111: The Art of High-Stakes Influence & Negotiation - Chris Voss

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welcome to noble warrior my name is ck lin noble warriors will interview consciousness center entrepreneurs about their journey from warrior to commander to king will deconstruct a mindset mental models actionable tactics so you can take everything you learn and build your life with more impact and fulfillment if you have any friends who can use better mindset please share with them so they too can benefit from your discovery my next guest is chris voss he's the best-selling author of never split the difference so far he has sold one million copies worldwide he is the most popular course instructor at masterclass.com he's also a former lead international hostage negotiator at the fbi he is now the ceo and founder at the black swan group we talked about how he discovered tactical empathy as a superior negotiation method after dealing with cutthroat commodity dealers and why hammering his opponent with empathy got him better deals how his mindset around negotiation is fundamentally different than most people and why is better and how you maintain positive even after dealing with terrorists for 25 years how tone is the single most undervalued superpower when it comes to negotiation and how practice is the path to mastery even for something as esoteric as a cold read or tonality lastly we talked about chris's morning rituals to set his day up for success in his project 120 to stay healthy at age 120. please enjoy my conversation with former fbi lead international hostage negotiator chris voss please welcome chris voss thank you ck pleasure to be here with you today i am so excited no through my research i mean i knew you from our uh men's group together you're like battle with ken rutkowski yeah that's right that's a great guy you're a likable guy i know that i really like you i know that you're a practitioner of your work but through my own research and really diving deeper into the work that you do i now get your context of why you do what you do so the first question i want to ask you is this universally people when they hear that i'm going to be talking to you their responses i love chris i love that book so the question i have for you is how are you able to maintain this brightness this positivity this kindness and generosity after 25 years of dealing with bad guys all over the world you know i um general work ethic uh core value which we use in my company today part of it is you know have fun where you work work with hard-working people that are team players i mean i've always really enjoyed the people that i was around and it's been a thread through through my whole life you know hard-working fun people it's a short answer and doing good i mean we ca and realizing you can't be perfect i mean not everything is going to work out you pick yourself up you dust yourself off and you move on yeah you just get smarter i guess i asked that question not in a leading way but i'm so curious because it's easy to become cynical or in bitter especially you're a master you're a student of human nature it's easy to go down that path like oh people are just going to be shitty or whatever but yet you're still so positive and kind and generous with every interaction that we have when even there's no audience i'm like just in awe about how you're able to do that yeah you know i'm probably even more so over the last couple of years you know we focus intentionally on getting better every day i mean we're basically optimistic and you realize you you realize you're not going to be perfect so you know it's it's an abundant world and the other thing too we've been my company you know we've we pivoted in the pandemic really easily because we we run the operation on something called the entrepreneurial operating system the u.s taught to us by guys become very good friend john smith and you know got us really focused on our core values from the very beginning and you know my son and i run the company you know with my daughter-in-law and we're like core values work hard you know what do you got how you got to figure that out it's like no no no it's more it's more complicated than that and then it said also when you when things don't work out with employees with customers with clients with anybody in life there's going to be a core value mismatch now that's no good or no bad on anybody you know because your core values are different from theirs doesn't make them any better or worse so soon as soon as you take the better or worse out it's actually a lot easier to be optimistic because you know you're not as mad at people as much you know somebody doesn't work on the company it's not good or bad on him or us it just didn't work it out personal relationship doesn't work out it's not good or bad on anybody it just didn't work out you know we weren't a good fit we weren't meant to be working together and i think that helps keep you from being jaded so so one of my favorite moments in your master class is when you're trying to describe the importance of tone you're like oh this is not a good deal for us this is not a good deal for us or you know some kind of a way and then you essentially we're trying to underline the lessons of tone because tone reveals your inner voice right in that class you said oh you're such an idiot and that actually made me laugh out loud you said this in the master class a couple of times that made me laugh aloud because that's how i talk that reveals my true intention so uh so i'm curious for someone like me who may have a monotone or robotic voice um is there anything that i could do to practice to be better at um tactically using my tonality so that you know i could interact with people better yeah you know that's a great question i mean and tone is a super power tone may be the single most overlooked