11 Strict Rules Kardashian Jenner Force Their Kids To Follow

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the Kardashians make parenting look easy on television rise and shine but being in the spotlight 24/7 is really hard that's why the reality TV stars want to make sure that their kids learn some self-control even if it means enforcing a set of strict rules that most people would think are kind of harsh Kylie won't let stormy outside most parents are afraid to let their kids go outside but then again most people don't live in a lavish gated community in Hidden Hills right but Kylie's been implementing that rule for her daughter stormy way before officials begged us to practice social distancing I the reason why I kept it a secret is because you see toward the end of her pregnancy Kylie had to hide between walls because helicopters were constantly flying over her house every day in order to get photos it got to the point where she was too scared to even step foot outside her home after stormy was born she was afraid to let her daughter go outside even for a little while and she has no intention of backing down now she wants her daughter to have a normal childhood away from the prying eyes of the media and she'll do whatever it takes to maintain her privacy so any loved ones or family members who want to see stormy have to visit the house because Kylie's determined to keep her baby indoors and sheltered from the world no matter what it takes in 2019 she told interview she really comes before me so that is a lot to take in at a young age but I feel I was definitely made for this no TV for stormy limiting the amount of time a kid spends in front of the TV makes total sense to a lot of parents it is usually advised that children who are 2 years old and up should get no more than one to two hours a day but even though stormy just turned 2 in 2020 Kylie's already enforcing a no TV rule for her this is pretty ironic given that the car Jenner's rise to fame was thanks to their unbelievably popular reality show Keeping Up with the Kardashians although television is a huge part of their family Kylie doesn't want her daughter anywhere near it and Stormies dad Travis Scott has no qualms about this rule he told Rolling Stone today kids are on iPads there's so much technology they don't play outside anymore with stormy no TV that TV stuff is out the Kylie isn't unfair Jeff and Ben's this role and that's her precious baby watch some of her favorite films like frozen to or trolls no makeup for North it's not easy looking as flawless as the car Jenner's do no matter how gorgeous they may look without any makeup as you can imagine there are some serious grooming beauty treatments and makeup tricks involved the famous family has a glam team they can rely on and they're the masterminds behind their signature flawless faces but Kim doesn't mess around when it comes to makeup she puts the face in game face especially when it comes to contour but that doesn't mean she wants the same thing for her daughter North which is pretty weird for a family who's made a fortune selling their cosmetic lines Kim has a strict rule about her daughter not wearing makeup North what are you doing with my Mario palette turn around but that wasn't always the case North has done makeup tutorials with her mother and even wore red lipstick for a Christmas family photo in 2018 but during an interview with E Kim revealed that her husband Kanye West wasn't so happy with the fact that North was wearing makeup so they banned makeup altogether and removed any makeup from North's room the beauty mogul mom says she does let her put on chapstick and lip smackers whenever she wants but Kim also has a rule in place for when her daughter gets jealous of her siblings and it's got the internet fuming over it Kim's jealousy solutions jealousy and rivalry between siblings is pretty common even in the Kardashian household what's a new baby is introduced to the family the other kids start to wonder if they've been replaced or if their parents no longer love them as much it's just the way kids are wired some need more attention than others but when North was the only baby taking up Kim's time everything ran smoothly then st. Chicago and Psalm came along and spoiled all the fun for their sister North but Kim's the kind of girl who can fix anything even jealousy among her kids of course it wasn't always easy Kim told ellen degeneres that North got very jealous whenever she saw her feeding st. in fact things got so crazy that she stuck a tiny box in milk with a straw in her bra so she could drink from it and not feel left out but sibling rivalry is often unavoidable which is why it's always helpful to have a few tricks up your sleeve Chloe's co-parenting model although Kris Jenner the late Robert Kardashian divorced in 1991 the couple tried setting a good co-parenting example of course things don't always work out the way they should but Khloe Kardashian found the perfect way to co-parent with Tristan Thompson according to the gorgeous reality TV star a good co-parenting relationship can make a huge impact on children and not only reduces stress but also gives them a sense of security in spite of the fact that their parents have split up she told Laura Wasser on our podcast divorce sucks that I never ever heard my parents talk disrespectfully about the other one for me true is one and a half month old so she doesn't really know what's happening so I do everything in my power to not put any heavy energy around her so even though Chloe and Tristan Thompson are no longer together they're certainly on the same page with what they feel is best for their daughter true she believes that her little girl can feel certain energies so she certainly doesn't want her to experience any negative vibes between her and Tristan when they're all together and someday this will allow her daughter to recognize that she was more important than the conflict that ended her parents relationship bottle drinking Rob Kardashian was banned from posting on Instagram because of a little incident related to his ex blac Chyna but that doesn't mean his family can't post on his behalf like the time they posted a video of him with his daughter dream fans thought the video was seriously adorable but a lot of people were immediately concerned after they saw it netizens were very confused over the fact that dream is