#126 Sunnah Remedies: Your Weekly Shopping List, Nutrition & Health

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hello welcome to Episode one to six a fresh new Gandhi this is the second time on recording the intro because the first time I recorded it the camera battery got ripped out by my foot by my shoe it's long to explain but I'm really according it this episode is with AB Jackie I'm so drawn to sake so I came from cinema remedies a frequent guest on a podcast also someone that we love hearing from he firstly kind of discussed his hedge with us but the episode very quickly became about diet and nutrition something I was very intrigued to ask him about as I've recently started getting some aches and pains being the 25 year old oh man that I am and I realized that maybe I need to change one or two things in my diet because I'm not very disciplined so this episode was growing for anyone else who isn't greatly disciplined in their diet he speaks about the importance of eating a very you know good diet and vegetarian foods and fish so anyway the episode basically began became abdul hakeem helping me with my weekly shopping list and then after we shot the episode because it was a few days ago i ended up doing my shopping and I think I did a fully pescetarian food shop that week so I've got pretty much only veg items and fish and I've been making veg dinner at home I made spinach and potato curry last night and so I'm like I said in the first version of this intro that got ripped out by my battery I'm definitely not a vegetarian I'm still eating chicken and meat but the foods that I'm cooking in the house hopefully will be veg related or fish anyway I'm sure you guys want to hear from a turkey he gave a very very good discussion or some great tips about nutrition diet the stuff we know and love him for also guys if you love the podcast you want to support the podcast and you want to in some way contribute to it we would love for you to become a patreon patron or become a patron on patreon and a patron is someone who pays around five pound a month so about the same price as a coffee and a cake per month and you get every episode early as long as we film it and record it early you are able to benefit off some some small benefits from freshly grounded such as discounted merge or some maybe some free items or discounted tickets or early release two things we're trying our best to improve the quality of service of patreon or our patron but more than anything you'll get you'll be able to support fresh lugar didn't help us grow because as you guys know it is growing very fast and we are you know we want to get the best guests and as frequent as possible and and being a patron really helps to support us to be able to get the best guest to be able to continue doing what we're doing create great episodes maybe create more episodes and so every patron helps so to check out some patron its patreon that's P a Treo ENCOM forward slash freshly grounded and with that being said this is probably my most newsreader style intro ever please welcome on to the desk freshly grounded episode 1 to 6 with abdul hakeem from suna remedies and welcome to freshly grounded the brand new podcast by best friends please do answer huh I Welker I said welcome to freshly grounded off double the brand new podcast and offer but but best friend's face was sad so no remedies I said my they cool early a fresh board is a Callaghan having me as I mentioned to you on on Sunday Saturday mmm I think that that hairstyle looks very good on you already yeah compared to the long hair yeah no I like the long hair and then when you cut you the first time I didn't love the egg you know you cut it out halfway between Aisha yeah like this [Laughter] you know what happened you know the only one I remember when you said to me oh you know what you're the only one that can rock I don't we said to me the only one I can rock long hair or silent yeah cuz not a lot people can rock it but handle nice nice hair is simple obviously don't you start losing it yeah may Allah protect us you can also go to Turkey no I know that was permissible oh you have yeah I heard some delete oh no just come back man it's been a very long time the people always love having Sunnah remedies on the podcast and um there are some youhave you in the old studio so thank you for coming here how did you find the new spot it's nice it's cool - I like this kind of organization my son a lot to say that the oven wasn't organized by fula it's more spacious as well more organized it's nice it's a nice place boss it's good alright the windows well I wondered I really have a window did it coming in and like you said it was like a bit of a temporary space so it was always a mess yeah it was like as long as what's on the camera is clean is his calm where's this ham did not like anything to be fair we Nate and I did have really big clean like the other day so had you seen this a few days ago maybe you wouldn't have been saying this but we gave it clean we're gonna try and keep it this way on earth I like house things of you what's been how you been doing yeah it's been a long time yeah obviously since the last time hamdullah went to hedge ham dinner with my wife which was an amazing experience within itself as for few brothers like us well I think I'll Swartz him humble mashallah he went as well yeah yeah so did you know as well I haven't met him I haven't I haven't met him but I think I've attended one of his lectures a while back when I used to work in one today I used to work at and then he after the salon he delivered a talk about I think it was black magic I think I think so so I'm the last of cesky rockier workshop he went to the once so maybe I don't think I was there but I remember one one time after the salon he did he did deliver a lecture on black magic and Jim position obviously nicest film masha'Allah he December Shana when he's back he tends to come around twice a year so when he's back I'm gonna try and get him to come down to the to the clinic or at least at the very least maybe do like maybe we could do an episode where where you're here as well your co-host in review on the episode or something we'll figure something Carley lovely for you to meet him in Shauna's would be a pleasure on my show a lot so yeah I saw him and Hajj he was actually on the same flight it was it was crazy because you know would had every kind of pilgrimage that you take has its you know has its difficulties or maybe has its tests and believe it or not when we left British Airways or Heathrow decided to strike I'm not sure if you kind of remember I know there's a lot of articles in the newspaper and they were trying to catch up with the Stewart with the Union and it was a last-minute thing where the strikes were going ahead and instead of going to he if we didn't know hockey we didn't know whether we were gonna whether we were gonna go hedge me and the Misses were kind of worried and obviously in that moments you really want to go to the house of a lot of hands harder to perform this great acts of worship we know the the many virtues you know if a lot of Hansel accepts your hedge unlost pants and says that there is no wood except for the road of paradise you know hedging maboooi an accepted hedge so obviously when nervous we're thinking what's gonna happen are we gonna get a phone call from the agency ask organizing it and that we went with a party towards my lost hands and I would them plugging it in and obviously they kept us in it and you know they kept us up today and then obviously we had Saudi Airlines decided to fly from Manchester so we had to pack off things all of us like last-minute kind of thing and then booked the train lost mini and and obviously head of Manchester yeah yeah we had to go to Manchester subhanallah but it was you know is I think a lot my fake I lost some pounds I don't want to see maybe you know test a test to sincerity or maybe Allah animates I think every every Hajj has it has its test I think but al hamdulillah it went it went well we arrived in Jeddah we performed obviously we don't hedge Talmud Torah so with tomato the three types of hedges anyway so with hedge tomato we don't know how I first came out of our Haram you know the white gloss that we done in Oman when we went together remember that Ramadan I'm sure you miss that so hammer and after a few days obviously that the pilgrimage the days of Hajj began it's amazing I mean I'd advise every every Muslim I'm sure like you know it is unfortunately we can we can save a lot of money for like small things yeah but I promise you you know brothers and sisters out there who are listening and you know it was amazing a lot of young brothers and young sisters obviously the sisters who came with their husbands some with their fathers I'm has him he's an Egyptian uncle mashallah beautiful he came with his daughter it was amazing in the sense that there was a lot of Shabaab and I felt that so important that had just done a young age we have this perception maybe in the Asian culture in in and also in a Moroccan culture North African culture you have this old-school thinking if you know what leave Hodgins who your old don't go ahead now why are you gonna go ahead Jesus you're still young and it's that thing of you know what if I go Hajj not so how the shape on comes to you and says do you know so it might be that you know if I go hatch now I need to stop this bad thing and I can't do hedge and come back to back home and you know persistently do you know that the ill habits that I have so it's like a I don't know we're afraid to commit and you know well you know we should be able to commit to a lots of hands and it will try our best to commit a lot of Hannah Montana and it's an amazing experience it's very very you know it's it's a spiritually enriching and also are you start till you learn it all about yourself and you kind of evaluate your life and where you're heading what really matters in life it's deep yeah something that I kind of found amazing was when we were a couple years back speaking Czech or seeing about Hajj and he was saying something amazing is that you know there are certain purchases that are not impermissible like for example you wanna upgrade your car you know or you want to buy a car and it might cost you ten thousand pound but you but you want to do it however those purchases become questionable when you've not done your first Hajj because your first Hajj is compulsory upon you isn't it that's good and so if he was saying that I'm not saying don't buy a car there might be a situation where you need to buy a car you know before hatch like you don't have a car and you need a car you have you