12. How to Engrave & Cut in LASERGRBL . ORTUR LM2 PRO !

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hi everyone today we're going to go over engraving and cutting in laser gerbil so this is my coreldraw program and what i've designed is some templates that are easily interchangeable and this is of course is for christmas ornaments so some have a little more detail some don't some have text and of course this will be my cutting template so just showing you in millimeters that all of these were actually duplicated so i would have the exact same size and so part of my template that i have text to path that i can change this if i wanted to do different writing different fonts different sizes of course edit the spacing so i'm just going to quickly design up this baby's first christmas ornament and this is for my brother his stepson just had a baby girl well his girlfriend had the baby girl but uh yes so this is for babies first christmas and just showing you that i'm doing an outline there so that everything just doesn't muddy together by putting a little white outline you can see a little bit of the difference so i'm just fast forwarding through this just modifying it where i want things to go there we go i'm happy with that so now i'm going to select this box and export it so i'll go to file export and i'm just exporting it as a png naming it there i had to make a new folder box for ornaments sometimes it's a lot easier to find things if you categorize them there we go so i'm just exporting as a black and white now if it was grayscale i would add all that i'm going to do size one to one and the resolution at 300 dpi i'm going to leave that and i'm going to say okay and i'm going to interlace and go okay so that's the part that i'm going to be engraving and then i need my cut template so i'm going to export that as well as a png black and white and interlace that as well and these are the wood blanks i was able to pick up at dollarama five pieces for two dollars um four and a half inches by four and a half inches four millimeter thick and already pre-cut i thought i couldn't go wrong and so i'm just going to set this and yes this is a window great it's painted but i did try to scrape off as much paint as i could with a wire brush where i was going to be cutting a waffle board is more ideal but i will be expanding my machine so i don't want to invest in a small waffle board that i won't be using for very long so right now i'm just actually setting up magnets so magnets will stick to the grate and then i will be putting magnets on top as well and that will hold the material still so i do have the machine in the home position because i want to try and line up the material as close to the home position as possible so i am fast forwarding through here and hopefully i get that set up shortly there we go so now i am just focusing my laser which is the artur laser master 2 pro my laser is the lu24 and i'm making sure that the material isn't too far off sometimes i'll add something to under the feet to level it out a little bit better so now i've opened up the laser gear bowl i've connected my auteur and i am going to open my file so we're going to start with the engraving and there's my file and i'm going to open that so i'm going to keep it at line to line tracing now when i click on the black and white it kind of fuzzies up my design there so i'm just going to turn that off because i want it nice crisp and clean and smooth looking so i'm going to keep it on line to line diagonals my favorite burn seven lines per millimeter i don't need any of those settings and i'm going to click on next now for my machine i like the setting at 2200 2200 2300 and i'm going to put the max in i'm usually anywhere from 800 to 850 and i'm not going to touch the laser minimum and it's on the auto size now i'd have to turn that off if i wanted to resize it but i'm keeping that on because i've designed it to size and i have to make sure it stays to the size that my cutting template is going to be as well so you'll see that finer line around there will actually be cut out as well so before i start i always home make sure your origin is set to your home it is always easiest to s to to burn and engrave from the home position if you're doing it simultaneously now if you do jog your laser make sure you set the origin button but always click on home before you start to burn and so i'm just going to frame it up and make sure it's within the material and you'll see the little pink cross going across so that's me framing it and even when it gets done framing i always click the home button and click play to start engraving and i'll open up my sliders that you saw to the right hand side and i can adjust as it starts engraving if it's just coming out too dark or too light i just play with the power the linear or the rapid speeds so here it is the lasers doing the framing which i'm happy with and in two seconds here there we go i'm going to start engraving so this is actually actual speed i just wanted to show you that hopefully you can see that the little line around the ornament is just coming out perfectly so i fast forwarded that for you i am just on the last little bit of engraving the ornament and i'm really happy with how crisp and clean this is turning out here we go all finished up and without moving the machine or turning it off or anything i'm going to open up my cutting template and instead of the lines line tracing i'm going to take it to vectorize and i've got no filling turned on there's lots of little options but we're cutting so it's no filling and you'll see how it's outlined i've got the optimized travel turned on and the adaptive quality i was just clicked on the little help button and this what it would be for the adaptive quality now i've never had to turn it on but if you guys are getting issues with some of your work looking funky by all means turn it on this is what it would look by for filling and this is why i have a solid [Music] piece for my ornament because if you had just an outline of a box you're going to actually get two outlines but if you have a solid item you're only going to get the one outline like i have here and i'm going to do a border speed of 300 and i'm changing it to constant power to cut i'm going to take this up to 850 i'm going to make my max 850 and of course auto size so it keeps in the exact same size as my engraving so i'm going to home that and i'm going to frame that as well and as you can see as those points are going around i'm able to turn around look at my laser as it's going around and making sure that it's all lined up to that outline as well that i engraved and it's all good so i'm going to press home again and i press play and then as it's playing i'll open up some sliders too um because i'll up the power or lower the power