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[Music] well good morning my friends it's your old pal Jordan the lion yesterday we were in Tupelo Mississippi visiting Elvis's birthplace I thought it was only fitting to do a rags to riches story so today we're off to Memphis we're going to Graceland we found it Elvis Presley Boulevard whoa our first sign well Graceland looks a whole lot different than I expected a whole lot different than you see on TV I'm kidding they have you come to like a guest center first where you bought your tickets which I've already bought I went ahead and bought the Elvis VIP package because I figure if I can never see them in concert this is the closest thing I'll ever get so let's just splurge so we got ours and then they shuttle you to Graceland so with the VIP package you pretty much get everything including all the airplanes all the cars everything in Graceland special exhibits in Graceland the whole shebang baby oh there's my special VIP lanyard since my Instagram profile is currently Waylon Jennings and Buddy Holly inside one of these I'm gonna get inside the Elvis one put Elvis in the middle there I am some with the glasses right up there and then with the camera with my pass I have fun times it's kind of an ironic policy considering where we are and whose house we're at I have a couple of minutes before my tour starts so I'm just checking out a little bit of the gift shop it's amazing I already know for sure I'm gonna get one of these shirts on my way out are you kidding me got my audio guide here's our shuttle let's roll Paradis alright let's acknowledge for a second that we are in Elvis's private inner sanctum the greatest entertainment of all time I mean even though 20 million people have been here before us I still feel like a guest this is just too cool now the stairway they say everything upstairs is off-limits because that's the way Elvis kept it when he had guests he always kept that off-limits so they keep it that way out of respect for him now that's as soon as you turn around when you come in the front door and I started laughing because on the audio guide they Lisa Marie is saying right here her dad loved to do karate moves in the front of the opening of the doorway and she could always hear him coming because he was jingling with all the jewels and everything coming down the stairs all the gold and everything he was wearing now this is the living room as soon as you walk in the front door and turn to the right this amazing room is that now that picture of Elvis was around what he would have been when he bought the house and those are his parents below yeah I loved that little statue of him there I want to show you guys as much detail as I could just because of how beautiful it is that you almost can see Elvis sitting right there on that couch Kancha his feet propped up there says white grand piano and I noticed there's a TV everywhere Elvis loved his TV and he always had one positioned wherever he was sitting that he could see it which I thought was great and that's a view out the front window from the living room and then that is from the back corner kind of giving you a full view of the whole house while the whole living room and then that I just that's as close as we get to the upstairs and I just kept thinking about that there's a great picture at Lisa Marie right in the doorway of the house and then this is where we started so we're gonna go right down the hallway and there's the chandelier above us I just liked all the details now that was his parents room when his mother and father were alive and then when hit and there's a picture of Elvis and when his mother died Vernon moved out and Elvis's mom Minnie her grandmother Minnie moved into this room and you can still see some of the clothes in the bathroom and I tried to really get close so you could see all the detail this room they said was really unchanged now that wallpaper was poodle designed it was either designed by his grandmother mother I believe those his grandmother yeah Minnie look at the purple bathroom and then that's a view into the the closet you can kind of see we already saw through the window and then a little bit closer of the bed you can see there are pictures of Elvis everywhere they would have been like that then now we're walking back in where we started and we're gonna go into the dining room now at the very very far end of the table they said is where Elvis liked to sit and they said that this table when lisa-marie is in town her family still eats at that table that was Elvis's seat and the reason he sat there was he had the best view of the TV that was down at the end of the table like I said he loved his TVs so yeah she says they use it whenever they're in town and the dishware and everything is I believe they said it was Elvis and Priscilla's wedding China and then of course there's Priscilla and Lisa Marie as you start walking towards the kitchen area the tour moves a little slow starts trying to get every angle of the house and then this was kind of a view back where Elvis was sitting towards the TV and now we're entering the kitchen and Lisa Marie says this house always had people and they were always awake so there's always somebody in the kitchen working there was never a dull moment in here and it was kind of cool to see all the old appliances and everything and how how it's all just trapped in time even Elvis's old security system showing the front gate and look at these old yeah look at that look at that old oven the old appliances it cracked me up because my grandpa has very very similar stuff to that and think of how many peanut butter and banana sandwiches and meals would have been cooked in there for all of us now if you're walking out you get a glimpse of the jungle room but we see that a little bit later as we're coming up from downstairs we'll get a really good view of it but what a room huh and those are the light switches I just thought they were so old-school that I wanted to show you guys now we're going downstairs this is where the real fun begins because Elvis has these horns all over the house he really loved those and now we're walking this is his rec room and his entertainment room and there's the bar and you can see us three TVs because he heard the president had three TVs tuned to all three news networks so he had three TVs and look at that you can see the TCB lightning bolt on the wall look at the monkey on the table with the ashtray classic yeah that was that was total Elvis the TCB taking care of business in a flash now the three TVs they said he would have sports on news on and whatever else on he always liked to have three TVs on and there's his 45 collection some of his