12 British words I now use everyday

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hey Evan dunger here and welcome back to my new series where we're looking at some words used in the US and the UK and after living in the UK for 10 years which of those British words out there I have actually claimed as my own despite my best efforts these British words have become part of my lexicon and today we're doing just that not the words I refuse those are some future videos but some positive words so without further Ado let's jump into it also if you like this new setup just tell me I'm mixing it up every once in a while okay now this first word you might come at me and go Evan what else would you use if not this well you'd be surprised the word is paracetamol ah I have the headache I'm gonna take some paracetamol it makes sense I want to be understood here I say paracetamol the American equivalent is actually acetaminophen and I think it sounds real fun say it real fast a sedimentification now most Americans probably don't use that word because this is one of those categories in which we actually like using the brand name so most Americans would say hey can you grab me some Tylenol even though it's just marketing and it's an overpriced version of the standard drug acetaminophen which is synonymous with paracetamol by the way they're pretty much the same thing part and parcel another British word there the same exact item but we use the brand name similar to instead of saying I want some ibuprofen in the states I grew up saying I want some Motrin or was it Advil see I can't even remember now so many Brands just don't exist here and I'm like ah from an olden day Motrin I was right it just came out naturally Motrin you'd say can I get some Motrin but then what's Advil don't tell me it's a different brand of the same thing it is here's the thing if I'm having a headache and I'm like oh gosh I need this to go away let's say I'm I'm on the couch I can't move I'm asking my girlfriend hey can you give me some Acetaminophen she's gonna have a headache hearing it she's not gonna know what to get me maybe she's gonna get me a laxative I don't know I want to be understood okay and so I'm using paracetamol it's a word I've taken off now if you've been subscribed to my channel for two years you know I do part own this place I went through a bit of a hell to get a place to call my own however one type of person I never really came across in my 10 years living here whether that be trying to buy a flat or renting lots of different Flats is a realtor a real estate agent huh that's weird why isn't that word ever used anymore oh it's because the word is just a different word it's called an estate agent interesting but that's actually the word that I would use more than any other because fun fact don't know if you know this you can't actually say that you're a realtor unless you belong to a specific Association of American Realtors so I guess that makes sense they've trademarked that word but also when I hear the word estate agent originally it just makes me think of a really really rich wealthy family to have an estate and the agent is managing it they're a state agent but in reality it's just someone that is in between the landlord and the person that is renting the flat or something like that I don't even fully know it I just know that estate agent is actually a word that I'll use way more than realtor I don't I don't even like the way the realtor sounds sounds real too bad yo now one place that I did meet with an estate agent to go View at one point to rent was a place on Deptford High Street mostly because I thought it'd be really cool to move from Deptford New Jersey to different London I didn't want to live in different London though I have to say but the High Street that's a word that's a word I use quite regularly and the word High Street is able to convey so much of what you're trying to say you know every place I've lived in the UK has a street that has all the shops on it because it's a very walkable place in London you know even anywhere in the UK pretty much you've got a high Street where all the shops the pharmacies the nail salons the food everything you want is going to be on the high Street the US equivalent is a main street and I mean I I don't really think I ever used that much I grew up in a suburb so Main Street we we didn't really have that it wasn't like we had one Street in any of the towns I grew up in the states that you know had all the stuff on it because you'd mostly go to a mall you know where all the big box stores were that was pretty much how it was so Main Street not really using Main Street USA not really maybe if I grew up in Philly like in the actual City possibly but High Street that's the one for me now the next one is possibly my favorite it's my most used of the bunch because it's just cute and it's annoying because I I did try not using it for so long but it snuck up on me I didn't realize just how much I used the word until I went to film podcasts with the old try guys in California and I was caught off guard I was asked oh what did you do with your covet kit I went oh I bend it then they bring this up in the podcast you change bro I'm a British man now Ben is such a good word it's it's great you can use it as a noun you can use it as a verb but Evan you can say trash is a noun and a verb yeah but it ain't less cute