need a car or your current car is breaking down and he's a protocol you need to spend a good why you spent Iraq's on a car he's not talking about those situations and I believe that have enough car especially if you have a kids or your wife I believe me personally that it's a necessity especially in London it's one of those things where you need a car of course and then he said so he wasn't he said let's say you already have a car and it does you you don't you find is great is nothing wrong with you but you just wanna upgrade to like the latest Beemer for example and you want to spend like fifteen thousand pounds so you've been saving me money but you haven't done your first Hajj and your necessity of having a car is fulfilled but you joined it for the because you you just want to why would you want an I so hot he didn't say it's impermissible but he said that's when it becomes a bit questionable because now you're saying you haven't even done your first Hajj which is compulsion you've got the money for the Hajj and you're gonna now spend it on a whip where you will you have one and that put things into perspective for me man because he said it's not if you've done your first Hajj and you want to do things like that hard ice is fine because your second Hajin your third has did not compulsory upon you but when you not done your first one you have the money to do your first one and there's nothing there's not a like a dire need to spend that money on something now then it becomes a bit questionable that changed my perception on things a lot man yeah and apparently you will benefit from the hedge you know a lot of us obviously we try to run away from and including us are we as humans we try to run away from responsibility and big uns and you know it is I personally believe that especially when it comes to great acts of worship any ultimately yes we want to please Allah by the same time how inshallah with the right intentions you know muffled Ahmad Nablus he said the famous saying I think it was attributed to him when he said Al Roker bucha theater well Jojo Pauline that the writers are a lot yeah as in the people going to Hajj or so many but the actual hedges that are accepted are a few yeah because of you have to understand what Hodja who your wolf has to be Helen your intentions have to be sincerely to Allah you're not going to hedge to say you know what I've done a hatch back home wait they say you know call me [ __ ] you have to go with that since and it's harder his sincerity we know sincerity of it to achieve sincerity there's the scholars of the pastor he they struggled with with the if loss let alone us you know when we live in a day in age anyways what about notoriety or like Fame or you know the of the you know something similar any and Hodja he had used the so many lessons in Hajj bows like Heidi had just bill on the phone on the fundamental principles of tawheed of the oneness of Allah and submitting yourself to the oneness of Allah and obviously you remember it's crazy because as Muslims we know that ibraheem alehissalaam the founding father of monotheism or they say yeah I need the in the sense that he so he was the Holly love Allah and he's and because of him we remember certain rituals during Hajj so you have the the stoning of the devil a symbolic yeah you're not actually stoning the devil and in that Subhan Allah you can you can get away from that Shaitaan will come to you in life and try to distract you and try to take you away from fulfilling the rights of a lots of hands and and fulfilling the rights of the people that you're responsible over and you have to kind of just ignore him you have to and that throwing the stalks of the stones away is that symbolic kind of is that symbolic act where in life you have moments where Shaitaan will come to you and he will whisper you and try to turn you away from doing the things that are pleasing to Allah but you have to kind of be any that symbolic act of throwing the stone is kind of like chasing him away you know and subpanel nod the running of Safa and Marwah that's part of him as well as hedge the running of sufferer and the model my husband ila his Salaam where she was in the middle of the desert imaginable on him had a cell him again he left her in the middle of nowhere what we know Mecca to be today wasn't what Mecca was whenever I am I am too casual it was barren land it was desert imagine that can you imagine that and from the dua of ibraheem alehissalaam look at this e like just his door look what is look look how its come about and he would and he would never ever think and look how it is now from a barren land that he nothing no they didn't know that there was water before Zemzem okay I lost some pounds and I ordered him to take his wife and he just said yeah I'm gonna take her imagine are you taking imagine like you have your first child your first child are he and you're taking him in the middle of the desert with his mom with your wife and you leavin her there and she's pregnant at the time she wasn't pregnant when she wasn't pretty enough sweetie mixed up with the story of a side ISM she wasn't pregnant I mean the baby is young the baby is young yeah you have to have a lot of your keen and Amana fee so imagine he's turning away and he and she's saying to him like are you leaving us in the middle of the desert are you like are you leaving us in a minute there's a by ourselves and then obviously masha'Allah because the righteous wife that she is she says did Allah subhana WA Ta'ala come on you with this and he said how much did he didn't she didn't eat as soon as he said yes he did she didn't need to say anything more and I lost some pounds and I did obviously the baby was crying because obviously she had no milk because there was no water and then she was running from Safa and Marwah looking on looking woman of he that imagine now we rani somehow la follow the rituals of husband SLM who is a woman and we have to run from safa and marwah and it obviously not run there's a bit you know the green bit way obviously she ran so we run from that area and somehow I said Mazen actually so many lessons and you know the day of Arafah that's another emotional days of hang on like that kind of resembles the day of judgment and his deepest typically it's a pilgrimage like no other like imagine Markham exile him Allah when he came back from Hajj I think what he had to say about Hajj you know it was like you know house or brothers who were White's what he whose hair was Blondin I'm blond and eyes were blue and and blue and skin was whiter than white and we shared the same you know the shade this the same food and the same place where we slept it's it's amazing there's so many lessons uh you know what here it's not it's not even like one lesson uh he just so many lessons that you benefit and you know about your new learn about yourself it's always so inspiring here about people's stories of Hajj and this year it seemed like all the powers was there you know no better consumer law was there Aziz was there he was there much armor yeah very inspiring when you hear it and you get you you you want to be a part of that when you see it and you see the other people experience it it's amazing man um let's talk a bit about diet and okay this country snow because I know that when Sunnah remedies is on the podcast when a black he was on a podcast our listeners loved hearing about your the wealth of knowledge you have with regards to the human body and the diet and how it affects your physical state your mental state your spiritual state and you always learn in as well yourself yesterday you are you a nester you didn't Lester hamdullah obvious you know we're students and what I care organization and a center that's changing the way we look at cupping dry cupping we're copying also incorporate in different therapies to help high-performing athletes and Hamlet we were there yesterday on a course around surrounded wake up dry cupping and how it helps with inflammation how it helps with the functional movements from a limited movement in a muscle and how we can help increase your your movements your span of movement it was good me and my wife have the new way how important is it for you to constantly try and increase your knowledge being someone who performs hijama a really high level you for me for athletes and celebrities as well as you know regular people like myself why is important for you to still seek knowledge in life if you've reached a stage where you feel that you've you've mastered something or you know everything there is to know about that topic then in reality who you haven't really attained anything and we know the famous story of moose and is that I'm bringing it back about knowledge yeah Jenny because obviously knowledge is very very important because we're talking about why do i or why do many people were in their domain or in a speciality feel that they always need to kind of excel always learn knowledge and it's those people that become eventually masters or those people that eventually know what they're talking about and reach a high level of their profession because musa alayhis salaam at the time he didn't feel that there was anyone more knowledgeable in him and so I lost hunter I sent him to hell hitter so there will always be someone who is more knowledgeable than you no matter how kind of knowledgeable you think you are there's always someone that is more knowledgeable and obviously knowledge is something that is very very important and very very enlightening and I always feel me personally yeah hamdulillah I've been doing humor for many many years and yes we do it on high-performing athletes but I always feel that I always need to update my knowledge I always feel that you know maybe we're dealing with the human body the human body is something that is so complex and you always kind of gonna find certain things that work more than than others and certain things that speed up the recovery more than others so it's always kind of refreshing and you're always renewing your knowledge so as we know there's not much scientific research and although things are changing so we have to rely on our own experiences on our own kind of research you know to say the least eonni and you're always learning I don't add up and I always advise brothers and sisters and whatever field they are to always he continuously learn and we know the importance of learning in our Dean the professor Sammy said that olive oil for my Annina Collier most enormous name at that knowledge or seeking knowledge is a is a compulsion upon every Co in an individual obligation upon every man and woman and seeking knowledge every when you seek knowledge you're