superpower out there i mean you could do so much with tone uh and yeah among the books that uh we're a fan of the talent code by daniel coyle coyle contends that everything is learned you know you originally asked me is there anything i could do about my tone yeah your tone is learned everything is learned you know i'm not you can't learn to be seven feet tall you know i can't learn to be you know my son is six three 325 pounds i can't learn to be as big as he is but pretty much everything else is learned so yeah you know you practice your tone i you know if i listen to my tone because the way i'm wired i can hear my voice uh if i if i open up that part of my brain but it's it's practice you know small stakes practice for a high stakes result as soon as you start paying attention to your tone at all it will immediately improve and then i think his name is john foley blue angel pilot i heard him speak a couple years ago he was talking about how long does it take to build a skill he called it wiring a groove in your brain because the blue angels you know they can't they can't build their skills the first time they get up in the air with each other they'll be dead they've got to build their skills on the ground before they actually get into planes and he said according to his data that you know 63 64 65 repetitions which translates anecdotally into most people say it takes three weeks to pick up a skill well if you're trying three four times a day to work on something it's gonna take about three weeks to get those 65 repetitions in so just you know practice your tone a little where people really go down on tone of voice is they replay conversations in their head and they replay them or they envision them getting angry like i wish i'd have said this you're such an idiot you know or you know i i kicked into the jill biden thing recently on my instagram and uh a lot of people that are pro-trump pro-republican they immediately shoot back what about the way melania was treated uh and they're seeing themselves sending that tone of voice i mean you could say the same thing and say what about the way melania was treated you know and that would land so you can you could go back and you can rewire how you play your head and you can you can build your skills by yourself if you want to well i guess i'm i want to drill in on that just a bit because you you interact with terrorists and people you know who made maybe just you simply don't agree with or they're in their line of thinking so yeah you may be logically questioning like wow this this guy sounds pretty insane but you had to tactically maintain your tone so that you can have that relationship and similarly right let's say a political candidate you don't agree with them or whatever how do you still maintaining that time i guess that's that's where i'm trying to get at like how do you maintain we practice i mean we literally practiced i mean i'm not gonna you know as a hostage negotiator it's insane to think that the first time i should practice negotiating should be in a live event with an actual al-qaeda terrorist i mean that's that sounds silly when you put it like that so yeah we practiced i mean we got we got some role role play practice you know i got i got a lot of live action practice on suicide hotlines now i stumbled into the tone i think because i was scared and nervous initially like the first time you're on a hotline you're going to take some calls supervised yeah so to furt you know and because they make sure that if you start yelling at the guy that called in they're going to disconnect the line if you lose control and the first time i was on the phone i don't know i guess maybe because i was so tentative i mean i naturally did the late night fm dj voice and i got off the phone and they were like wow your total voice was great and i was like wow really what what did i do and i just tried to duplicate it again and everybody commented on how good the tone was so i just became aware of it and i intentionally practiced it you got to get your practice in nobody you know nobody does any good michael jordan you know lebron james anybody pick pick up an athlete tiger woods tiger woods is out on the driving range he's out on the practice uh greens he ain't trying to win the masters with that being the first time this month that he picked up his clubs so what kind of because i know that you like to play games as a way to practice right you said yeah uh i'm kind of alluding to the hotel you know negotiation thing you say within yourself that's real-life practice too yeah yeah you guys have practice as a student to make it more fun what are some of the other you know ways to ritualize and practice and continue to practice uh the whole skills of negotiation yeah well you know anybody you encounter is something we call it a cold read you take a look at their face read gas do a swag swag is a scientific wild ass guess you know guess what emotions going through their brain and then when you walk up to them if they look happy say pretty good day huh or if they look unhappy say tough day or anybody you know your uber driver uber driver gets in i mean you got it you got a good read your uber your lyft driver right these days i'm in left more on maneuver you got a good read on that guy based on guy gal based on where they parked you know they park right in front of you you know they park 10 feet away from you you know you got tons of data on their mindset as soon as you get in that car they if they don't turn around uh their tone of voice when they ask you know are you chris you you know take a read and make a make a wild guess and say it in a nice way and which gives you all the latitude you need to be wrong and every time you make a guess you're going to get feedback on how good your guest was then the next time you're going to be even better you know just practice starbucks wherever