connotation it has a negative thing you know I trashed it that's trash I bend it it's in the bin it's cute you got different types you got the wheelie bin for the ones with the wheels I don't know I just really like the word bin it's cute it's three letters it sounds nice it turns out I'm just a big man okay been there done that this might not be the first video in the series you're watching by the way and if you are binging my videos please sure to subscribe thank you that's about to lose subs from my bad puns at this point oh I do just want to say it's not like I say been 100 of the time I do say trash maybe 10 however there is a hidden five percent in which I do want to be a little fancy because I am secretly an American mom and I will say can you put this in the garage I don't I don't know if they do that in the UK but I definitely know growing up you put something in the garbage sounds a little fancy here's another one that took me quite a while to get used to I didn't want to say it but I also deeply want to be understood especially when I'm in a restaurant and I don't want to spend a lot of money can I get some tap water please all right some tap water I don't want you to give me the four pound bottle of water and try and pretend as if that's what I wanted when I said I wanted water no no thank you nine Duncan give me some from the tap okay it makes sense three letters it's cute sure you know just get me some water from the tap easy the US equivalent is faucet and I was gonna try and put a pun in this area but I didn't want to force it for it worked but I will I will say the the British designation for an outside tap that's what they call it an outdoor Garden tap gross you've ruined a beautiful thing tap and you made it outdoor Garden why I I will call that a spigot I know this isn't the words I refuse to say video but spigot I just I prefer the word okay I prefer spigot thanks for tapping on the like button picture this okay we got young teenage little Evan Edinger he's he loves to read he's reading his Chronicles of Narnia and he's just a bit perplexed because these kids they get Warped through Narnia and for some reason I don't know why they're walking around with like Open Flame where do they even get in contact with a torch to get some light in this area what you you call it a torch the only thing I can think of to call a flashlight a torch would be I don't know some sort of Elden ring flamey style torch but that is the word used for flashlight in the UK and gosh darn it I didn't want to adapt but I have grown to say torch just want to be understood sometimes and you know you think Evan how often are you really needing to use that word quite often I mean nostalgically I like the word flashlight I was in Scouts running around my flashlight playing Jailbreak all the time but you know it's it's on my phone I just need to turn on the torch I'm not at a full 100 torch by the way at this point I'm more like 80 I'll say towards 20 I'll throw a little flashlight in there but yet I guess it is easier to say I still think of fire though now supposedly this next one regardless of how I actually do use this word it turns out I I pronounce it a bit badly no matter how hard I try and you might hear me say it like my girlfriend and go what are you talking about where Osama Bin Laden used to live but the place I lived in Chiswick was a terraced home so like you know multiple terraced homes they're terrorists terrorist home you know I don't I don't know how I'm supposed to say it to not sound like terrorist home the terrorist home the terrorist and the terrorist home now I can't tell the difference so I don't like that I can't pronounce it right but I do say it 100 of the time because I've lived in multiple terrorist homes I've not lived in a row house which is the U.S equivalent but that is what we say especially like when I was in university there were multiple fraternities in different row houses you know they're just all attached but I still think terrorist home terraced house that's just the one I'm gonna use despite the fact I can't say it right a terrorist terrorist terrorist terrorist terrorist house terrorist house I can't do it I'm gonna get married at some point in my life but before I do I probably won't be throwing one of those parties in which my entire goal it seems is to do the opposite of what I'm committing to do the very next couple days don't understand them really but if I did go to one or have one I would call it a stag do I actually quite like the term the U.S equivalent of course being a bachelor party but I feel like that has more of the negative connotations of like going to a strip club or doing something like that which I don't really want to be a part of but snag dudes are just British people going to the nearest city celebrating their friend getting like married soon and getting really drunk and that's about it same with Hindu I'd say Hindu even though I think it does sound a bit silly bachelorette party I don't know what I'm gonna use these well there's all I always see Hindus and stag dues all around London people on those little cycling things getting drunk and having inflatable penises on their heads sure I will say though despite the fact that I do use the word stag do more than bachelor party it still makes me think of Harry Potter because the word stag isn't really in the American vernacular at least it