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Channel: 5-Minute Crafts PLAY
Views: 5,802,221
Rating: 4.5920076 out of 5
Keywords: 5-Minute Crafts, 5-Minute Crafts Kids, DIY, Do it yourself, crafts, useful things, lifehacks, tricks, tips, DIY projects, DIY activities, Handcraft, Tutorial, easy life hacks, simple life hacks, kids, children, box, party, jewellery, diy jewelry, diy crafts, learning, education, kids crafts, art and craft, tips for kids, activity, hobby, freetime, family, family time, school, preschool, kindergarten, fun, awesome, creative, present, decor, decoration
Id: WeYn1PpZLHc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 41sec (761 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 08 2018
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