gonna benefit other people you're not just benefiting yourself and yes we know that the seek the best knowledge is the knowledge of the hereafter and about the Dean and because obviously that is eternal so obviously you have secular knowledge and you have religious knowledge and we know that secular knowledge it handle and also what you're learning hey gemma is something as part of the dean and you're kind of bringing as well this kind of sports therapy kind of you kind of incorporate in it and kind of integrating it which suppose very pieces panel now it's a form of Dawa so say for example yesterday we were on a course and we had a chiropractor who he wasn't Muslim so we all know what chiropractors do here they like to neck neck adjustments back adjustments you know the ones that you see on youtube that like some crack next crack backs spine and he said that obviously people asked him like you know how come you're here like you know you're on an AK drag up and cross that what what you hear he said like I had a lot of people coming in to me with the hey JAMA marks so I wanted to know you know I wanted to know what why these people coming in with these marks so how I signed up to the course and doctor and he and obviously a doctor in chiropractor and the medical doctor and he came in and Japan just by him coming in he was exposed to a Sunnah per se of the prophet sallallaahu and it was element that was a form of Dawa and obviously he's thinking that look these people look that I need that they're learning about and another alternative therapy so it's it's there's so many benefits are here there's so many but we seeking knowledge always are you know there should never be a time in your life where and that's Eric I personally find that as a quite arrogant for you to feel that you learn you know everything about a particular topic and you somehow like we live in a day in exactly where some people are like that the so pompous and arrogant a fee where they think that they know it all there's something is a fee that you don't know you know I think it also when you're studying a topic it speaks for you that you are willing to learn that you have an open mind to it and that's what improves you right once you once you have that maybe that arrogance of saying I'm the best at why I do it closes off that that chapter I've ever been able to learn more we had doctor and yeah to go we had we had a guy on recently call doctor is Ranma horde who's a dentist I give me a second I heard that podcast yes deep how he is his work ethic my son laughs I listen to that podcast what's amazing about him is he so he studied dentistry hmm and then after dentistry you say nowadays dentistry degree he did a medic medicine degree amazing and now he and he's on many horse after and as we speed he's just starting his new dentistry horse and both this guy has done face surgeries you know without getting graphic that he told me some other stuff he's on his insane with things that you would never hear off that he's had to do on put on people's faces so he's very advanced on top of that with chief he's even more advanced because of dentistry is what he loves and he really kind of practices every day yeah he's back in back in school now while while running his pet he's got free practices along very - in central London in the opening one in Manchester and and he still he still study and so that's very inspiring and it's also very trusting to know that you're in the hands of someone who doesn't who is always trying to improve you know so imagine he stopped where he first finished do you think he would be able to achieve what he's achieved now it's very true and a lot of then it's probably dude they probably finished a degree there four years or five years in uni and and I say they they go into the field not to say that that's bad but you learn on the job as well but it's it's someone who is trying to achieve excellence when he's doing that I mean I want me personally but I want to be like that I want to be I want to be that person that knows eventually insha'Allah like cuz obviously I love what I do like if you can tell that understand if you love what you do or who you want to be I'm sure as well the same thing with you if you love what you do you want to know everything about that that domain you wanna anything there is to know about seven example with me anything there is to know about the human anatomy anything there is to know about hey Gemma and how it helps or blood cupping or wet cupping a bloodletting is all wet copying as people know it I want to know about it anything that that's around like say for example a soft tissue work I want to know about like in terms of using the tool the grassman's who likewise I'm sure yourself like okay what does it take and how long abetik you know to become a successful podcast oh I want to become even more successful so you wanna know where you wanna know who did you wanna be a master of your field you know you you want to know what you're talking about you don't know you don't want to be a person that's a result but a patient comes in and the patient has been suffering from years from it could be sciatica it could be an IT band on the side of his leg and you don't even know where the IT band is well you don't know you're just gonna lie to him or you're just gonna be fretting on and you know you're not gonna know what you're talking about its responsibility especially if you take up that responsibility of China care for people know that you're responsible also in the eyes of a lot of hands Anna you know so don't you we generally tend to kind of take on things just for say for example and I see it and I see I'm not just in danger my many many things there's a mistake that we have to kind of rectify or there's something that we have to really really think about don't do something because it's gonna earn you a quick buck don't be that person oh you know what cuz I see someone jumping on this and that and they're making good money you you supposedly think they're making good money I'm gonna jump on that that's not the case don't do you don't do something and laugh because of money because I'll be I'll be honest with you it's not gonna be long-term and it's gonna come a time because if you don't enjoy something how many people wake up and hate going to work why because they don't enjoy it don't be that individual don't be that person that you do something just for the love of money because eventually people gonna start noticing that this guy is only doing it for money you don't really enjoy he just doing it just for earned money yeah and you're gonna see that in your work I don't wanna be that person like Ajmal said when he was on the podcast knowing that I was a tomorrow yeah he's very well for a couple maybe at least a yeah I think I yeah he said on a podcast he said he takes contentment in knowing that his risk is written for him so it will come whatever is waiting for him will come anyway so you might as well do what you enjoy like you said probably talking about you know I mentioned early that I wanted to speak about diet and you I know you're someone who promotes apple cider vinegar a lot yeah all once twice a senior pose yeah and I've only recently seen like I'm late to the party I've recently heard about like the numerous benefits of a especially if somebody's high blood pressure it's good for them to take what's that what do you know much about the benefits of a and and and why it's good first and foremost is one of the the foods that the Prophet SAW said I'm also recommended okay and there is reports that he would have it with body bread so he would have body Brittany would have olive oil and cider and vinegar yeah only now when you go to like proper posh restaurants that you see that booze war any bourgeoisie restaurants like posh ones that they offer you bread and somehow another catching on everyone's catching on to the sender you know you know before was intimates at first in like everyone's I remember growing up sorry to just slightly kind of I remember girl why because it's sooner and now people are because the Prophet SAW said I mean he speaks about vinegar quite clearly in in in in in the sooner you know and like I remember girl I like fasting like ah that people would ask are you fasting oh my god how can you do that that's so unhealthy that's not that's not good for the body know you're gonna kill yourself for you you know what you know you're not giving yourself the correct nutrients you know breakfast is the most important meal of the day you should be having breakfast but not as this huge influx of people on YouTube and like vloggers and you know youtubers talking about the benefits of of intermittent fasting and how it helps to increase your growth hormone and how it helps to increase your testosterone levels we're talking about intermittent fasting here and how it also it helps to burn fat but hold on a minute fasting was part of not just Islam but the previous religions before us we know in Christianity a sanyasin Jesus peace be upon him used to fast musa likewise this is nothing new so in our religion the Prophet Solomon answer him with also encourages for fast not obviously for the purpose of of health but you can say that was you need a byproduct of fasting and it was something that was already part of our religion in that essence in terms of apple cider vinegar it is very beneficial it helps with with the gut bacteria you know to improve your gut bacteria it helps with as a panel fatigue it's like an energy drink like a tonic the power is so many many benefits that he hopes they see they they say it helps with the burning fats how should a person consume it generally speaking I see I've seen different types of ways that people do consume it so the first example I told you with bread sort of you have you have a body bread or you have the sub me personally I prefer barley bread or sourdough bread fermented bread only because a lot of people are very they are gluten intolerant and I find gluten obviously we know that there's been you have to understand the food that we have now is not how it was presented to us out of our forefathers back the food we have now is very very much industrialised like dairy right like there is whoa you really gets dairy aren't you I'm not against dairy but I'm against how dairy is produced so nowadays is dairy yeah nowadays we know as their yeah what we know is there right now yeah like you wouldn't drink milk I wouldn't know I wouldn't but I would drink say for example obviously I'm lactose intolerant so if there was grass fed milk Andy that is purely organic I would have it but because I'm lactose intolerant I'm unable to you I