wasn't for me and so when I read the books and it came up with stag I was like what you mean a buck you know like James's Patronus was a buck like a male deer stag ah I didn't know what it was so whenever I hear stag do I'm just thinking everybody's reading Harry Potter together I love you so much me and my mates are gonna get drunk reading Harry Potter and firing off our patronuses at Passing Strangers sounds like a nice party to me stack do more like stag don't wow this next one I I clearly liked a lot because when I wrote it down I put exclamation marks after it quid squid squid squid I like a good quid okay you could say Evan well you're clearly using the word quid which of course is London slime for pounds because you live in the UK what would you use bucks bringing it back yeah and pretty much I'm a big fan of quick slang so I pretty much would say bucks instead of dollars like oh I got 50 bucks on me I made like 60 bucks at work yesterday but now I use the word quid like probably 90 of the time over pounds I'd much rather say I have 80 quid or 60 quid rather than 80 pounds 60 pounds you know I just I like that it's a plural that doesn't end in an S it just sounds nice it's cute it's quaint quid big thing you'll never get me to stop saying it I won't never quit all right all right all right now fellas this next one is for everybody not just fellas so when you are sleeping in your bedroom you might have designed your room bought a couple things from Ikea sitting next to your bed a place to put your phone and your little plant pots and things well that of course in the UK is a bedside table that is now the word that I will use I have furnished my home took my time to plan things and even not this home but previous ones every place I lived had a bedside table I didn't question that I'd never heard the word before moving to the UK but that's now what my brain calls it a bedside table it's a bit long compared to the American version nightstand but weirdly enough the word nightstand just has some interesting connotations in my brain maybe from a one night stand so I'm like he's only got one night stand wow what a Scamp you gotta have one on each side it's called symmetry fellas but hey that's that's why I call it a bedside table bedside table nightstand sometimes it makes a lot of sense why I choose words other times I got bedside tables so this is one that I didn't realize I fully converted to until very recently when my friend asked me where my cleaning supplies were and I pointed to the big Closet near the door and went it's in the big cupboard cupboard that's not really a cupboard is it is a closet yes uh it turns out I use the word cupboard a lot more regularly than one of the American equivalents a very large cupboard we would say closet I mean hair bringing them up again but Harry Potter doesn't live in a closet under the stairs even though that's a closet yeah he lives in a Cupboard Under the Stairs I don't see any Cubs any bores any I don't see any Cupboards in there but even what you open up in your kitchen your kitchen cupboards I also call them that even though the American equivalent I'd grown to say all the time growing up was cabinets I'm gonna use cupboards and those more sleuthy among you in the Brits will say whoa whoa whoa we say cabinets yes but primarily I find British people only say cabinets when referring to their bathroom storage facilities they're medicine cabinets their bathroom cabinets their toilet cabinets but not necessarily in the kitchen where they prefer using the word cupboard there you go ow and the fact that I have uploaded a video every single Sunday on this YouTube channel without missing for nearly 10 years means that I haven't really been on a proper Holiday from this YouTube channel well holiday that's a word that I use regularly now vacation weirdly enough as a word has a connotation of more like Tropical Paradise oh he's in a vacation holiday is just I'm off from work I'm going on holiday it's a bank holiday so interestingly enough both words are similar but yet distinct in my brain however I will say I do not say the word for someone that is on holiday in the UK because I think that word is silly in the U.S working at the old Pizza Hut some customers come in from Canada we're like oh we got some vacationers here in the UK the equivalent is holiday makers what why how would they make you're making a holiday oh look at us for Holiday makers shut up no I don't believe it that's a gross nap gross holiday great holiday maker throw it in the bin okay and you know what I just used bin naturally I'm proud of myself thank you very much for uh checking in on this new video hope you enjoyed it like I said we got a lot of videos on this very similar Niche and topic coming to your YouTube screens every single Sunday this month so thanks for subscribing and I will see you here next Sunday I bet you didn't expect this to be a piano did you pardon me sir have you subscribed to my YouTube channel I hope you have but if you haven't I'll be sad I'll take it
Channel: Evan Edinger
Views: 313,213
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: british words, evan edinger, 2023, british vs american, UK vs us, UK vs usa
Id: geVbmM8Dcfc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 50sec (890 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 11 2023
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