#122 HTX 100 Failed Repair Plus Mail Bonus

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hello everyone welcome back to the radio shop on the bench today we have another realistic model HDX - 100 now a viewer emailed me about this radio and told me what was going on with it and wanted to send this in so I told them to go ahead a lot of times in case I'm not walking on back many of these radios due to the display issue but he said he thinks the display is fine and this one and it has another problem that when he turns it on to display flashes and no functions work so let's just go ahead and verify what he's saying and see if we cannot reproduce the fault and sure enough as you see the display is flashing the showing channel one single sideband and the span button over to the far right getting the span button or any button does not make a difference at all so what could be causing this interesting issue well we could have a faulty CPU which I'm going to leave that as the last result due to we are showing some information on the screen I think sometimes when the CPU fails as nothing on the screen this distant is trying to show something so it could be that some other mode is engaged at turn on and it is causing a fault in the CPU another thing could be bad components like capacitors or that old brown glue so many bond that they used in them could be becoming conductive or it could been a modification gone bad yes we do see that from time to time these multiplications are people try to do multiplications and ends up with a field radios so yeah a lot of things could be causing this issue so I guess the best thing to do is crack the radio open and see exactly what is going on it is something visible to start with before we even start grabbing schematics or test equipment I'm pretty short about 5 volt line is running because we do have some display so if our vote should be fine so let's go he needed crack vocals see what we find okay I got the case off and you the first thing you want to do on the radios having a issue like this is just go ahead and do a visual inspection and see if there's anything that's boring or broke or blowed or you know out of place or any modifications that you see and I'm looking here at the PLL board and you're just looking at it everything looks okay we can't see right here under this transistor they do have that uh or Brown Sony bond and you'll see that all over the inside of the main circuit board and on the other side but one of the first things that do catch my eye when I'm looking at this video as a little tiny blue wire here that's popping up in my face you can see it right here and that tells me that somebody's running a wire probably a modification or they found another problem they jumped on them out so we'll need to take a look at that so what I'm going to do is remove the parallel board so we can get down and and see just what's going on to the I mean you know my chair seeing this here there's something's been jumped on the off microwave processor so I have the PLL unit out and have the radio turned around with the back facing me so we can see more of what's going on in here and there's the blue where I was talking about and we can see us going down to a peon that's been lifted under microprocessor now is this causing the problem I do not know you know it's hard to say at this time but I think the best thing to do is just go ahead and put this back stock this where it comes up here goes around to the other side goes underneath this voltage regulator and to the board at the moment my suspicion is going to be either faulty capacitors or fried CPU I mean that's pretty much a estimate you know a good estimate of what's going on here looking at it you know see these wires here has been burnt by a soldering iron case right here was mark someone lifted this up and solder the wire to it and just you know bought the case now you know uniden maybe PLL modular so it's easy to remove and get out now we can go ahead and roll out PLL issues quickly and by doing that I'm running it back around you can see here's the original PLL and here's a spare PLL that I have so what we're going to do is just plug this right in just for quick troubleshooting our session here sometimes it's always good to have spare parts around to check out what's going on so we'll power the rig back up we can turn it on and as you can see the display is still flashing so we now know that it's not a PLL su and we have a problem somewhere else so we can rule out having to diagnose the PLL unit in it's always good to have some spare parts just checking the cable here and making sure that the signal was able to pass through it something wrong now you know like yeah I said it's nice that a unit in built this to be modular now if they would have done to the front panel and the LCD board and CPU board the same way would be nice and then we could just pour this out plugging over the end and see you know make sure the problem is gone away but unfortunately you know everything here is it's solid then you've got these two flat effects cables here that are soldered in all these connectors are soldered end so everything is prominent so what we're going to have to do is go ahead and remove this board we lose the front panel we lose