11 THINGS I DONT BUY | Minimalism & Frugal Tips

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over the past few years i've been focusing on cutting out as many things as i can in order to have more time and money to spend on things that really bring me a lot of joy and value and i don't just mean more ways of making coffee now you don't have to take things as far as me and not have wi-fi or a kitchen table but i hope you can get some ideas out of this of how you can cut down your expenses as well soda yeah that used to be my jam the blue mountain dew it's like voltage it was raspberry amazing good stuff just iv hooked me right up i used to have that and then like the punch rock stars those are really good but i used to be pretty much addicted to soda have a couple a day and just have them all the time but then you're reliant on that extreme sugar high and then the caffeine high and you're you're trying to balance yourself out all day it's just really bad for you feel really bad and once you get off of it it's nasty now like you try to take a sip of coke and it's just like disgusting so i haven't had like any type of soda for years if i do anything now it's a little bit of sparkling water because i do whatever fasting so it helps me stay full throughout the day but i never have soda anymore it's just a complete waste of money for something that's really bad for you even the diet stuff's just horrible for you sale items so yeah i used to be really bad with uh going shopping for like recreational it's kind of therapeutic and you go shopping you find something on sale and you end up with a bunch of junk that you don't need it can be so many different things getting food that's on sale that you don't even like but it was on sale and you're like oh i'll figure out a way to use this or getting clothes that you you know don't really fit all that well but you're like oh it's so cheap i'll just you know i'm sure i'll wear it sometimes and as i've been going through decluttering over the past few years i've realized like how much of this stuff like where did i get most of this stuff and it turns out i got it you know at different sales so i'm pretty much trying to stop getting things on sale completely and i've changed more to like if i really want something it's really something that i like i'm willing to pay a little bit more for it i'm not always gonna wait till it's on sale and spend all that extra time you know trying to get something on sale you go to the store 20 times to find something that's a great deal like you're better off just paying for it and not having to stress about all that and taking all that time i used to do it a lot with shirts and i have all these different shirts and none of them fit very well like at all it was horrible and now i just have the same shirts that i wear it's like the same set of shirts that i wear for everything i get them at one place uh it's actually cuts if you guys want to check them out there's like a discount code below but it's just what i wear all the time they're my favorite shirts i love them they're cost a little bit more but i know that they're always going to fit and i don't have to worry about it i just reach in the closet grab one it doesn't matter they all match with what i wear um so that's just kind of a little change that i've made if you guys are enjoying this so far don't forget to drop a like and also subscribe we're doing a whole month of minimalism and saving money so be sure to stay tuned for that new stuff pretty much all the furniture in our house except for the mattresses and box springs themselves was all from second-hand stores craigslist facebook just doing stuff like that so i try not to pay full price or get anything brand new when i can get anything used for usually about half the price and it's really good high quality stuff probably better quality than i would end up getting if i got something brand new so we don't have to pay full price for like anything it saves us a lot of money decorations so we have very few decorations throughout our house right now we might try to get a little bit more in the next place that we go to but for the most part we haven't been really decorating too much because a lot of times it's just clutter it's just extra stuff to dust it doesn't really mean anything so i'm trying to make sure that i'm not buying stuff simply as decoration if i do have something that really means a lot to me i will put that out and have that beat decoration or make it myself because i kind of like like to see stuff that i've built or memories that are attached to them i don't want to just get a cool something so that it can sit there and look cool you know everything i have pretty much has like a little bit of a purpose or a little bit of a story behind it and that can save you a lot of money when you're not constantly getting little things souvenirs i still do get some things when we're traveling uh but i try to make sure that it's functional and like for instance i'm gonna get another ring but i've been holding off on getting another ring until we travel somewhere that way whenever i go somewhere i can be like this ring reminds me of the trip that we took this one not in particular i'm looking to replace this one but i want to have like whatever it is remind me of something that happened on that trip and not just be something i want it to have a purpose behind it this can be a slippery slope where everything could have a purpose behind it but i'm trying to make sure that it's like an actual something that's going to be useful and i'm actually going to like it it's actually going to be out and not in a drawer somewhere and if it does get to that point where i'm not really getting that much value out of it i'm okay with getting rid of it but for the most part uh pretty much stop buying souvenirs food so there's a few things that we've changed about how we buy our food first of all we almost never go out to eat anymore and that was even before the world shut down and that's just because it takes a lot longer and it's also more expensive it's kind of like going to a coffee shop thinking that you're saving time when you have to drive there you have to wait in line you have to order wait for them to make it and then you know like the driving time it's just a lot of time and money to go out to eat so that's one pretty big change that we've made is pretty much stop going out to eat unless it's with family or friends we've also stopped buying junk food and pretty much trying to avoid any processed foods as much as possible so it's a lot of fruits and veggies and like good quality meats so