see you understand but it's not I don't I don't believe in several example taking away sir and nutrients away from our diet I don't believe in say I'm not anti dairy I'm aunty how dairy is produced you understand and that's why I don't see me yeah I'm anti how me is produced but an even so yeah it depends on the consumption as well how often do you eat mean you shouldn't be eating me quite often anyway but if you are gonna eat me is it grass-fed is it organic these things have to come into play you know it isn't it's not like even even it's not about taking away certain food categories away from your diet I don't really believe that that's the way forward it's about the quality of the food is the food of good quality it has the food being kind of messed up the the wheat is it pure is it organic is it actually we always been cross bred now we have to understand that everything is industrialized everything obviously to me that the the demand everything he have to speed things up to produce the these products in order to fulfill the demand of people so the quality that you'll get in is not it's not the best of quality for the Allah lmf is full of chemicals if the process like now I hate chickens how long does it take 40 how long does it take for a chicken to grow like to be to be fully ready to be slaughtered okay that process is sped up likewise the me full of injected full of hormones do you know what you're eating that's why a lot of people are gonna have issues a lot of people have allergies a lot of people have in tolerances a lot of people have skin conditions like you know at least in Morocco back in the days there was no such fingers you know this illness and that illness we knew people to be very very healthy and yet they would still consume and I say again they would still consume olive oil yet they'll still consume healthy fats they were so consumed meat they were still consumed milk they were still consumed G cheese they would consume butter but everything was very very organic grass-fed how it should be they would they would have eggs but those eggs are free-range when I say free-range not like now how they say free-range but I still like an Aloha or whatever it may be in his free-range I think that the bird is roaming at the chicken off when it's roaming around and eaten from whatever's around and it's really honey that's how things are coming up someone who struggles with their discipline of their diet would you recommend that they go that they for example become a vegetarian now I'm not talking about cuz I know what your thoughts on this are already I know that your your thoughts are that you know that a person should generally be a flexitarian like the Prophet SAW the law or cinnamon you should try your best to generally be like a have the lifestyle of a vegan slash vegetarian and in every now and again on a rare occasion implement like a meat but I'll not be having me and chicky in a stuff every day I'm talking about so let's use me as a case study as you know I've always had difficulty was disciplining myself mother I don't find out I've never had difficulty with sugar really and I've never really I don't need sugar in my coffee I don't need sugar in my tea I can I can stay away from stuff like biscuits in chocolate like for the most part I don't mind having a little dabble every now and again one I don't think I struggle with that I think my struggle is is not what I eat I think my struggle is what I don't eat in the sense that I struggle to get in my fruit and veg on a daily basis so for someone like myself to increase my intake of fruit and veg would you recommend that I for example become a vegetarian the reason is because then in that way if I've mentally told myself that I'm a vegetarian I have to eat that I'm definitely getting in veg every day do you know I mean yeah you can't do that but what you can also do is become more disciplined like what you can do I don't know if this might help you I'm gonna explain to you sir example for this what helps me sure yeah it is what helps me so I'm gonna give you a real-life example that might in myself eonni fine Sera's on poor if I have food that is available like good food in my house remember I think we spoke about it's not in one of the podcasts like I'll have I'll bite when I go shopping I only buy fruits and veg I don't like buy like any certain things where I'm going to snack on so the only thing so say for example you find me in the house sometimes where I open up the fridge I see fruits yeah I open up the cupboards I'll see fruits so you have to eat so I have to I'll eat them especially because you know having their fruits are not bad fruits are very good don't go on with this notion that our fruits are bad and this is a huge movement of yeah it's got sugar in it no no this is this is not correct the HMDA you should be having fruits and veg but most importantly this is a huge kind of movement of scaring people away from actually consuming fruits and yeah so like I said in the house like several samples are in our office right now now instead of like I don't know I haven't seen any junk food but instead of like maybe having a have a basket where you put bananas where you put apples when you put grapes maybe some avocados so maybe you have if you have a card or maybe have some nice vinegar would I find avocados very very tasty when I when I mix it with something when I have and half an avocado I put olive oil on it a little bit of vinegar a little bit of pepper so Himalayan salt it tastes nice why because now you're starting to find healthy alternatives or substitutes and that sounds like a really good idea so in your core as well in your car yeah have like have fruits and fruits available to you I don't eat my car generally so I think I'm okay with that I think that I think that makes a lot of sense where you're saying if when you do your shop if you're not buying me you already drastically reducing the amount that you eat in and then when you're out and about like you said and let's say you go to a dinner and in you know they serve in you need whatever you don't want to be like no I gotta be nicer to be another thing about diable some people yet a so stricter look as Muslims yeah we should be we should be balanced here like I'll give you example some people it is so obsessed about diet and they're so kind of anal you know about about this it's like they have social anxiety when they go out why because that oh I can't eat this or if I'm going out with my friends I can't eat that look if this once in a while I like say for example I was invited to like and a brother put down rice and he put down me and that's because I was invited to a [ __ ] where I had rice and meat yeah so maybe it might be in the same one but I'm not gonna I'm not gonna say to the Bubba you know what I'm not gonna have for me personally I think that's that's it that's a mental just all I want to say maybe it's a mental disorder or maybe you're giving yourself kind of like you know social anxiety where you can't even go out and enjoy a meal once in a while oh you know it's not it's not a regular thing I hear how often do you get invited to people's house I hear you but you're very well-balanced and a long verdict and I think that you build up discipline and I think that you maybe take for granted how disciplined you are and discipline bro is one of the most difficult traits to build right and I can see in you that you have a lot of discipline obviously I've known you for a few years now and discipline is difficult also I think some people like if I play you know as they say there was ever her I think some people myself included I have to do like almost go to the extremes to discipline yourself otherwise like if I let myself go then I'm gonna let myself go too deep so like if I have a dessert at this place now I'm gonna like mentally I broke it down right now I've had this around and I'm going to die downward spiral and that's where does that come from I come from a lack of discipline you can't display yourself and have a balance obviously but you're speaking for my idealistic approach if you'll be an ideal or you know idealistic approach you would be able to burn [ __ ] on us no problem I'm at this place we're gonna eat this and then when I go back I'm back I'm back to it so that's that's that's like a good goal to achieve however going back to the shopping list thing bro I'm really inspired by that I think that less that's that's very very important like the idea of what ways in your house controlling what is in your house basically controls what goes in your stomach right cool so I'm going today to do the house shop like a weekly how short so tell me what you would recommend for me to for me to purchase I think that after this conversation and I'm gonna refrain from buying meat because I wasn't on my list she came in chicken and some mints buy some fish so we buy fish if you can buy some like salmon like wild salmon yeah we have some one we've already got some of that some is very good luck for you no way look like I said there's a place and I think it's Tooting they have organic grass fed me I had some a couple weeks back and when I came back from Hajj and they also had the organic grass-fed I think it was chicken and somehow a lot of the chicken tastes different the chicken tastes different and Africa's into turn so if you look like several sample there are certain moments in in in somebody's life or maybe a yeah thing where he does where he likes to you know for a month cleanse himself you know but as easy he he mashallah he does he done something similar in Ramadan and I was following something similar where you restrict serve example what you know the food that you're eating throughout the whole month you just kind of cleanse in your body so you might be whatever example you want to go for a cleanse or you want to clean out your body you might pick a month where it's just fruit and veg yeah well you're avoiding dairy way of waiting this is for the normal folk here we are waiting dairy avoiding ready me you just cleaning nobody out and then Shalala you can go back to consuming the good quality stuff yeah our loss of hand tonight I gave it to us from the earth for a lot of Hunter has prescribed for us Helen good in a good product in organic fresh but in terms of like sample like I'll give you example you give me give me a shopping shopping is so ok so look I'm not gonna give me and chicken and the reason I say that is because I will still definitely eat me a chicken in my day it might in my week because I'll give an example yesterday my mom sent some food to my house she's a nice chicken curry I'm gonna watch that food but if she's gonna