13 BIGGEST Houses

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it's the 13 biggest houses until ax is the name of a giant futuristic mansion in Mumbai India and is the first billion-dollar residential home ever to exist it was commissioned by the world's fifth richest man Mukesh Ambani who is the owner of the biggest company in India Reliance Industries Mook catches 27 story mansion towers above the surrounding apartment high-rises and comes complete with a cinema Plex helipads a health center and hanging garden the forty nine thousand square foot house has a staff of six hundred who maintain the residents at all hours of the day however the multi-million dollar dream mansion remains empty because Mukesh and his family fear they will bring bad luck upon themselves for moving into a house that doesn't line up with Blatt soo Shastra a Hindu version of feng-shui pala Ranch is a 95 acre estate just north of Aspen Colorado in the Rocky Mountains hollow ranch originally belonged to a Saudi prince named Bandar bin Sultan before it was purchased by American hedge fund manager named John Paulson ten years ago Halla Ranch was the most expensive estate ever listed in the u.s. priced at 135 million dollars in 2006 135 million seems like a fair price for a 56 thousand square foot area that trumps the White House in size pala comes complete with its own carwash gas pumps and a mechanic's garage to maintain the owners car collection 50 popular Hill Drive in Farmington Connecticut is the address of 50 Cent's crazy crib his 51,000 567 square foot mansion comes complete with all the amenities in here a perk would need 21 bedrooms 25 bathrooms an indoor pool a gym a basketball court a green screen studio a recording studio and an underground disco room complete with stripper poles this pimped-out mansion is as lavish as they come but unfortunately cost 50 cent millions and has filed him into bankruptcy he's been trying to sell the property for years but he's struggling to find a buyer with an eight point five million asking price and nearly $110,000 in monthly expenses it's no wonder why the manner also known as the spelling manner named after its previous owners now belongs to a British era Snape Etra Eccleston the manor is fifty six thousand five hundred square foot estate in this posh neighborhood in Hungary Hills California previously the most expensive home in America was priced at 125 million dollars it was sold for the low price of 85 million dollars to the heirs there Hertz Castle is a huge property that spans several hundred acres and includes a huge ranch and a herd of zebras their property is actually made up of one main house and several smaller guest houses Casa Grande the main house is 65,000 square feet with the other homes amassing a total of more than 10,000 square feet this huge house has seen many celebrity guests and has famously been seen as the backdrop in The Godfather films although originally a residence for the Hearst family it was registered as a California State Park in 1957 and has been open for tourists to visit since uptown Court is famous for being the most luxurious residents in all of the UK it was estimated to be worth 110 million dollars before it was seized by the bank and sold for a fraction at 30 million dollars uptown spans 58 acres of land and has 103 unique rooms the plush palace includes all the regular trappings of any billionaire a bowling alley a Cineplex 5 swimming pools and 13 million dollars worth of marble accents this 60,000 square-foot beachside property in Palm Beach Florida once belonged to the notorious Donald Trump may song dead lemak da included a massive garage that could house more than 50 cars 18 bedrooms 22 bathrooms and three guest cottages it also includes other amenities such as a giant ballroom to throw parties a high ceiling conservatory for plants and palm trees and even 500 feet of the nearby beach and ocean after some minor redecorating the entire mansion came complete with gold and diamond embellished furniture and was sold to a Russian oligarch for 95 million dollars isn't capitalism great bill gates is the wealthiest man in the United States so of course his house was as swanky as his wallet could allow the 66,000 square foot house is built into the environment around Medina Washington and uses the trees which surround and grow above the house to keep cooling and heating to a minimum Xanadu 2.0 is straight out of the future it has a giant wall sized screened installed around the house that allow anyone to change the display with a flick of a finger the pool has a built-in underwater music system and connects to an outside terrace with natural water this tech-savvy and eco-friendly home is worth more than 150 million dollars the Chateau pensmore also called pensmore mansion or pensmore castle is a giant property that was constructed in an isolated area in the hills south of Springfield Montana it is a slow-moving project spearheaded by a man called Steven T Hough who wants to create an indestructible energy-efficient home the Chateau is constructed using new material and techniques that make it five times stronger than concrete and would withstand an earthquake a bomb explosion and a direct contact with an f5 tornado although it's currently unfinished the French chateau style building already spans 72,000 feet which is 20,000 more feet than the White House lab Revere is the biggest home in all of Palm Beach which is not an easy feat considering Palm Beach is the stomping ground for multimillionaires like Donald Trump and James Patterson the giant 84,000 620 square-foot beachside mansion belongs to Seidel Miller the co-founder of matrix essential the 4.9 million dollar home serves as Miller's residence as well as the site to host charity concerts Falls and other beneficial events Versailles is a 90,000 square foot property in Orange County Florida Versailles was once an abandoned construction project in the late 2000s when its owner and CEO of westgate Resorts was forced to halt construction because of the economic recession in 2013 he and his wife were finally able to restart construction on their dream home which includes an 8,000 square foot master bedroom 30 bathrooms 15 bedrooms 11 kitchens 6 pools a garage that can house 30 cars the palace is currently near completion and will be the biggest residential property in the nation this massive property in the Hamptons totals to about 110,000 square feet of livable space across several buildings the property includes a massive lawn tennis courts a bowling alley a basketball court and $150,000 hot tub the grand Hamptons getaway belongs to Ira Rainier an American investor and business man recently Renard was accused of a bezel in 118 million dollars from his company he used to own called mad core Fairfield's price tag is a hundred and seventy million dollars and rumor has it that he acquired the property with dirty money this mind-bogglingly grandiose residence belongs to the sultan of brunai a man named Hassan al-bakr the palace is measured at over two million square feet and is easily the biggest residence on earth istana nurul iman palace which means palace of faith and light includes five swimming pools a 110 car garage a stable for 200 ponies a banquet hall and a mosque that has a maximum capacity of 1,500 people there are 1788 brooms and 257 bathrooms for use by the people who actually live there and their guests the biggest palace on earth had an equally big price tag it costs 1.4 billion dollars to build
Channel: The BIGGEST
Views: 4,145,678
Rating: 4.4896498 out of 5
Keywords: biggest, houses, world, mansion, ever, palace, antilla, mumbai, ranch, hala, india, manor, hearst, castle, updown, chateau, fairfield, thebiggest, the biggest
Id: zt6gCyHrF04
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 1sec (481 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 08 2016
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