if i find it it's burning too light or too dark but uh i found that this cutting speed the 300 at about 850 works for me so this is just me framing it making sure that my laser is lining up to all of those lines and as soon as soon as it stops it'll go back i'll home it again and then i will press play so here it is in the first pass and uh you may be wondering why aren't i burning at 100 speed well number one is you will burn out your laser faster by always using it at one hundred percent um secondly you will chart the wood it'll burn you'll have to sand quite a bit more so i do these steps and yes i may have to do four passes but it's crisp and clean and you'll see at the end that i just have no trying whatsoever so this is the first pass going around now with the one tool that i had selected it was supposed to burn all the inside objects first and it did three of them and then headed out to the outside circle and now it's going back in for those inner pieces again so i'm not sure what's going on there maybe i'm not running the most current copy of laser gerbil i'm going to have to check that out and troubleshoot why it did that okay so between the cuts make sure you're always homing and then press play never leave your laser unintended as well especially when you're cutting if it freezes and your laser is still on you are going to have a fire so you'll see that with my window grate it is raised my machine is raised on two by fours as well and i actually just have an old bamboo cutting board underneath and it keeps my table and my spoil board pretty pretty pretty um i've got my fan going i do have the air assist so the nozzle the black nozzle that you see on my laser that is called air assist and i have an air pump um working to it as well and at the end of this video i'm actually going to show you a site where you can get these and the guys are fantastic so as my second lines are going around here you'll actually see the lasers start to show up the lighting underneath you'll see the blue flashes so you can tell that it's starting to go through the wood on its second pass and even on its first pass it did go through a couple spots and there is our second pass completed so now we're going in for our third pass and i'm not going to show you the whole pass because i'm just going to show you that as it's going along you'll start to have pieces drop so i believe it's this piece that here is going to slightly drop out there we go so i know i'm getting closer and you can start to see the blue laser light underneath shining through it's very important to keep the airflow going so you're not causing any fire some spots may like to smoke and you might think that they're on fire for a little bit but with the air assist that helps put it out there's quite a bit of smoke in in some spots there but uh the the smoke actually doesn't stay in my room too long for just having the air exhaust off to the side like that um like i said eventually i'm going to expand my table and i will definitely be hooking up a bitter air exhaust system okay so we're finally on our fourth and final pass so what i'm going to do is i am just going to uh raise the speed a little bit and lower the power a little bit especially because we had pieces falling out so i put our power about 75 percent of what i was running and this is when you need to get ready in case you need to stop your machine and of course my magnets that i'm using here i actually have thinner magnets that i like to use but i couldn't find them in order to make this video because i i don't like the uh material there to be raised so much that it's falling down so far and you'll see what i mean when the circle actually falls out so when you have to stop quickly you hit the red cross button the red square button and you hit abort job but there is a few second delay and you'll see here as i'm going around there it's starting to pop a little bit and there it goes so at this point i think i pressed stop there was a few second delay to that but it didn't hurt anything because it fell flat so it didn't uh over engrave anything just by that few second delay so i turn my machine off so i can move it out of the way and i can pick that up and there you go that piece comes off nice and clean and i can easily just pop out those pieces now i did run into a problem with one piece there not burning all the way through and it's not the laser's fault every wood is different it could be the glue it could be the type of wood it's sandwiched in that spot um but all you have to do is take an exacto knife if you've got any issues there take it down don't press too hard because you might tear the back of the wood piece so you just here i am i've made the cut but now i'm like really roofing on it to get it out so it might take a little bit of elbow grease but eventually it will get out and you can clean up the corners so that's it all engraved now before i give it a slight sanding i have my ladybug vacuum i love this guy especially when i'm working with glitter because glitter gets everywhere so i'll give it a quick vacuum and then i'm going to go in with my 220 grit sandpaper and as flat as i can so i'm not really getting into the grooves at all because i don't want to lose my engraving but with my fingers as flat as i can and look how fast i go woohoo i sped it up i'm really not that quick if i was i wouldn't need an orbital sander and i'm just going to do the back but you can see there's no tearing on the back from it cutting so just take your time and i'm just going to vacuum over it again there with my little ladybug vacuum and in a second i'll show you it's all good to go and as you'll see i'll take my finger and i'll go along the uh cut edges and you do not see any charring on my finger and there it is so it's good to go with a little bit of paint or you can use the prismacolor softcore pencil crayons to add some color to it and then possibly clear coat it if you'd like so i'm just going to quickly show you king dubby designs now i'm not sponsored in any way but i have ordered um legs and feet and and various items from these guys and they're fantastic and they've really expanded what they've got so they do have an air compressor pump there and they do have their air assist nozzle packages and i'm just going to take you to uh laser to our page two if you have the z-axis like i do i can get a side mount air assist and they carry all different types of attachments for a bunch of lasers and that's it for today so please like and subscribe and have a great day everybody
Channel: DiSignsCdn
Views: 60,049
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 1uDbycuaTJc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 11sec (1151 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 12 2022
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