do so if that's gonna have a things that are gonna happen I don't necessarily need to then start buying myself cuz I'm still gonna get and you know when you're out so that has done I'm not gonna obviously this this this shopping list that we're going through now it has to be approved by the missus but inferior minister by the Interior Minister she's the interior minister you're the exterior like my teachers of course however have indeed lost she's very Pro like being healthy and stuff so I think if I came to and I said look we're not gonna get me and stuff she'll be very Pro that so that's good so we won't get me up we don't get we we won't get me we don't get me okay I won't no no so we do get some milk we do get a bit of milk because but we've we rarely finish our milk and the milk is very very liked by a small one in case we've got you know if people come around they can have tea and stuff so I'm not too worried about the milk try to get shots I'm sure you must find like sorry to call you off I'm try to to find milk which is that farm milk okay but surely you must have sign here so right now we're talking as done okay so I'm saying we're doing a big shopping that's the right I'm going to cool until you seem to me as the year okay cuz I'm because that's what I'm going today right cool this is realistic and I figure also benefit the people listening I still I couldn't into your mind of oh you're kind of weekly shop so um so bread we don't really get bread oh you recommend that we should get any bread because there have been some times well got some peanut butter but haven't got bread so I can't really it would be alright to have a boo-boo right to have some toast and peanut butter if you're if you're someone who relax bread or kind of once a bread maybe go for like sourdough bread okay like it's co-op you could call it a bread I wouldn't buy toast I don't me Percy you sir I don't really consume toast let the regular Kings know - I used to actually like no no no not Kings no I used to have a whole meal and even though I found there's a lot of rubbish in it okay so I stopped consuming outside I switched to sourdough bread so and obviously we're talking no no like fries and stuff - track that you got a deep fryer I know chicken of course I must that's that's that's what it goes without saying okay so say for example in terms of shopping you have to understand and I'll give you the profit when we grown up obviously naturally we didn't any wake up and you know automatic soybean healthy we had a process as well where we used to eat like everybody else or it wasn't really a healthy diet and one of the things that my father he used to bring were fizzy drinks and we were young and we used to have fizzy drinks as you know you know young you know you don't really know that the ill effects were you go to school and everyone buys rubicon or everyone might buy a coke pepsi and that was a it was a regular thing it wasn't like you know once in a while thing it was everyday or after every meal you're having fizzy drinks and we know amount of sugar in fizzy drinks and how bad it is for you and how about it's for your teeth two three well stuff like Coke Zero and fan is zero so it's but as they say that they have no sugar is it still all the sweetness in it so it's not good for two still of course especially if you have any everyday like I said to you there are there might be times where somebody might be at an event and he might have it it's not a problem is in a sense of look he's my guy stuff into your house I don't bring that likes everyone product there was a time where my father he stopped bringing fizzy drinks then he no more fizzy drinks and that helped us just to stop fizzy drinks but we wouldn't consume fizzy drinks at all so again look see what you bring into the house plays a very very important role of what you consume so he didn't bring no fizzy so hamdullah we stopped fizzy drinks okay so no fees we don't get fizzy drinks really anyway no juices no news and that's so we're all purchases water like bottled water okay I drink tap water I have no issues have well I know some there's a debate sometimes a taboo is bad for you I wouldn't say I wouldn't because a lot of people find that there's also in tap water there's been a study where they found that there is the female hormone estrogen high levels of estrogen in it and by then they didn't it was a documentary I came out recently and it's on tap one he said it's healthy I mean so there's always gonna be a debate you know I mean I've grown up on tap water it's never affected me I prefer anyway I prefer bottled mineral water okay so the first thing I would go to is the the fruit and veg okay fine I have a juicer okay cool you can mix it up sometimes the juice and sometimes you actually eat the fruit the veg okay under fruit so several example I'll do first things first I always get spinach salad stuff cucumber iceberg lettuce I'll get Tomatoes yeah as you know he would like the philosophy of nutrition and Oh Dhaka City I'm not a nutritionist and put it out but I just I I kind of love studying about you know nutrition and you live a healthy lifestyle and that's inspiring and I've seen it so I'm speaking to you right now like as if the microphones are off Bravo - Bravo I would seek this advice from you anyway of course oh so like I said to you so you so you go for like you know your cucumber your tomorrows how you eat new things over salad form is you having a salad on the side of your meals always important you should always be having salad always asking me personally with unless it's not without breakfast eonni if it's my I always try my best with my lunch and my dinner to have salad des des des except I step too far for me bro he's nice I enjoy my salad yeah because they taste so nice I don't I said it I don't think I even if you made a nice one from zing I can make a nice kidney bean car if I make you a salad are you telling me you not gonna eat it's very unlikely bro but I think will incorporate veg innocence like maybe Pakistani I love I can make a really good and I love a kidney bean curry yeah and I cuz I make it myself I know what's got into it's not nothing really bad a tiny bit oh you was wrong only a tiny bit though but generally kidney beans I mean yeah I want to find out what we find you can use coconut oil to use they got this was a good man I want to know how to I want to learn how to make a lentil curry and a spinach curry spinach we call it dog so I want to get some I want to get some I want to learn this week a shot I'm gonna throw it dog and and spinach which we cool subhanAllah what do we cool spinach we call it um maybe maybe Baalak bollocks maybe yeah in this is - he's really wager in in our language this is two types of curries I don't know the difference between him and I think if anyone who is listening if he speaks from job you'll do as Pakistani maybe you could help me out but it's this part look and in there SOG and they both I think are the same thing about anyway spinach mmm I think I could make a good spinach curry because so because I'm thinking dishes like what dishes can we have throughout the week that will be veggies issues so I can make kidney beans we can have spinach spinach and potato vegetable soup I'm supposed to have soup soup isn't a soup is very good for you soup is a very nice soup isn't knocking a man I want 82 kilos to fill ethically on soup hey you 2 kilos one point wait now I'm saying that's what I'm now 82 kg you want to lose weight all you have yeah well now I want to get myself down to about 76 I'm working on it oh hi I'm happy about I'm half peanut yeah it's quite good my butt just obviously you know if you want to leave my soul I probably Adam I told you got to be in a calorie deficit becoming a bit vegetarian will help me well did you know what I think the the reason I say Corre is because I know the connotations that come with a curry but I'm not talking about the house that you know healthy very nice village yeah there's not yet so last time we spoke about career bashing me yes oh really yeah that's how this is coming from a non-asian you know what to defend my culture yeah in the quarries in the house generally are a lot different to the quarries that are in the shops that's why when you that's what you as a Pakistani or maybe an Indian or Bengali person you know you're not going to the quarry places because you think I can get better at my house and and it's a lot healthier because you see them they batch make it is so much so when I'm talking curry I'm talking like actually and a healthy one exactly and for those people I feel like it's very very important when I say that you don't have curry so look if the curry is made yeah any in a good way and I'm sure my solid it's probably cuz I've made in many good ways yeah before they bash me look the main thing for me I personally find the things are unhealthy and like you're about your typical curry that we you know and I have my in-laws are my my sister in my sister's family they're they're from Pakistan and my food is amazing and how many they cook like healthy food and they have their own little spoon what I'm saying he that I personally find about curries that could be unhealthy not all curry that could be unhealthy is the oil the vegetable oil or the sunflower oil yeah you shouldn't be you shouldn't be using that stuff so you recommend coconut oil you had to so many like a teaspoon like a teaspoon of you don't need like gallons of you know or like that stuff is not good for you anyway you understand you know and like say for example like you know portion control you know you can enjoy your you can enjoy a career you nobody's saying that you can't but make sure like you said if you want if you're if you're someone who don't want to put on weight better in mind you don't want to kind of overeat if you if you're eating more than your if you're eating czar more than your outgoing like your energy expenditure know that you will put on weight so I so dishes wise we got there we got those things what about like a pasta dish in a week is that all right yeah you can have past as long as the servers on pour the pasta is you know it's healthy as in the pasta is made of he's healthy maybe you might get wholemeal pasta maybe I'll try it maybe watch our home a pass it's nice this is there's pastas that are made from I think spinach like actual pastas like they there's different light flavored pastures and you can get them it depends how at the brand it depends on the brand how healthy they are you know what they put in it waffle mousse with obviously your machine and stuff not not even bro I'm going soon as Charlotte oh yeah you know you can