records and of course like I said you just saw animal horns all over the place so we're turning around and we're walking back out the way we came in past this bar and look at all the little knickknacks and stuff there was all kinds of cool stuff clowns and everything now where this room was amazing his game room and they show you on the pool table where somebody traded trickshot and ripped up the the felt and they never repaired it but I took a lot of pictures in here because there was so much detail every time you looked you thought you were missing something else and it was just so Elvis and so over the top that I just I loved it to death corduroy chair looking deal yeah pretty crazy great art and then here you can see his pool cues and a lounging hangout area for him and his buddies and I mean you could have stood in there for half an hour and still not seen everything there was just so many little details look a crystal ball a lot of things in there would just crack me if I'm like that was so Elvis you know just a little bit of everything no real particular style to it just all Elvis style which is what made him cool now we're leaving and this little hallway there was only one painting in there so I showed the painting and it leads us into the jungle room which cracked me up because the walls and everything leading up to it are all carpeted and it's the original carpeting of course and you can even see that some of it has been worn out over time and there's all kinds of we're all over the house which is great that's what you want to see I think I mean it just shows all this live there Elvis used it yeah now take a look in the game room they said that he he used to use this a lot for entertaining and in fact at one point would record in there so the acoustics were really good they they really took care of deadening the sound for recording look at that pretty extreme but I loved it that chair on the far end Lee some research that was her favorite chair to sit in and then I just loved all the detail on the chairs look he had these carved chairs with the carved arms and I love that ashtray because my grandpa still has ashtrays like that around his house even though he doesn't smoke and there's a close-up at the chair that Lisa Marie loved it was like a circular chair yeah there was like a fountain at the bottom of that like a little waterfall very nice and more horns and that's the original carpeting look at that and they said that that's why he had carpet on the ceiling was for the recording what a room I would have loved to just sat down in there for a minute but we move on onto Vernon's office now we're walking under the carport and towards Vernon's office and the carport Elvis kept all of his toys the jet skis the wave runners the golf carts the motorcycles the cars and here's a view of the outside of the house that we were just in and me viewing the in front of the house that we were just in and I showed this because I just it just reminded me that we couldn't get up there because that was Elvis's private sanctum Lisa Marie's playground her little swing set kind of cool this is still there now we're going into Vernon's office and this is an office that they basically did all the house business out of Vernon paid all the house bills took the mail received checks they really ran a lot of like the operations out of here and you can tell they got a lot of fan photos and fan paintings and all kinds of memorabilia sent to them from pans to this office very cool they had it converted obviously because this was an old ranch house now as you move on they have a little model of Elvis's birthplace and then I laughed when I walked in here because it says this building was part of Graceland farms and Elvis owned Graceland it was possibly used a pump house but Elvis decided it would make a good firing range and that's what he would use to shoot for a period so they had three logs there with his target and they show that these casings they found around the the wood and everything paneling from the time Elvis was firing away that's so awesome and then they said he used it for storage after that so there's like some bikes hanging up there an old boat motor from Sears yeah just basic basic needs for storage now we're going to the trophy building which is really cool because I think it used to be like a guest house kind of idea forget exactly what they said but they were showing I was showing you that because Elvis used to like to ride his go-karts around the grounds and he stopped liked to play football right here with his buddies touch football games may even had pads and helmets and stuff so it got a little rough and then this is just showing where Elvis liked to ride his horses and they had signs everywhere telling you not to go past those gates because by Tennessee law you have to be an equestrian to be in that area so Elvis would have been riding around there all the time now there's Elvis's birth certificate in the trophy room had all kinds of interesting stuff and this was just the start of it Elvis's actual birth certificate and then the Presley family Bible we know how important that was to him now this was interesting it was Vernon's pay stubs because Vernon you know didn't make that much and the family really struggled so it was interesting to see what kind of money he made and the time period he would have worked and where he worked yeah you can see Moss Point now this is Elvis's childhood this are these are his crayons his report card from seventh grade just kind of neat to see something Elvis would have colored with and then to see his grades Gloucester Street junior high school now this was a display for his parents some of their items and you can see there his mother Gladys is dress and I assume they picked that because she probably wore it quite a bit and there's Vernon's pants his work pants and then Elvis's mother's jewelry box think of how many of those Elvis would have bought and then Elvis's high school diploma yep he graduated now this was awesome I got really excited his keys to Graceland how about that yeah I had to get real close to cool now this was one of Elvis's wallets we see another one later in the VIP room and then this was the deed to Graceland when he bought the house when he bought the property it was called Graceland before he bought the original owners called it that and he bought it in an auction so he never changed the name but you would think he would've named it that that's an that's an Elvis type thing there's a letter from Hedda Hopper for him making $1000 donation that we find out later in other videos that he does a lot of $1000 donations to charities and there's a gift from RCA for 50 million records sold