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hello and thank you for joining me again and welcome to any new viewers my name is ben and this is to the point english and today i'm going to teach you 12 advanced proficiency c1 c2 level adjectives but they will impress the examiners if you're planning to take an english exam which i know many of you are but also just for general english they are good adjectives to include in your in your day-to-day use and that's the idea these are adjectives that you can use in many situations uh because especially in the exams you don't know what the subject is going to be in the writing and the speaking parts in particular but there are certain adjectives you can use which are suitable for almost any subject now i know many of you have been waiting for this video for a long time you've probably been losing sleep while you're waiting but that worries me a little bit because you shouldn't really be depending on a youtube video to expand your vocabulary you should be doing that by yourself day to day by reading and watching film series and just keeping your own vocabulary dictionary really but as many of you are preparing for the cambridge english exams you may need some help and i'm happy to help and these adjectives will really give you an advantage in the exams okay so let's do this [Music] so the first adjective we're looking at today is a synonym of important important is a good adjective but it's not very impressive so a good alternative is paramount so paramount basically means important or very important but as i said if you can use this in the exam it will really impress the examiner let's have a look at an example sentence reducing carbon emissions is paramount in order to combat climate change okay so that's one of the most uh popular subjects in the cambridge english exams it seems to be in almost every exam in some form or another environment and climate change so paramount paramount here is used instead of important another way we use paramount is in the fixed expression of paramount importance reducing carbon emissions is of paramount importance in order to combat climate change okay you have two two options there and the next example is really the opposite it means unimportant and it's trifling trifling this is a really really good proficiency word as i said it means unimportant so you can use use it in any situation where you want to to emphasize that in your opinion or maybe in reality it's just not important but really we use this adjective more often in a negative way to say that it's important which is a very english way of of speaking really we often use the negative to emphasize the opposite as i'll explain it with this example choosing a university is no trifling matter for young people so here rather than saying choosing a university is an important matter for for young people we're saying it's no trifling matter which is a very common structure because it really emphasizes and it's sort of suggesting that maybe some people think it is unimportant but by saying it's no trifling matter it really emphasizes that in your opinion it is important and the third adjective is riveting and riveting means very interesting extremely interesting so again interesting is a good adjective it's fine but in the exam you really want to impress the examiners in the speaking and the writing so riveting is a really good adjective you can use it in reviews or just to express your own opinion about about a topic for example i found ben's last video absolutely riveting i'm sure that's true right um so yeah riveting just extremely interesting and the next adjective again is the opposite so it's boring excuse the interruption so yeah the next the next adjective is the opposite so it's extremely boring and it's dull dull you may be familiar with this this adjective it's an advanced maybe proficiency but it's definitely a strong advanced adjective and we often use it to describe people so a dull person for example my english teacher is so dull i can't stay awake in his class okay again that's not referring to me of course my videos are riveting my classes are riveting but um yeah so dull is often used to refer to a person of course dull is also an adjective to describe sort of low light a dull day is when there's no sun it's very cloudy but in this case we're referring to boring and the next adjective is a synonym of good very very good or excellent and it's outstanding so if something is outstanding it's so good that it stands out so it's noticeable that it's so good so we use it in quite an emphatic way for example i think you make an outstanding point so this could be in the part of the exam when you're discussing uh part three for example the diagram and you're trying to agree and take a decision um and rather than just say i think you make a good point you can really exaggerate why not just i think you make an outstanding point boost your partner's confidence too and the next one again is the opposite so it's bad something that is bad or very bad and it's dreadful dreadful so this is quite a common word especially in british english i'm not sure if they use it so much in american english but in british english it's pretty common and it just means very bad so the example i think it's dreadful how people treat animals sometimes so it's very bad terrible awful all those cinnamon all those cinnamon all those synonyms but um dreadful is is a very good one it's a very proficiency level adjective now the next two adjectives number seven and eight are really useful for answering the first question in the speaking which is usually where are you from so these are good adjectives to describe where you live for example quaint now quaint means like pretty or different different in a pretty way okay so for example i live in a quaint village in the southeast of the country so instead of just saying pretty or charming you can say quaint it's a very high level adjective but maybe you don't live in a pretty village or a quaint village so if you think your neighborhood is not so nice maybe you think it's ugly you can use the word hideous hideous means extremely ugly and you could say something like my neighborhood is hideous but the people are nice okay and the next one is baffling baffling now baffling means difficult to understand or confusing or extremely surprising so it's baffling that some people believe the earth is flat okay so it's extremely difficult to understand it's just unbelievable really baffling it's so so confusing and then again sort of the opposite more or less is straightforward straightforward which means simple and easy the solution to the problem is straightforward in my opinion so the problem has a simple easy solution in my opinion it's not complicated it's not confusing it's not difficult it's straightforward and the next adjective is a synonym of big because you could use big in many contexts many different situations you may need to use big but in this case sizeable is an advanced or proficiency alternative sizable the company invested a sizable amount of money in the project so it's often used for quantities often money really a sizable quantity a sizable amount of money so it's it means big but it's not emphatic in this case it's not very big it's just quite big sizable as with everything in english it depends on your intonation a lot if you say i was a sizeable amount of money then that sounds like it's a lot but if you if you're using neutral intonation it just means quite a lot and again the opposite is small so a good adjective for small is poultry poultry so nurses are paid a poultry salary considering how hard they work so again it's it's small but it's extremely small it's almost like it's insufficient uh part of the meaning of poultry is that it's so small it's insufficient so that's why i use the example of nurses salary to really emphasize that these are the type of adjectives that you need to use in the exam or introduce into your your day-to-day vocabulary 12 adjectives are not really enough but it's a good start and it gives you an idea of the type of adjectives you need to use depending on the subject you'll need to use other adjectives so that's why i say you need to just be building your vocabulary more and more but adjectives in particular are a very good way to go from an intermediate or upper intermediate level to advanced and proficiency if you have a good range and command of the adjectives you can really really boost and level up your your english okay thank you for joining me again um hit the subscribe button if you found this video useful and i'll see you very soon for another video take care bye [Music] you
Channel: To The Point English with Ben.
Views: 269,031
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: c2 proficiency vocabulary, cpe exam vocabulary, c1 advanced vocabulary, cae exam vocabulary, c1 advanced Cambridge English exam tips, cae exam tips, cae tips, c1 advanced tips, cpe exam tips, cpe tips, c2 proficiency Cambridge exam tips, English vocabulary proficiency, advanced English vocabulary adjectives, Advanced English adjectives, proficiency English adjectives, how to pass the cae exam, how to pass the cpe exam, how to pass the fce exam, cae adjectives
Id: VWUcDajwmcw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 37sec (637 seconds)
Published: Thu May 27 2021
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