do look I'll give you sample for me personally yeah I'll have in the morning I'll have porridge oats yeah with a little bit of nice fruits a little bit of nice honey syndrome ADIZ honey yeah plug that in as well sure I would be stocking at the end of next month anyway charlie I was stocking up so that would be my breakfast yeah I like to have turmeric tea turmeric it's nice turmeric latte you to advance we uh we I'm trying to I'm trying to I reckon yeah you know porridge for breakfast you know what is Bo or you a call for this guy no I don't know convicts Yvonne okay so I do have I do like porridge but it's not heavy enough for me I have a big I like to have a big breakfast so what was was all okay give me I won't be back for dinner I like for breakfast you see yeah but in a have a small dinner buy like a big hearty breakfast to start my day so good you can have a porridge for me is very fulfilling now especially for habit with bananas or if you had it would certain not eggs is okay no egg whites we're free-range free-range egg egg whites scrambled yeah you can have that look me personally i said what's up like i said you have the oats or I'll have like free-range eggs with olive oil and olives minty like and I'll have for probably for dinner for lunch I'll have maybe like maybe a fish ProTour protein salad a bit of like rice or a little bit of quinoa quinoa is nice it's got protein in it then for lunch okay I'll probably have like you know some like I don't like two for dinner I don't like to keep I don't have to be heavy for dinner I'll probably have maybe a salad or soup or if I try going is vegetarian hype here do you think I should start stacking on the protein shakes again just one protein from so many I'm gonna show me if lentils in a lentils chickpeas quinoa you can get your protein from many places or you don't have to get it from I'm a politician okay so we've got those free quarries we've got the fish we've got maybe the past are the shoot we've got to get to the turmeric tea I think the advanced livers I'm trying to be healthy beginner you know what I'm always looking to me because I thought you know I'm falling in did you see my Instagram when I went to Merkel had like a soup in the morning every morning I had like a father of a father means you did he see that I don't know that's nice that you know what I would like is to have that you know we talked about big hearty breakfast well I used to have a bowl at that and I the next time I would eat would be like you know but although if you like you know what next time maybe when you come with me tomorrow insha'Allah we can go we can out you can taste it what a bummer okay salad you sound a question is it salads are the question but that's what I'm trying to get my vision for these quarries all right and in an unless it let's see for example got my juicer yeah you can start you see this area do so good because it might do so get celery spinach cucumber is the stuff that I never would consume okay nice we're gonna have like a fish meal yeah fish is nice fish is very good i watch salmon mmm we got prawns a little bit with a little bit of potatoes you know other potatoes other potatoes you know maybe we can rock a sweet sweet jacket potato sweet potato sweet potato jack material with some tuna very nice sprinkle bit cheese on you must have no teeth you try to stay away from that stuff man alright bode you know what I'm feeling inspired for this is this shop you know because my shop in the East I think I'm gonna have to change it up avocados do you like avocados missus missus likes avocados you know you're gonna do listen to me on this one yeah I also for the viewers out there this is this is like a signature you could say back home in Morocco we this is like a must yeah so you have two bananas yeah it's putting two just try it just try it and if you thought trying it you looking at me up on install and then let me know how you thought filler okay phase well I'm gonna take you up on this you know yeah so I just two bananas in your blender yes a blender one avocado some honey some unpasteurized honey good nice sweet honey some oat milk yeah you following here maybe a bit of almond almond nuts mm-hmm or almond butter blend it and let me know what you think a little smoothie like a smoothie okay just let me know what you think it sounds like it'll come out like a Snickers okay that's not even that's not even near it really of course I have that in the morning okay they'll give you a lot of energy on your light or fire if it will fire up your engine mate what do you think about taking vitamins you against it cuz I've got no I got me a bunch of vitamins from Holland the barrier yeah because as you know due to the lack of goodness I get my diet mmm I get all very regularly okay and so he got me all these vitamins because he takes them he said the very good he's got me vietminh CVT so all of these babies it'll take one of these habits a day each and at least at a very leisure getting your weight means if your body that you need because you're not getting your novia twins in and in terms of like supplements multivitamins that kind of stuff I believe that it's it should be the primary source where you should get your vitamins and your sub in your your your minerals should be from your food however there are certain instances where say for example your it's very very hard to actually for the body to absorb those kind of things or for you to get them from your food like you have vitamin D vitamin D especially living in a UK where you know we don't get a lot of Sun especially this summer we didn't have much as well you are a free summer I feel a lot of something someone is it when you eat is it yeah use enjoy hide it with you away it was very very okay so much oh you're right it was a smaller period it was only a few weeks where it wasn't the year before we had summer and Sun October Dakota Indian summer Indian October so vitamin vitamin D you need vitamin D and vitamin D AHI's one in a very very important so some people might take it in a supplement form some people might take an injection form he because were you gonna get vitamin D form you know it is hard likewise magnesium to kind of get magnesium into the body that's very very difficult so you can stop using magnesium supplements there's certain things as well it could be you could maybe you your l-arginine and arginine very very good to supplement with so I'm not totally against it but also again the quality of the the supplements and what supplements day that you're that you were kind of taking okay yeah so I'm not totally against it pins you sneezing yeah okay okay going in what Allah in the Arabic is getting down long bummer mom [ __ ] I once it's in with your vocab us online come on man you are your improvement slowly yeah our teachers at made I started to read more cuz we're not we didn't enough okay so I'm trying to send in passages from my sister no beam this was gonna be my sort of very very good I have a great for reading is very very important that's another thing I thought I spin up like would obviously like the the the emergence of like social media and like now you have all the booze that we don't read any much you know I'm at council all the Bhoots description no no no I need my you know you need to recommend a few books to me on the most recommendation please you know we got a bad thing that you listen to or should be reading is always about being able to justify the seven power ninety-nine cost 30 a month and can you consider yeah look is there like a contract field where you can come at any time all right but the thing is is when you so i spreadsheet my finances so it's not it's not that I haven't a lot that I can't afford that $7.99 but when I look at my finance lucky and I'm trying to become very student and removing items off the list I don't need to be there and I thought like $7.99 is pricey man for for a monthly expenditure for a foldable however I do benefit or feel a lot and saying that there is actually if it's something I wanna do because he's a little trick for all you should actually do this as well please when you go and cancel your audible membership go through the counseling process and then write on the last page what he says he says look we really don't want you to go so um can we offer you one of the following three either we give you an to credit and you just carry on which is that's a bit dead or you carry on for the next three months half the price so you're in pain free pound fifty a month hmm Oh we give you like an extra like one full year month or something like that yeah so I did that last time and so three months is pain free pound fifty come on so I might do it because is justifiable because books normally cost like around that price of you'll get in you're getting a decent thing but sometimes hard to justify because sometimes you go a mom for so we're so busy you not read in a book and if you're stringent on your you know cuz I listen to this guy called Dave Ramsey who's this wealth expose finance expert yeah I don't know me like those kind of things by Dave Ramsey is very good and he's very very stringent on kinda many people you know recently we met some people who who they're non Muslim and I won't say who they are because you know because we want to propel from but we met some non Muslim family who extremely wealthy extremely wealthy and we had a few interactions with them and we realized that they try and save the pennies bro when they'd look when I get really negotiating for a job to be done for example Wow and I spoke to somebody else who had a similar interaction with them mmm this is very vague in it and they said that they they had they had the same experience basically so else who these people multi millionaires but they try it but they do but better what makes them down what keeps me is their discipling financially so they wouldn't spend an extra pound when they don't need an extra pound and they're very stringent with that they get loads of different opinions or something before you go ahead with my service and stuff I think it could have it case often but anyway I'm that you heard and I could enhance the point I'm making is because I want to go back to the diet talk because I'm you'll really catching me and I'm gonna explain why I'm so interested in fact let's go back to now because I was just talking about all the working for no reason did you something customer yeah those go over that you went see long long ago up north yeah okay so that Bravo he's a very very wealthy businessman and handle oh he he I've met him a few times and maybe about a year and half ago I was I was going through this transition where I was trying