you are some somebody on the phone call customer service for your phone company and uh you know what would you guess you guessed that the last person from customer service the last customer they spoke to probably yelled at him so call in and say i bet it's been a long day in there you know practice yeah i mean uh i wanted to push the the book a bit um for any of you who haven't actually read the book one of the things i i particularly because i i don't know if you can tell i'm a super cerebral heady guy i like mental models that gives me something tangible that can try on versus just hey re-human beings and that's it's yeah it's too esoteric for me but what you provided in the book specifically you uh two things that actually uh really stood out for me is how do you actually say no in a nice way and then how do you do it you know in um increasingly more assertive way as well yeah you got to be able to say no i mean you got to be able to say and say it nicely and you know there are negotiators out there to train that they're not they're literally trying to hammer you to you said no twice so they're gonna make you say no so you know say it sooner yeah one thing that you say in the book is noaa is a place where negotiations starts right that depend upon whether or not you're saying it or hearing it and that's the other reason to say it in a nice way like the way you know as as i'm you know you're well aware of because you read the book and it's the opening story in the book you know when we express no by saying how am i supposed to do that i mean that that's really trying to set negotiate it's expressing no gently but it's saying that you're open to a better idea if they got a better idea why wouldn't you take it so and you should always there's almost always better ideas anyway it's impossible to know everything so yeah you say it gently and it it at the beginning of the conversation or the reset of the conversation let's take off in another direction let's find some good stuff here yes i i really love that you instead of making negotiation an adversarial relationship you may need a point with every single interaction that i have with you to say that hey negotiation is actually a process of discovery a process of collaboration now was there a mental model shift was there was there a moment where the old school way of trying to bull those people trying to cut their throat by going as strong as possible was there a mental shift in your mind at some point something happened that actually have you moved from you know being aggressive being forceful to being collaborative yeah well you know principally i think you know my background getting into hostage negotiation i got into it first on a crisis hotline which is you know emotional intelligence it's all it is it's just a it's a master class on emotional intelligence people react uh under pressure under with the same criteria that they when they're not under pressure everything is emotional it just is i mean we i know some people i hate a lot of people hate hearing that but it just is i mean the neuroscience is unequivocal and my pronunciation is bad but it's it's clear everything is emotional so then i got into kidnap negotiations which is straight bargaining now i had such a background in empathy which we now refer to as tactical empathy i thought you know let's let's just drop a lot more empathy into this bare-knuckled vicious bargaining with commodities dealers on the other side they were cutthroats and killers you know the definition of a sociopathic commodity dealer you know let's hammer them with empathy and see what happens and we started just changing everything just we got better deals if you would you know we got them we got them quicker and we created you know the process of being less adversarial accelerated better and faster results and so it was really in a time set it probably was the first international kidnapping that i weighed into with both feet the shilling kidnapping in the philippines which talked about the book people on the other side sociopathic terrorists you know murder and rape and killers and if you can imagine a phrase we hammered them with empathy and completely had the upper hand the whole time and hostage walked away was there a sort of a failure of their old model that have you reinforced this model even more was there a time that you can recall like hey the old model just you know totally disastrous totally fail then like i got a shift my way of looking at it and then the lessons is now this new model that you created well we had you know we had we had a failure but it's you know the failure was while we were in the adaptation you know the old models don't always fail i mean uh improvement is not always obvious you know jim collins is both good to great that doesn't mean that good failed you you know the real problem with getting to the next level is you're probably doing pretty well um and maybe you're doing well and compared to how you were doing like i'm very much against aggressive negotiation you know very much in favor of assertive negotiation not the same thing but people who are passive and too agreeable and rolling over and getting killed the minute they go to an aggressive negotiation their results are better and they're like hey this is great now they don't realize that they great they just graduated from an f grade to a c grade because that's an astonishing increase in improvement to go from an f to a c but they have no idea that there's a b grade or an a grade or an a plus grade so their model doesn't fail but they stop improving and so you know and i don't know that the old model ever actually failed us now i will tell you right after the shilling case we had another case that ended in a train wreck disaster and i you know the model didn't fail us but we had to get better you know we were probably b minus b grade at that point