even though it's not the absolute cheapest food possible it's gonna be a lot cheaper than going out to dinner all the time and it's a lot better quality and you feel a lot better and actually a lot healthier now of course we also don't have a table right now it's just because we'd rather have the space open it's not that bad eating on the couch with the floor because it's just the two of us so it's been almost a year now that we haven't had a kitchen table flights now i still travel from time to time i want to travel a lot more but unfortunately the world kind of shut down a little bit but we will be taking some trips in the future but i'm no longer paying for flights and how i do that is travel hacking or credit card churning whatever you call it where you get a credit card that has a huge sign up bonus you hit the minimum spend in order to get that bonus you take all those points and you do it again with another card it's very safe to do as long as you have enough money to cover all your expenses you can get you know you can get a decent amount back on all your normal everyday spending so that's how we paid for all the flights it got us free flights to uh belize when we went and traveled there and it's gotten us free flights to florida and a couple other places that we're going so i'm no longer paying for flights but i'm actually going to be traveling more than if i was paying for flights because again it's free hotels so when we do travel we always stay at airbnbs now this is different depending on like what type of person you are but for us we love airbnbs it is so much cheaper it's such a better experience at least in our opinion if you can find the right one it depends on where you're traveling it's really nice when you just need somewhere to crash and you just get a room for like 40 bucks instead of spending like 150 bucks at a hotel when you're just gonna crash there even sometimes locally we'll even just travel somewhere that's like an hour away just kind of chill there for a few days at an airbnb and it's really cheap to do so we're no longer probably ever going to pay for a hotel unless again it's with points and that would be for free haircuts i have never paid for a haircut in my entire life and i plan on never doing it you can learn how to cut hair really easy watch youtube i'm lucky i have curly hair you can pretty much do whatever you want with it and it looks like relatively the same like you can mess up a little bit it doesn't really matter and my hair also goes kind of fast so i don't really care if it's like if like worse comes to worse i'll put a baseball cap on for like a week and then wait for it to grow out but for the most part your hair is not going to be all that bad i do know people and have friends and family actually that cut their own hair and it looks good like they really care about their hair and they cut it themselves and it saves a lot of just time and money and i think just like spending 10 or 20 or 50 or however much it costs to get your hair done uh i think you're a lot better off doing it yourself for the most part because you still have to take that same amount of time you're just having somebody else do it so why not just like learn to do it yourself and save you know thousands and thousands of dollars over your lifetime for like a five percent difference you know cable so i've never had cable and i never want to it's just like a waste of time i hate watching commercials the only good thing about it is you get to watch live sports and when that happens i'll just go to somebody else's house when i need to watch something the average cost of cable in the us is around 200 a month and the average cost of people's utilities in the us is around 200 a month i've just never done this and i've never seen that value in having tv if we do want to watch anything we have my xbox and we can watch some stuff through that but there's no need to have tv razer so if you haven't noticed over the past year i have stopped shaving entirely um before that i was shaving like once a week and it was going between like the clean look and the scruffy look and it's back and forth but i just don't think it's worth it like the money you spend on razors the time you take every day to shave if you're doing that or like it's kind of annoying to go back and forth in between if you're only doing like once a week or once every few days so i've just stopped doing it entirely and now i just trim my you know scruff however often i want to a couple times a month and it saves me a lot of time and money shaving just like didn't really add any value to my life and it doesn't really matter you know what i look like too much although i guess i am on the internet for a living who cares wi-fi so right now we're kind of hacking that so my next door unit has wi-fi and that's where we have our airbnb so that kind of pays for it and then we kind of steal that but usually it doesn't work all that well in our house so we have to go over there so i actually work over there a lot of the time because it has much better wi-fi but i actually kind of like not having access to it and actually having to go somewhere in order to use it it kind of stops me from having always access to it which i think is a good thing because i waste a lot of time if i do always have access to it and then it's kind of a good place to go so right now we don't have wi-fi which might be a little extreme but so far it's been a couple years and it's not that bad hope you guys enjoyed this let me know what things you have stopped buying down in the comment section below and also don't forget to drop a like and hit the bell so you can see more videos we got a bunch on minimalism all this month um so hopefully you guys enjoy that and also saving money and i will see you next week what are you still doing here go ahead it's over just click to the next one it's okay
Channel: Gabe Bult
Views: 236,766
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: things i don't buy, things i don't buy anymore, things i don't buy minimalism, things i don't buy as a minimalist, save money, minimalism, things i stopped buying, minimalists money, financial minimalism, financial minimalist, frugal minimalist, frugal minimalism, stopped buying, minimalist, saving money, saving money tips, frugal living tips, frugal, minimalism tips, things i dont waist money on, what i stopped buying, ways to save money, gabe bult, 10 things i don't buy
Id: 2zxKahUH3Jg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 23sec (623 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 21 2020
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