to transition over to freshly grounded and and that kind of stuff and he was very successful and so he said I'm down in London and you know go for some tea so we didn't end up going for team we have Chinese said look if you ever want to come down to Monte of stock and like show you how we do things what did you do all right more like me being a student for the he's in he's in he has many different businesses but he's so he's in he's in different fields but his primary one does yeah I think he's in property as well as fashion and a few other stuff and he has very good contacts and so I kind of went there as a student to see his day and he hooked me up with those meetings he very generously I wanted me to see how different things work and stuff and I was able to make some video connection and stuff and that's that's the kind of what happened but anyway so about you and half before that he I met with him and I kind of met him through Omar and so he said people on a Comanche star and I'm more than happy to like kind of like show you around just like can take you through like my day and stuff like that and so but III never took him up an hour far and about a year and half later when I was going for this film fresh ground I said look do you know what I've got this week where our schedules looking very very relaxed so I hang up I said well I've got it's time coming up where I'm not really it was just before the event and stuff and I have like a couple days spare here I'd love to take you up on our offer and I didn't know what I was doing he said leave the schedule to me just come down so I booked myself at the hotel and it was very beneficial but I was able to spend some time with him and just learn little things about how people do things in a mass scale I was able to meet interesting people and there was nothing there's no clear agenda but I was I made a lot of good connects and I'm sort of advice for freshly grounded as well and and important things that a person should do I think if you have access to links like that people who like you said about going to I cap all I thought is I think that I just kind of went with the idea of being a student and learning about different things in business from someone who's been there done that but also someone who's a Muslim so they understand my not my challenge my challenges am I on your end goals my goal is also my my strains I want to say like as a Muslim you this this part you can't go down in business you know hand a law and obviously we should all try and study the fear of business myself and first of all I'm not saying that I have especially when you're in obviously I think it was in a chef you know book by III mmm I think he mentioned that I might be wrong here because our our the translation some time back now but something about when you as a Muslim feel doing something the importance of studying there becomes obligatory for you to learn about the field yeah I think when I say that because because I thought Rikuo I read specifically but I remember it basically saying the obligation of understanding the knowledge of that field for example business but anyway my point is that he understands the the stuff that as a Muslim perhaps you can't do business the stuff that you can do even things were in business like not the idea of like selling things that you don't own or or or selling the same thing at different prices okay this is a common business tactics that a person can do in normal day-to-day and interaction business more like the way you make money is you know if if you're dealing with different people you deal with them in different ways you deal with people with different prices you you know you might you might sell something that you don't right now necessarily have positional but you can pretty much guarantee these are normal things at least nothing I technically wrong with them in our eyes maybe but when you realize that it's not correct in Islamic perspective you understand we hid behind it but then you also understand they are certain challenges anyway so that was that was that a Solomonic man it was nice as nice yeah so the reason I'm sorry tree podiatry is first of obviously it's not every day that we are able to have someone like yourself on the podcast who who is so inquisitive about died and who tries to and who implements it in his own life and secondly I've as I'm getting older I'm noticing like little aches and pains and it feels so weird say that he cuz I'm 25 yes too young yeah of course and I'm aware of that and it probably even sounds very people might be listen to saying that he's being a bit of a hypochondriac you know he's only twenty eleven however you know you know your own body well and so when you know is hmm I never like for example when I was young I never used to feel like it has to be what I'm putting in my body something is like not being received or or something like that that is affecting it right and I might get some chest pain that I don't normally hear and so you pick up all these things in a very very small very mind not anything to be alerted by necessarily that you are need to go to the doctor obviously if you get severe chest pains whatever obviously vital you must get checked up okay but I would say nothing like crazy like that but I know it's a little bit so I thought I need to be able to I don't think I know about myself is I'm definitely not getting in the nutrients I need to get in regardless of the fact that I'm not having it that much sugar or whatever I'm still not getting in the nutrients that I need skiing so that's why I was I was intrigued so that's what my structured but I know it's important I think it's important you are what you eat isn't it that's what they say so now look the main thing bro is you have to kind of take out the bad things take out the we all know we Annie you know what's crazy that we all know what's good for us and we all know what's bad for us and like you said earlier it's the discipline yeah this is what we find the most difficult yeah and everyone knows that he's just look you know how we have knowledge and implementation we know things is just we need to implement them yeah because everybody knows that you know chocolates bad for you everybody knows that you know you know crisp is bad for you everybody knows that fried food is bad for you everybody knows that a donor is bad example you know it's just about state you know taking out the bad and keeping the good and if you want say for example if someone didn't have a sweet look it's personally I have a sweet to you so find alternatives which healthy alternatives which kind of like you know subdued a sweet tooth what kind of a fool that sweet tooth that you have you know it doesn't mean that you can't spoil yourself it doesn't mean once in a while you can happen you know you little cheat meal but generally speaking everybody knows everybody knows like you know having that having a burger is not good for you especially having a burger every day like is weed for me because let's say you have a grilled chicken burger yeah yeah and grilled chicken that's like that bad Britta listen and it's just in between two pieces of bread yeah but that two pieces of bread are you want that even bread but surely these things are worse for you than having a Higuchi yeah of course I'm just me kind of like look I keep example yeah if me personally if I was gonna have a quote-unquote new grilled chicken burger I would have the grilled chicken but the buns I would make sure that they were healthy like you know like it's not like this oh that's that's that's bad it's not the sort of--they it's just they're they're empty it's empty food is there's no nutrients in it's not it's not a whole meal it's not it's not got fiber in it it's got nothing can aged gosh it's just it's not it's not it's just very very like there's no substance to the to the food that you're putting in your body it's just empty we call it empty calories it's not like you know even the bird that the bun that you're having is like home meal which its proper bread it's not even that Janice tan it's just empty empty empty empty calories it's not even fiber in there so I'm not saying that you can't have a black like I said you know how I know there's a huge movement of like this this huge health movement where they're having like you know like healthy healthy drinks but it's like I don't know how like this ever example you go to a VA it might be a vegan place I don't trust them and all I said was no if you have like tables like you know you have like energy boost now now they're making them of dates like a little bit of cranberry so there's alternatives that they're kind of introducing I feel like that stuff I would rather make myself yeah no I don't make them myself but you should I just it's like when you go to the petrol station you see the you know there's healthy likely today pools even though there is there is but all of them sorry there are some brands are here there are some brands where they're actually healthy or say for example like you said if you want you can make it at home where you can make it you know you know by yourself Johnny sample you can make it by yourself you don't have to you know so you can't make it our home a fee that incorporating like honey muscle used to do something like honey so yeah I used ya know what my best diet was when I was doing stuff like having the honey every morning I was having a juice every day with my like that celery and all that kind of juice and I was because the juice is not difficult because even if it tastes bad you just downy yeah even just celery juice for example and then I was I was having a lot chicken though because that was the time when I was going to dinner I was having a lot chicken with Eva brown rice or chicken and broccoli and that's it for the day no but I mean that my I wasn't putting much like rubbish in my body and how did you feel I thought amazing man I miss it I miss it I miss feeling that that's so much I just felt healthy I woke up with a spring in my step I wasn't tired I never got these aches and pains and and now my diet has been so bad for the last that year and I can feel that I don't feel good oh you know what wait because it's such a downhill spiral right holding it working so hard to cram myself back up it's like a rabbit hole it's difficult and and another thing that stuck tough by is but like I said the discipline that it takes you can't underestimate how much discipline takes bro I don't know Islam it's never helps you build and discipline because you have to fast is but he discipline man I envy people who have who have great despair not in a literal sense could obviously envy is no