11 Folding and Organization Hacks! | Clever DIY Clothes and Bedding Folding Hacksby Blossom
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Channel: Blossom
Views: 29,669,017
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Keywords: Blossom, DIY, Life Hacks, 5 minute crafts, hacks, so yummy, Blusher, DIY clothes, hair hacks, blossom clothes hacks, DIY hacks, Blossom DIY, clothes hacks, life hacks for girls, DIY videos, how to hacks, room decor, arts and crafts, hacks for girls, life hacks for home, craft videos, craft, relatable, skits, folding hacks, folding hacks for pants, folding hacks for shorts, folding hacks for travel, folding hacks for jackets, organization, organization tips, folding clothes
Id: pC2d7wl7Zjg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 34sec (634 seconds)
Published: Wed May 22 2019
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