12.6.1 Troubleshooting Challenge - Document the Network

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[Music] hi in this lab we will document a network that is unknown to us the scenario of this lab is a previous network administrator has left the company the network documentation is missing and needs to be recreated so our job is to document the host and network devices including all the device addressing and logical interconnection and here we can see seven pcs and an internet server and we have to discover this network cloud so the first part we will test the connectivity by pinging between pcs and the internet server to test the network you can use this simple pdu click on pc1 and pc2 and it's successful from pc1 to the internet server let's fail ping fail and we ping again fail and the third time is successful and you can test by using the simple pdu from one pc to another pc and do the internet server next we will discover pc configuration information and we can click on hpc this one and then we click on the ip configuration and we can record the ipv4 address the subnet mask the default gateway and the dns server and we will write down to a spreadsheet like this for example pc1 the interface the host the device type ip address subnet mod and the new phone gateway on part 2 we will discover uh on our sorry on part three we will discover information about the default gateway device so we should connect to each default gateway device using internet protocol and record information about the interfaces that are used in the table in the table here the vty password is cisco and the privilege exact password is class now on pc1 click on the command prompt and then i use the command telnet to the default gateway ip address with the password cisco i already turn it to a branch once device and then i enable with the password class and next we will examine the routing table on branch one and here is the serial 0 1 0 it's a directly connected interface with the ip address here and the second interface is the gigabit ethernet 000 and here is the ip address and this router has a default route to the next hope and there is the acid interface [Music] so after examining the routing table on branch one device we can guess it's a router and it has two interface the gigabit interface has this ip address and the serial interface have this ip address and the pc one is connected to branch one through a lan network so i draw the pc one here and next we will examine the neighbor of branch one device by using the command show cdp neighbor and here the information brenton had two devices as a neighbors the first one is switch b1 and the second one is a router [Music] and we can guess the connection between branch one and the two device like this pc1 is connected to switch b1 and is a platform through the gigabit zero slant one here it can be zero slot one and the branch one connected to the hub it's an isr router yeah i saw router here and the port id of the isa router here so now we have the first view of our network from branch one we have a busy one with the ip address connected to the should be b1 and this device is connected to the branch one router and this router is connected to the hub to get more information on each interface and the ip address so we will enter the command cell cdp neighbor detail for example the street v1 has a management ip address here we can copy it and then we paint here the ip for management purpose and next so the interface here it's an interface a branch one and here is a local interface uh switch b1 the second neighbor is the hub with the ip address the platform and the hour import the serial interface on the hub and here the local interface on ventra so we copy ip address of the outgoing part interface and paste it into our topology here one zero one maybe the pitch is uh not working well so we already have the first branch network on pc1 next we do the similar steps on pc2 3 and to the pc7 to draw a map of the network by using show cdp neighbors and so cdp labor detail and after discovering the topology on branch network and the hub device we've been filling all the information on this table for example here i enter switch b1 with the interface and the device time the ip address subnet mask and the default gateway from pc2 we turn it to the default gateway and we got the factory router then we showed the ib routing table and then we got the first interface it's the serial interface the second one gigabit is an app zero zero zero the third one gigabit easiness zero zero one and factory router has a default route to the through the next hope and uh there is acid interface and then we enter the show ip interface brief we got the three up interfaces and then we show cdp enable detail we got three neighbors the first one is switch f2 the second one is switch f1 and and the half maybe in the center router on the topology that we are examining and with that information we can draw the topology from bc2 did the pipe address it is to connect to the switch f1 and here the ip address of the switch and this interface on switzerland that's connected to pc2 we can get this information when we turn it to switch f1 by using zit ip address and show the old interface and only gigabit zero slot one and f0 slash ones are up and then we get the connection from sheet f1 to the factory router and the ip address and the interface on the factory router with the ip address of this one and we do the similar steps and we get the information from pc3 connect to switch f2 and then connect to the factory on this interface and the ip address and from the factory connect to the serial interface on the hub we have the information so that is on our map from pc1 2 and 3 to the hub now let's examine the network connect to