still drinking from a baby bottle even though she's three years old one person commented that she should be drinking out of a sippy cup others felt that the bottle could hinder the child's development and prevent her from learning other things like potty training if she continues doing this Kourtney's Co sleeping Co sleeping with kids is not uncommon especially when children are very young or have nightmares now that Courtney seems to mine research suggests that kids who fall asleep on their own are able to fall asleep faster and stay asleep longer so parents who allow their kids to Co sleep end up getting poor quality of sleep as they end up waking up more throughout the night but Courtney doesn't care she prefers to have her kids Mason Penelope and Rayne Disick really close to her while she sleeps until they're ready to sleep on their own this happened naturally with her oldest Mason she tried getting him to sleep in his own bed but he wasn't ready according to her by the time he was 7 he started sleeping in his own room and she didn't even bat an eyelash when it happened she was happy that Mason was ready to cut the cord and there's one thing she won't allow him anywhere near and it's something most of us use every day no microwaves anyone getting invited to Courtney's house will notice she doesn't have a microwave and she believes she's got plenty of reason for that when she had Mason she started doing research on things that can be detrimental to your health along the way she discovered a few things about microwaves that made her really uneasy when I had Mason I did a lot of health-related research and decided to get rid of my microwave when I read that toxins from plastic containers can be transferred to food when reheated she said she also read that microwaves have the power to supposedly rip away the nutritional benefits from food now there's no denying that microwaves are a quick and easy way to heat up food but Courtney didn't want to take any chances with the lives of her kids so she tossed hers out but according to Harvard her fears are totally unfounded microwaves cook food in a short amount of time adding tiny amounts of water causes the food to steam from the inside out this helps the food retain more vitamins and minerals than a lot of other cooking methods but Kourt isn't changing her mind she hasn't believed in microwaves but the toaster oven she says it's solid no plastic toys if Penelope Mason or Rayne want to play with Barbie dolls or action figures they're out of luck because Kourtney has banned all plastic toys in the house she claims that plastic toys have more toxins than wooden toys even though toxic paints and stains are still prevalent in wooden toys she also believes that non plastic alternatives are less likely to break even though wooden toys can get pulled apart and broken too as far as being better for the environment she's right to a certain degree plastic is made from petroleum which is not a renewable resource and creates more pollution versus wooden toys that are made from trees which are renewable resource but luckily court is not the type of mom who would judge others for having plastic toys in their house she's more of a moderation in all things kind of girl she doesn't think parents should just hurry and throw away all their plastic toys but there's one rule that she'll never budge on and it involves a word that's often said so much that even her momager slipped up no F words Courtney believes that children should learn about body positivity from a young age and sadly the word fat is tied to a lot of negative connotations in today's culture so Court doesn't allow that word to be used by her daughter and anyone around her should avoid saying it in her presence unless they want to make her mad that's a lesson that Kris Jenner learned the hard way during a Keeping Up with the Kardashians episode the momager asked Kourtney do you think I look fat and her daughter quickly snapped back and said don't use that word in front of my daughter please Courtney believes that teaching kids about self love and self worth are crucial especially at an early age so in order to keep Penelope and her boys from adopting negative expressions regarding appearance she forbids anyone from using it as an insult in front of them she hopes that this will prevent them from focusing on flaws or worrying about whether they can fit into a pair of jeans she hopes they will grow up never using that word to criticize others because of their shape or size so as long as they're living under her roof they better not say the f-word no schedule not every day is the same and neither are the tasks that life lays out for anyone on a daily basis outside Courtney has a no schedule rule for her kids she feels that being so uptight with a structured schedule would suck the joy out of living scheduling makes more sense for grown-ups who have busy schedules and need to meet deadlines to be more productive but the only thing her kids need to worry about for the moment is being happy kids scheduling tends to cause anxiety and stress especially when things don't go exactly according to plan it also keeps kids from savoring every waking moment so even though the Kardashians have crazy work schedules themselves she prefers that her kids simply go with the flow so that they can stay in the moment and be happier which one of these cardinal rules do you think is the worst is Courtney doing the right thing by allowing her kids to Co sleep with her how long do you think Kylie can keep stormy indoors let us know in the comments below thanks for watching and don't forget to subscribe to the taco
Channel: TheThings Celebrity
Views: 5,114,942
Rating: 4.894043 out of 5
Keywords: thetalko, Keeping Up With The Kardashians, reality TV family, breaking the rules, set boundaries, rule breaking, self-control, kylie jenner, kim kardashian, khloe kardashian, kourtney kardashian, north west, kanye west, stormi webster, parenting rules, parents, kris jenner, kardashian rules, kardashians, kendall jenner, kar-jenners, kardashian parents, saint west, celebrity parents, hollywood parents, reality tv, reality stars, strict parenting rules, kylie jenner rules, KUWTK
Id: jkXzzrBpSjE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 6sec (666 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 07 2020
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