12 Vegetables That Grow in Shade

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most of us have to deal with some sort of shade somewhere in our garden now here in my jungle garden the plants here they're right at home in the shade it resembles the jungle floor so they're perfect edibles though are a bit of a different story and if you're like me you like to cram as many things as possible into whatever space you have so wouldn't it be great if there were some edible crops that actually didn't mind the shade well in this video i'm going to give you 12 of those crops who will do just fine in partial shade coming up now it's true that most vegetables like to be bathed in sunlight at least six hours per day but there are a few that will not only survive in partially shaded locations but can thrive i'm not talking about the shady side of your house that gets zero sun all day long but maybe if it gets morning sun for two to four hours or afternoon sun for two to four hours or even four to six hours of filtered sunlight under a tree these choices will be perfect for you and the great thing is most of these are actually cool season crops which we need to start thinking about putting in very soon in fact sneak preview a week from sunday we're going to be talking about planning your fall garden yes it's time for that and if you guys are first-time gardeners and thought that the entire garden year was focused on summer crops no way in fact my favorite crops are ones that we grow in the fall and spring so stay tuned for that but back to the 12 crops that you can grow in partial shade starting with number one basil basil loses a little bit of its flavor in the shade but the upside is you actually get bigger leaves the leaves grow larger because they're looking for light so you end up getting a bigger harvest basil wants to also flower very quickly so you need to keep it pinched back all the time because as soon as it flowers the leaves get bitter inevitably you get behind and it flowers anyway which is great for the bees but not so great for us in the shade basil will not go to flower as quickly so there's another upside now just in case your basil is grown in the sun and gets away from you like i said it's great for the bees but i always keep more coming along and so this coming tuesday i'm going to be doing a video on how to create unlimited basil plants to keep your harvest going from now until frost okay now that's two sneak peaks i've given you i think that's probably worth a thumbs up button and definitely make sure you're subscribed and hit the bell notification so you get notified when those two videos come out number two is mint now mint will grow just about anywhere and it thrives in the shade it won't lose flavor or aroma but it will get kind of leggy but all you have to do every once in a while when you see that happening is literally just chop it back it'll grow back nice and full and now you have it'll grow back nice and full and you've got to harvest at the same time number three is cilantro now i can't even grow cilantro past april and not again until october november and even on those you know borders of that time frame i have to plant it in the shade because it bolts so quickly now they do have slower to bolt varieties but why not just grow it in some shade you've probably got a few shady spots anyway fill it up with cilantro and when it does bolt save the seeds and those are coriander number four is parsley and parsley is a great herb either dried or fresh it can be used in so many types of dishes now i actually don't have any right now it's more of a cool season herb but it can be planted on the border of the warm and cool season if it's given some shade so i'm gonna plant some or sow some seed right here in this metal wash tub and it seriously couldn't be easier i'm basically just going to sprinkle some seed over the soil water and keep it moist now it can take two to three weeks for parsley to germinate so just be patient it will come up eventually now it's usually grown as an annual but parsley is actually a biennial so in zone six and above you can actually overwinter it and keep it for two seasons number five and six are kale and chard now kale and char do really well in the shade they are technically cooler season plants but being in the shade will get them through the summers chard is actually related to beets and it comes in a huge variety of colors if you grow some of the more vibrant ones it'll actually brighten up a shady area number seven is leaf lettuce not head lettuce head lettuce takes a bit more sun to develop those nice big heads but leaf lettuce will grow just fine especially moving in or out of the warmer season i can only grow leaf lettuce here in the sun until about april if i move it into the shade after that i can get a couple more months out of it after that there's pretty much no chance until about september again when i can start planting it in shade and then move it into the sun october november and for the rest of the winter here if you live in a cooler summer climate you may in the shade be able to grow lettuce all summer long number eight technically eight and nine but i'm lumping them together is cauliflower and broccoli because they grow very similarly broccoli is a really fun crop to grow because you get one nice big broccoli head in the middle and then when you cut that off you start developing little baby broccolis all up and down the stalk and with cauliflower you end up having to shade the actual cauliflower anyway because if the sun gets to it it turns brown or yellow color and it's just not appetizing and it can ruin the actual cauliflower head i did a video on that back in the spring if you want to take a look at it so why not just go ahead and shade it from the beginning number nine are beets i think some of the best beets i ever grew were a couple of years ago in the shade and they only got about two hours of sun in the afternoon every day and i have to say the leaves were beautiful and tasty i love beet greens but the actual beets were the most tender i've ever had and so i will always grow them in the shade from now on number 10 is cabbages now last year i grew cabbage in the shade and in the sun and the ones that grew in the shade took a little longer to develop ahead but work just the same number 11 is carrots carrots do really well in the shade they don't get as big and i recommend getting smaller varieties and they won't grow as fast but you will get a harvest so they won't grow as big but then again in the stores you pay more for baby carrots so the last one number 12 is blackberries now my blackberries are growing against the north side of this fence and under two palm trees so for at least half the year they get almost zero direct sun now it is during the winter when they're kind of dormant that they get the least amount of sun but still they don't get direct sun until probably may through july and that's it and they do just fine they may produce a little bit less than if they were in full sun but i just plant more of them because i have a lot more shade that i'd that i could fill up in fact i'm going to take these once they're dormant and they have a lot of um suckers coming up and i'm going to plant those around the side of the house and that gets pretty much 12 to 2 sun but it also gets afternoon sunlight reflected off of a wall so they should do really well back there and i'm going to be able to double or triple my blackberry harvest so there you go 12 crops you can grow in partial shade and a lot of them again were cool season we're coming into the cool season very soon so again remember a week from sunday we're gonna be doing a video on planning out your fall garden no matter what climate you live in also i want to give you another sneak preview that's number three hit that like button but this sunday we're gonna be doing i'm not sure of the number yet i forget but summer crops warm season crops that you can still plant here it'll be august at that point so in august in almost any climate i'll see you guys then [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Next Level Gardening
Views: 341,334
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Keywords: shade, shady garden, growing in shade, shade friendly plants, plants to grow in shade, garden shade, vegetable gardening, vegetable garden, veggie garden, veggie gardening, growing vegetables in shade, partial shade, shade garden, shade plants, california garden tv, how to prune basil, pruning basil, vegetable garden planning, shade loving plants, shade vegetable garden, garden planner, organic gardening, shade loving vegetables, gardening, shade gardening
Id: X7p9FoC99EQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 0sec (600 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 31 2020
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