in time and i we took in internal stock we did an after action and i talked to everybody and they said now just this what we know wasn't enough it was inadequate and my response was and that's why how i ended up at harvard like well if it's inadequate let's see we can do to get better and that's when we really started to collaborate with harvard so if i'm hearing you right it's not necessarily it's just basically picking up different tools in your toolkit and now you have a more range and then now you can pull out different tools based on what the situation requires is that is that a accurate reason yeah i think i think that's a i think that's a definite part of it i mean you're you know you're looking for additional tools you're in in point of fact you're always looking to get better like one of our our coaches we coach a lot of negotiations they're gone likes to say derek says just get one degree better one degree you know if water gets one degree warmer you know you don't really notice but suddenly bang at some point there's a sudden state change where it turns to steam but you got that a little bit at a time so instead of quantum improvement in a day just get a little bit better yeah so i i i'm curious basically your message is practice every day every human interaction you know that that you have and negotiation is a skill set that you can pick up it's like going to the gym right you go to the gym you exercise your muscles and you get stronger over time nice yeah right so so i i want to hone in on like tactically are there i don't know i know you have a master class i don't know if you have a facebook group i don't know if you have like a group of coaching program type things where people can just immerse themselves in really intentional and getting better at negotiation skills and you know this life skill that's so important is there anything like that you see that you come across yeah you can immerse yourself in different ways first of all you know subscribe to our newsletter a newsletter is is complementary it comes out on tuesday mornings it's concise you know the thing that makes it even more valuable than the fact that it's free is the fact that it's actionable and it's concise i mean every day i get the daily 10-point briefing from the wall street journal like if i don't have a half an hour 45 minutes go through that baby and then i need 15 to 20 minutes afterwards to absorb but i ain't doing it i need an hour for that it's not that concise in action well it's good information but there's too much there our newsletter is concise i mean you're going to get through it in just a few minutes 750 words may be actionable implemented today so that's part of your immersion if you will and by the way the best way to subscribe to the newsletter if i may is uh we got a text to sign up function the number you text to is 33 triple seven that's three three seven seven seven the message you send to thirty three triple seven is black swan method three words lower case spaces between the words you get a text back asking for your email we'll sign you up we got a lot of free stuff take the free stuff now there are facebook groups and there's actually and i haven't seen it on uh slack i think there's a slack group one of the people that's huge into our stuff there have been some communities that have sprung up on their own because this stuff is so powerful and then you get a practice with people who are like-minded and that's a really cool thing when you know the culture's beginning to spring up on its own uh we nurtured it but we we didn't you know we didn't have to grow it yeah i mean one thing that i mean it's my impression of interacting with you is you know you give you summarize like lifetimes decades of real on the field practices into something that's really easy to practice and operationalize you know and that's that to me is really really precious yeah well yeah we we work on making it usable so one thing that that i'm very curious about is you had said it i think in your book or somewhere the ultimate negotiator uh is oprah winfrey that you've come across oh yeah oprah she's superstar yeah i mean there's so many reasons so many reasons so are there other uh places or people that you look at because you're a student of a teacher as well as students of human nature are there other people or people that you look and watch to really dive deeper into human nature as well in addition to oprah wow uh well you know we we're constantly reading constantly picking stuff up um you know i love the human nature stuff bob iger's book taken for a ride what he did is crazy and it was a relentless application of empathy wherever he went one of the cool things about bob biger former ceo of disney he was in company after company that got taken over by other companies and what happens normally to the executives in a company that got taken over not that took over but got taken over all the other guys and the company get taken over they get thrown out they get shown the door they don't last iger rose to the top every single time his company got taken over uh abc taken over by cap cities massive culture shifts to go from abc to cap cities as i recall and then being taken over by disney like drastic drastic culture shifts but he employed empathy the whole time and rose to the top before he became ceo of disney he was the number two guy at disney they told him he was never going to be ceo most of the board told them in advance yeah you've been a great number two you're not going to be ceo we got we need a change he becomes ceo they tell them you okay so your ceo you're not going to be ceo for that long he's there 15 years relentless application of empathy so i look for people who are applying it in their world successfully they tend to be quiet and they tend to over a period of years have people say where where did how did they become so