good thing but you know someone like a Jamel you see his image directly along a barrack he has the most amazing to spin yourself you agree the spin so when you when I see people with good discipline I think that's something that I value very highly that I struggle with a lot discipline because you what you're doing is you're going against everything that you want to do your nerfs yeah and especially where Suffolk is got her on yeah yeah so hard on for me too for example ask for garlic sauce in this thing yeah so so it's like I'm going against my desires I'm even going against what technically is hell for me and I'm trying to do it so I can better serve and that's difficult for me to process that's difficult for me to process I'll be honest I nothing that US may be a challenge that everybody has bought investments and sacrifices are here they're not easy well yeah but the fries the food sucks you got it you can't deny the fruits are but you know is it like in every look there is a there is a price for every decision and there is a you know you have to decide in it and look it's a long term it's a long term like for those who are listening and you know you don't become disciplined or it's a process I didn't become disciplined overnight Lenny I made I still make I do make mistakes but it's a thing of where you're learning okay you know what maybe this doesn't work for my body okay maybe I can introduce this or maybe I you know this is not good for me maybe I can cut it out of my diet so it's it's it's a it's a learning process and also as you grow you will start somehow matter to develop that discipline so I don't think you should be too hard on yourself but I think have a conscious you want about you know what it is bro you think to yourself that I wanna do my best to prolong my life you know how much would it you know you see people around you possibly to live in to living good healthy to live in good health but to but but when I say prolong my life I'm saying obviously I we know our time is written for us but my point is that am i doing the most I can do to ensure that I am NOT I'm killing myself ya know you know I mean bro because you can't and you want to grow and see you know and and raise them well one and and if you not benefit yourself a to you don't even give yourself a chance you know I mean we run around with your kids that leave your keys and yeah without feeding it without feeling out of breath as you told me on a drive up that you know it takes droplets of water make a river yeah and that's the case because you might eat something and I'm talking about myself for you I might eat something here and why he said their thing you know what there's no problem now is no problem now but you know the little things are here they might something might develop into a little skin rash because of what you're eating it's not good and in this rash of he doesn't get Teletoon it becomes an infection infection and i think as much as that sounds like very extremely massive realistic but sometimes you do get into each because you're dying and it's turned into a big a problem and it's to affectionately and no doubt he does mean people in life who have had an infection they've had to get their finger chopped off you know I mean because it's just you know affected it to that point when you're not being in a block so the root of a lot of it as you say and as you've been telling me for years is is it's very important what you put into your body yeah that's the first finger a lot of people come to us especially in a clinic here and they do suffer from a lot of health conditions and obviously they feel like they're gonna come to hey Gemma and they're gonna do hey Gemma and it's gonna fix all their problems and we spoke about this yesterday with doctor is we're copping you know dry copying wet copying has its limitations and it's important for us Muslims to realize that I knots and certain things go hand in hand so okay yeah you're gonna do copying gonna do wet copying I do hey Gemma you got injured you just wanna you know have a detox just wanna improve your blood circulation but ultimately how was your diet that is the foundation if the foundation is weak nothing could stand in a sin so a lot of people come in and I can see a face is really obvious yeah especially you know some Muslims they might come in and say oh yeah so sooner and they might think it's a any haha this is the they're gonna do hey Gemma and tomorrow Hollis is gonna solve all their problems unfortunately that's not the case and although I'd love it to for it to be the case your business will be booming actly so but we don't so dreams the people and how many we like to be transparent and honest well I are here when people come up here like well why he because at the end of the day this is it's not just about money bro it's just about it's not about your reputation is about and happily oh you know what handleable so we do have a good reputation and you know we we have ethics that we kind of go by in life you know a first performance as Muslims and a second of all as people that are provided a service for for everybody for all types of ages for what types of colors for what types of races what types of religions not just Muslims come to us bro and we are we're an example to everybody you know especially in the position that we are in so it's important here that we make the clients or the patients that come to us we're honest with them and we make them realize okay this is what okay and upward like I'll get some people coming to me and saying to me or DM me me on Instagram or messaging me on my phone and saying to me look I've got this condition will it help I'm like no it won't help but it will help with the inflammation and the pain that you're experiencing it could be a slip disc it could be a back issue that there are some back issues that are muscle related that hegemons are fantastic for but when it comes to slip disc and bulge days now we're walking into different waters or different territories and we always always always like you know honest with the people I do sometimes get patients that are you know Mel are protectors dog I'll have cancer then on chemo so they've picked they've picked a different path and we have to tell them look hey Jam is not gonna cure your cancer and we have to be very very careful and you know we know in this day in age like you know even when you have a product you can't 100% guarantee something okay a hundred percent this is gonna kill you or 100 percent it's gonna make you feel better we have to be very very careful what we will be kind of you know tell people and we don't want to offer people false hopes however what we do tell them is that your diet is everything everything everything can see for like what you put in your food that you'd be surprised of how Allah like the effect that it has on your body on your mind on your your mood on your skin on your bowel movements okay it's the human body is an amazing mechanism and I sometimes like I'll give you example sometimes you can put like you might see something so insignificant yeah but sometimes you might put that in your body and your body absorbs it yeah and your body reacts to it but you only put I'll give you example yet it's like we've dealt with clients that obviously this is not permissible if any to take it just like that yeah any CBD oil yeah but this is the day obviously we know there's two types of strands there's the CBD oil which is just the cannabinoids and then CBD oil which has the THC and they take like literally like like the CBD one but would the THC which obviously is the Haram substance in weed that people smoked so they would put like a little drop like this drop is like probably like something on my finger obvious you could see it and they'll put it underneath their tongue and their body will react so their body's absorbed and it's gone into the bloodstream and their body's reacted to it so I imagine the food that we put in our body imagine that being digested and all those chemicals and all those nasty things going into your bloodstream and your bloodstream delivering those quote-unquote nutrients to your organs so you are what you eat so for me sometimes I don't know sometimes maybe I'm a bit weird yeah I kind of envision like especially wanna be I want to be strict obviously yeah you have your your days where you you know you let your God your God down but generally speaking it makes me feel uncomfortable knowing that after I've eaten that food that it's gonna be digested and it's gonna go into my body it's gonna go to my tissues gonna go to my organs it's gonna go to my knee it could be killed but it could strengthen my immune system it could weaken my immune system so I'll think of it that way yeah it's powerful stuff it definitely makes you feel like food you're likely and you have to feed your body on a micro level like imagine asking for like look at it deeply in it look this is why we love having you on fresh garden because I think that when you want fresh to Gandhi the conversation goes deeper and it allows us to really can think about our diet think about kind of what our body and our lifestyle and that's a reminder that's constantly needed it's not something that you know you'd get once and in and in you know you're done I think having that kind of every now and again really helps so she's not gonna pay for joining us on the podcast today but I hope you always will laugh I missed you guys man I miss you too where can people find you they can find us on our socials Instagram Sunnah on the school remedies and Facebook and Twitter and our website www.dreamvisas.com okay and you're gonna be joining us insha'Allah maybe before the end of the year again for another episode yes definitely and yeah bottle of equal appreciate like always and thank you so much for giving us your presence today and that's it freshly grounded episode 1 to 6 my song we're going there we're going we're going from sooner remedies again dropping some amazing amazing knowledge on something that we should all be so so conscious of which is our health our nutrition and also from kind of a spiritual side as well a bit too at the beginning of the podcast on the Hajj just acolo head and with that being said guys we'll see you on next with fresh new ground age is a closer more unequal
Channel: Freshly Grounded
Views: 16,476
Rating: 4.9498434 out of 5
Keywords: Freshly Grounded, Sam, Faisal, Sam Palmer, Faisal Choudhry, Podcast, Muslims, Muslim Podcast
Id: uHPEz319LeY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 85min 1sec (5101 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 03 2019
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