11 Things Your Cat Doesn't Like About You

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[Music] [Applause] [Music] if your cat isn't happy no one in the house is allowed to be either and I know what you're thinking how can my cat be unhappy I treat it like royalty lots of belly rubs brushing you name it but that's the thing sometimes we cat owners with all of our affection and loyalty actually do more harm than good at least that's what I recently learned and I'm here to spread the message 11 don't smother them with love the day I got max aka my personnal manipulator I couldn't resist the urge to show him exactly how crazy I was about him I took like a hundred pictures of him to let the world know we're a crew now well he didn't enjoy being photographed 24/7 and the same could be said about most of us humans by the way and he hated the flash in particular that blinding light can be too shocking for a kitty I also couldn't help but lift him up and cuddle him like a cute baby instead of giving me a kiss and nuzzling my face affectionately he escaped and ran away from me apparently cats feel insecure when you pick them up and being hugged is like being trapped to them it can easily cause stress and aggression so think twice before expressing love the human way 10 don't ignore them I know it sounds exactly like the opposite of the first point but you know that's our flow of contradictions if you don't give your little one the attention or food that they want when they want it be prepared for constant meowing or pawing at your leg you see cats have their own schedule that you never really understand and they like to be the ones who decide when it's play with human touch when I don't get Max's hints he jumps on my lap and insists on being left neglecting your cat in a more serious way can make them feel anxious behave pretty aggressively or ignore litter box and do their business right in middle of the room yeah when you get to know your kitty better you'll be able to tell what's unusual behavior for them like constant scratching or abnormal grooming whether it's excessive or none at all when these alarms go off it's a good reason to take your pet to the back nine don't clip their nails some cats are okay with their human clipping their nails but most won't have any of it if the problem is that your cat ruins your furniture and walls with its sharp claws try using a training or repellent spray to drive them away from forbidden objects or give them something that they're allowed the claw like a scratching post also declawing a cat that is having its claws amputated by a vet yeah it's considered an amputation is a dying practice and with good reason it's an incredibly risky procedure and their post surgery wounds often get easily infected plus if your cat lives or gets outside it needs its claws to protect itself and get out of harm's way by running up a tree so that's a no-go eight they don't like belly rubs dogs want nothing more than a good belly rubbing sesh but the same can't be said about cats my max loves when I scratch his little face or pet his back but his tummy and tail are strictly off-limits I found out that a cat's stomach is its most vulnerable area and protecting it is a basic instinct so if you go there don't be surprised if your kitty attacks your hand with its claws and teeth ablaze it and even if you rub seemingly safe areas watch out for any warnings a cat gives you sometimes when you go too hard a cat will feel annoyed and naturally try to protect itself so be gentle and respectful 7 never make them take a bath it's a universal truth that cats with maybe a few rare exceptions despise water I wanted to give max a bath but when I read up on it first I found out that felines hatred of water goes way way back you see your house cats ancestors lived in Europe Africa and China where they weren't exposed to much water so they didn't have to learn how to deal with it plus big wild cats like lions and leopards associate water with crocodiles so they prefer to stay away from it honestly you don't have to worry about your fluffy friend getting a little dirty cats are perfectly capable of grooming themselves six don't take them for a ride believe it or not the same animal that can leap onto a high shelf and chase a laser around in circles is actually very prone to motion sickness so if you decide to take your kitty on a fun little car ride like dogs love so much then get ready to clean up the mess your cat can't ask you to pull over when it's about to throw up so don't risk it unless you really have to take it somewhere plus cats are extremely territorial and your home is actually your cat's home at least that's the way he sees it and cats don't like to leave their little Kingdom so car rides can be emotionally stressful as well when you do have to take your kitty somewhere in the car always put him in a carrier at least they'll feel a little more protected from this unfamiliar environment that's all movie and bumpy and makes his stomach hurt 5 keep them away from loud noises you might love 4th of July fireworks but your cat not so much in fact max doesn't like any loud noises whether it be honking horns the vacuum hair dryer and so on why because it sounds like danger to a man sends him into a frenzy he wants bolted into the other room when I dropped the spoon on the floor before don't dress them up been there done that and totally failed to put the cute little kitty outfits max just hated the little tuxedo I got him for special occasions he couldn't even walk once I put it on him cats are way more like their ancestors that lived in the wild those kitties clearly didn't like feeling something against their fur striking their freedom of movement yeah just don't even go down that road three they don't need your hairstyling services there are cats that are fine with getting brushed but max is definitely not one of them how do I know well it's kind of hard not to get it when the mere sight of a brush makes him hiss and get super-anxious however if you do see knots or mats in your Kitty's hair definitely get rid of those you'll save your cat from the pain and other nasty things that come with knots such as fleas ticks and rashes - they just hate strangers this includes both unfamiliar cats and humans cats see any other creatures of their kind as competition for food toys and love they get used to other cats in the household and recognize their own pack members but they won't tolerate outsiders as for new humans they're not welcome either since they bring about change which cats see as a potential threat I mean we've all seen the videos of cats being spooked by cucumbers right it's not about the cucumber itself but that they've never encountered it before and it appears so unexpectedly new smells new sounds and new faces will all make your kitty want to run away and hide so make sure it does have its own safe haven for retreat max has his own cardboard box no one else is allowed to visit I respect his privacy and he pays me back with some purse every once in a while 1 don't meow at them even though cats meow at humans and not other cats they don't expect you to meow back I learned from National Geographic that cats vocalize to get your attention I'm pretty sure I can't even distinguish between different types of meows oh and max wants food water a clean litter box or just some cuddles but if you try to meow back your kitty will be really confused well not unless you speak fluent cat that can express yourself clearly which of these no no's came as the biggest surprise to you sound off in the comments below remember to give this video a like share it with your friends and click subscribe to always stay on the bright side of life [Music]
Views: 1,967,152
Rating: 4.7094646 out of 5
Keywords: cat health, cat owner, life with a cat, dangerous for your cat, bad for your cat, good for your cat, protect your cat, cat language, how to understand your cat, life with pets, cat people, cat meowing, cat gestures, cat advice, cats and water, cat nail clipping, don’t ignore your cat, happy cat, unhappy cat
Id: 6CmczhG-m9w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 50sec (530 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 18 2019
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