The scariest part about cursed objects is
that there really are no clear warning signs, and by the time you have finally figured out
that you are cursed, it’s often already too late. 12. A magical Life is the name of a paranormal-investigator-slash-YouTuber
who bought this clown puppet knowing that it was most likely cursed. She’s talking about how the puppet always
turns off the camera when suddenly she feels something hot rake across her arm. Judging from what I’ve seen, I’d say probably
so. 11. Steve Punt is a private investigator working
for the BBC. This time he buys a cursed painting that supposedly
cannot be burned and puts it to the test. Within less than two minutes the flame quietly
goes out, coincidentally just as it’s about to touch the boy. I wonder if this painting was coated in some
kind of fire-resistant substance or if this really is proof of a curse. Maybe if they started the fire in the middle
of the painting instead of on the right it would have spread a little more. 10. A YouTuber named DarkenedAuras buys a cursed
doll on eBay and decides to record it for signs of the supernatural. Within the first ten seconds they notice it
is behaving very strangely. The doll begins to rock back and forth on
its own. And I’m not sure if you heard this part
or not, but she says that the doll’s eyes are light blue in real life, but they appear
as pitch black on camera. Watch how the doll spins around when one of
them goes to grab her. They continue to poke and prod the doll for
well over an hour, and at one point they even record under the table to show that there
are no magnets underneath, which was my guess. I encourage you to watch the full video and
make note of what else you can see, as I’m sure that there are many other paranormal
moments not shown here. 9. Okay, so these YouTubers didn’t exactly
buy this next one, but they still obtained a cursed object nonetheless. Dark Arts Paranormal is walking around a giant
bottomless cave when they come across a watery section that’s filled with smashed-up cars. They don’t seem very worried about finding
any bodies as they pull open doors and trunks and see what’s inside. That’s when one of them finds it . . . It’s a rusty old sword that is caked with
filth. It must have been down there for a very long
time. Their excitement soon wears off and they agree
it’s time to leave. They start to head out, but hours pass and
they are only becoming more and more lost. Even though they had no problem getting in,
they can’t seem to find their way out and, to make matters worse, their phones all lose
signal at once. Eventually they make it to the surface alive
and exhausted. It’s been over four hours and everyone they
know is calling them and leaving worried messages. I wouldn’t be surprised if the cursed sword
was leading them astray [“a-stray”] the entire time but let me know what you think. 8. Melanie Bantel and her friends go on a road
trip and end up buying a potentially cursed item, though none of them knew it at the time. The front and back of the album looks relatively
normal, but when they play the record, it just sounds like someone yelling in an extremely
deep voice. Melanie and her friends think this record
is either cursed or else some sort of experimental music project, though it’s hard to tell
for sure since they don’t play it for very long. I wonder if any of them experienced any bad
luck after making this video. 7. Soul Reaper Paranormal is a YouTuber who recently
purchased an old stack of antique Bibles, five of them to be precise. He is sure that at least one has a spirit
inside because he can often feel its presence draw near. Watch again and you’ll see that the Bible
goes from being completely sturdy to toppling over in less than one second flat. None of the other books fall over either,
which I find especially odd since they are all touching. Soul Reaper’s reaction is hard to fake,
so either he is one of the best actors on YouTube, or something really is up with this
book in particular. 6. This YouTuber just bought some scrap cars
for dirt cheap. There’s only one catch though . . . The
car has both airbags deployed and, judging from the interior, there were probably no
survivors. He pulls out a bag of wrecked parts that just
gives me a bad feeling all around, then he moves deeper inside. The center console contains some weird beads
and other miscellaneous items. It’s strange to think that he could be rummaging
through the very same belongings of a person who is no longer living. Eventually he comes across a pair of designer
sunglasses that again give me the same weird feeling as before. Let me know if you would actually take any
of these items or if you would leave them be. 5. A YouTuber named Crystal Garcia and her friend
are nervously excited to receive a haunted porcelain doll they’ve ordered from eBay. First they pull out handwritten note from
the person they bought it off of. The person claims to be a paranormal investigator
with hundreds of items and says that this one is the most active. They soon learn the doll has been possessed
by the spirit of an eleven-year-old girl named Rebecca, who was poisoned by her own mother. Watch this part and tell me if you think Rebecca
is up to something here. The strange object floating in the center
could just be a piece of hair, but that still doesn’t explain how an orb appears overhead
at the exact moment she mentions one. 4. geomio9 is a YouTuber who claims to have bought
an old photo that comes with a worrisome curse. He doubted the legend at first but soon found
it to be true with his own eyes. I could be wrong, but this kind of looks like
the hologram photos you can buy at certain gift stores. But then again, geomio9 uploaded this video
in 2006, and I’m not even sure if they were made back then. Maybe someone can let me know in the comments
section. 3. A YouTuber named Paranormal Response acquires
two paintings from the late 60s. These paintings are meant for more than just
looking at. According to legend, they capture bad dreams
before they can reach the minds of sleeping children. So after more than forty years of catching
bad dreams, you can only imagine how loaded with negative energy these two paintings must
be. Paranormal Response himself says he got a
bad feeling just being around them. He is describing the paintings in more detail
when he records what could be the voice of spirit. Tell me what you hear. Maybe it’s just me, but it kind of sounds
like something is moving off camera rather instead than a voice. Anyway, he sets up his spirit box and it isn’t
long before he is talking with a spirit attached to
the painting. Soon he gets a bad feeling about the spirit
and quickly asks him to leave. To make things even stranger, apparently there
was another spirit-contacting session before this one, but for whatever reason his equipment
failed to record it. 2. A YouTuber named Paloma Renee decides to buy
a supposed ghost off of eBay. She receives this letter describing an old
ghost from the 1800s that has haunted their home for years before being captured in a
jar. The instructions look like they were typed
in a hurry and are incomplete. Despite this warning, Paloma and her friend
unleash the ghost and use a Ouija board to communicate. They aren’t taking this very seriously at
all and ask some pretty silly questions for about five minutes. They get mostly non-answers in return and
are ready to end the session, but first they check to see if they offended the ghost. This is their cursed reply. Watch their hands again and tell me if you
think this is a real paranormal answer or if they are moving the pointer themselves. Before we get to number 1, my name is Chills
and I hope you’re enjoying my narration. If you’re curious about what I look like
in real life, then go to my instagram, @dylan_is_chillin_yt and tap that follow button to find out. I recently released the music video for my
song Dreamland and we may have caught something paranormal at the 55 second mark. Tap the circle icon in the top right right
corner, then tap MY MUSIC VIDEO and let me know what you think it is. It's a proven fact that generosity makes you
a happier person, so if you're generous enough to hit that subscribe button and the bell
beside it then thank you. This way you'll be notified of the new videos
I upload every Thursday and Saturday. 1. A YouTuber named cybernova orders a pair of
cursed dolls from eBay that she wants to examine for signs of the paranormal. She starts off by questioning one of the dolls
using two copper rods. If there is a spirit nearby, then the rods
should start moving on their own. Next she puts the two dolls in a room and
leaves a motion sensor camera running for a full week straight. The first few nights she repeatedly gets notifications
of movement on her phone followed by videos of orbs. She also claims to hear wild animals growling
outside. As if that wasn’t enough, this mysterious
crescent shape briefly appears on the final night. If this is what happens after seven days,
then who knows what would kind of activity cybernova could have gotten if she kept the
camera running for a full month.