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Channel: 弱電通
Views: 442,977
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Keywords: 10G網路, 10G網路速度, cat6a, cat6a網路線, cat6 cat6a, cat6a水晶頭, 10G網卡, 10G asus網卡, 10G網速, USB 10G網卡, 光纖網路, 光纖, 10G网路, 10G网路速度, cat6a网路线, cat6a水晶头, 10G网卡, 10G asus网卡, 10G网速, USB 10G网卡, 光纤网路, 光纤, DIY, 弱電DIY, 弱電, 宅水電, 阿慢阿慢, 超認真少年, 職人工廠, 白同學DIY教室, 3cTim哥生活的日常, 小羊菌, 佑來了, joeman, 鄭元德, cctv, SimonBoss, Fiber optic network, fiber optic, Cat6A Connector, 10G network, 10G network speed, cat6a network cable, cat6a crystal head, 10G network card, 10G asus network card, USB 10G network card
Id: x-XtDTumv9E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 18sec (1098 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 17 2020
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