successful how do they get so much now they have failures too another one that i've looked at real hard is clyde davis um is a great um documentary out about him i think it's called the soundtrack of our lives his autobiography by the same same name like he's got some failures he got kicked out of a couple places but he has got relationships that everyone is envious of success that everybody is envious of how did he get this way i'm reading his book he's real good at being able to lay out where the people that were against him are coming from or the people that disagreed with it's easy to lay out who the people that are on your side what they where they're coming from what they feel look for the guy that can lay out what the opposition is thinking and you'll find that they have a tendency to have great relationships and their success accumulates year after year after year um i like that a lot it kind of reminds me of um in political campaigns there's a phrase called opposition research basically you need to argue the other side better than the other side could argue it so that way you understand both sides then you can actually really show that empathy that you have talked about right yeah yeah and one of the one of the greatest one of my my favorite politician and i would never have voted for him i never had the opportunity to mario cuomo andrew cuomo's father was in new york where mario cuomo was governor huge fan of how he conducted himself as a politician um i never lived in new york i lived in new jersey if i lived in new york i don't know whether i'd have voted for him or not because i don't normally vote democrat but a massive admirer of his ability to articulate where the other side was coming from i heard him on a talk show one time and you know the democrats are perceived to tax the middle class hard proceed and so the talk show uh calling guests says well i'm from the middle class and and and uh yeah that's the reason i'm against uh high tax democrats and cuomo says you know i grew up in a middle class family when i grew up that meant that uh we always had enough money to pay our taxes but never enough money to take a decent vacation and the guy went like wow wow yeah you do get where it coming from you just articulated it and that that was why he was governor for so long they would poll the state of new york the majority of the state of new york is outside of new york city the majority of the state of new york disagreed with his policies and they put him back in the governor's office term after term after time he was governor for as long as he felt like it because he demonstrated understanding on a consistent a regular basis and even the people that disagreed with his policies trusted him because of his empathy yeah thank you for that so i'm actually curious because we had talked to your you're a professional negotiator you're you're the guru of negotiation i'm a coach let me let me put i i would put a fine point on it myself and my companies were more negotiation coaches got it that's the negotiations let me let me correct you you're the field back then because you had used this a few times you said michael jordan's uh you know needed field jobs right you win the championship and then you're the phil jackson of negotiation right so you coach other people to get in to win in high stakes negotiation i'm curious as someone who does that for a living and it's also a family business right so yeah so for us to know within within a family of negotiators how westside family dynamic like because you guys all have you know the skill set to how do you relate to each other and then also you're known as a you know highly skilled negotiator so when you go places and in the social setting how do people interact with you i'm curious well you know great great questions um negotiations is a tool set which means it's neutral it's neither good nor bad it depends upon what you're using it for now we're all collaborative we all believe in long-term success we want to build something with people you know we want the people to work for our company to be happy happier than they've been working anywhere else so yeah we we use these skills on each other all the time constantly as a matter of fact we reinforce them because we're on each other's side we're not trying to we're not trying to get the advantage over anybody we're trying to collaboratively create the best deal and stay open to the possibility that we're not a hundred percent right so as long as you're open and open to being corrected open to a better way we negotiate with each other all the time i guess in my mind the the refrain thank you for answering that way in my mind there's some evaluation judgment assessment about the word negotiation because i see adversarial but really in your mind is collaboration right right collaboration and navigation got it so so that way you know of course you know we use negotiation on everyone i get it i i i appreciate you answering that thank you to be frank i'm i was a little nervous actually coming to the podcast with you well mainly because you're a world-class practitioner right so i feel a little like wow you know this guy is uh you know way better at watching the michael expressions and the human you know and the interaction and the communication style so so i needed to you know calm myself down as i'm speaking to you so you're doing a great job and good for you man because you know everybody gets nervous you know just go ahead and do it anyway you've been in a lot of different podcasts yes right so some podcasts you are able to relax yourself and just you know have a good time and some kind has a little bit more stilted and um not so good of a podcast so i'm curious know from your perspective what have you seen as good skills to what made you most comfortable as a podcast guest well uh wow um i can't think of any that i thought