the board out and get a better look at what's going on with it so okay before we're going to cover one thing I'm going to do is do a reset on this unit and the way you reset it is remove the power from the rig and you can do this but already you put together you just have to remove the tuning knob and as a hole right here and down on the circuit board is the bare wire that runs I'm totally in the radio and all you do is just go in with something metal again with no power and short that wire to ground go to the chassis ground and just hold it there for amending the tube and that resets the CPU very easy to do nothing hold it off go ahead Rick power the radio and see if that made any difference whatsoever and as you can see it's still flashing 2800 so we have a serious fault now we got to get in start doing some troubleshooting so I think y'all remember our other 80 X 100 that we used as a donor to fix another customers radios this is the one that has the pair display that we're still trying to walk through and figure out what they do wheel while sighted I wanted to do a test what can cause to display to flash when it's turned on so first thing I'm going to do I'm going to take one of the buttons hold it in and turn the radio on and that just calls it to automatically go up in frequency or down in frequency let's hold the store button turn it on nothing will hold a step button and turn it on and just normal will hold the memory button same thing 500k button it just changes frequency and mode button right here don't sit still and as you see the only thing that done was changed it to CW so nothing they are made a difference in D where the radio performed as far as the display flashing so notice test we're going to do is take the microphone and we're going to hold the PTT and I've got the PTT held in and I'm going to turn the radio on and check that out as you can see we are flashing [Music] not exactly the same frequency s 28 1 94 7 the radio flash is 2,800 even which we don't know what frequency it was on but we can see our single sideband indicator is flashing also long with key memory channel number and when I release it it goes back to normal I'm sorry about a displaced very hard to read but you get the idea so that's telling me a little more about what may be going on with the other radio excuse me so I think we need to concentrate on the TX switching and see if we find a problem there well since I have this assumption that it could possibly be in the transmit mode outside of a clean look at the schematic right quick and you can see here for my microphone 10 - yes our transmit line and we're just a mask over just a little bit and we'll fall akin to right on the round that comes from over here to where it stays PTT so I'll PPT line right here on the schematic so this goes right on over and around and it comes to here I got so many Cougars on the beer sub if you okay it comes to right here and you can see it comes up and it is tied to it was just a network here and this is the only other component that I could see this actually attached to the pinkie key lock mmm there is a switch connect all your here in the circuit but anyway from the PTT line it comes running up and goes into 1041 of the CPU let's get a good look at that CPU so here's a look at the CPU to lay out of it and we'll start p.m. one around here so we'll go all the way around it starts back at 10:33 and we'll come up here to pen 41 which is PTT when we look over at the chart and let's look up on 10:41 we can see that PTT input own should be low-voltage off should be a higher voltage so it's going to vary somewhere between 0 to 5 volts depending on if the PTT is pressed or not okay so now that we know what should be going on the radio should be when you turn it on in 41 should be high and it's probably going to be around 4 to 5 volts and when you key the microphone you should drop low so let's go ahead and check this voltage and see what we have lost on the radios on okay videos on get the mag like that here so I can see it the groan and we'll go to T and 41 okay 0.59 volts so that's telling me to peonies was and it is indeed transmit mode when it comes over all right so it looks like we have a good thing or a bad thing or in this case maybe a repair going wrong after checking the voltage on pin 41 I turned the radio around I want to check something else and looked and this is what I see no flashing of the display spam button moves up and down and the encoder is now working so it looks like somewhere we either have a loose connection or by testing the voltage on that pin the CPU may have reset it as you can see right here that little arm wired terminal here just a wire jumper you touch that the ground and that's supposed to reset the CPU so I'm not showing what's going on all I know is your radio is now working without doing anything so now I'm at the go through we start looking at solder joints and were connections or anything that could have been touching or shorting in the radio and see if we can figure out what's going on so I spent an hour checking through this radio would sort enough different connections and looking in this and that one thing that we do know is that the H th 100 has a received transmits which when you flip a switch up it goes