10.20.2020 Law Enforcement LIVE

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[Music] tv10 and wrnr proud to bring you this episode of law enforcement live recorded on the 20th of october 2020. thank you to berkeley county sheriff curtis keller for allowing us to give you this look into a day in the life of a law enforcement officer this episode features two traffic stops and an automobile accident law enforcement live is filmed live with the men and women of law enforcement all participants in tonight's show are innocent until proven guilty in a court of law viewer discretion is advised so we're back at it again this is episode four or five yeah something like that yeah it's another day so brought up here get some fuel real quick we don't have any calls pending yet so go run some traffic let's go six o'clock soon last i heard the uh the last one that we did already has over sixteen thousand views it does a surprise it's wild what you all get out of your uh god that video and everything else small town everybody watches and i guess it's halfway hold it back in february for the address you know thank you thank you just raised me at public service details okay with that vehicle we have harvest drive happy 154.00 yeah man pretty good ways you know what i'm stopping you there [Applause] i got it yeah i understand yeah i know the lines weren't marked because they've been repaving and everything but yeah been [Music] [Applause] i'll pull up your registration my computer just look for your insurance one forty right [Music] right there [Music] so traffic [Applause] [Music] foreign [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] oh um [Music] you heard all the people don't do it again all right go save so we were sitting there in traffic waiting for the light to change to not load 45 yeah the lines are on the road right now because they're repaving but we had a guy that was driving on the left to center basically the wrong side of the road he was going into traffic time to get up to his turn lane we stopped him just for the sole fact that the lines aren't on the road i didn't give him an actual hardback ticket i could let him off with a warning but if i don't do it again the fact that he could have been hit had one not have been a good thing so uh was nothing other than just a traffic violation [Music] oh [Applause] i usually don't pull cars over on the bypass right here unless at the pretty good speed above the speed limit i give people a little bit of room like most people do but if you want to go out here and actually ready to take it for speeding don't get the person that's just you know three or four miles an hour above and have somebody buzz yet 20 plus above yeah that's how i that's how i do it yeah [Applause] slow down and drive more careful and hopefully it will save us another accident closer into the interchange however mother is his landlord and she affected him and took his keys [Music] basically it sends a [Music] some sort of wave through the air and then if it hits on something reflective it'll bounce back and it's all mathematical and it tells you how fast they're going pretty wild we had a whole class on it through the uh academy showing us how it worked and everything else but happy 127. [Music] 143 the color will be outside of the blue ford fusion 54 brooklyn 1900 later brick 154 dad brought on bypass westbound just before grapevine road black and color nissan optimal west virginia [Applause] hello goodbye what was that no you're fine i just shot get here stop using the speed you know how fast you're going going 73 [Music] maryland what are you doing [Music] [Applause] [Music] and [Music] [Applause] [Applause] i'm sorry give me this a minute okay [Applause] 154 brookie if you're clear i have a western twenty-seven twenty-one [Applause] [Applause] pretty cut and dry she was going 19 miles an hour over the speed limit so which is not hard to do coming off the bypass but they bottleneck it down and bottleneck it down and bottleneck it down most of the time people don't start flowing down until they get up here to grapevine with people turning and everything it's we work a lot of car accidents from this light right here all the way through 9 11 45 and 281 so [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] all right man there's all your information back [Applause] i'm going to give you a ticket okay instead of doing the 18 miles an hour over i'm going 65 okay no reckless 15 days of contact [Music] put by the wayside she's putting a lot of people in danger constantly speeding like that is what it is okay i'm nice now [Music] uh she just now threatened running away she left the house not too long ago before i got home from work is she a part no um we've actually got a lot going on i had to call a complaint against with cps against the other day because she um pushed her nine-year-old twin into a sexual situation okay so now we've had to separate them i'm waiting on cps to come god i'm waiting um she has been very combative recently okay um making comments like to her mother that she wish she was dead she wished that she would uh never was never born right um today she before i called you she threatened to run away okay and this wouldn't be the first time she is very manipulative for every word that comes out of her mouth has ever been a lie to us and like at first you believe you do you really do and then we've learned not to okay thank you i've got cameras up in my house because i gotta watch what they do and you'll see them they'll say oh that's not me wow you can come on i got it so i guess what are you what do you want out of us we want her we're tired of having to call you guys right we want her arrested we want her taking it okay when it comes to being a nine-year-old state of west virginia one doesn't allow me to arrest a nine-year-old two with what's going on they're not they're not charges even if she was 12 or 30 running away or whatever yeah she can threaten to run away basically she can't hear me right i want to know she can threaten to run away as much as she wants with you documenting that she's basically a willing participant and running away you're never going to be found in fault selection neglect right in that sort of sense mostly the most i can do for you is you can call who's do you know who the crisis worker is that you're dealing with when it comes to cpa i know i haven't even been in contact with them yet i called central intake i've been trying to call um number what's that do you have the right yeah and they call me they tell me just to call the local office and i speak to the supervisor her name is like teresa or something like that right i've left messages that's all i've been able to do i understand um i i've been told by my therapist you know just if i have to keep calling you guys just to get it documented right because we do have incorrigibility charges filed against her okay gotcha so when it comes on like this you're doing