12 Biggest Discoveries of 2020 Got Hardly Any Attention

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on september 28 1969 a meteorite about the weight of a moped fell on the small town of murchison australia residents who remember the incident say that a strange unpleasant smell spread through the city that day now almost 50 years later scientists have managed to find out where the unusual smell came from hey don't look at me the meteorite was covered in star dust solar grains that formed about 7 billion years ago the unpleasant smell came from a substance older than our planet and even our sun by 3 billion years long before our solar system was formed this asteroid flew across the vast expanses of space about two billion years into its journey the meteorite got coated in the dust from extinguished stars after another five billion years of drifting it arrived to cause a scene on earth in 2020 the fossils of a tyrannosaurus embryo were discovered this helped scientists to find details about what the ferocious beast was like as a baby it turns out that t-rexes were about the size of a chihuahua at birth the baby dinosaur was nothing like its mature form it had a long tail and its jaws had tiny teeth it's likely that it used these tiny razor blades for hunting insects and small lizards until it grew up over the years these teeth fell out to be replaced by the ones we see in films and museums the size of a human hand the discovery of the embryo also helped researchers to calculate that the tyrannosaurus egg was about the size of a rugby ball in november 2018 a nasa geological robot landed on the surface of mars one of its goals was to investigate the red planet's seismic activity and transmit data to earth for the first few months the robot didn't record anything unusual but in april 2019 it recorded its first earthquake or more accurately mars quake on the earth the planet's surface often shakes due to the slow movement of tectonic plates tension builds up in the crust and the sudden release causes an earthquake mars doesn't have any global plate movement though so the phenomenon was a mystery to scientists in 2020 the robot geologist found its most exciting discovery yet it found that mars was singing for unknown reasons the red planet emits a low frequency sound nobody knows whether this sound and the mars quakes are related but neither phenomena are easily explained by scientists now in dinosaur bones which are several tens of millions of years old scientists found cellular structures and even hints of whole dna dna is a biological code that contains information about the structure of living organisms in 2020 scientists are closer than ever to uncovering the dinosaur code it could unlock a lot of unknown information about these wondrous extinct animals the bones belong to the skull of a plant-eating dinosaur that lived about 70 million years ago inside these fossils the scientists saw something that looks like cells frozen in time they could even find the structures where dna is stored using a powerful microscope we don't really have any confirmed knowledge about the genetic code of dinosaurs so this is a huge finding scientists don't try to extract dna from cells because it could damage the rare specimen there's a lot of work ahead but if the researchers managed to get a significant dna sample it could be possible to recreate a dinosaur partially or fully hey that might make a good movie or something we also discovered an unknown species of mammal in 2020 the researchers called it a crazy beast and it isn't like any other animal that we know of it lived on the island of madagascar about 66 million years ago and looked like a bit of an opossum or badger it has more holes in its mouth than any known animal which means that the animal probably had an overly sensitive muzzle and whiskers the crazy critter's teeth are unique with a structure unlike any other animal it also had more vertebrae in its spine than any other mammal from that time overall this astonishing discovery could help us learn a lot more about the evolution of mammals astronomers have discovered an unknown phenomenon in deep space depths it's called an odd radio circle these are strange blobs in distant space that glow and look like almost perfect circles scientists can't explain the origin of these strange things the original assumption was that the odd radio circles were remnants of a supernova clouds of debris which appeared after the star's explosion but it turned out that the circles are too far from stars for that to make sense scientists have refuted the theory that these circles are normal radio emissions that are commonly observed in space there is still no explanation for what these vast astronomical objects are only four have been observed since the first discovery in 2019 so it's likely that the mystery will take many years to solve a strange substance has been discovered on the far side of the moon green cheese found images of the objects in pictures received from the lunar rover taken near a crater the image shows unusual stones that look like dark green crystals the substance may be glass that appeared as a result of volcanic eruptions a long time ago but no one can say for sure the picture quality is poor and it would be hard to study the substance in person for obvious reasons this discovery and further research could help us to learn more about the moon's origin in the coming years a team of scientists have discovered an unusual gaseous substance in the atmosphere of venus the chemical remains of phosphate this gas is found on earth near certain types of microbes a trace of phosphine on venus offers us a little hope that life may be discovered on this planet this is surprising because the conditions on venus are similar to those inside the mouth of a volcano there are unbelievable temperatures and the surface of the planet is under a considerable amount of pressure in the venusian sky among the clouds the conditions are less severe making the existence of microbes more likely could the finding mean there is other life in the solar system at the end of 2020 you could watch an incredibly rare event in the night sky the alignment of jupiter and saturn the two largest planets in our solar system are hundreds of millions of miles away from each other but briefly on december 21st they lined up perfectly with earth the planets line up like this about every 20 years but the last time saturn was so close to jupiter was 400 years ago this incredible event was only visible with a clear sky and if you missed it you could find records of it on the internet imagine that for two decades you have been studying a distant star from another galaxy about 75 million light years away the star is so hot that it glows with a beautiful blue light and its light is two million times brighter than the sun then one day it just disappeared the life of stars like this one usually ends with an enormous brilliant explosion in this case though astronomers just noticed that they couldn't find it anymore it's as though the star never existed one theory is that it immediately collapsed into a black hole without exploding in a supernova first if that is what happened it will be the first ever case observed for a star so big it's also possible that the star dimmed and was covered by a cloud of stardust scientists don't know the exact answer but we will likely find out in a few decades if the star suddenly reappears bats use echolocation for hunting they do this by making a clicking noise to spread an ultrasound wave and listen carefully if the wave collides with something it returns back and the bat can tell how big the object is and how far away it is it works like sonar does on submarines and ships this unique technique is a big problem for the bats prey like moths and butterflies in 2020 scientists discovered two incredible species of moth that have found a genius way to hide from the bad sound waves the moths wings are covered with a special fur that softens the collision with the sound like noise reducing acoustic foam they also have fork shaped scales that hinder the bat's echolocation even more several thousand of these scales on the wings reduce the acoustic energy of sound the weak wave returns to the bat who simply doesn't notice it this discovery could help us create a useful nano material that can be pasted on the wall to absorb sound it could be 10 times more efficient than the usual noise reducing materials installed in residential buildings and offices it could be yet another amazing invention created by copying nature a massive image of a 120 foot cat has been found on a hillside in peru it's an ancient geoglyph that was initially really hard to see the work of specialists means that it is finally more visible in 2020 the cat is the latest find from a mysterious group of huge images of animals known as the nazca lines archaeologists say the drawing was made between 200 and 100 bce and it's a mystery how or why it was created here kitty kitty
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Keywords: bright side, brightside, scientific discoveries, recent space discoveries, latest space discoveries, facts about space, facts about space and planets, bright side space facts, facts about space in english, nasa discoveries, discoveries made in 2020, nasa discoveries 2020, 2020 discoveries in space, scientific discoveries 2020, newly discovered animals, archeological finds 2020, meteor strikes on earth, NASA rover on Mars, facts about dinosaurs, Jupiter and Saturn
Id: cxjIT6lkPCk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 19sec (619 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 17 2021
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