were bad i mean an awful lot of it is you know what's my approach you know once we get started um what's my approach and you know i'm i'm kind of relentlessly collaborative you know i once you know i like being playful i like i like it being enjoyable it's really hard for somebody to not drop into that if you know maybe if they're having a tough day you may hit them with good naturedness more than once but generally speaking even somebody's having a bad day if somebody's on the wrong track you hit him with a good natured response three times i i don't know that i can think of anybody that that that didn't bring him out of it so i'm a nice guy that's actually one thing that that really um drill in on me because you actually have set at some point to be immovable immovably nice it's one of the oh i like that who said that that sounds good you said that [Laughter] because on this one yeah on this podcast we say keep an open mind open heart open hand but a straight spine right so and then you said being immovably nice how do you cultivate that is that because you're right how high it's just practice man it's everything else i mean and you're gonna you're gonna make mistakes i mean don't you know again it's you know perfection is a fool's errand um really because then you're always gonna be disappointed and there's no there's no success model out there that says being always disappointed is good for you so you know just everybody that i know is getting better you know tony robbins likes to talk about get two millimeters better you know our guy derek likes to talk about just get one degree better if you're just looking to get a a little bit better i mean even if you're not going for perfection but you still got a high standard then you know you're setting yourself up for a feedback loop of disappointment if you're just looking to get a little bit better the stuff accumulates fast i mean really fast you get you get you get one degree better every day over the course of a year you're gonna look back at that year and go like wow what i'm capable of today is astonishing with what i was capable of a year ago i mean i don't even remember how i was thinking a year ago so it's just it's it's really taking it easy on yourself looking for you know be relentless on your improvement and you know if if you got mad today and you weren't immovably nice all right cool you know you get another shot tomorrow you know rehearse wherever you feel like you went bad in your head re-cut the videotape that you're running in your head and and that's a practice session of doing it right and then you know you get into the day tomorrow yeah you know one of the the thing that intrigued you to say yes to coming to the podcast because i mentioned in passing that this podcast is about entrepreneurs getting real about the ups and downs of creating a life their own design and i also mentioned that we talked about spirituality and you know different types of things right and then you're like oh that's interesting everything else those are good values yeah i like those right yeah so could you share with us because i'm sure you get asked a lot about the tactical question about negotiation all the time i'm curious to know sort of your daily practice around you know your own spirituality or you know ways to calm your mind body heart and spirit anything that you could share with us yeah you know and i'm still experimenting with a lot of different things first thing in the morning but the two things that that end up early in my in my first hour every morning is you know i do a short gratitude journal um i i've got a there's a um some music from um uh that i heard at a tony robbins seminar quite a few years ago flowers of the forest i think is is a song you know i do i do a short what is it called again let me see if i can tell you i can tell you real quick because i dial it up every morning for just a few minutes right when i try to connect with you know uh the larger universe depending upon what your own yeah flowers are the forest michael michael field um you i'll look it up i you know i i i try to dial in um to the larger universe and connect and with some gratitude and then a couple of other exercises i'll do through the course of the day but i am very much a believer in how you get out of the blocks is um is going to have an impact on the entire day now other times you got to reset also you run out of gas you know there's decision fatigue there's there's a whole bunch of other reasons why you need some resets you know my my workouts tend to be in the middle of the afternoon your body's physically at a circadian low there you know i'm trying i'm trying to i'm trying to not fall into that abyss or the mid-afternoon low um but you know i'm i'm trying to start my day out and then i work on you know i believe it's an abundant world if your basic core mindset is a grateful is to be grateful um that it's an abundant world and it is i mean a point of fact if the if the universe if the world wasn't actually on our side we would have been extinct you know we notice the negativity out there but you know we're relatively you know we don't got armor we don't got spikes you know we ain't got saber-toothed talons or claws or any of that stuff if the universe wasn't basically on our side we wouldn't be here at all so and then there there are other ways to count your blessings i mean if if you're in the if you walk up within 10 feet of running water and no shortage of people on this planet many of whom i've dealt with in my past life it didn't wake up within 10 feet of running water i mean you you you and you you look at the data on the globe if you woke up and you could walk over and get a drink of water without having to get dressed and go outside you started the day better off than most of the world um certain realizations like that yeah all right i appreciate that thank you