all the right steps in the sense of what we can do i can only operate so far you know the state of west virginia gives me the third vote that's one of the problems in west virginia there's no resources for stuff like this when it comes to like this with her saying yeah i wish you i wish i was never born i want to like kill myself that kind of stuff the best i could do for you would be either one call an ambulance out here or do you take her into parking that doesn't that doesn't help because we get there she says she's fine to them and right then it's you know we did that last time they said well she's not a candidate for psychiatric help but no she's telling that to her mother i was she said her mother was dead right so i mean when it comes something like this i mean you have a phone right there in your hand if you recorded or saying something like that you get a little bit more help at berkeley medical okay you know what i'm saying when it comes to me i i couldn't take her anywhere i have no place to take her i couldn't take her today you know there's there's nothing i have where i can you know pick children off and just take them somewhere for you so when it comes to something like this i feel for you you know i really i really is it's strenuous yeah it's it's yours it can't get a hold of nobody with cps because coronavirus right so they said they're only diverting calls to one person yeah so it's it's hell and this has just been ongoing for about the last weeks it's gotten so bad and then that sexual thing happened right now like our hands are all tied to that i completely understand sir do you have your id do you have it handy congratulations if you want to grab a point you can take care of that other goal correctly interact with this awesome i appreciate your help all right sir there's that back for you yeah man i mean i i'm trying to offer you as many of the options as there is you know in this state unfortunately when it comes to juveniles especially but juveniles with mental illness and that kind of stuff i mean there's unfortunately there's not much well i do i mean i have a youth services worker from dshr coming tomorrow okay we're good so i'm hoping that gets us somewhere right and they can always contact our dispatch in the sense of getting any sort of okay whenever we come out anytime a cad to start a computer automated dispatch and basically it advises everything that you told the dispatchers on it right and then whenever i leave out here i'll basically put like a little you know follow-up paragraph saying you know this is what he advised you know he should not be found a fault of anything you know you know you're doing you're doing everything that you can for right yeah i know the person that i'm speaking to tomorrow i can't remember her last name but first name was danielle okay so just whenever she gets here just tell her what's going on and everything you know with you having the twin sister that's obviously not causing problems and everything she is she is oh yeah she is okay she gets physical with everybody in the house okay well i mean again just sounds like a hell of a situation you're in man i mean i i had to leave work early today because of the situation i wish you the best of luck i mean when it comes something like this cps and then their crisis workers are always the first stop when it comes to juveniles so hopefully they can you know either get them off your hands or get them the help they need or whatever needs to be done so other than that we're going to get out of here for this evening it's already documented she can she can say it a hundred more times she wants to run away tonight you don't really need to say you don't need to call us back and say oh she keeps advising she does pack a bag and go i mean it's cold out she's not going to stay out for long give us a call if it's more than 15 minutes she doesn't have survival instincts she wouldn't be gone normally yeah so give her 15 20 minutes until she gets cold she hasn't back then give us a call we'll come out we'll do all the proper paperwork and we'll look for i mean but anytime it's this time of weather all the you know all the kids that want to run away through the summer yeah as soon as this time weather comes back like oh you know what it's like i don't have it so bad at home i can't let her go out and play right now because she made the comment the other day when we found out the sexual thing she said she wants to have sex with boys she's fine i can't let that happen for sure i completely understand so we're going to get out here we have some other calls right here take care of you i'm sorry for wasting your time no you're fine if you need anything else just give us a call all right thank you sounds good sir careful [Music] [Music] uh oh your tow truck how about that okay you got a preference on two quickest person [ __ ] big days so just your registration [Music] no we were taking pictures start is can take your time i know for this vehicle should come back to so i'm taking a while guess you were heading that way i got some you just going too fast slipped off the road is that what happened or what um as you went through speeding all right man i hear you if you need to sit down you can pop your comfort down um i got it sounds good medics are on the way and then uh i said i just started trucking for you real simple process i'm still waiting on for all your information you know it comes something like this sheriff's office who's handling it real simple being a single viewer [Applause] to get new front tires [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] okay [Music] [Music] hey [Applause] [Music] all the way down there [Music] [Music] [Applause] uh [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] [Music] okay [Music] i mean with the looks of the car i think you should hit your head on the windshield it's completely up to you you ate it pretty hard man it's up to you i mean i'm i want to sit out here until tow truck come get your vehicle and everything else you know what i'm saying all right let me slide off just let off anybody's back all right well you'll hurt later definitely i guarantee you that so you know what today is um tuesday what's the date okay all right well like i said you don't have to go with me if you don't want to um i would suggest either going with me or maybe later if you feel bad your neck's probably going to hurt your headache all right oh so if you're not going you have somebody coming to pick you up um so oh so shh foreign it's nothing [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] okay got to make me primary on this nba to high school close right now hopefully that's
Channel: WRNR TV
Views: 120,227
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: bIZTjnl42mA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 38min 43sec (2323 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 23 2020
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