nice high five back then and they even put a little plaque on top which I thought was kind of a nice touch now this was awesome Elvis and Priscilla's wedding clothes their wedding gowns we know that whole story from the honeymoon you know sweet we were there there's a bottle of champagne how they were gonna get married in Palm Springs then had to be ushered off in Frank Sinatra's private jet to get married in Vegas and then come back but it was just so cool to see what they actually wore when they were such a happy couple and so in love yeah this was a real great moment I really enjoyed this part of the tour and then we'll see more of this when we go around the display but there's Lisa Marie's crib and then this was Elvis's upstairs often it said the desk and furnishings are from his upstairs office the books you see are from his library and Lisa Marie said she could remember always seeing him reading he always had books stacked up by his bed and everywhere he was and it says the desk was given to Elvis by RCA and is equipped with a radio TV and 8-track that was state-of-the-art for the day we'll see more of this we go to the other side of it and what a great painting Elvis in his Lisa he called her his ISA now they mentioned here that Graceland was always remodeled Elvis loved throughout his time living there to change things up and this was something that was in the house during the mid-70s that this decor and he would always plan read decorations and he would have a heavy hand in them as well as you can imagine yeah more the animal fixtures now this was really cool a scarf from Elvis to Lisa when she was a little girl I thought that was so cool and and it says ye suckas sometimes he would call her ye so with a why I love my Lisa daddy 1972 and then this is her Elvis's gun collection we get to see a few of his guns and his love for guns and I thought this was great because they showed a lot of the badges how he everywhere we'd go they would honor him as being like an honorary sheriff or police officer and he loved to collect those things so there's one from la that probably somebody just gave him right off and then this was the the famous narcotics badge that he was given Elvis in Cleveland yeah what an honor and then this was his state of Colorado crime strike force badge there's one of his beretta as I believe that's a Beretta hot looking gun huh and then it shows just that when he was a kid he had a love for the guns too so nothing new now we're back in his office and you can kind of see the what luxury he would have sat in there some of his books and a picture at Lisa Marie on his desk and then I thought that was great the penalty of leadership because he was always a consummate leader and then Lisa Marie's crib and basically heard her nursery and the back of Elvis and Lisa R Elvis and Priscilla's wedding clothes this was really the only shocking part of the tour for me everybody said you'll be shocked at how small Graceland is but I was really just shocked at how small the pool really was and I didn't realize I was so close to the end of the tour but yeah this was a much smaller than I anticipated now we're heading off to his Sports Complex which was really a racquetball area and they said he developed a love for racquetball and then oversaw it and well as you can see here he enjoyed the sport so much that he had his own court built personal sports complex with weight training on the ground floor full-size racquetball court and jacuzzi and dressing room upstairs $200,000 and he personally oversaw the whole construction really cool there's a nice pinball machine in there and this really was one of those moments where I was like you could totally see Elvis hanging out here I mean it's just like it's so him a bar inside of the racquetball area I thought that was so cool and a piano for the Hangout and then of course me I had to take a picture in there I was having so much fun and that you know come on but then this cracked me up because I looked down and saw a water fountain push the button and saw it still worked and I said how often you get to take a drink out of Elvis's water fountain and I was thirsty so I did and there's the racquetball court I wonder how much jewelry he was wearing when he's playing racquetball and there's his racquetball a racket sorry there's a view of what you could have seen from inside there now we're going to the meditation garden also known as where all this is buried and I was just thinking you know I wonder if he knew that he was gonna be buried out there when he was writing those go-karts all around this and I was just taking in the scenery I knew I was pretty much to the end of the tour and I was kind of getting bummed out even though it's such a great tour I was just you know I didn't want it to end I felt like I was a guest in Elvis's house and that was a nice thing to end on [Applause] [Applause] [Music] there is you're supposed to leave a quarter but I have a $1 bill frog it has been like a good luck charm for me for a while I'm ready to get rid of this so I'm gonna give it to all this instead probably do them more good anyway and there was this grandmother [Applause] well my friends I hope you enjoyed our trip to Graceland today they don't allow any video inside so I hope you enjoyed the photo show and there will be more to this because as I mentioned at the beginning of the vlog I did purchase the museum pass that gives you access to all the vehicles and everything and some extra exhibits so we'll get that a great night everyone and goodbye well it's gonna wrap up the vlog and then they told me oh you can't even film anywhere past the gate so I stopped recording and I'll just come out here and end it at the gates then I wanted to show you the gates anyway it's a lot of people that come here and sign that the whole wall is covered all the way down well thank you Jim Paige Michelle Corbin and Bob Bob for making contribution to my channel and see you all tomorrow [Music] I
Channel: Daze with Jordan the Lion
Views: 798,404
Rating: 4.8656759 out of 5
Keywords: daily vlogger, travel vlogger, urbex, golden age, hollywood, travel advice, abandoned, old hollywood, history, tourism, cinema, filming locations, adventures, forgotten, travel, my trip, jacob the carpetbagger, daze with jordan the lion, jordan the lion, daily vlog, vlog, vlogger, vlogging, lifestyle, scandals, film, comedy, los angeles, wolters world, anthony bourdain, tourist, adam the woo, Graceland, Elvis, Elvis presley, Memphis, Tennessee, Full Tour, Tour, Private
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 6sec (1386 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 14 2019
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