1080p vs 1440p at 27-inches, is 1080p GOOD ENOUGH?

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what's up guys Brad here and in this video I'm gonna try to answer the age-old question should you go with 1440p or 1080p on a 27-inch monitor one of the questions I get asked a lot whenever I do a monitor review or even in a general monitor video is should I go with 1080p or 1440p at 27 inches and the reason behind that is a lot of people think that at 1080p and 27 inches the pixel density is going to be too low and you're going to be able to see individual pixels from a normal viewing distance of one and a half to two feet so I figured I'd make a video kind of addressing this giving my thoughts and opinions along with some video footage of zoomed in monitors to see what the pixel structure is like on a 1440p monitor and a 1080p monitor at 27 inches so obviously this is a very very subjective topic to people with 20/20 vision may not see things exactly the same way things like a stigmatism really come into play here too however my goal for this video is to just give you more information so you can make an educated decision on which monitor purchase based upon what we found here now the 1080p monitor I'll be using is the Ben QEW 2780 it's a 27 inch 1080p IPS monitor with a 60 Hertz refresh rate that can go up to 75 Hertz and the 1440p monitor I'll be using is the Ben q e^x 2780 Q it's a 27-inch 1440p IPS panel that does 144 Hertz and also supports HDR now I do when I mentioned that BenQ didn't sponsor this video they didn't pay me or anything like that they did send these products to me for review full disclosure but I'm making this video on my own they have no say in this video whatsoever this was my idea 100% also be covering more than just the gaming aspect because a lot of us use our monitors for various tasks like emails creating Word documents and I do use my monitors for editing and Photoshop and stuff like that so kind of be going over how it is to use a Tempe monitor for that versus a 1440p monitor so before we dive in I just want to give a quick explanation of what PPI is or pixels per inch for maybe those who don't know exactly what that is so 27 inches the monitor fits those pixels over the height and width of the monitor so 1920 by 1080 for 1080p that means a pixel density of around 81 now 27 inches in 1440p those pixels can be much more dense meaning that instead of 1920 by 1080 you have 2560 by 1440 on the same panel what this means is that your pixel density it goes up to around 108 you'll get sharper text sharper images naturally without any type of post-processed sharpening or anything like that and I'll talk about that a little more want to get into the gaming side of things so what's it like using the 1080p monitor for viewing emails or sending emails sending emails receiving unis deleting emails I could go on making work documents or notepad documents and doing some video editing and stuff like that well it's actually not that bad I mean I've been using a 1080p monitor for quite a while now so I'm pretty much used to it you do get kind of used to it however texts and things like that aren't exactly pin-sharp and while it's not super distracting it also does cause a little bit of a fatigue over time now moving over to the 1440p monitor and it's a completely different ballgame text is crisp it is razor sharp using Photoshop using Premiere Pro checking emails all that stuff it's just a much more pleasant experience Texas razor sharp across-the-board there's no old this this text is a little blurry here no it's it's all 100% sharp the downside to that is text is actually smaller so you may need to use the built-in Windows magnifier thing or text increase tool whatever it's called to make text a little bigger what you can kind of make things look a little weird to me I don't like huge icons on my desktop or anything like that so this is kind of a distraction for me I don't really care for it but it's something I'm willing to live with just for the fact that text is that much sharper and it's just easier on the eyes especially if you're going to be working on something you know eight hours a day stuff like that now before I continue on with the video what are your thought - this whole 1440p versus 1080p at 27 inches debate let me know in the comments section below and hey if you like this video so far give it a big thumbs up and consider subscribing now in terms of playing games things can be a bit more even here as in motion and if you're not staring at text it's kind of hard to discern the difference however there is a difference what I've noticed is that 1440p I don't need to add any post process sharpening using the Nvidia control panel or invidious filters or anything like that whereas with 1080p I need to bump up that sharpening a little bit to try to get it more in line with the 1440p version however even doing that the pixel structure is definitely there if you get a little bit closer to the monitor you'll be able to see