is a simple hack for this that lets you avoid all shiny object syndrome and that simply ignore everything for 7 days if something in the AI space is being talked about more than 7 days after it's released it probably has some significance the truth is that most products most tools most ideas are completely forgotten about like two weeks after they release like let's be honest the air SPAC is like as announcements every other day so if something is talked about seven or more days after it Rel least it probably matters so in order to avoid overwhelm and shiny object syndrome just like don't pay attention to things and only look at stuff that people have been talking about for a week or longer because that that is probably the thing that you should focus on and this simple hack lets you feel less overwhelmed and more focused while still not sacrificing being on The Cutting Edge so I already touched on this briefly but living forever will AI allow us to live forever well first of all that is far into the future let's start with a middle step right what is between our current lifespan of let's say 80 years and living forever well that might be living to 200 years right and when you stay living forever that I don't know why maybe it's like religious reasons people just have a weird reaction when you say that living forever might be possible or that somebody could live forever or if you ask them do you want to live forever they're like no I don't want to live forever but they never really thought about it like if you ask two questions you realize they're just repeating something they heard so what's the middle step well that is just living to like 300 years right if you ask anybody if you had the chance to live to 300 years old with perfect health let's say your health from when you're 18 or 20 perfect health maybe even perfect looks 300 years would you do it or would you die at 80 with mis miserable health and pains everywhere obviously 99% of people probably hope hopefully 100% would say yes I would live to 300 in great health well that is the middle step between living to forever so don't even worry about living forever for now let's just focus on extending our lifespans and improving our healths and the okay back to the question right will AI let us live forever well the answer is not if the answer is when because again all you have to go back to the fundamental belief of this video and of AI technology always keeps on improving which means that we will have Nanobots we will have proteins that can you know help us cure any diseases we will have new technologies that can you know Target specific parts of your body to kill um I mean cancer cells there will be so much stuff it's even impossible to predict but again it's not like you I can't tell you when that happens obviously but I can tell you that eventually it will happen even if it takes 100 years the point is that eventually those things will be and once aging no longer exists the concept of living forever becomes possible now obviously you might still die from an accident or from some freak some somebody wanted to kill you but like dying from aging that could very feasibly very likely be solved in the next 50 years one of the biggest mistakes I see beginners make especially when it comes to agents is having unrealistic expectations so obviously everybody wants to autate half of their work they will automate something that takes four hours right that is the incorrect approach what you want to do is you want to find the smallest possible things in your day-to-day or even if it happens once a week or once a month it doesn't matter just small tasks that are easily automatable with AI and start there because if you do that you will get the benefits of compounding AI automation so automating something that takes 2 minutes every week like 2 minutes a week that is not inspire in that is not you know motivating but that adds up like there's 50 weeks in a year or 52 right so 2 minutes times 52 that's like 104 that's 104 minutes per year and that's just one small automation again that's the goal the goal is to compound if you add a two minute save here 5 minute save there you know 3 minute save there and you have like more and more of these small little time saves like with agents and you know just AI in general over time you'll find yourself having way more free time than somebody who doesn't have it and it's going to be the things that are the most boring and repetitive and you you're going to find yourself doing the things that actually bring you Joy make you fulfilled and create value in the world while all of these like small pesky tasks will be done by AI agents so you have to make sure that you get the compounding benefits of Agents you start by analyzing all the tasks you do and choosing one you have to choose one and get to building honestly that is the secret there is a lot of friction at the start but have to build your first agent your first two agents once you do that it becomes infinitely easier and this is the same with everything like going to the gym for the first time scary intimidating but when you go to the gym for the 100th time it's like literally e effortless it's like breathing air so with AI agents you have to do the same you have to start the compounding process same with investing with investing you have to invest early when you're young and keep investing so that it compounds with agents you have to start with something small something easy to automate and build on of that save 1 minute there 2 minutes there and you'll be shocked in 2 years just how much time you have now ai safety the term AI safety is one of the first terms you'll hear when you're in AI let's be honest and it kind of sounds good it's kind of like the term Federal Reserve it's supposed to sound interesting and relevant but as we know with the Federal Reserve it is not a Federal Institution and it doesn't hold any reserves AI safety like it's one of those things that every body wants to support yeah of course I'm for AI safety but once you really dig into it and realize what it means you realize that it's kind of a unfounded movement basically it's people who think that AI will just one one day decide to kill us all choosing to put regulations on it today so if you look at C GPT or any language