12 Dark Secrets You Can NEVER UNSEE In Stardew Valley

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story Valley is the coziest farming Sim ever we can grow the cutest crops have the best decorated farm and marry the hottest villager in town but beneath this cute facade is a dark side that you have either not seen or choose to ignore take a moment to grab your headphones turn off the lights and prepare for the rabbit hole we are about to go down while you do that let me tell you about pocket Champs who is kind enough to sponsor this video pocket Champs is a super cute idle multiplayer game that is currently free to download on Android and iOS basically your goal is to coach the ultimate racing champ your champ trains while you are offline to prepare for their next race you can also analyze your racing environment and select a useful Gadget to craft a winning strategy when your Champ's training and strategy is complete you got to do what any good coach does trust your champ and sit back while they compete for the Ultimate Prize as you gain experience you can climb the online leaderboards and unlock hundreds of new gadgets skins and other rewards in Pocket Champs you will almost never use the same strategy twice since there are so many different tracks and terrains to discover and overcome download Pocket champs for free from the link in the description using this link really helps out my channel so try the cutest Idol racing game today to get a free sh pack with 500 gems plus a super cute monkey skin now where were we so here they are the 12 darkest secrets and theories in stard Valley in our first year in stard Valley you can meet every NPC except for one this is Kent of course who only joins us in year two he was out fighting in a war against the goo Empire the valley looks so peaceful that it's hard to think that there is actually a war being fought well we just farm and go to festivals well it's so bad that Kent has actual PTSD from the fighting in some of his later dialogue Ken shares with us that he was actually held in a prison camp doesn't this just kind of shatter the illusion of this cute farming Sim in stardy Valley you can have kids although they are kind of useless besides the fact that you can put hats on them so do the right thing and go use the shrine of selfishness where you can use a prismatic Shard to turn them into Doves on the 26th of full after you have turned your children into doves a strange TV show will show on the TV called question mark question mark question mark a doll appears on the screen saying you brought this upon yourself now I'm free and that's not all a doll will pop out of the screen and if you take it to the witch's Hut a floating ancient doll will attack you is this the symbol of our children's lost souls but it gets even stranger when you take the ancient doll to the witch's Hut you may receive a phone call saying you have forsaken us so your children are basically haunting you for making them disappear that's pretty dark as well as your spouse not even having a tiny bit of a reaction to their children disappearing do they not care are they actually happy the children are gone can they feel before the war against the Goro Empire there appears to have been another War perhaps in an age before stard Valley as we know it we know this ancient war had dire consequences these were the elemental wars fought between our friends the dwarfs and the shadow people we all love kobis and maybe the dwarf too it all began when the dwarfs banded together and drove the shadow people out of their ancestral home The Shadow people fought back and retaliated with Force our lovable Shadow friend Gras tells us this war has been going on 4,000 years and only recently came to an end if you manag to earn 50 points of Friendship with the dwarf and five star drop from kobis you will get this cutscene when you enter the sewers we see that the dwarf still blames kobis and the shadow people for the death of her family the wizard then interrupts this conflict and brings it to them Pam our trusty bus driver has a big problem and I'm sure you can guess what it is Pam has an unhealthy relationship with alcohol you can find her at the stardrop saloon almost every night having a drink and it has torn a drift between her and Penny who is P's daughter her drinking actually affects the valley in more ways that you would think in this cut scene with Gus and Pam you can see that Pam has a lot of dep at at the saloon poor Gus is usually a charitable guy and will keep struggling financially all this while Pam just keeps on drinking and drinking some more luckily for us we can confront her about this bad Pam for making the daddy of the valley struggle Shane is the biggest Contender for the I can fix him archetype Shane opens up about his depression in his two heart event and shares a beer with you on the pier you also learn that he is an alcoholic and his fourth part event it seems alcoholism is a pretty big deal in the valley especially where people are single and don't have that much to do Shane is definitely one of the loness most bored characters out there not only does the valley have two alcoholics but both are pretty depressed and there are even elements mentioned about life being better without him at least Pam and Shane are the easiest characters to find gifts and Quests for but we can make make their problems even bigger by gifting alcohol which they love now I kind of regret making my early game Brewery Clint is a real nice guy according to himself he doesn't understand why he can't get wom most of the marriage candidates find themselves a partner if you don't marry them but Emily is the exception even if you don't marry Emily