the individual pixels whereas 1440p you have to be right up on the monitor if very very close to it to see those individual pixels and in motion though it is kind of hard to discern the difference especially if a game you're playing has motion blur or film green or anything like that if you turn those things off it's gonna be a much more visual difference that you'll be able to see now it may seem all well and good and 1440p is the bee's knees and that's all you need but there's something to consider with 1440p it does require a bit more power than 1080p you're going almost twice the amount of pixels of a 1080p display so what does that mean well you're gonna need a GPU and a CPU to keep up now the current system I'm running consists of a risin 520 600 and an RT X 2070 super not the most ideal pairing the CPU kind of can't keep up with a GPU so it's bottlenecking the GPU a little bit you're actually putting more stress on the GPU when you go up to 1440p at 1080p the GPU is actually waiting for the CPU to tell it what to do whereas 1440p the GPU has a lot more to do just because of the resolution bump now I know this whole video is about 1440p versus 1080p and what you should choose at 27 inches but resolution isn't the only thing that you should consider when purchasing a monitor and making that decision if you're going to be doing a lot of video editing or photo editing or anything like that then you definitely want to look at a monitor with a higher DCI p3 coverage or srgb coverage because those things are gonna make more of an impact than resolution alone now obviously if you can afford a 1440p monitor with a great DCI p3 coverage kind of like the e^x 2780 Q then by all means go for it that's going to give you the most bang for the buck and your colors and everything are gonna look accurate and great right out of the box however if your main use case is going to be gaming with maybe some light productivity and video editing here and there and you may want to consider getting something with a higher refresh rate before you go looking at a 1440p monitor gaming at 144 Hertz is much more important than this resolution alone now obviously it goes without saying if you can afford a 1440p monitor with 144 Hertz such as the Ben qtx 2780 Q that my all means go for it it is gonna be a little more expensive but you're gonna get better resolution and clarity in motion as well so what's my final verdict on this whole 1440p vs. 1080p at 27-inch debate well obviously 1440p is going to be the clear winner because it's definitely sharper however it does come at a cost if we look at the 1080p monitor I use in this video the Ben QEW 2780 that's a very budget-friendly monitor it's around $200 it is considered an entertainment monitor it's not technically a gaming monitor it has a max refresh rate of 75 Hertz and does support free sync but it won't work with G sync because that requires a DisplayPort but to step up to the Ben QE x27 8 EQ at 1440p is around a 250 dollar premium currently with an MSRP of around 600 so you're looking at around a 400 dollar difference however you do get more features for that you get better DCI p3 coverage you get a higher refresh rate 144 Hertz it does support free sync and gsync over the DisplayPort which is awesome but again that comes at a premium for me personally I'd rather spend a little more money now on a monitor they'd have to upgrade into the next year or two just because I want to go to 1440p now honestly 1080p at 27 inches isn't all that bad especially if you can get a 144 Hertz monitor for dirt cheap something like the a OC 27 g2 which retails for around 210 dollars USD is an excellent value has great srgb coverage and supports free sync and gsync however it is really hard to find and if the pixel density does bother you at 27 inches then they have a 24 inch version personally for me I do like a 27 inch monitor and the 24 inch version of that monitor is only like $30 cheaper than the 27 inch so I'm like to go with a 27 inch ultimately though it is all up to you and what you can live with go with 1440p if you can afford it if not 1080p will do just fine now like I said earlier in the video I will be doing a video in the future covering the different frame rates and comparing them you know 30 60 140 for stuff like that so look for that video in the future thank you everyone for watching this video and I'll see you in the next one where I just feel like commenting on a big pile of dinosaur poop that is one big pile ish [Applause] [Music]
Channel: Home Theater Gamer
Views: 155,322
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 1080p, 1440p, vs, versus, benq, resolution, comparison, ex2780q, ew2780, differences, pros, cons, ppi, pixels per inch, dpi, battle, head to head, blurry, 2560, 1440, 2560x1440, 1920, 1080, 1920x1080
Id: PSLfvJV2c68
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 57sec (597 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 26 2020
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