very much um tell us a little bit i i saw this on the with the lance armstrong interview so you know you normally don't share this with others so tell us a little bit more about project 120 and also what what what are you what have you learned since the time that you talked to your lens to now what about the new experiments you're running yeah and by the way lance armstrong's a great guy i mean i like lance armstrong a lot and my first test on him because i ended up next to him by accident and i got a mutual we had a mutual friend he may even though jeff spencer he's a member of the same group we're a member of in in l.a jeff is the definition of a good people and he talked about working with lance so i figure i'm i'm going to figure this out real quick i said hey is the name jeff spencer mean anything to you and he goes and goes hey yeah jeff spencer he's he's a great guy so i'm like all right so cool we can talk so i told lance about project 120 and you know when i turned 60 i said you know i've i've hit 30 for the second time i want to hit 30 four times so that ends up to be 120 you know get get to 64 times or 30 four times actually i've expanded it out even further now oh locating yeah because you know the medical breakthroughs these days are crazy i mean if if you're keeping up on health data at all from a variety of sources you know five years ago they said all we got to do is live another 20 years and we're probably going to get to the other side we're going to clear 100 with no trouble that they expect most of the medical problems that we face today to be solved sometime in the next 20 to 30 years everything that we're aware of now that is going to be new stuff and that was five years ago this the stuff that they're coming up with almost daily is astonishing and there are there are a lot of sources out there like fasting who'd have thought that you could consume the exact same amount of calories don't change your your the calories the number of calories you consume or even what they are don't change them at all just change the gaps between your meals and it's going to have a massive impact on your health stuff like that so probably about a year and a half ago i was thinking about the kind of changes that have occurred over the last hundred years and then i thought what are the next hundred gonna bring and i thought why shouldn't i be there to see them so i'm at 163 now i'm going after once 63. all right it's from 163 i love it so uh if people are curious to know what chris chris boss's point of view or or where who he studies is there any books around intermittent fasting that you will direct people to well uh mindy peltz is one of the pelz is one of the people i i got on instagram that i'm i'm looking at she's got a lot of data out there a lot of information um and there's several others that i pick up their daily feeds off on instagram i can't tell you off the top of the head who they are but as soon as that's the nice thing about instagram it's going to funnel all this stuff at you but by the way i'm at the fbi negotiator on instagram but as soon as soon as you start looking for that stuff rhonda patrick found my fitness she's got a massive amount of of health data rhonda patrick is a data freak so when you read her stuff she's got a phd herself but she researches something comes out of her mouth it is well researched so her stuff is really good and you start looking at people like minnie pelts and rhonda patrick and then you know the good thing about social media they're gonna they're gonna launch similar stuff at you and then you can you can pick and choose and get data from a variety of sources i want to read our i want to read a passage from your book as a way to drive home why you're so passionate about negotiation and i think it's important that people hear this you said in the book negotiation is the heart of collaboration here's what makes conflicts potentially meaningful and productive for all parties it can change your life it has you had changed my i always thought of myself as a regular guy hard working and willing to learn yes but not particularly talented and i've always felt that life holds amazing possibilities in my much younger days i just didn't know how to unlock these possibilities but with the skills i've learned i found myself doing extraordinary things and watching the people that i've taught achieve truly life-changing results when i use what i've learned over the last 30 years i know i actually have the power to change the course of where my life is going and to help others do that as well 30 years ago i felt like that could be done i didn't know how now i do here's how so i so appreciate you chris for just packaging and and put ev your heart and soul into this book a beautiful book very practical full of wisdom and from my interaction i've always felt like wow chris is doing it you know he's living the life he's being himself and he's been doing this for your first youtube video was 11 years ago right so overnight success until now masterclass.com top instructor million copies sold you know in the book and i so i want to encourage everyone who's watching just go out and get the book watch the masterclass dot com course and then practice what chris is was sharing because this this to me a fundamental skill of what it means to be a human being to ultimately collaborate and communicate with each other thank you for just being here and sharing your wisdom with all of us yeah man thanks for having me on thank you very much i appreciate that it's been it's been a very enjoyable conversation
Channel: Noble Warrior With CK Lin
Views: 3,722
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 3MkqJ5mvFL4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 48min 49sec (2929 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 23 2021
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