into the transmit mode now I did put an on middle close to back up and check in I did not see any problem at the time but uh as I was looking through with our salt something's sticking out in the back here and what I saw with this fine little piece of wire that was behind the switch now as possible of that piece of wire had shorted out the switch and that was causing it to go into a trance it mode I'm not sure I really can't say I have my able to find anything else wrong with the radio so at this point I'm gonna go ahead and put it back together and we'll do some photo testing so the eggs tx100 it all back together and I've checked it out and it's working perfectly you can say pulling the transmit mode test one two test one two [Applause] prepare the IFO test one two check one two it's putting out check one two one two what's up on the 50 watt scale about 20 watts 25 watts of power so that looks good then I'm putting listing I'm Michael vote into it we are receiving so a failed attempt at retiring already a united Saturday some time we have a problem you go in start looking and you don't really find anybody and then the radios go back to work so you look to see from farm works calls and you know we did find a piece of wire do it you know it's just hard to say that's what I did though he hadn't hit it meanie a solder joint secluded up in the hay and checked all around the CPU and the things me it receives free action just didn't seem to find any fun for another idea war strike people here on another fan 2395 we're up in four years when the band's open I'm here because it brought open up from Louisville so that's just boy or keep it simple yes day 99 is doing a good job I have one of those for short periods I thought when a guy was selling a little town I live in he up brand new my honey that out of the five house so I bought the thing from him I put it on my power well you can hear you actually was super dry they will answer to a section or a twenty eight three nine 15:05 haven't shared the course of some Aloha burger okay dick sounds very good why wouldn't you go ahead I want there's a few back back calling so uh I really appreciate the CUSO and likes I was just curious to make sure that this radio was uh sounding okay why button it up and I'm going to sit here on the bench for day or two into a barn in maybe I tried out every now and then but got a bunch more to uh put her on the bench and get to so I still appreciate it and we'll see can't we catch you all down to log a little later w5 c bo please kill Oh Charlie for United my Costco 73 back to percolate Maguindanao the will appear you can say them down the old log I'll look after you are under that that name there so after it before you a mode of your arm TPO celebrate all right her a couple but the wire there was really the loudest I guess well there you go a little cue so with by w5 CBO out of Texas that's right good hole here from the east coast of North Carolina and the radio seems to be working just great no problems whatsoever so again we'll just let it burn in on the bandage see what it does and then we'll make sure we button it up real good I do need to go back in correct this frequency error he said he was transmitting on 28 395 and will display showing 28 three nine four point six so we're about point four to load so when it go ahead to not take care of that and that's just going in and adjust India so let's just concluded everything on dr h tx100 at the moment i don't know nothing else to do the radios working I'll get that I just played tuned in no need of us showing how to do lab that's pretty you know textbook adjustment but a FedEx guy just left and Mike was sending me some heating element or the pasty soldering station and I'm not a breath descriptor but uh you know this very small little item he had picked up something there for the older generation of pace so I just brought in the heating element and there it is it bought us about two foot by two foot by two foot and it weighs in a little over 70 painters and that's the heaviest heating element I have ever seen like I'm broke my back getting it in the door but let me just go ahead and open this up and let's see what all my kit Cent in this package again I want to say guys when you pack and stuff you can run a lot from this because you can see just how welding inside of this box is packed we got some holy fun and once you come straight from the Holy Land actually like that we've got 70 pounds of onion here I don't know just I'm not gonna bore you with taking everything out when we just think what's that put here on the bench and we'll take a look at I just want to show you how well stuff should be packed so here we are we have our pace disordered elements with the paperwork and these are the heating elements 250 older piece units and know that you're not weigh 70 pounds there's actually quite a bit of stuff was packed in that little box top of it we got another bag oaken you know various connectors in these we can always use yes almost oh repeat from what was it enough some of the previous items and sentian but still a lot of good stuff and I used a lot of things up so he's coming very handy we also got some another box here with some column mega ohm resistors and why do we need a hundred mega ohm