pc4 firstly on pc4 we turn it to the default gateway and we got the hq router and then we show the ip routing table on this router and we got the first physical interface the second one it's a sub interface the third one is also the sub interface and here also the sub interface so we can guess the gigabh0 0 0 is a chunk port connect to a switch and next we will show the neighbors on hq router and we got switch hd1 and hub so we can guess the topology on pc4 like this pc4 and we got the hq and the hq1 and hq connect to the hub and here's a gigabit 0 0 0 and it should be divided into sub interface and on the switch at q1 it should be the chunk port and now we will examine the interface on switch hq1 that is connected to pc4 by turning to switch hq we enter show cdp enable detail and get the ip address on hq1 and then return it lose its ip address i copy it and paste it and login [Music] and then i show ip interface brief we get the up interface that is connected to pc4 [Music] and here you see we got the port channel 1 and port channel 3. so we can guess this switch have the port channel to another switch or to the hq and then we can filter the app interface by using the keyword include and up so we got the channel one three and five is the next form for ethernet port that may be the member interface on port channel and with the gigabit ethernet interface and the vlan one interface so with this information we can guess the topology like this hq connect to the hq router through the gigabit ethernet zero slot one with this one and then we have two port channel one and number three to know more about the neighbor of switch hq1 we will show gdp neighbor on this switch and here we get switch 8 q3 and switch at q2 sq3 connect to port channel 3 and 8q2 connect 2. channel 1 and now we can draw a map switch hq and connect to c8q2 using for channel 1 and connect to sq3 using port channel 3. the connection between hq2 and hq3 we can discover by using by telnet to add q2 and show the name to discover the member ports on for channel 1 and for channel 3. we should examine the neighbor table on sheet 81 for example hq one connect to sq3 by the port channel 3 and fortuner 3 has the member parts one is 0 24 and 23 the two physical ports are on the switch at q3 so we can draw here and then we examine the member ports on port channel one near on sq2 we have 20 and 19 on sq2 for the local port on the sheet hq one and the member the physical member parts here we can show the added channel summary on hq1 and here and then we got the fortuna one has a two member ports 19 and 20 so here 19 and 20 and for channel 3 23 and 24 23 and 24 and then you can turn it into sq2 and show the neighbor to discover the connection between hq2 and hq3 and here is the topology on pc4 and pc5 with the switching network we have the for channel 1 3 and four channel two and we have three switch connect together like this topology and then connect to the hd router and from hd router connect to the heart and because the physical interface gigabit zero zero zero we divide it into three sub interfaces so on the switching network maybe we should have three vlan and to discover those vlan we should show run on sweet hqr and here we have vlan 5 vlan 10 and vlan 34 vlan land1 to know the ip address range for hvlan we should turn it to the hq router and show ib so run and here the range ip address range on on vlan 1 vlan 5 and vlan 10 and we can note here vlan 1 the default vlan the ipl address range vlan 5 and vlan 10. so now we have discovered 4 connections from the hub to the remote size and now we will discover the connection between the hub and the internet server here so now i will turn it to the hub and list on the neighbor devices and here on the hub i use the sole gdp neighbor and we have factory already brand two branch one and hq and you can see we have the isp router so now i will draw a yeah map isp [Music] and maybe the isp router connect to the internet server [Music] to get the information about the connection between the isp router and the hub or initial cdp labor detail and search for the isp the ip address the algo import on the isp to get the ip address on the sq router here on the hub router connect to the isp we can enter the show ip interface brief to get the ip address on this interface connect to the isp interface here and then you can turn it from the hub to the isp and show the cdp neighbor so the sp has only one neighbor it's a hub router so and we can see what here i am in isp and i can show rp you see this port is connected to hub and this part to connect the internet router and so cdp neighbor say only one neighbor it's a hub so we can copy the information and paste it with the ip address that's it and on the internet server the ip address here we can copy and paste it here so we already discovered all the information on this network and here is our full topology for this lab the pc one connect to switch b1 gonna do branch one and then connect to the hub and the factory router here has uh connected street f2 and switch f1 connect to pc3 and pc2 the half connected hq router here and on the ht router we connect to switch hd1 uh at q3 and hq2 here and connect to pc4 and pc5 and brand to connect to uh switch and uh g suite and connect to pc6 and pc7 and the name of the suite is sheet branch b2 and from the hub we have the connection to the isp and from sp connect to the internet server so that is all for this lab and thanks for watching [Music] you
Channel: Cisco Packet Tracer Labs
Views: 2,065
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Id: X7QvnUe5PNg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 38sec (1718 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 08 2021
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