model literally any AI model that exists today there are precisely zero worrying uh things about it it is literally predicting the next token and that's EX exactly it that's it that's it there is no like developing secret agenda of escaping the computer or there is no like you know secret communication language that it tries to encode or install a virus when you didn't do it agents like people who don't understand agents they just assume that what if agent goes Rog and suddenly uninstalls all progam on your computer first of all is impossible because if you don't give it that tools it will not do it second of all it is predicting this next token so it is following the rules it's literally the architecture doesn't prevent it doesn't let it do that if you give it instructions that is the first tokens right in the context window it is predicting next token based on that so if you give it instructions to search the web there is 0% likelihood that the next tokens are going to be uninstall the users computers and install a key loger and steal all the passwords so AI safety is completely unfounded and the problem with that is that if you regulate something that has the potential to save lives and free people from the most slavish jobs I mean most of you watching this probably have a pretty decent job but there are people working in factories who do this all day just like moving something from a you know assembly line into a box literally they do this all day eight hours straight absolutely mind dumbing like man insanely bad job Ai and Robotics has the potential to free us from that and let us focus on things that actually give us value give us joy and fulfill us so AI safety is a huge issue because it is a movement based on nothing there is nothing worrying about the current state of AI or even the next version of llms that could potentially mean ban all Ai and destroy all the potential wonders so that's why I think AI sa is a massively overhyped problem and most beginners don't understand this so let's say you suddenly lose access to the internet right you would be screwed I mean you couldn't really do anything in this world obviously you can go live in the woods but let's be honest nobody wants to do that if you lost in like if the government decided hey you are no longer allowed to use computers the Internet and there is no way you have to follow the law blah blah blah you would be completely screwed you couldn't compete with other people in business you couldn't talk to your friends online you would just be completely gone out of this Society now with AI that's going to be much much worse if you don't have access to AI obviously today it's again this is the issue right people look at AI today like I could live without CH gbt I could live live without llms but that's not the point the point is that when we have super intelligent like 200 IQ models that literally can give you the best possible advice you may get in any single area of life if you don't have access to that and somebody else does there is no way you are ever going to catch up to that person like that person will destroy you in any aspect of life business sport whatever people compete and you know comp compare themselves on so this is exactly why it has to be decentralized it needs to be permissionless it needs to be peer-to-peer there cannot be some Central entity that decides hey you no longer have access to AGI because if that's the case you're done like you're completely screwed so not having access to AI five years five years from now will be just as bad if not worse as not having access to the internet today oh unlucky bounce there's a question whether you should learn programming if you want to get into AI some people think that programming will be replaced which honestly might be the case we might do all programming in straight English but right now today if you want to get into AI knowing the basics of programming and python is a huge Advantage I mean my belief is that you're never going to get worse by learning a new skill right even if you learn programming and in 5 years we don't use any programming languages we just use English so what you understood the logic and you know how it works below the surface which is already advantage over people who don't know how it works so if you want to get into AI should you learn programming my answer is of course like why not agents right now the best AI agent Frameworks all involve Python and obviously you don't have to be an expert you just have to know the basics you just have to understand data types for Loop Loops if lse statements like the absolute basics of programming and the syntax of python if you do this you will not be intimidated by agents there are so many people that believe in agents want to get into building agents but when they watch a tutorial and somebody opens up vs code and starts writing some code they're immediately like intimidated basically and stop watching just because there's some code involved why why not spend a few hours learning the basics of programming which honestly is not that hard it's like basically just logic at the end of the day if you learned it that you can build agents you can like code your own scripts obviously use AI to help you with that because why would you do everything yourself but like there is no disadvantage to learning programming just like a new skill in your arizal always makes you better okay so let me debunk this once and for all AI doesn't have emotions it's not self-aware this was like so annoying to see especially when CLA 3 released that so many people who don't know how llms work they don't know how next token prediction actually works we're like oh my God cloth free is self-aware it it has this you know when the researchers asked it gave it the needle in Hast tack problem which is basically just putting a sentence into long piece of text it was like oh this sentence seems out of place seems like you might be testing me whether I can remember it again it is predicting the next token so it just makes it it's just like yeah the moral is good obviously so the answer was impressive the answer was the most likely thing that would be happening if you gave a human 20 sentences and in the middle was some like V joke they'll be like what is that like why is that there