resistors well if you remember when we calibrated the at B and k2 tester you need hunter dong 100 Meg resistor to calibrate it with I had to use a string of various resistors to get there here is this light four or six looks like six hundred mega ohm resistors so these are great they're come in handy and we'll look up on the bench and you'll see another whole slew of stuff let's move the box out of the way you brought us some more gentle q-tips these come in handy to detail clean everything in the box oil in little smiley face we have a another Sabean cave 177 back into voltmeter and I love these old being cave meters they are just great working pieces of equipment and they're really good now about a month ago I had a guy from the fire department in here to repair his side wing system and it had been repaired so many times that I told him is finally going to have to go out and buy look Mike seems missing you and this is the total single corporation create 300 you know and it's got all the radio manual where Yale highlighted in the game to be very careful this plane is meant to be hooked to a hundred watt speaker it's loud and he says he thinks he has the manual for what I actually have a manual miss somewhere throughout all this stuff if you got the microphone you know all good leads I don't know - these have been replaced but very nice my contact this guy 50 still in neither one we also have a heat kit model I am 13 volt meter and these are great pitch leaders they really are on nice meters to have you can put a bracket on them and hang them right under your bench and they work fairly well not only did he send one he sent three of them now these is under a different name but they are the same leader I'm not even attempt to pronounce that my old country but ain't that good if an ounce of nothing big $20 words like that I'm not going to mess it up but I yeah these are great and I'll tell you what I'm thinking about doing I'm probably going to get one or two of these away in the future so you might look at doing that also we have a in stack digital multimeter and sitting here on top of this the mother item that I'm very interested in and that is a leader still LDC 8:23 a digital counter I can never have enough digital counters I have the old timer as you see sitting up there it ain't that great but it works and I have the 1801 which is a great counter but sometimes it's not as sensitive as stuff that you really need so yes that will be a nice addition here on the bench we also sit in this digital voting leaders the model 502 uezu a and that's the energy concepts it's a four digit multimeter I've never seen that one before and this of course I'm never seen this type of meter so we wanted to play with that and see what we do with it this is going to be another great piece of equipment to add to the bench because I do not have more and this is the trio you know he's also made the Kenwood and it's a this is a AC milli voltmeter and as you can see it goes from 50 things here Michael volts to 0.36 32 volts now this is going to be great to have them to be spending a lot of time we need to read some very very low voltage in RF circuits and this should do a good job on that now we'll turn your attention to the big black case you see it's a stripling let's open this thing up and take a look I think it works been a while even if it don't work it's still a great piece of history here have the probes once you had the manual and you see how nicely uh Mike's got it packed in there but this is a triplet vote on meter and that's to model 801 and I will say I have only seen these in magazines I have never seen one up impersonal like this and not looking at the face of it it just looks to be in real great condition that's a very very nice looking piece of equipment I think we can get it out and not play with it but in the meantime I got to do a lot of cleaning in vehicles about multiple repairs going on on the benches here so yeah this will be fun to play with so I know that's three pieces of equipment here that's really gonna fit into the shop real good one of them is one of the heat kit voltmeter I mean another nor the third bench that frequency counter and that uh AC milli voltmeter I'm going to real come in handy so much thank you thank you very much Mike very nice Hall I know that Fed Ex man was busting both of us out due to the weight of that box I had to go get the hand truck just to move it in that thing is super heavy and being a 2 foot box it's just almost impossible to pick up by hand thank you a lot Mike anyway that will conclude into this video and we'll get on and I say sorry about the repair of the htx 100 and if it ain't broke you can't fix it and he wanted to be broken and went back to what before we can do anything so anyway they won't have a good day and we'll catch you in the next video
Channel: The Radio Shop
Views: 6,922
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: heathkit im-13, b%k 177, htx-100, ham radio repair, electronics, cb radio, troubleshoot, pll, phase lock loop, test gear, leader, tripplett
Id: uiRkJTesnas
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 36min 57sec (2217 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 17 2017
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