she and Clint never get together Clint seems to be quite lonely and unable to move lost his feelings for Emily the nice guy usually doesn't realize that the person they like aren't interested they are filled with a lot of self-hate from their romantic failures in a lot of his heart events we can see his creepy actions towards Emily it's kind of funny because a blacksmith probably gets a lot of gems and minerals which Emily loves he's not well-liked by the community but you got to feel for him a big L for Clint maybe he's not not such a nice guy after all here the shop owner does our farmer dirty he sells our produce and Artisan products as his own by telling his customers so he probably charges them much more than our selling price too in his six heart event you can find what is labeled as a secret stash behind the bookshelf in his bedroom what could this stash be if it's just savings does Caroline even know about it Caroline shares in casual dialogue that she used to visit the wizard and that we shouldn't tell Pierre this married couple loves hiding things from each other making their marriage one of Secrets who knows if Abigail is even their daughter these visits to the wizard from Caroline might have been more than just a visit this leads nicely to our next point the one and only wizard also known as Magnus Ras modius seems very involved in the dark side of stardy Valley he's right in the middle of a little drama as well in the dark Talisman Quest the wizard asks us to go and retrieve his magical ink pot from his ex-wife's place he says that he made a huge mistake and it made her furious and even turned her green could this mistake be linked to Abigail and Caroline's visits we realized that she must have been the witch we see flying around blinging curses every now and then but oh no it doesn't end there in some throwaway dialogue The Wizard shares with us he shares his suspicion that he might have a daughter in the valley there are other theories out there suggesting that Caroline struggled to have a child and approach the wizard for a spell others say the wizard doesn't age which made his wife turned green from jealousy and that he could even be Caroline's dad Alex comes off as very mean and arrogant at first but as you start to befriend him you get to learn more of his sad past and his his fourth heart event he shares why he lives with his grandparents Evelyn and George his mother got sick and then paused away leaving him alone with his grandparents when his father wasn't absent he was abusive and called Alex worthless what makes this even more sad and heartbreaking is that in his fifth heart event he even calls himself worthless we see the terrible effect of his dad's words on his selfworth like Haley it takes a while to warm up to Alex's character and break through his Macho exterior George is a lovable old grumpy man of the valley you might think George is just in a wheelchair because of his age but the truth is much darker after befriending and getting to know this dear old man some more we eventually learned that he had a horrible mining accident some 30 years ago he says he slipped while placing down some dynamite and never walked again but it gets even even darker George's daughter died of a sickness and then he had to take care of her son Alex concerned a really went the extra mile to make our beloved NPC's Back stories as real as possible we love the bachelors's and Bachelor rettes of stard Valley well most of them cough cough Harvey and Elliot so we are always quick to jump to date them and then quickly marry them so we can lock them up on our farm and let them rarely leave the farm but Jokes Aside marrying the NPCs actually ruins their lives they drop most of what they were doing during their days and mostly stay around our farm all of them have Big Dreams that they want to achieve like Sebastian our most favorite Bachelor that wants to leave stardy Valley and go to the big city if we marry him he never leaves and just stays in stardy Valley forever even when marrying his friend Sam Sam loses all interest in his band and just becomes a trophy husband poor guy do the right thing don't marry rabbit's feet are one of the best gifts in a game to give to villagers give them iridium quality rabbit feet and you will befriend them in no time but have you thought of the absurdity of this the rabbits regularly shed their feet when they're happy after you have pet and fed them and then regrow a whole limb again just so that they could shed it again how many feet does one rabbit have and what do they feed the rabbits in the valley that they have the unique ability to regrow whole Limbs and why do the villagers love rabbits feed all very strange and important questions our favorite farming Sim might seem all wholesome but there are in fact very dark parts to it which gives the game a lot more depth if you like this video don't forget to leave a like and why not [Music] subscribe [Music] a
Channel: ezlilyy
Views: 23,222
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Keywords: stardew, stardew valley, ezlily, ez lily, stardew ezlily, stardew valley ezlily, stardew valley 1.5, stardew valley gameplay, stardew valley tips, stardew valley secrets, stardew valley did you know, easter eggs, stardew secrets, stardew tips, stardew valley tiktok, indie finds, indie games, stardew valley beginners guide, stardew valley easter eggs, stardew valley hidden secrets, stardew valley rare, stardew valley music, stardew valley alien, stardew valley mods
Id: 8tmhBdY38xU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 10sec (730 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 19 2023
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