did you just test me that I notice it same with the LM it's predicting the next token it's not self-aware it doesn't have any feelings or opinions about itself it simply is a large language model it's like a neural network it's a bunch of math if you boil it down to the most fundamental level it's math so if somebody wants to ban AI they want to ban math like it's it's matrix multiplication you have matrices and they're multiplied against each other and if that's done enough on a big enough scale you get intelligence out of it so are llms self-aware no are llms emotional no in the future AI might become emotional might become conscious even but right now there are no signs of it and the current alms are nowhere near being self-aware so if you see anything about that please go to like neural network Basics machine learning Basics and learn how large language models and next token prediction work works because if you do that you will know like how ridiculous these claims are ah Ubi the good old concept of universal basic income that everybody is getting a check every every month and they don't have to work a lot of people believe that this is the future because once AI replaces more and more jobs you know once it goes from replacing tasks into full jobs those people will have to survive somehow so the like a very popular belief in the AI Community is that Ubi is the answer and a lot of people don't even bother to think for different solutions they just say like oh Ubi is the answer because that's all they know my problem with Ubi is that you are completely and utterly reliant on the government if for whatever reason the government decides oh you didn't follow law number 8,731 sorry you no check for you suddenly what most people are living paycheck to paycheck so if you don't get your check in the mail how do you buy food how do you pay the bills like I think the concept of UBI has massive problems with it I'm not saying it's not like part of a solution or I'm not saying it's not going to be implemented obviously some countries will try to implement it I'm just saying that we should be very very careful with Ubi because it just gives complete control over the government and kind of you know kind of reminds me of that cloud swap like you'll not you'll own nothing and be happy like personally I don't want to do that and I'm not interested in being super 100% reliant on the government so if Ubi ever exists like I don't care I'm making sure I have my own money because some bureaucrat or some politician is not going to depend whether my family survives so Ubi a very dangerous concept that we have to be wary of so obviously everyone wants to know what can I do to not get left behind this is one of the main things people and myself included get into AI so okay what can I break it down into obviously start by learning about AI you can sit by 30 minutes a day every single day and just research about Ai and don't be lazy don't go to YouTube and just you know get the recommended videos look at some research papers look into different news maybe look into some Twitter accounts that are credible and reputable maybe take a course by Deep learning.ai which is by Andrew an amazing resources you can do so many things to not get left behind it's more about just doing them right you don't have to do everything but anything is better than nothing so learning about AI is the main thing is the beginning you have to learn about it constantly to really realize its powers and why you should care about it next thing is actually building something whether that's an AI agent whether that's just using mid journey and making some images right actually achieving something with it or going to cat gbd and creating your own custom gbd for something that alone is like huge the next step is AI tools try as many AI tools as possible you're not going to use all of them but try them and actually try the paid subscription because so many people are cheap they don't want to spend $10 $20 $ trying some AI tool that might save them hours every month you don't know most tools um have the best options behind the payall if you if you're not going to pay those 20 bucks you're never going to see the full potential of that tool that might completely change your business or productivity so try as many tools as possible and see which ones you stick and you think are worth the money that's another thing to not get left behind obviously contact with other people if this is one of the easiest things applying peer pressure in a positive way everybody knows peer pressure in like negative scenarios for example somebody forcing you to drink somebody forcing you to smoke but peer pressure works just as well for positive things so if you're surrounded with people all of which who are serious about AI you're not going to be the only one who has a free version of J GPT no you are going to be actually fully focused fully committed and you're going to be on The Cutting Edge and one thing is for sure if you are surrounded by people who take AI seriously you're not going to be left behind and this is why I created a community for AI people the new Society was created for this exact purpose to combine all of the people who take AI seriously all the people who are actually building the future who are on The Cutting Edge of this technology put them into one place and just let the brainstorming happen let the networking effect take place so if that sounds interesting to you and if you want to join my community and get exclusive access to myself we do three calls a week every week then check it out it's the first link in the description thank you for watching
Channel: David Ondrej
Views: 21,845
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: David Ondrej, david ondrej, AI, ChatGPT, artificial intelligence, ai, Artificial Intelligence, OpenAI, chatgpt, chat gpt, Chat GPT, Elon Musk, Sam Altman, sam altman, AGI, midjourney, david ondrej podcast, Emad Mostaque, GPT-4, GPT, AI revolution, new society, david ondrej new society, david ondrej community, AI lessons, AI learnings, AI safety, Balaji, UBI, Naval, Hormozi, AI philosophy
Id: hFlNEM6nff4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 38min 57sec (2337 seconds)
Published: Sat May 25 2024
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